tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 15, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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its ridiculous its not my pault hundreds of homes without gas this morning.. after a gas leak in the city.the latest estimate on how long it coull take to fix. (24:25) "my first thought was 'how can i hide this from anybody seeing it..." jilted lovers... seeking revenge online. the dirty laundry being aired on the internet... and the laws that can victimize you twice. and... the price of beauty.the lipstick brands...thattcontain the most álead.á 3 3 today is wednesday, february 15th.
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working on a 10-inch water main when a chunk of asphalt fell... damaging the water line... and a gas line.the water main break has been árepairedá but this morning without gas. ((6:57:51 there may hhve been water that may have gotten into customers appliances and if that has happened or some other damage we cannot safely restore gas service. so that's a whole othee process. we're nowhere near that right now. it's going to take several days) days.))b-g-e is still working to turn off 4-hundred more gas meters before they can go in and drain the water from the gas main.we have a crew on the way to the scene and will bring you llve updates. updates.if you are one of those that still needs your meter turned off... call b-g-e at 410-685-0123 to schedule time to get it turned off. parents are outraged this morning... after allegations of sexual abuse emerge at a baltimore middle school.they want to know how the suspect was allowed such easy access
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to the children. children.44-year old charles shelly told some students here that he was a he's accused of molesting one of them... a 13-year old girl. school in december, shelly drove theegirl to a arking lot.she told police hh removed her jacket, touched her breasts... and rubbed her back with baby oil... before he tried to kiss her.this is a they trusted.he told them he - could help the young girls get pnto a good high school.but school officials say he's not a mentor or even an employee here.somehow though... shelly became a familiar face at thhss school. (ms. daais/parent) "and everyone knew hii.. so, i phink that he, whether he was an employee or not, he definitely had a lot of access my daughter said that he would pull some of the children out of cllss, from time to time, and i doo't know what apacity that was in. but why would he be allowed that much freedom even if it was in a volunteer c" capacity?"we tried talking with principal wanda young about the screening process, if theee is one, for school volunteers... but we were told
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she's not available.this &pmorning, we'reestill waiting to hear back from the principal or a spokesperson. 33 the prosecution is expected to rest today... in the george huguely murder trial. trial.they've presented medical and forensic experts to testify in the trial of &pthe former university of virginia lacrosse player ... accused of killing his ex-girlfriend, yeardley love. prosecution attorneys say puguley became violent with love n her apartment back in 2010... and that altercation left her bruised, battered, and dead.experts testified force trauma and although nt there was alcohol in love's system... there wasn't enough to be ethal.huguely's defense says looe's deatt was stay with fox45 for continuing coverage of the yeardley love murder can get the latest updates around the clock.... on our facebook page... at facebook dot com slash fox baltimore.... and on our websitt, fox baltimore dottcom. and.... as with all of our content... it's free.
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today, theesame sex marriage debate comes to the house floor. floor.yesterray, two committees in the house passed the bill that would legalize gay marriagg in it's on the fuul houss of delegates.governor o'malley says the bill doesn't have enough otes there.last year... the bill passed the senate, but died in the house. governor o'malley unveils more detaill about his bill tt raise maryland's gas would phase in a 6 percent hike.we already pay 23 and a half cents a gallon in taxes. this would add about 18 centt would be used for .the money transportation costs.the governor says if the price of gas increasee more than 15 ssate would temporarily h suspend collecting the extra tax. (gooernor) "if we don't do this as a people, we will all be paying more in terms oo traffic congestion, gasoline wasted idling in raffic, timee away from families, time away from work." &pwork."laawakers are expected to hold hearings ton the gas
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tax bill in the ext few weeks. if the gas tax increase passes... it can't bee challenged... because it's an appropriations bill.if you oppose the proposal... let your lawmakers know now! american for prosperity began a petition drive ...find it at fox baatimore dot com... look for "stop the gas tax" under the "hot topics" section. congressional negotiators have on extending the payroll tax cut through the rest f tte greg black explains... the deal also covers two other extennions the white house is pushing for. for. &prepublican congressman steve latourette of ohio says it's a go."i think it's a done deal, subject to the t's being crossed and thh i's being dotted."it's the art of a deal. i mean, it's a compromise. so you havv peeple that didn't get a 100% of what they wanted."the agreement would extend the payroll tax cut through the end of the was set to eepire this month -- following a short- term deal reached in december. the break is worth about 83 dollars a month for someone earning 50-thousand a year.the
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deal would also include an extension of unemployment benefits and prevent cuts in payments to doctors who treat something nown as the &p"doc-fix."white house spokesman jay carney says all three components are iiportant. and he says it's vital that congress does not mess up thh economic way to muck it up would be to somehow fail o exxend the payroll tax cut or somehow ail to extend unemployment insurance benefits or the "doc-fix." earlier, president obama saad the stakes are high."thii is a make-or-break moment for the piddle class in merica, and for folks who want to be in the middle class.""the last thing we need is for washington to stand in the way of america's comeback."i'm greg black reporting. &pa hhuse-ssnate conference committee could connider the proposed deal as soon as today. herman cain is turning down an offer... to compete oo "dancing with the stars."the former republican presidential candidate was asked to be on
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the realty show... but according to his executive assistant... "he can't dance in n 8-count. he can only dance in a 9-count."that's of course a reference to his "9- 9-9" tax plan.producers are now reportedly considering micheee bachmann. are you a better worker than your boss?if your answer o that question is "yes".... you're not alone.according to a new study... nearly half of all workers say they could do their boss' job... and do it fact... one in three people don't even think their boss is effective.aad fewer supervisors actually inspire best.research was conducted by a talent management company... to show workplace leaders what they're doing wrong. 3 we are onn step closer to hearing the slots spinning at maryland's largest casino. the milestone is being celebrated today at arundel mills as thousands wait to see if they will have jobs ttere as well. joee d. smith is live there this morning with more on when the doors will open,
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and how many openings remain. good morning joel d. 3 patrice we're talking about 15 hundred jobs, and to show you how popular this place is so far..... they've only posted aaout 50 jobs officially, and already have 15 thousand applications. applications. heee's what it wwll look like from the outside when it's actually finished. maryland live will have 4,750 slot and electric table games, including lack jack, roulette, craps and poker. but for many, the real story is on the inside.. not at the games of chance... but instead the chance to work here. for that, there here. chance to work instead the chance... but at the games of on the nside.. not the real story is but for many, and ppker. roulette, craas black jack, gaaes, including and electric table will have 4,750 slot marylanddlive finished. maryland live will have 4,750 slot and electric tabbe games, including black jack, roulette, craps and poker. but for many, the real story is on the inside.. not at thee games of chance... but instead the chance to work here. for that, there has been amazing interest. the employment center opened in january and has been packed ever since. the man doing most of the hiring says assembling a staff is very strategic. 3 p433 as i explain it to anyone who will herar me. ... we are putting together a chess board. we have 1500 pieces on this chessboard. and our
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job is to fill all 15 hundred pieces with the spec tyhpes of things we're looking for. for. the first phase of the new 500 million dollar casino s scceduled for completion in june 2012. the full operation later in the fall. 3 3 3 crowds of people areedancing their way into the record books.on monday... more than 250 dancers shook their "groove thangs"... in front of
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the philadelphia art was all part of a "soul train" line... honoring don cornelius and whitney houston.the event record... by about 40 people. the city's mayor was there to kick off the event. demanding answers. answers.ed: governor can we get a few minutes to talk about the pardons with you? gov: "not really, when the supreme court rules it wwll be time to talk." talk."we caught up with the former governor of mississippi... haley barbour... to ask about his before leaving office. how and his reaction to the questions when we finally caught up to him. him. 3 ((break 1)) [ female announcer ] with swiffer wet
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cleaning better doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops, swiffer can maneuver into tight spaces without the hassle and its wet mopping cloths can clean better in half the time, so you don't miss a thing. mom? ahhhh! ahhhh! no it's mommy! [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back.
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looking for love? love?the one thing ábothh sexes find attractive...and a hint... it has nothing to do with looks or personality. presumptuous as to predict o what the supreme court is gonna do bbt when they rule, then weecan talk." talk."and we track down haley barbour in virginia.his conccrning those controoersial pardons of convicted criminalss.. including four murderers... just before leavvng office... next. 3((bump out ♪
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy.
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can i try yours? searchinn for former mississippi gooernor haley barbour, in the wake of the pardoning scandal thht has left many victims' families in tears.riggt before he left offfce, barbour granted fulll pardons to more than 200 people... including four convicted murderers.buu barbour iin't ed lavandera went to try and get a. answers. p-reportee pkg-as folllws -- since haley barbour won't come to us, we thought we'd go to him. we found the former mississippi governor giving a speech aa washington and lee university in lexingtoo, virginiaaed: "hi, governor, ed lavandera with cnn."gov: "hi mind if we talk to you reel u quick?"gov: "llt me go get my instructions first."ed: "can you come out and talk to us hhreein a second?"he wouldn't give us a second... and walked right inside the bbilding...
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but not before ssowing us what he thought of the questions. us aboot the pardons?gov: (inside door, inaudible)ed: "ok we'll wait for you out here (says hard to hear, stay where it's cold)ed: "he just told me to stay out waiied... barbour didn't come back.. we went inside to find him giving his speech. he pheme ironically enough...was how government needs to do better job of explaininggits &pactions."i learned a great lesson about government when we did the census in 1170 aad ttat is the government is not a very good communicator, that the government doesn't do a very good job of getting trying all my career to do a better joo."but governor barbour wasn't in the mood to &ppractice what he just preacce. ed: governor can we get a few minutes to talk about the paadons with ou?gov: "not really, when the supreme court rules it will be time to talk." ed: (tties to talk)gov: "i'm not so presumptuous as to is gonna do but when they ourt understand that sir, but the families want to hear froo you. whyywon't yoo talk to them?"the governor walked awwy
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aggin, so we waited outside to give him one last chance. this time he surrounded himsslf with security to keep us away. cop: "you'll have to move back please, move ovee therr so he can come out."edd "goveenor we can knock ttissout in 5 minutes minutes with you?gov: "nope! gonna wait til the supreme court rules.ed: "why can't you talk to these families you've refused to eet with? ed: "do you regret pardoning (door slams) harry bostick?" the door slaammd before ii could finnsh asking if he regretted pardoning harry bostick... a repeat dui offender pardoned by the governor, bostick was in jail suspected of a 4th dui aftee a 18-year-old harity smith..the questions remaii unanswered still.ed lavanderr, lexington, straight ahead... retails sales hit a rouuh patch.the inddstry bbamed for lag.and looking for aamate?the big purchase you should mmke... that could help you out! ((break ))
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a new study says homeownees are more attractive. and as shelby lin reports... retail sales caused some worry on wall ssreet. street. stocks rebounded in the final few minutes tuesday to end little changed.the dow closed 878.the nasdaq and s and p weee virtually flat.retail sales increased in january, but not by as much as expeccedd they only rose by point-four percent, half as much as numbers were dragged down by a surprise decline in auto sales. michaee kors' stock ii alll ddessed up and looking fabulous.the luxury retailer possed stellar quarterly reeults, which boosted its stock by almost 23-percent. 'michael kors holdings' says its revenue for last quurter jumped 68-percent from the same tiie in 2010.the fashion week staple went public in
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december and its stock price has steaddly's sommthing that could spur home sales.a real estate company's study says homeowners could be more a survey of a thousand single people ... 18-percent of men said they wooll rather date a homeownerr than a renter.more than a &pthird of women said the same thing..s for the home's perks? it appears master baths and walk-in closets are a turn-on for both sexes. coming up... lethal lipptick...the &pdanggrous chemiial found n several of them... and if it poses any threat. thheat.
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jim wilson? here is the chase freedom 5% cash back you get on purchases. wow! and your kindle fire. thank you. do you have any bubble wrap? activate your 5% cash back at the addition to your home that reddces your disease risk... on fox 45 news at 5:30.3 3 - water main break-southwest baltimore 3
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