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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  February 3, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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visit saint peter's on sunday at here's jeff and karen with the late edition... (bruce medium shot)"it juss kinda evolved out of frustratio" frustratioo"rage... fueled by a proposed tax on gas...showss up on one street in baltimore cy countytonight.. see how you are putting pressure on i'm karen parks parkk i'm... jeff barndááaáá p new... tax on gass../ would... make .../ the... "pain at the pump"... &pworse...but its already prettd average rice for a gallon of gas in maryland is 3-51...
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that's 8 cents higher than this time last week...22 cents higherrthan this time laat month......and this timeelast year...we were aying "just" 3 dollars and 9 cents forra gallon of regulaa gas... the governor's proposaa to apply the state's sales tax to gas would add á18 centsá too those prices pricesthat.../ has... a... lot of you ...upset...///áácrimeáá and... justice reporter... joy lepola.../ ááshowsáá us.../ how.../ are....flooding ...state lawmakers .../ with...// áyourá opinion.../ about... this plan plan pf.../ the... gas
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tax.../ increase ...passes .../ ááitáá caa't... beechallenged .../ áábecauseáá.../ it's... an.../ appropriations bill...///.that means you muut let your lawmakers know your opinion ánowá if you want your voicc to be heard.///ááamericansáá... for prospprity.../ petition drive....///áássáá marylanders .../ caa... let... theirá know.../ what... átheyá thiin.../ off.. the proposed .../ ááseeáá... the petition... at.../ áálookááá gas tax" .. / .. the under... "hot topics". two brotherr who own a business in eisterstown are using a ladder and letters...
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tt fight the proposed gas tax. theesign outside bay ccuntry rentals has a strong message for the governor. the arruther's brrthers just hope it will ake a difference. (low angle bruce)"the traffic couut on this is about 40 thousand cars a day.. i cant tell youupeople are reading this sign they are paying attention and hoefully they'll listen to what the people thinkk think" the owners of bay country rentals have been -&po we ccn help you find the bbst price for gas in your neighborhood...take a look at'll pay 3-dollars and 53 cents at he itgo on york road... near ridgely road in tim timoniumbut iffyou drive about half a mile south on york'll play just 3-41 for a gallon of gas...saving &pgallonnind deals like this ii your neighborhood...go to fox- baltimore dot com slash pump patrol the nation's largest breass cancer chariiy reverses a decision to de-fund planned parenthood. ...but
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tonight... james rosen tries parenthood will get áfutureá funding from the susan b komen n foundation &p bbst known for its annual "race for the cure" for breast cancer research, thee susan g. kooee foundation now appears to be running awayy most of its grants to planneddr- parenthood. "we want to apologize to the americcn ttat cast douut upon our ns - commitment to our mission of saving womee's lives," said komen founder and c-e-o nancy bbinker. "we will continue to including those of planned pprenthhod, and preserve their future grants."pelosi says, when women speak out, women win. women's health has a big victory this morning." morning." 3 3 yet today's announcement left vague whether planned parenthood will receiveefuture funding from komen, which as given close to seven-hundrrd thoussnd a year to the &pnation's leading provider of abortions. at first, brinker pttributed the funding cut-off to plannee parenthood's
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field. 3 3 3 she had also expressed coocern speccfiially whether the grrup pses federal funds to subsidize abortionn by pro- liff rrpublican congressman today brinker said a probe must be, quote, "criminal and whether komen will eeer again fund planned pprenthood reeains unknown, at leass until the next grant ycle. cryptic apology was hardly mysterious to pro--ife funddaising frenzy generated 3 by the initial funding cut-off. rios says,,"they are being pressured in every way. we are witnessing an absolutt shakedown of an orraniiation that simply wants to save the lives of women through cancerr pesearch. monahan says, "i phink komen wants to get outt of theeculttre wars. thhy're, you know, tired of the negative publicity that's come with beiig a formal partner to the nation's &plargest abortion rovider." just since the ccntroveesyy erupted, planned parenthood has profited handsomell, receiving a least 900--housand from diiferent donors. and komen, whose website was hacked, took in an
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estimated tk. in washington, james rrsen, fox news. here's... ur question of the day...////. áádoáá pou agree.../ with... the komen's decision...// to... restore planned parenthood? parenthood?this ... fireá... on the internee.../ ...ááhere'sáá a... look at... our faceboook page.../ááááá lot... of you... are speeking out...// áájoináá the disccssion... by goong to.../ facebook dot fox-baltimore a baltimore teenager is behind bars toniihh -- accused of killing one of his mentors and a frreed. antomar jones shot the two men in the back of tteir heads... wwile sitting in aacar parked along nasco place... in nootheast baltimore... just one block from good samaritan of the victims managed to walk to the hospital for help. he remains in stable, but critical condition.theeother victim --- 31-year-old corey alexander.... died from is injuries. his sistee tells us he was an honnrs graduute from coppin state university. he
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enjoyed giving baak.she can'' understand whyyanyone would &pkill him.... but she hopes this tragedy won't deter others from becoming uch- needed mentors. < "mentoring doos work. i know phat it definitely does work... we just need more mentors... at an earlier ge."> age."> the teennge gunman is pow ccarged with murder and attempted murder. a baltimore city police &pofficer gunned down a ear ag &pby fellow officers - now has street named in his honor. nats of siin unveilinn @ 3the 600-block of wildwood parkway was enamed police officer william torbit way. 35 todayy- as killld last january when fellow officers opened fire during a fight outside the select lounge. mayor stephanie rawlings-blaae appoinneddan innependent panel
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to review the shooting.... but in the end... no criminal charges were filed. torbit's family says....they still 15:41 what do i mean by accountable. someone comms forward and tell the truth about the incident someone explaiis to the famiiy why they felt it was necessary to stand over of him to shoot him 52 the mayor spokk at today's dedication. sheesays while no one can change the past - the police department has implementeddnew traiiing procedures --so something like thissnever happens again. woman says she s been waiiing two years foo, after she receiving a 16 thoosann dollar water bill. last montt evelyn foster aakedd for our help because she knew she wasn t responsible for the city had daaaged her water tonight 85 year old evelyn has an pplogy lettee from the pirector of the eeartment of works and a promise that her son will be repaiidthousands of doolars. 3 3 "i feel ood i really do,
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because i pray, i pray to god, i didn't think t would come that soon but i knew the me" evveln tells us she accepts the city s apology 3 (take nats....."im going to ask you three times we need you to leave the tent now") its bad ddy for occupy hhnolulu....assprotestors are forced to packkup their teets.... a new law says ppople cannot store personal property in public reas... while many complied.....others fight... there was at least one arrest...... its a great day for 21 year old alexandra chaar.....the florida waitress was savvng to buy a carr.....took a chance playing a lotery monopooy game and won seven hundred thousand
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week she made a mysterious phone call to one of her cowwrk. rs.....- iihave to have tomorrow off...i have to have it don'' like ok ok but she wouldn't tell me hat its about she was just likk adamant that she had to haae the day off.... tallahassee to claim her loot...the odds of winning are something likeeone in three.....chaar says she waa just feeling lucky.... its starting to feel a little more like wintee winterit mighttlook a ittle meteorologist emily gracey joins uu with your frst look at your skywatch forecast....em? emily? 3
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a 41year old teacher punches a female sttdent in the mouth... ááwhatáá... sparked this crrziness in classs ááwhatáá... happened to the teacher... áandá...the student... next p8 "i started punching numbers and i thought i was calling my son." 51 51a woman with a medical emergency ... dials the wrong number.tte sttrke of luck that led her to a call a ssranger that helppd save her liff. 47 "i hink t's really unfortunate." 49 49the offensive joke playyd on taxxayers hundreds of cost dollars...after the break.
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rate drops to the lowest point years. more than 240- thousand people found jobs in january.the unemployment rate dropped to 8-poinnt3 percent. ...but a deeper look reveals some questions...seasonnl factors may have inflated januarys numbers...thee will be revised next month as more daaa comes in...and small pusinesses are sttll slow to hire people... do not slow the recovery we are on. don't muck it up. keep it moving in the right direction. but he didn't make it better., bbtter.the american people were promised by the president that unemploymenttwould not &pexceed eight percent. almost 13 million americans remain unemployed... ...and the economy needs to jobs... just to get back to where we were before the recession began in annapoliss..state lawmakers will soon be consideriig gambling. supporters say haa would
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generate more reduce the need toraise more taxes. they want maryland likeblack-jack and poker.and theyyd also like to build another asino in the d.c. area. pmiller) "it's not about prince georre's couuty, it's about the state of maryland, and as soon as people realize how better off they'll be, it's not about baltimore city and anne aaundel county, it's about the state of maryland building schools in marylaad that are currently getting built in pennsslvania and delaware nd est virginia wiih maryland onee." money."but other llwmakers say thereare more important issues to debate this session... like ballncing the budget and decidiig whether or not to raise taxes. ppisoners in vermont play a joke on state police .... ....aafew police cruisers needed the state seal on their & the job was passee o to some inmates.but instead of loading the pressed image as given to them ...they ooted for some payback..his is whaa the cow is supposed o look like on the decal...but notice the differece on the new decal? one offthe ccwws spots is
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actually a pig.pig is a derogatory teem orrpolice. 47 "i think it'' really unfortunate that somebody took it upon themselves to reach out and do this to them." 53 53as many as 30 cruisers hhve the offenddng swine.state police aren't a statment... they said the pumor comes at the expense oo tax'll cost 800- dollars to replace the deeals. 3 3 3 3 3
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1:15 "i didn't know who it was anddi didn't recognize the numb7 numbbr."1:11sometimee it's embarrassing tt dial the wrong number... áábutáá... in this saved a liff...// as theelate ...and hy a teacher... started punching a stuuent... &ppfter the break
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ravens fann need to know... that tickett rices will remain yearthe team had been raasing ticket prices every other yeaa......and in 2009... the team raised prices between 5 and 15 dollars a ttckee.but on their website today...ravvns president dick ccas said that they know their fans are still struggling financially.season ticket holders should get renewal letters nexx week. 3 a... 41--year old...
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teachhr.../ at... the presbyterian.../ children's village.../ ááisáá... arrested.../ arrested.../ after.../ punccing ...a the face,...// n... - áárichardáá... little...// claims.../ the ...girl.../ threw .../ chalk... at him, that's... a reason...// for... a grown...// &ppunch...a.../ girl...// áápollceáá... say...// liitle.../ her.../ into... the hallway.../ and... her.../ in... the.../ face, .../ áátheáá tudentt.. was bleeding.../ from...// the... moothh../// áálittle'sáá... students.../ leerned.../ a... great lesson.... in...the...cllss- room.../ that... day... ááutterrá some... norwegian... corporate... maaaggrs....// att.. a...// call-- surveillance... cameras...// in the...// restrooms.../// áátoáá... p see... if... employees..,./ spend... poo much time.../ away ...from their.../ desks...// ááwatchdogáá groups.../ ácondemnedá... the... policy.../ as... a... major viooation.../ of... workers' rights...////. áátheáá alarm... goes ááwhenáá/... a .,.. worker...// spends 88-miiutes...// in...the...// john.../// are...ootraged...// áásinceáá... currently...// ááthereáá... diareha... clauses... in their...
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i just had it with cable. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online --
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just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. has a medical emergency ... and tries to call her son. son. she ends up dialing the wrong number in a faraway ptate ... but that call may hhae saved her life. life.70-year-olddloretta smith wws home alone when her right
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side suddenly went numbb she was able to grab a phone with her left hand ...and dial what she áthought was her son's number.but she was off by one now lives in colorado. 3smith: "40 i guess i kicked my dresser with my left foot, and front of me bb my hand, you know...of course i started punching numbers and i thought ii as calling my son." 51 she said was 'i'm having a ssroke' and i didn't know who it waa and i didn't recognize the number so i was like, what's your address? i said pouse."1:26smith issdoong your - betterrand was released from the hospital.she says lthougg the mannwho answered her caal for help doesnnt realize it ... he is her hero.
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the ravens have some major questtons going into thee offseason...ozzie newsome's top in sports unlimited... & i just had it with cable. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years.
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first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. that's all for the lateeeeition
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i'm jeff barnd barnd...and i'm karen parks sports unlimitedd.. morgan? thhre usually isn't much to learn after state of the ravens...big topics get washed over by ozzie newsome and blaim them... they have to. - it's a business... deals get done fast and some times dirty. but what i'm taking away from's the biggest ravens offseeson in john harbaugh's could argue ray lewis' frre agency period in 20
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it..the ravens have to payyjoe placco and ray rice...meaning they can't afford to keep ben grubbs...n defense the ravens have to onnider staying old and paying... or letting young guys step up... which means parret jjhnson and cory the post season the past 4 - yeaas....2 of those a-f-c title game appparances... the &pquestion of all questions... what do the ravees do, to see super bowls??? &p "hold on to a ball. that's where it was this year. &pball bounces, and we were ttere. when you put up the kind of numbers and the success that we have, then it &preallyycomes down to tweaking and we are forred to tweak regardless. we don't haveean opportunity to stand pat. so, &pa lot of things change. some coaches have already left. john is busy filllng thh staff again. we had a great personnel meeting, and of course, the salary caa
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dictates a lot." so if the offseason goes thh way i think it will....the pavens won't be able to affood guard ben grubbs.especially big bucks before this seeson...- .so youuneee anothee guard... his retirement answer...that - means time to pick up a center. and let's not forget some packups at each position... same mmss it did before his season.... andd zzie knows it. "i hink yyu have to we were able tooget 'big mac' [bryant mckinnie] in here late he played every snap on the which is incredible. we are going to have to build on the offensive line. i think we will still build at the receiver spot. i think we'll work there. and, you don'' pver ave enough pass rushers. we'll enteetain that also."
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that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited..i'm morgan adsitthanks for watching...have a great ight... night... p3 33
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- hello, everyone. i'm so happy to see all of you and to welcome you to season four...


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