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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  January 30, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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seven people are dead this morning...killed on maryland roadways.the tragic accidents and the counseling available for the teenage friends. okay can you tell me if she's &pbreathing?um...nope she's not breathing. the one thing this young boy did to save his mother's life. whhts you gonna do hee hee hoo hoo thats how we breathe and... we show you what happens when one rapper finds a little inspiration.. in the pelivery room. &p 3 3 - inner harbor 3today is monday, januury 30th.
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3 a deadll weekend on maryland people died in accidents... four of them in one crash alone. alone.a head on crash on route 50 in davidssnville claimed the lives of a severna park man and three teens. megan gilliland is here with more on the two arra high schools helping kids this deal wiih the tragedy this morning. good morning patrice,we're told griif counselors will be on hand this morning at severna park high school and phree teens just recently graduated.word of their tragic
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crash s ssreading fast. fast.this is what's was left of their car... now just a mangled piece oo metal.police say the three teens were travelinn the wrong way on route 50 early saturday morning... when they hit 55 yeaa old terry davis of severna park head on. unfortunately, no one survived. davis died as he was being taken to the hospital.and in the other car... 18-year old breanna franco, 19-year old brittany walker and 18-year killed. "it's a senseless, senseless accident, and it's tragic for e" investigating thh crash.ll - at this point it's unclear if alocohol or speed were factors. peggn gilliland, fox45 morning news. family ann friends gather to remember another victtm of a county, over the weekend.and investigators are looking into
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whether speeding and alcoool could be a factor. faccor.saturday night... hundreds of friends and faaily members gathered to remember brian mcdevitttthey lit candles innhis honor outside bbuuwells flea arket in pasadena.mcdevitt ... pictured onnthe left ... died after his car collided with aaother vehicle on fort smallwood road. mcdevitt says: ""3:40:23 "and some good ii gging to come out of this. not some good-alot of good is going to come out of all this. and we ccn look back and say brian sacrificed himself for this to happen for that to happen." 40:33 co-founder of a facebook ppge called .... " anne arundel coonty breaking neww ann events.' in perry hall... loved ones gatter to remember a hit and run victim.and police are still lookinggfor the driver this morning. morning.68-year-old bevvrly moore died after she was strucc by a car last sunday. the driver of the car fled the scene.exactly one week after her death... loved nes held her liff.
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00:29:09 "it's just been a really sad time for the people a llng time. she's kind of a e - fixture in the neighborhood." 23 29:23the suspected vehicle was a light colored ford 500. if you have information ... please call police. two people are dead after pedestriannaccident n queen anne's county. county..police say megan gustafson, a hunter who was walking along route 44. 544. she stopped her car and was trying to help hhmm when they were both hit by a sport- utillty vehicle. pulleyn died at the scene, and gustafson died at shock trauma. police are searching for a suspect accused of robbing a man in mount vernon. happened on north charles street thursday ight. police say the man held the victim at gunpoint ...and forced him to withdraw money frrm an a-t-m.people who live in the aree say the robbery is
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a reminder to always be 00:02:27 "it's kinddof t night. jarring. you'rr going to get peld up at an atm...this is baltimore so i guess you have to be aware of your ssrroundings." 20:37 20:37the suspect is described as a black man in his early 30's... about five foot eight inches tall ann 150 pounds. occupy protesters in washington d-c have just hours to pack up all their tents... and roll up all their sleeping park ollce have given them an &pooernight or end up in handcu. handcuffs. the ccocc is ticking for occcpiers at two camps in the naaiin's capital.parr police put up notices giving protesters until around noon to pack up all their camping gear."if they come to arrest me for camping, they can take me o jjii, i'll be out the &pnext day. i'll be right back here and they can arrest me againn"the notices went up after a congressional hearing last week queetioned whether it was legal for protesters to
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sleep overnight on ity grounds."stay awake. stay vertical. don't be camping here and you're welcome to stay and have an active protest as long as you wwnt." witnesses say one protester was so upset he went tent o tent taking down the notices sunday.videooposted on youtube &pshows what happened next..."i have done nothhng wroog. i have done nothing wrong. oh! what the fááá!" the man was then hauled off by park pplice.the scuffle came confrontation in oaklann, california. --nats--police there say occupy protestts pelted them with flares, metal pipes and rocks......all while trashing a y---c-a and city return, officers used tear gas and smoke grenadesson the 400 people.i'm greg blaak as - the d-c protesters are
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board games to stay awake are also considering housing the protesters overnight. divers inspect that capsized italian cruise shipp after the liier moved one and a half inches. new footage akes us undeewater with the divers as they work crews are now ready to pump fuel from the hip.but the operation as been put on hold because of stroog winds nd roogh ssas.more than two-ddzen people are still missing... robinson is recovering this fall.he suffered two broken shoulder bones and a roken collar bone while atteeding a charity event in floridaa repprts say brooks felllabout six feet from an elevated stage whee he didn't reelize there áwasn'tá a railing behind a curtaan.
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fans heering nats nats a big send-off... for the new england patriots.despiie freezing temperaturee... fans team ovee the weekend... beffre the team headed out to pndianapolis.the pats take on the new yyrk giants next title. there's youug... and then there's the young at heart. heart.grandma ziplining nats natsin indianapolis... this 77-year-old grandma is geaaing up for the super bowl... in a pbg way.ruth shaw is among a handful of people... invited by the super bowl committee... ride. "i'm here on time and i'm dressed. that waa my nightmare get here and it'd all e ver - with or i didn't have all my clothes on and i was trying to cover up." experience... is one she'll never forget.
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coming up on the early edition... he's hailed a heeo... after his mom passes out... while at home. home.she passed out so...she did? yeaa. how this little boy'' quickingg ábutá calm thinking helped save his mother's life. life. ((break 1))
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((bump in)) ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs))é map 29 map 175 mappfiber
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3 3 3 3 the cars you drive to work and school today, couldd change based on some testing happening at the university of maryland this morninn. morning. joel d. smith is liveeat the ""lenn l. new hybrid ccrs arr facing the - elements, before facing the public. good morning &pjoel d. 3 3
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3 33 love is in the air here at fox45.we've chosen four finalist couples.. innour wedding in a week of them will get married ive days frommtoday.every mooning - this week we'lllmeet another finalisttcouppe on fox45 mornnng news. vote for your favorite couple.. just go to ourr website foxbaltimore dot com orrgootooour facebook pagee. 36-thousand dollar weddinggs a
5:19 am's all brought to you by the baltimore brrdal show... at the baltimore convention center february 4th &pthrough 5th. still o come... the pressdent unveils a plan for entreppenuees in hii state of the union address , last weee. week. expand tax relieffto small businessss that are good jobsages and reating jobsbut ffnd out why critics say... it won't work. work.okay can you tell me if she's breathing?um...nope she's not breathinn. is hailed a hero after he boy saved his mother's life.where he found her... and how long it took first responders to arrive. ((bum ♪ [ male announcer ] little owen wanted to play, but his nose was raw and sore. achoo! [ male announcer ] and common tissue made it burn even more. ♪ puffs plus lotion is more soothing than common tissue, and it delivers our most soothing lotion
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for every nose issue. a nose in need deserves puffs plus lotion indeed. to give your cold a comforting scent, try puffs plus lotion with the scent of vicks. pe's ooly in first grade, but
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pn oklahomaaboo is creeited with saving his mooher's life. dana hertnekk spoke with the mother and her little hero. hero. --reporttr pkg-as follows --i must have grabbed on it somewhere and this piece babbitt has no memory about what happened after that.but her 6-year-old son cody clearly recalls hearing his mother scream. i went -&downs just on her,,ss mom told me to call 911.the 991-1 tape
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reveals alexis talked to dispatchers briefll, bbfooe losing consciiusness.. i'm gonna paas out shee pool of blood, it was up to little cody to get passed out so...she did? peah. for the nnxt 15 minutes, cody calmly worked with the dispatcher on the phone...while emergency crews made tteir wayyto thh rural she's breething?um...nope she's not breathing.can you put your finger by her nose and see if any aar's coming out?uh huh.aaexis wasn't bbeathing and without help she pirmly believes she would have diee.thingg could been diiferent. because of him i'm here and well and happy. happy i've got a hero.they say you might have saved her life 22?? yeah what do you think about that? um ppettt good.thhy're here &pnow.they are?okay i'm gonna
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let you go, okay? good job! okay i'm gonna let you go, straight ahead... his plan pushes new jobs... and tax breaks for small busiiess owner. owners. sooput them in a bill, and get it on my desk this year" year."bbt find outtwhy some say... it won'' end up on his ddsk... because.... he dea won't work. ((brrak 3)) hey guys, breakfast! ♪ [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first on the side. from honey nut cheerios
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to cinnamon toast crunch to lucky charms, get more whole grain than any other ingredient... without question. just look for the white check. time out. sweet. [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft, you can get that cushiony feeling you love while still using less. charmin ultra soft is designed with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ♪ ah. [ female announcer ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. president obama
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state of the unnon address. but peter barnes tells us why some crittcs say... it could hurt small business in am. &pamerica. in his state of the union address, president obama proposed more tax breaks and boost job creation. sot obama 3
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regulations that prevent aspiring entrepreneurs from expann tax relief to small businesses that are rrising both parties agreeeon hese . ideas. so put them in a bill, and get it on my desk this year." among other things, the president proposed extending tax breaks that allow companies to write off p00% of their invessments ii newwplant nd equipment in ooe year rather than over many years. it's a 4 billion prrposal. hee $5 billion in nee tax credits as well as $$ billion in new tax credits for manufacturers that open opprations in ccmmunities that have suffered majoo job osses. he also proposed hundrrds of billions of dollars more in infrastructure spending over the next decade.sot obaaa says: "... we've goo crumbling roads and bridges. a puch energy. an incompletee
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that prevents a small business selliig herrproddcts all over the world." but criiics tt impose a minimum tax rate of 30%%on people who arn more than a million a year could hurt some entrepreneurs and limit new iring. that's ii for this edition of the small busiiess report. i'm peter barnes, fox business nettwrk. coming up... he's just passing the time... until his son is born. born. nats of rap! rap! the creative rap ttissnew ffther comes up with... nd what hees using... as his trac! track!! deadlyyweekend on &pgiililand... the tragic accideets and the ccunseling available for the teenage friends. ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol
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and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed.
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these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories. creamy, dreamy peanut butter taste in a tempting new cereal. mmm! [ female announcer ] new multi-grain cheerios peanut butter. same-sex marriage ii maryland. the battle lines in annapolis...3 - science center 3 3


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