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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 2, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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taking action now.the proposed bill named after phylicia barnes... that would hange the way we search for missing kids. a music legend.. has the stars he helped makk famous are remembering don cornellus this morning. and.. an incredible full courtt shot!but why this wasn't the most incredible play of this high school basketball game. 3 3 -inner harbor today iss thursday, february 2nd.
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3 3 3 family members of murdered teen, phylicia barnes rally in annapolis.they're fighting for a new plan of actionnwhen a person goes missing.megan gilliland is here with more on the bill they're pushing. good morning patrice,it's called phylicia's aw.delegate jill carter is the one introducing was innher district, that phylicia barnes dispeared back in decemeber of .
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2010.manyyof the people who helped search for the nnrth in annapolis wednesday... to rememberrphylicia but also to highlight the sttuggles they faccd in their search. under phylicia's law... an action plan would go into effect as soon as someone is reported missing... no 48 hour waiting peeiod.the bill would also require pplice to be more ooen with familes of missing cases. 14:22 we can not have our citizens go missing and gettinggmurdered with no answers in sight about whatever hhppened they just vanished off the map and its just too darn bad :31butt bite 25:43 this is bigger than one family can handle. handle. in barnes' case... the teen was found. utility workers spotted her body floating in the susquehana river.but there are others still aiting to find their loved ones. those fighitng for this it will be an uphill battle to - get this legislation approved.
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but they tell us, they're reedy for it.megan gillilaad, fox45 morning news. baltimore olice are investigating a stabbing in the northeast part of the city. it haapened wednnsday affernoon around arguement started on a bus near eedman and cardenas &ppolice are still looking for the suspect. meanwhile in southeast baltimore,, the hunt is onnfor a gunman.a 28-year old man wassshot on montford avenuu... south of east monument street. he was sitting in front of one of the omes when sommone shot pim several times.the victim surviviedd but is in serious the man accused f stealing historical documents.... could change his plea from not guilty... to guiity. guilty.preeidential historian barry landau indicated he will plead guilty to stealing documents ... including those signed by abraham lincoln. landau is accused of taking the documents from the maryland historical society with his assistant, david savedoff, who pled guilty in
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october.a hearing is set for next week. 3 3 governor o'malley declares the state of maryland "strong". "strong".but in yesterday's he called for many tax hikes aimed at reducing the state'ssone billion dollarr deficit.the governor wants a 66 percent sales tax on gas... phased innover 3 years. (governor) "we might soon pay an even steeper price beccuss bridges areenot like trres. they do not grow stronger or broader wwth age." agee"(szeliga) "evvrybody is just up in arms and and there pay mooe taxes today." today." the governor also wants to residents from 30 tt 60 &pto see more of the governor's state of the state address, go to fox baltimore dot com and click on "raw news." we follow the monee in the proposed 2013 state budget. budget.there's a lot offtalk about ransportation monny. next year's budget is almost 3-point-6 billion dollars...
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almost 200 million more than 22. 2012.753 million would come from the gas tax and fees... and that's before the governor's proposed gas tax inc. increase.711 million comee from the "tiiling tax" tax"371 million comes from registratiin fees. can't be challenged becaase it's an appropriations bill."americans for prosperity" began a petition drive so yoo can let your lawmakerr know what you think of the proposed increase. see the petition at fox baltimore dot com.look for "stop the gas tax" undee "hot topics." the nation's military families aboot a proppsal to end u-s nnnette sosa explains... defense sscretary leon panetta says he wants to speeedup the timetable to make hat happen. happen. -helicopter nats--the end their combat mission in o afghaniitan a year aheed of schedule.theeobama administration had set a deaddine off2014 to end the fiihting.but deffnse secretary
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mission will shift to a es the - training and advisory role in 2013.presiient obama painted an optimistic pictuue of u-s progress in afghanistan during his state of the union address last month."the taliban's momentum has been broken and some troops in afghanistan have begun to ccme homm."but a leaked nato report has raised concerrs bout what will happen in afghanistannoncc coalitiio troops pull out.thh report suggests the taliban are coofident they'll be ready to takk over.nato is downplaying the ignificance of tte report.but republican presidential hhpeful mitt romnee slammed defense secreeary panetta for ublicly revealing u-s plans to end the combat mission early."he announced that so the talibbn hears it, the pakistanns hear it, the afghan leaders hear it. why in the world do you
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go to the people you're fighting with and tell them the day you're pulling out yoor troops. it makes aasolutely nn sense."u-s officials say no plans for the mission in afghanistan will be repprting. the u-s has been fighting in afghanistan for more than ten years... since just after the september 11th &pterror attacks.panetta told reporters his goal is to end the mission as arlyyas mid-2013. the mission as arlyyas mid-2013. & expected this afternoon... he will endorse a candidate... since the nevada pressddntial away. last year... the reality star flirted with jumping into the race but decided against it. so ffr... several potential candidates hhve met with trump during their campaign runs. 3 3 the sudden end to the ravvns
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season and super bowl dreams left everyone with a lot of of the biggest ones is what will happen billy ? cunniff?as you know cundiff missed a kick that would have tied thh game against the patrioos... sending it into overtime.but it wasn't to be and the ravens saw tthir season end.the ravens have lined up behind their kicker... and at the annual too.esday... the owner did, 3&pjerry rosburg did a great jo talkiig about billy and where billy's state of mind is right now and where he will be going into 2012 season. the pyschological aspect of it i'm not very ood at. i know people fail n this business and they have success. and the only way to have success, issto deal with your failures. failures. two other big questions were also answered wednesday.the pavens maae clear that runnnng back ray rice and quaaterback &pjoe flacco will remain with an old horse has a new
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honor in glen arm. "merlin" is the 2011 "therapy horse of the year". joel d. smith isslive at the farm where this champion is teaahinngchildren ith special needs, just how sppcial he is.. good morning joel d. after a 32-year career, merlin the horse is still worring to helpppeople at an retired to he baltimore sun reports ( jf))//rrr>that the chestnut steed has been named horse association's 2011 therapy horse offthe year. merlin, who resides at equustrian &plife for children ith autism p3 3 and other special needs.for children with autism and otthr special needs. 3
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&pit's pretty rare... to see a half-court shot go in.and it's even ámoreá rare... to see a full-court shot go through the net... like this one youure exactly what happened in alabama... during a high school basketball game.two teammates each made a once- in-a-lifetime shot... in the same half.but n the end...
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the victory went to the other team. coming up on the early editiin... the catholic church is taking on the obama administration. administration."i don't contraception and ants ann - abortions..." the new law... they find offensive... that could hurt presidenttobama's re-election c. campaign. &(brrak 1))
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the 2-4-6-8 value menu's got the everyday value slam, classic burger, build your own chicken wrap, cheese quesadilla, chicken parmesan, all you can eat pancakes, cordon bleu melt, the new cookie skillet a la mode. whew. so many choices, so little airtime. the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. hello, progresso. it fits! fantastic! ring ring] progresso. they fit! awesome thank you ring, ring [ man ] pro-gresso they fit! okay-y... okay??? you don't understand. i've been eating progresso because there's... 40 flavors 100 calories or less and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. you're looking at never-before-seen video... off the moon.the video was shot by one on two nasa spaceccafts... that arrivvd in lunar orbit on
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pew year's shows the includes a crater caused by an says it's extremely rarr to see this side of the moon. p(2-shot toss to weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologist))((ad lib ((ad lib meteorroogist))
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 &p3 3 ad libs))((traffic reporter &p 3
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((traffic reporter d libss) map fiber map 175 map 29 map 3
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love is in tte air here finalist couples.. in oor &pof them will get married live on fox45 morninn news... just days from today.every morning thii week we'll meet another finalist couple on fox45 vote for your favorite couple.. just go to our website foxbaltimore dot com foxbaltimore.the winner gets a 36-thousand dollar wedding.'s all brought to you by the baltimore bridal show... at the baltimooe convention enter satuuday and sunday.forrmore information and ticketssgo to baltiiore bridal show dot com. a major automaker goes from broke... to profitable....n two years. chrysler is making. making.(nats) and ... the catholic church...
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and contraceptives.the new ((bump out)) ring ring hello, progresso. it fits! fantastic! ring ring] progresso. they fit! awesome thank you ring, ring [ man ] pro-gresso they fit! okay-y... okay??? you don't understand. i've been eating progresso because there's... 40 flavors 100 calories or less and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. the catholic church is taking
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on the obama administraaion... and the fallout could hurt his re-election effort. as brianna keilar reports... the issue is about contraception. contraception.
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---reporter pkg-as folloos -- catholic leaders took to theii pulpits ... railing against a new governmeet policy. it áforcess employers, including religiously affiliated schools and hospitals, to cover all fda-approved contraceptives. "ourr atholic institutions which serve this nation well, are being ttld you, who find these ffnd these things offensive, you should pay for them, in fact you must pay for them."some connregants are firmly against the new rule."iidon't believe we should ave to provide, abortificants and contraception and abortions..." wwile many catholics do not oppose the use f coonraception ... church leaders like cardinal archdioccse of washington say t freedom."we're never experieeced this in the history of our country before. this is a violltton of the basic rights of conscience and religious liberty. so you to begin to speak up." ttat argument may be working. steve
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&pcatholic university and has advised the obama administration in the past. he calls the contraception decision a olitical misstep. "i'm seeing in the pews is something waking up, maybe a little bit of catholic solidarity. ttat i think could very well carry ovvr into their political activities."(nats) there are u-s. 544percent of those who voted inn2008 went for president obama ... an important majority when you consider where many oofthem live."they're loccted in places like ohio, and pennsylvania, and colorado and florida whhch are of course critical states for whoever wants to bbcome pressdent of the united states. so that catholic vote really matters." notre dame univeesity ... olive branch to catholics.n "maybe we won't agree on &pabortion, buttwe can still agree thht ttis is a heart-wrenching decisionnfor any woman is not made casually. it has both moral and spiritual dimensions. so let us workktogether..."(nats) "lee's honor the conscience of pbortion, and draft a sensible conscience clause." but now
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the goodwill the president accumulated may be in jeopardy, schneck says, especially or tte wayythe obama administration rolled out the new policy.(nats)ttree days before tens of thousands of prooesters -- many of them catholic -- came to washington on the anniversary on the supreme court decision oo roe vs. wade.""here's nothing like having a sense of oppositiin to you to rallyythe troops and i suspect that's going to happen here." the poliiy goessinto effect religious groups an extra yyar ptraight ahead... american airlines... is taking a hit.howwmany thousaads of jobs.... are on the chopping block. blook.and the president llys
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homeownees.the bill he's drafting... to help you stay in yoou house. ((break 3)) 3
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--reporter pkg-as follows -- stocks ppsted gains on reports on manufacturing at growth in the u-ssand overseas. the dow rose 83 points to close at 12,716..he nasdaq and the s and p 500 also ended higher.american airlines is taking drastic mmasures in an attempt to emerge from bankruptcy.the pation's number three airline told its unions it plans to eliminate 13-thousand jobs.the &pbiggest reducttons- airline mechanics and other ground wwrkers..the company's ceo says the airline needs to reduce oveeall costt by two billion dollars annually.for the first time siice 2005- chrysler is reporting a full year profit.the automaker earned 183 million dollars in federal bailout and bankruptcy. and it's forecasting a much bigger profit this year. in a visst to falls church virginia-- president obama wednesday detailed hhs plan to
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help struggling homeowners with federally-insured loans.i am sending congress a plan that will give every about $3,000 a year on their mortgage by refinancing at historically llw rates. (applluse) the plan is estimated to cost between 5-10 billion dollars. president obama is proposing fees on large banks to cover he costs. the measure must approval. for business brief, i'm elizabeth -----end----- cnn.script----- coming up... this daring rescue cauuht on two new jersey police officers pulled a man from a
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