tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX January 27, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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"we had one jump from the second floor" fllor"a baby thrown from a burning building. the intensee call from dispatchers, the dramatic scene and the conditions of the 3 victimss this morning. you could be a click away from losing your identity.what hackers are using to steall your credit card information on faceeook. and.. thinking of seeing tte big game in person?how many hundreds of dolllrs you'll pay &pfor the ácheapá seats at the superbowl. 3 3 p inner harbor 3 today is friday, january 27th. &p3
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out of northeast baltimore this morning... we just got off the phone with the fire chief who told us that two people... incllding one child.... are in serious happening right now on ravenwood avenue off of bel scene and are working to et a - liveshot up for you so you can see the scene.right now we know that the child was taken was taken to bayview burn center.the fire broke out juss over an hour ago.. aad wws put under controo right before ouu show far there's no word on a cause. 3&p the parents of the convicted killer in the bethesda yoga shop murder are asking a judge to give their daughter a chance for parole. 3 a jury convicted brittany norwood of illing her cc- worker, jayna murray in november... norwood's sentence is expected todaa. punishment without the possibility of parole. just efore the conviction.. murray's parents spokk of how they felt, after learning
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their ddughter as ggne, forever. 3 3&"there was a death at lulu lemon ann that one had been taken to the hospitaa. 36 wwthin about 10 minutes he jayna was the, had,,was the one they had pronounced dead." ddad." the murder happened in november. november.prosecutors say the two women argued after closing hours when murray found suspecteddstolen merchandise &pin norwood's bag. we now know the identity of the wheelchair-bound person... who was involved in a deadly c. happeneddwednesday inn northeaat baltimore.the victim is identified as 82-year-old joice price.police say price was in is wheelchair when he was hit by a truck on bellair and mountain avenue round 7 last can see clothes on the street.price was rushed to shock trauma where he died. no charges have been iled.
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9-1-1 calls... regarding monday's rowhome fire... that forced two women to jump rom a window... and throw a baby &pto safety... are now released. released.((nats)) 1:10 nats of radio "14 dash 7. working ire 114 ii the tapes... officials report seeing two women jump from a second floor indow of the home oo south fulton women are not alone.lize the - 3:52 i have one (sic) out back and one adult female. be advised we're still looking for a uvenile supposed to be in a second floor rear room. one juvenile. 02 all 3 victims were hospitalized and are expected fire... is still unknownnhe - 3 3 your i-ttnes and apps coulddsoon cost you ore.'s all part of overnor o'malley's proposed internet would add maryland's 6-
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percent sales tax for downloading an i-tunes ong or an appp.. making a 99-cent cents.ase cost one dollar and 5 (parrott) "when we go on our cellphone ann we download an appp they want six percent. when we download itunes, a song, they want six percent. thhs is getting rediculous andd pt needs to stop this year." the tax is expected o generate around 5 million dollars a year. fox45 has aa app. the fox45 mobile news aap for the fox45 mobilour droid or i- delivers the latest iiformation to you... where- ever you are. it includes headlines.. traffic.. and weather conditions.. all at your fingertips. go to for "mobile" at top righthand áandá the app issáfreeá ... so there won't be any sales tax on it. you could allo see a huge jump in the gax tax... the idea came from a "blue ibbon" paael apppinted by ggvernor o'my o'malleyit would raise the gas tax by 15 cents a gallon...
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over three years.after that... it would uue a formula to calculate future iicreases. ii the gas tax increase passes, it can't be challenged because it's an appropriatiion pill."americans for prosperityy began a petition drive, so marylanders can let theii lawmakers know whhty they think of the proposed increase.see the petition at "stop the gas tax"... under "hot topics." 12-million dollars is missing &pfrom he arlington national c. cemetery. the missing funds amount tt about a quarter of the the information was revealed during a hearing in washington investigated for fraud aad ng mismanagement. those with this country are demanding an - explanation. (12:32:35) "but right now, if i had a relative who had to be buried at arlington or any other cemetery, iid say no....!" (12:33:00) "i'd be afraid that the remains of my family
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a senate hearing also revealed that there are more than 400-thousand people buried at arlington. thats 70-thousand more than the cemetery had originally estimated. 3 3 high stakes... and high drama. as karii caifa explains... four g-o-p candidates squared off in a ccucial florida debate ttursday night... but the rivalry betteen two presidential hopefuls ttok centerrstage. 3 a battle in a battleground. locked in aavirtual tie in the runup tootuesday's florida primary, mitt rommey and neet gingrich fought faceeto-face in jacksonville thursday night -- starting out by sparring over thh best approach to illegal immigration."i'm also ppepared to be realistic, because i've actually had to pass legislation in washington.""the idea that i'm anti-immigrant is repulsive. &pdon't say that."in a state hi &phaad by foreclossres, romney continued to hammer gingrich
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giants fannie mae and freddie mac. "he should have been anxiously telling the american people that thhse entities were causing a housinggbubble that would cause a collapse." "i told the repubbicans in the them any money."texas were debating the rong issue. "the question ii what are we going to do about fannie mae and freddie mac. it should have been auctiined off riiht after the crash came, it would rick saatorum, who's struggled win, again tried to set himself apart from the health care. "it does not provvde the contrast we need with barack obama, ii we're going to take on the most important issue. we annot pive the issue of heaath care away in this election. it is election."fifty g-o-p delegaaes are uu for grabs in florida's winnee-take-all contest on tuesday. in washington, i'm karin caafa. michelle obama is all the talk this week... among fashion designers.the first
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lady... who'' known for wearing clothes from target or j-crew... stunned designers in this rilliant blue dress she wore... during tuesday night's state of the union address. it's made by los angeles-based designer barbara tfank... and reporttdly sells for about 24- hundred dollars.mrs. obama also wore a tfank dress last year when she met the british royal family at buckingham palace. 3& it's for a heart- that's the reason so many keep from freezing in the chesapeake bay. it's time once againnfor the polar bear plunge, and joel d. smith is streaming now on the beacc, as he gets ready to show how it's dooe. good morning joel d. 3 3 3 3
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it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on our facebookkpage about anything you wantt wwnt.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response pould air in our "facebbok feedback" segment. segmmnt.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to cooversation. he trieddto trigger a bomb... but thankfully... ffiled. ffaled.he intended in fact to kill people he intended toodo how this terrorist attack was
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some couples take a year or more to plan their wedding.but we're doing it in just onn week.'s ourrwedding in a weee contest... and today is the last day... you can enter to win an all- expenses- paid wedding... onnus. enter.. ttll us in a hundred words or less why you should win. win.send your entry to "wedding in a week".. 2000 baltimmre.. 21211... or log onto foxbaltimore dot com to officiaa rules.remember to the incllde a photo with your entry! and it's all prought to ou by tte baltimorr convention center february 4th and 5tt. 12- hundred ollars for superbowl tickets? you're lucky!who gets to take advantage... of that "bargain" . price.thississone in a series of terrorist plots that hhve
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in federal court.annonio martinez admits he wanttd to blow up a recruiting center. crime and justice reporter, joy lepola explains... how this failed attack... unraveled. unraveled. ((pkg)) antonio martinez admits heeattemmted to use a weapon of mass destruction when he targeted u-s servicemen here in maryland. 12:49:45 he intended in fact to kill people he iitended to do damage and he admitted that today :48 a terrorist attack designed by martinez himself... an islam convertt..who prefered the name muhammad hussain.12:50018 this is one in a series of terrorist plots that have been attempted to be commiited on us soil over the 10 years. and it too failed. authorities say they were tipped oof as martinez attempted to recruit fellow muslims to carry out his plot. connections that eventually lead federal authorities to gain access to martinez nd provide him with a fake bomb. fake bomb here that federal he
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agents gave him. he was arrested after he attempted to detonate the explosives. pfemale/manuelian) 12:54:36 he did not do that until after he pas informed by the undercover agent that there were 7 u-s soldiers innthe building. not comment ffllowing hiss clients plea... during an a previous hearing, he implied martinez was entraaped.sot from old pkg martinee'' mother dismissed the charges as well.soo from old pkg after today's plea.... martinez is looking at a possible 25 year sentence in in downtown baltimore joy at 3 3straight ahead... 2011 goes down in the record books as the worst year for such a rough ear.t made it - year.and ... you'll need a lot of greenn.. of you're planning to go to the superbowl thhs
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3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- stocks edged lower with investors nervous that greek debt talks keep dragging on. the ddw dipped 22 points to close at 12,734.the nasdaq ad the s and p 500 also losed in the government figures housing market.according to government figures, sales of newly built homes plunged to a record low laat year with just 302-thoussnd sales.the six-point-two percent drop makes 20-11 the worst year since the government began keeping track in 19-63.the sales in december fell two-point-two percent ffom the month the battle of the iphone sales -- a-t & t is the hands-downnwinner over sold 7-point-6 million iphones last quarter.
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but the company still lost 6-point-7 billion dollarr.its failee merger with t-mobile -- pprrially o blame.if you've thee46th superbowl in going to - betterrbe ready to shell out some long green.the face value of the tickets is between 800-to-12-hundred dollars, but are only available t those prices to season ticket polders and other favored groups.for business brief, i'm elizabeth corridan. -----end-----cnn.script----- coming up... the latest facebook scam...the thing you probably do everyday... that could allow cyber crooks to get your sensitive information. 'to the victors go the spoils' is an age-old phrase that has applied to politics for heights in the last few years. months ago, the 'green energy' company sslyndra declared bannruptcy, taking with it more than half a billion dollars in taxpayer
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money. in rrcent days, solyndra attempted to pay employees half a million dollars in bonuues even while a local news station videotaped employees destroying millions of dollars in equipment. the failed companies and ttxpayer dollars is widespread. this &padministration in washington gave more than $6.5 billion in taxpayer money to at least a dozen 'green energy' companies difficulty includinn five hatt- have already declared bankrrptcy. one company, beacoo power, received millions even though it had a junk bond rating. try making that kind of investment in the private sector and the feds will open an invessigation. a common thread with all of these companies ii they are owned by obama fundraisers, politiial advisers, or they benefit obama supporttrs such as senator harry reii and former houss speaker nancy pelosi.. this is trulyya despicable to plunder the treasury in order to enrich friends, donors, and political pupporters. for more on this story visit behind the headlines dot net. and follow us twitter and faccbook. i'm mark hyman.
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