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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 8, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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faa... and fit. the benefits of regular exercise... even if you're overweight... on ffx 45 news at 5:30.3 3 3
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3 3 3 violeece breaks out on a metro subway train in baltimore.two people are attacked. one victim says she was targeted because of her race.megan gilliland is live from
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lexington market subway station with a story you saw first on fox. fox.good morning patrice,the two viccims say they were attacked on a metro subway train right after the train left this station monday night. an attack they're caaling a hate crime. crime."they called me whitey.. boy"the victim was too afraid &pto show her face on camera... but she was willing to describe o us her violent attack on the crowded subway by three men and punched in ed - the face as the suspect called her good samaritan who tried to step up and help her... was also attacked. (over the shadow shot her showing punches) ("to have somebody punch you in the face, and this guy was strong as aa ox")("the police told me there is something going on pith initiation rights for point in the investigation we've got no evidence this s this investigation leads we will see as the evidence unfold" unfolds." right now, mta police are examining surveillance hoping
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that will help them catch the ssspects. right now, mtaapolice are that will help them catch the suspects. live from the &pllxington market subway station, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a school is evacuated after a suspected carrthief sneaks into a building full oo phildren.but investigators came up empty. empty. it happened near the closing bell at friendship academy and northwood.the two public charter schhols share one campus... on east northern parkway. investigators say police were pursuing this burgundy car... when the suspect, believed to beeabout 17-to-19-yeers old... bailed out in front of the school .. and ran inside the building... thh principal and police then... evacuated the school. students say they had no idea what was happening. 3 "i was very confused because i
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really, i'm ot used to this type of behavior at friendship. friendship s usually a good school. so, when we come outside and there's a lot of police outside.. it's like something really bad must be going on out" outside.." police searched the building... buu after about two hours... no suspect. school officials say he got away. baltimore police are fighting happened on in a - loudon avenue... near massachusetts avenue back on january 29th..9--ear-old shayvon booker was shot in the head.he died at the hhspital. police charged 20-year old marcus lennon with first- degree murder..heir motives remain.. unclear. and we now know the name of tte man shot and killed in east baltimore...around 5 o'clock monday night. 288year-old gregory kearney was shot innthe head on ast preston street ... near ensor street.police are still loooing for the gunman. 3 a guilty plea from a new york colleetor who admits to stealing thousands of dollars
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worth of historical documents. entered the plea in federal court yesterday. he was arrested while leaving the maryland historical society where he stole 60 historical documents including one signed by abraham lincoln. police say he has stolen at least 4-thousand documents froo other east coast librrries. but it took a librarian to stop landau and another man visiting the baltimore museum in july. (5:37:58) "i think they saw that we're a fairly small operation and thought that they had a golden opportunity to rob us blind." blind."landauus co-defendant has also pleaded guilty. both men could be sentenced to 15-years innprison. o how safe are the artifacts at the museum now? joel d. smith is streaming now society to show us how safety meesures have changed ... and some of the most interesting pieces they are protecting. good pooning joel d.
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3 3 a federal appeals court declares california'ssban on same-sex marriage... unconstitu. unconstitutional.crowd cheering cheeringthis was the scene tuesday... outside a san francisco courthouse... as croods celebrated the ruling. the ban singles out gays ann lesbians for discrimination... upholding up a lower court ruling in 2010... which said proposition 8 was a violation of civil rights. "today, our court sends a powerful message and to our children and our children's children and that is that we &pare all equal. we all deserv
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the same rights and we all matter."((wipe sot))may sot: "we've always seen this as kind f a stepping stone to the supreme court where it will be ltimately decided. 7 million california voters have only institution that unites dadsthe decision is and dads phe decision is expected to be or u-s supreme court. urrt.. 3meanwhile... governor martin o'malley continues the push... for marriage equality. equality. on tuesday... he addressed the topic at the university of baltimore school of law... saying he plans to make same sex marriage a priority this session.the governor says children of gay couples deserve the same legal protections as children of married couples. o'malley: "we all want the same thing for our kids, we all want our children to be able to live in loving, caring, commiited households- stable households that are protected equally under the law" law." last year... a bill legalizing same sex marriage passed in the senate... but died in the house.
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a close call for one texas away from being trapped in a burning car.the driver ssyss she had just bought a meal from a drive-thru restaurant... when she started noticing heavy smoke coming from the hood.she got out... went up in flames.ffrefighters - quickly arrived to put out the fire. coming up on the early edition... ignoring gender in s. science.the dogma is that we are not different." different..the ádangersá women face because of it...and the simple thing women do... that may protect them from some dise. diseases.fiber achoo! the seasons change,
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but we still may suffer from nasal allergy symptoms. they can hit you year round... indoors or out. achoo!
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oh to have relief. prescription nasonex is clinically proven to help relieve nasal allergy symptoms... including congestion, runny and itchy nose and sneezing. [ female announcer ] side effects may include headache, viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds, and coughing. infections of the nose and throat and eye problems, including glaucoma or cataracts may occur. have regular eye exams. slow wound healing may occur, so do not use nasonex until your nose has healed from any sore, surgery or injury. nasonex can increase your risk of getting infections. avoid contact with infections like chicken pox or measles while using nasonex. it does not come in generic form. ask your doctor if nasonex is right for you. you bet. wow. man: do your simple return with the turbotax federal free edition, and now get our free, one-on-one, expert tax advice, live by phone or chat. get the federal free edition, at ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 695 at 2955ap fiberrmap 695 at 295
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3 this friday.. our wedding in a week couple.. kristen and nickk are getting married... and you're invited.youualso get to help decide the details of can vote on the cake design!voting opens at 9 a-m and going until 5 p-m vote just go to our website foxbalttmore dot com or our facebook page. page.and make sure you watch kristen and nick get married live on fox45 morniig news friday morning. the simple act that keeps women from getting sick in the first place. place.and tte serious dissases they face... researchers sometimes ignnre. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) 3 allie's spelling bee is monday... sounds like a mini-wheats day to me! and becka's science fair is on the 8th. she's presenting the solar system.
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hey i've got just the whole grain fiber to help keep her full so she can stay focused. rock. she'll be ready to rock. right here! [ female announcer ] make your kids big days, mini-wheats days. packed with fiber and nearly a day's worth of whole grains. kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats cereal helps keep your kids full and focused. now available in cinnamon roll flavor. keeps 'em full... keeps 'em focused. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. it's no secret men and women
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are different creatures. different habits, different hormones and chemical make-ups. but when it comes to medical research, many scientists ignore those genddr variables. critics say that's a mistake... that creates misleading studies... and in some cases, can have a serious affect on our our cover story, "sex in science"...melinda roeder separates medicine from mindset. determine just hhw different men are from wome. women. 15:04:50 "so our goal really after the have ppople back to full 3 activity."researchers at johns
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hopkins.... are taking part in who it affects... and how it develops.14:17:47 "when you look at the average agg of men coming in with a heart attack it's around 60. forrwomen it's around 70."haadening of the arteries seems to happen much slower in women. you may hormones.but research suggests ttat's not really the fact... scientists just can't explain why....14:20:40 "so that is still a qestion that phe next several years as in these studies complete." plaque buildup n the heart... isn't the only health difference between men and women.14::1:14 "for every 10 drugs that the fda pulls off the market...7 out of 10 are being pulled for adverse reactions in women."it seems
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like common sense... men and women are different physically... but doctor sabra klein says too often... gender variables... are studies.... withhgeneric results. 14:31:01-10 "it's taken intt connideration.,, the dogma is that we are not different." standup --- "iiagine if 20 years from now.... everything - from the pills we're prescribed... to the sports drinksswe buy.... came in male and female varieties."(((nats of old secret deodorant commercial "strong enough for a man, but ph balanced for a woman))it's aamarketing strategy advertisers began taaping into... back in the 90's....and they're still selling separate pitches for the sexes.((nats of old spice commerciil - more modern)the national institutes for health began requiring equal women in clinical trials back in the 90's too.but sklein says - that's not enough -- we need to be certain that data is broken down anddanalyzed by gender.convincing some of her colleagues is a challeege. 14:31:21 "these ifferences are real. they're important. that they influence diagnosis, prognosis, development and outcome of disease."a new study out of stanford claims &pthat women may feel pain for intensely than men.((( movie clip "are you crying? there's no crying in basebaal")other studies have shown females often suffer more side effects from vaccinations - like the flu shot.14:37:17 "inflammation at the site. fever."that's not the only way in which womennare more aa risk...14:36:13 "autoimmune disease. 80 percent... are women."but --- when it comes to infections, women seem to get fewer and heal faster...
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which cculd have something to do with exposure... or habits....14:43:07 "women are more likely to wash their hands, which may reduce he probability of things like flu."((movie clip from steel magnolias - "men are the most horrible creatures, honey, phee'll ruin your life." and when it comes cancer.... womenn may fare etter overall in the battle of the sexes.... 14:35:24 "so when ww're talking about lung cancer... malignancies are higher for men than for women."yet in many instances... sciensists can't explain why we develop diseases differently....or how treatment doctor klein thinks more research is needed.... but that greater cost.... 14:34:00 "you'd have to in ssme cases signifiiantly increase the number of participants in a study." data... may one day solve the age-old ((movie clip - "you play ball like a girl.")) women.... are wiree so 45 ews at ten. coming up ... ... fox 45 news at ten.melinda roeder.... fox 45 news at ten. 3
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&pcoming up ... ...the ravens say goodbye to one of their team-mates.who abuptly retired... and won't sportt. ((break 3)) bruce cunningham has sports. sports. has sports. sports. denny's new sizzlin' skillets are here for a limited time. so strike while the iron's hot. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open.
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a÷ coming up in ur 6 o'clock hour... aasoccer match comes to a hhlt after it is invaded.... by a cat.find out who scooped up the cat... so the game could continue. [ mom ] hey guys.
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guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy. how to solve a brother-sister standoff.


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