tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 13, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST
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3 as of friday.. you can videotape ciiy police making'' a new rule hatts only been in place for days.. but it's already taking center stage in federal court... and pn one baltimore neighbbrhood. and ii all started.. with thisso video. "do me favor turn that off.. its illegal to tape a voice or anythhng elle, its against the law in he state of aryland..." sharp ssot this video of a &pconfrontaaion between policee and a woman at the preakness two years is suing police after officers seized the ceelpphne he used to rolll onnthe incident.. and then
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deleted content.the a-c---uu. which is behind the lawsuit... says everything police id to 3 "i told himmi really didn'' phone. he way he exppained it to me was it was evidence and they had a right to it..." it..."at a hearing scheduled from the baltimore police department about wwy theecasee should e dismissed.the department wants ittthrown out... because it ssys the departmenn now trains officers to allow ecordiigs. meanwhile... just hours after the ew policy went into effect...the baltimore police pepartment's internal affairs unit began invessigaaing this confronted by officers for's a story ou're - seeeng first on fox. fox. megaa gilliland is live in federal hill where tte man says his rights were violaaed. violated.good morning patrice, scott cover says he saw ix baltimore city police officers hhvering over a man inncuffs
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here on crosssstreet friday & he pulled out his &pcell phonee.. and startee recording.that's when the focus of he arrest... seemed to tuun. 3 guys know you have you're going to go to jail))) jail)))going to go to order...2...3 you''e going to go to jaii))) jail)))but cover knew his &ppights when he started recording this video.earlier phat same day... police made public a general order that baltimore police ddeartment may prohibit any person's abblitt to photograph and or mmke a video recording of police activity that occurr in the publii domain. "they're doing what they'rr sspposed tt do , if they're doing what they're supposed to do it shouldn't matterr matter"we ssnt his video to police... which has now eee an investigation..over says hee with police himslef and
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insists he wasn't loitering. he says the proof is on the megan gilliland, fox44 morning news. &p to see morr of the eecounters with police... just go to fox baltimore dot com anddclick on the raw ewss tab. as withhall our web cootent.... it's absoluuely free.... a teenaggr is behind bars this morning... orrthe videotaped beating f a man in atlanta. police charged 18-year-oldd -ch aggravated assault and robbery .he's accused in this brutal beating of brandon white.three men attacked the 20-year-old earlier his mooth ... was targeted because he's gay. they plan tt arrest the other two men involved soon. a cab driver is on the meed... afttr sommone stabbed him... and police are ssill lookinn for the person who did ii. sherifffs deputies say the driver ... robert dooley pickkd up aafare around 1-35 saturday morning oo hester way ourt in harford county. the passenger wassa white man in his 20's wearing all black including a hooded sweatshirt.
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police say he intersection of crescent knoll drive and fountain green road. the suspect then an off.... peaving donley bleeding. at last check... he's in serious condition at shock trauma. 3 the ttial resumes today... in the yeardley love george huguely is accused of killing tte cockeyyville native.... after a fight in per apartment... near the university of virginia. his &pto focus on the meeical evidence in the ase. ppooecutorssmaintained she died from eing beaten... huguely's lawyers have said her death was an accident. and stay with foxx5 for continuing coverage f the yeardley love murder can get the latest updatess aroond the clock.... on our facebook page... at facebook dot com slash ox baltimore.... and on our website,,fox baltimore dottcom. and as with all of our ccntent... pt's ffee. volunteers are siftinggthrough trash... t a washington statee. llndfall.they're searching for clues... that could have been
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dumped by josh powell.the sherrff's office believes pooell made a trii here last satuuday... one day before he killed his sons and himself... py sstting fire to their hhme. names, addresses, anythinn make a connectton of someeould - sort. books, calendars, maps. -butt to-everything from the pile so if heedid bring at --3 anything here, they'll find so far... no clues have turned baltimore may play host to pive years... despite tte her - out in the aftermath offthe inaugural race. race. but that news has infuriated some of thh vendors theecity plans to announce ile plans for a new evenn operator laterrthis week ... vendors are demanding decides to move forward. y - which made theesigns for the eventt lost aquarter of a million dollars. 3(janet) "its just sad that the
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city doesnntprotect the vendors thathelped put this so cclled wonderful race together for money"lawsuits against the "- original race organizer... are pending. a health scare at a ew zealaad airporr... halts aa flight on the tarmac for hours. 73 japanese students were held on thh plane ... afttr hhalth officials suupected they werr the flu.turns out ... a few f boys had mild viral illnesses... amounting to ccld.they were able to deplane get reedyytt ay more... next time you fill uu your car.the latest lundberg survey showssgas prrces are up 12-cents a gallon... since last month.theennttinal average for aaregular gallon 551cenns.herr in maryland... the averrge is 3-58 gallon. lundberg predicts gas prices could go up a few more pennies in theeweeks ahhad. "its like a no win situation, its like a monopoly on gass
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now...iffyou need you gotta pay for it, causs theyygotta ffx455s pump patrol cannhelp youufind thh lowwst price of gaa wherr you live.just log onto our websiie ffx baltimore dot comm.. and clicc on thh more jewwlery, more &pflowers, and morr candy. valenttne's day spending is aa iis ighest point since the national retail federrtion &pstarted ttrcking it,,tee year ago. wiih that mucc spending... the gifts better joel dd smith is live wwth fedex in linthhcum heights, to show us how the companyykeeps mostt good morning joel d. 3 3
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oh there's tons. french presses, espresso tampers, filters. it can get really complicated. not nearly as complicated as shipping it though. i mean shipping is a hassle. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits it ships, anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that is easy. best news i've heard all day! i'm soooo amped! i mean not amped. excited. well, sort of amped. really kind of in between. have you ever thought about decaf? do you think that would help? yeah. priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $5.15, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. denny's new sizzlin' skillets are here for a limited time. so strike while the iron's hot. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. hi thwhoaa! chase freedom is offering 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter.
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that's great! i know, right? just learned how to drive this yesterday. one second i'll be back around... here's that 5% cash back you earned. wow, thanks! courtesy of chase freedom. oh boy! earn 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter. activate your 5% cash back at ((ad lib eteorologist))
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tribbte to local heroes whoo xhibit the quulities of whoo doctor martin luther king junior.karen parks introduces courage. connie... - start with nives.. food cctting.. eec. you know tte aroma of a ggeat meel.. your nose perks p... your stomachh growls... your mouth waters.. (nats) cooking...but the hands responsibll for these are all nails clean? yes chef) since 2008 he students at calvin roddell elementary have been gettingga different kind of education. salmon potatoes..squash zucchinni.. it's a hands on approach to heelthy two are about to put the zucchini on the bottom of the bread and them two are going to put the burger on too of thisslikee started a program called vegettble time.. it'ssdeeigned gourmet cooking with an astounding theme.. no salt!
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15:26:16 when they coem hem telling me things they learned ins chool im surprised... 15:21:42 i've had parents come to sccool and tell me theyrr make sure i am ot puttinn tt toouse salt less.... so they can live more... 15532:37 you could get high cholesterollget &pdiabetessor cancer... 15::0:4 &pif you walk in with mcdonalds they say you knwo youre nto suppsoe dto eat that... okay so that part suppsse dto eat knwo youre nto with mcdonaads thee say mcdonalds they say you knwo youre nto suppsoe dto eat easy... buttthere was one huge challenge facing the hef's healthy vision..15:28:52 what was hard wassconvincing these kiid to eat vegetables... 15:27:18 he wants o eat a lot of greens now...which is having to deal with the parents with he no salt thing... 15:39:00 most of the preants my age come from fmileis wheere you alt shakers is a waa to seassn foodd.. besides saying no to sodium... they say yes to culinary creativity... and a few other things... 15:26:08 how to make a mess...chef connie comes ffom a long line phe art of cooking would be in
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her blood... if so... itt wasn't allays evident... 15:41:04 i attended howard universitt... i was kkown as tte campuses worst chef! 15:41:11 ii ad a reputation foo only knowing how toocook gourmet if i sprinkled cheese on it...her career started when she became an apprentice baltimore... earning o money, but gaining a ealth of knowledge. aater working for she was hired as a chef at ciao bella in little italy. that's where she crafted her ownntype of menu with a little help ffom her oldest daughher...15:37:04 she ust said to me stop cooking with all this salt..15:37:10 h egave me a blank cookbook to help me with recipes...i foond at what i did... not long good - niche...her ifeewas urned pldest daughter bijjn brown &ppassed away of a her grief brought her to volunteer ellmentary... where her other gourment cookkng ccub...bbing &paround the therappautic... ou of theeloss of one of her children came a vegetable time was born... about he program ps you have a lot of kids ffod neewwrk as big as te themesleves there... teeches them all the fundamentals of coooing... aad 15532:533fats carbs food groupp... 15:39:18 attlunch ii the cafeteria i to see the fastest.. they are able to schooo work to real life 15:21:00 i need to know how to rad i need to measuremmnts... how a tove works..or the safety mmthods chef do's...first you hould - wash then you should wash again to sanitize... serious place where food is p5:08:47 it can get chaotic through the commitment of 's - phrives. chef connie uses funds from bijans she is also sponsorrd by 100 black men... the all saiits school and chefs... 15:31:36 i cant imagine would doofor what shes done as far as the efforts shes made and continues to pakk..shes soldier and im all hersell on creating gourmet cuisine....nd doesnt want her to your momm'as collard thaa she's in heaven watchinn... coming upp
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((bbeak 3)) 33 bruce cunningham has sports. i love taxes. people say to me, "you're so lucky. after tax season, you get to relax." we're not here for a couple of months. we're here year-round. after april 15th, we don't close down. we're working late, learning next year's tax laws to make sure turbo tax is the easy way to get your taxes done right. and we even guarantee that all turbo tax calculations are accurate. i'm lisa skelly, and i'm an experienced tax professional. man: go to coming up in ur 6 o'clock
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