tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 17, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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looking for a job? ádon'tá answer the phone. why putting off an interview increases your chances of changes you probably need to make to your resume. and... say goodbye to "king pize" candy bars.why one brand isn't going to make them anymore... just hhw small their candy bars will get... and the person behind the change. &p3 3 today is friday, february 17th. 3 3
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3 drivers caught on camera... passing schooo busss in baltimore's a major prrbbem... that's putting our kids' lives on the line.megan gilliland is here with a story you're seeing first on fox. good morning patrice,an averaae of 2 school aged children are kklled every year times...more than 150 kids are injured.all because many drivers don't stop... even though they're required to... by law.'s the of our viewers took this cell phone video here of her seven year old brother being loaded onto the school bus in landsdowne at the corner of monument and hammmnds ferryy but watch closely... you can &psee the grey car observinggth others continue to pass. (51:44)they usttdon't care they go right around the ggnna go around them at tonee - time its gonna end up bieng an
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accident somebody is gonna get &phurt...(car nats) nats)it is against maryland law to pass a stopped school bus while it's lights are flashing... and it's stop arm &pis extended.when it happenss. drivers are trained o record license platts... but that can be tough hen the driver is focusing on the road. &pthere are cameras on some chool busses... but those cameras are not being used in baltimore county.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 defense attorneys are xpected to pick up their case today ... in the george huguely delayed because one of the attorneys waa ill. they're resuming their argument that huguely didn't intend to kill cockeysville native, yeardley was found dead in her off-camppssapartment back in may 2010.but the prosecution claims... love had a medical expert testify that love died of blunt forcee trauma.huguely has pleaded not guilty to first degree murder and other charges. stay with fox45 for continuing coverage of the yeardley love murder
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lepola will be posting up to the minute updates around the clock on our facebook page... at facebook dot com slash foo baltimore.... and on our website, fox baltimore dot com. and.... as with all of our content... it's free. 3 the debate over &psame-sex marriage in maryland is expected to ick back up this morning...after endinn abruptly last night in annapoli. annapolis. lawmakers passed one amendment backed y baltimore county republican delegate wade kkch before ending discussions. kach's amendment would change the date the bill takks effect from october 1st to january 2013. both sides call the decision to end talks after that one amendmmnt vote.. aacalculated, political maneuver.several delegates committed to their support for the bill this week, but advocates say ill this week, but support for the committed to their several dellgates committed to their support for the bill this week, but advocates sayythey're still a few votes short of the 71 theyy need for it to pass. 3 "because it would have gone into effect as it's written now in october, the electioo's in november. ii they want it
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on the ballot, it gives the opposition a chance to pptition ii to the ballot." ballot." "the reality is, what that realll signals is behind the scenes, that ll the governor's arm twisting and all the other twisting that's going on here to secure the minimum number of votes is not successffl to thhs oint." point.. lawmakers say illness of p-g county delegate veronica turner who was rushed to tte hospital for emeegency surgery. it'ssbeen four months since amanda knox was cleared of pharges... that she murdered her roommate in italy.and now... she's telling the world about it in a nnw book.the 24-year old has reached a deal with publishing house harpercollins... that will earn her close to á4-million dollars.áknox spent 4 years in an italian prison... after being convicted of the stabbing death of her roommate, meredith kercher. sourres say she keet regular diaries while in prison... which will be used to help write the book. knox's book is set for publication early next year. king-sized candy bars... are about to get smaller.the
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candymaker "mars"... says it plans to stop selling all chocolate bars withh ore thann 250 calories by the end of 20-13.that means no more which pack a whopping 580 also means some regular-sized candy bars will be a smaller.this move is part of annagreement mars signed &pwith michelle obama's partnership for a healthier the baltimore blast are once again having a great season..... leading the indoor soccer league with a record of 14 and 5.. but now they are ready to take on an evenn bigger challenge. is llve at du-burns arena to show us how the players and fans are battling breast cancer this weekend. good morning joel d. good morning patrice. 3
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fox 45 is stepping up to make your 20-12 he healthiest ear yet.the fox 45.. c-w baltimore... b'more healthy expo innpartnership with medstarhealth.... isssaturday march 17th at the baatimore convention center.learn about exercise, eating right... and get health screenings.go to foo more information.ot-com - winning the lotterr... is a once in a lifetime does it happen for most people. people.but jennifer hauser... a c-n-n producer in atlanta... has won the lotteryyátwice...á and the winning tickets were less than 6 months apart!in november... she won 100-thousand doolars off the georgia lottery.and this week... she won a million what does she plan "i'm not going to goocrazy.
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car once in your life, then, you know, just help my fammly and my mom and people who need " actually piiked the wwnnnnggd tickettdespite her bii win... she says she won't be quitting her job. it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on our faccbook page about anything you want. want.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebook become a fan and join the to - conversation. new details emerge about whitney houston's behavior... just beffre she died. died.what some say she was doing in her los angeles hotel days before ... and what new jersey police are doing to secure the church... where her funeral will be held tomorrow. tomorrow. ♪
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okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? ((2-shot toss to weather))
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3 still to come... could the job market be on an upswing.the key clue that's llading economic experts to think so. so.and find out what whitney houstonnwas doing just hours before she died, last saturday...and what sources reveal about her behavior. &p((bump out)) ((break 2)) buying this juicer online was unbelievable. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets.
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houston's life are coming to light, as ppannnng is underway ffr her private funeral and burial.shelby lin tells us what houston was doing in her los angeles hotel... days pefore she died. died. --reporter pkg-as follows -- whitney housson's behavior the days befooe he died has become a focus of the investigation into her death last saturday.the singer waa partying at the bar of her beverly hills hotel the night before her death, according to invvstigation. investigators have requested surveillance recordinns.houston was also seen drinking considerable amounts of alcohol in the hotel last wednesday aad thursday morning, accordiig to a source familiar with her activity at the time.. the source saas other guests erratic behavior.tte source also says, oo the morning of thh day houston died, she was seen drinking at the pool. witnesses said her behavior did not appear erratic. poustoo's cause of death is not expected to be revealed
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until toxicology tests are complete, which could take wweks.meanwhhll new jersey police are establishing a secure perimeter around her hometown church, where a private funeral will be held saturday.there really is going to bb nothing to see here at the church, the best thing to do would be to stay home and watch the service on pelevision.gospel singer and pastor marvin winans wwll deliver the eulogy.i knew that momma houston would do it the way she wanted it done, which is, we're going to church, and about if the world can get in. kevin costner will speak at the ervice and stevie wonder and arrtha franklin have been tapped o sing.i'm shelby lin reporting.-----end----- straight ahead... an ameriicn automaker posts record earningg.. just two years after the big government bail well they're doing. doing.and it's cheaper to buy a home now... than 20 years ago.the reason behind it. ((break 3))
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numbers signal a stronger job market... and edggr treiguts explains... one of thh big- three autommkers posts record profit... 3 --reporter pkg-as followss-- stocks rallied thursday after dow jumpee 123 points.the nasdaq and s and p 500 also posted strong gains. unemployment claims dropped to week.the government said ast thousand... that's down 13-thousand from the previous week.the number of people filing for additional weekssof jobless benefits also drrpped. economist believe the recent trend of declining claims signal the job market is &pbeginning to strenghten.good purchassng a home is more affordable thhn it's been in because offa droppin home s - prices and rock-bottom mortgaae rates, according to aa and a recenn survey by the ..- mortgage bankers association
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shows the numbbr of homeowners returneddto noomal rates.. during the fourth-quarter of 20-11.general motors posted -3& two-years after baakruptcy and hell from a government bailout. the detroit automaker reported a profii of seven-point-six 20-111that's up from four-point-six billion the year before. foo business brief, i'm edggr treiguts. -----end-----cnn.script----- coming up... a visii to the laundromat... takes a turn for the worst for a toddler.what the mother of this ttddler as doing... when she became stuck in a toy machi. machine.passing sccool buses and putting lives in danger. i'm megan gilliland, we'll show you the increeible caught on camera moment and what's being done to protecttour kids. &pkids. 3
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our federal tax code is broken. fifty-onn percent of americans don't pay any federal income tax. i'll repeat that. 51 out of every 100 ameriians o not have ny federal income tax liability. taxes. what's worse is that with various income tax nothing actually get money from the federal government. for them, april 15th isn't taxx day - it's pay day. and there'' more. according to irs records, federal workers owe $3.4 billion in back taxes for the ear 2010. 26,000 postal service employees we $270 million. ii's 100 million for d-o-d military and civilians. congressional employees owe $10 million. workers in the treasury dept - home of the irs - owe $9 million. more than $800,000 is owed by people who work directly for the president. their taxes is as bad as cops who break the law, firemen who commit ason and docttrs who vvolate the hippocratic oath. but i will say this in
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defense. our tax code is too complicated. t's about 70,000 pages lonn. and it and lost productivity to costs - figure oot how much we owe. tax reeurns should be on a 3x5 carr. everyone should pay something. and federal employees shouldn't be tax deadbeats. for more on this story visit ehind the headlines dot net. and follow us twitter and facebook. i'm mark hyman. ñññó change maryland's law... on
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