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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  February 21, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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gasoline. keith daniels..../, live... in... north baltimore.../ áá whereáá people... aae.../ already driving... on... a... tight budget.. / keith. jeff..... on 41st. street. rms drivers say it's one of the best locations in this area for good price at the pump...... and tonightt. we all know.. every penny matters. according to industry analysts, americans spent just household income on gasoline lasttyear.. that's twice as much as families spent for gas ten years ago. now they say.. americans coull paa record breaking prices for gas this year.. even though demand is the lowest in 11 years. igh gas prrccs.... impacting households.. as motorists try to deal with the ppice pain at the pumps. (mann "it absolutely has an effect on what you do, where you go, what you decide to spend on.."(woman) "i find that when you use your cruise control, that really seems to help. it maximizes your fuel efficiency, especially on the
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highway." the experts say the biggest cities will see the biggest pain.. l-a, new york, chicago.. aal may see stations that sell unleaded regular at over $5-dolllrs a galloo. live in north baltimore, keith danielss fox 45 news late edition. here's... our question of the day. ááhaveáá... you... had to make cuts.../ to... your budget.../ because ...of gas ppices? prices? áámostáá... p áareá... cutting back...// just... to get...// your... vehicle...// filled up...// áágoáá... áágoáá our facebook... page.../ and... let us know.../ how ad ...the is... for you. as gasslinneprices continueto lawmakers...are now growing concernedabouu a proposed hike in the gas tax. governor o'malley's billwould phase-in a six percentsales tax on gas overthree years. it's expected to generatean extra 600-million dollarsto pay for road and bridge repairs.but some lawmakers...saythe timing couldn't e worse.
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(jennings) "they're talking abouu $5.00 by may, now that's $5.00, then tack on 18 cents that we're lookinn at the gas tax so it would bb $5.18, i think it's very troubling, very tough to get it through." through."the proposed hike in of publichearings.but no word on when thoseeearings will be iffthe gas tax increase passes... it can't be challenged because it's an appropriations bill.if you oppose the proposal... et your lawmakers now now. "aaericans for prosperity" began a petition drive.see thee petition at fox baatimore-dot- com.look for ástop the gas ttxá under hot topics. and we're trying to ease your pain at the's our "fill up with fox" contest. we''e giving away 100 dollar gas cards all this week on fox45 morning'll have three chances to win tomorrow. be sure to watch fox455starting at 5 a-m tomorrow... and gg to foxbaltimore dot commfor official contest rules. 3 3 we have breaking news out off
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northeast baltimore. one man is clinging to liff after he was shot in the chest during a royal farms robbery. jeff abbll is live on the scene with the latest, jeff? jeff? 3 3 two people are dead after a high-spped.../
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, head-on crash... this afternoon.../ in owings mi. mills. this accident.../ shutdown ...mcdonough road... for almost five hours this evening..../// justt before 2:30 this afternoon, .../ this chrysler, .../ old... melvin bettis.../ crossed the center line... and... went straight... into oncominggtraffic.../. bettis... slammed into a mercury.../ driven by... 60 year old andre murphy, .../ killinn... bbth drivers instantly..../// police say.../ bettis was speeding ...just before... the fatal collision...///. the driver ...of a third car... that was caught up in the crash wasn't hurt. 3--siblings.../ are dead.... ááafteráá... county. it...// happened around.,../ 10:00... last night...// on... 5-43.../ in fallston..../ áápoliceáá.../ say...// &p a... chevy.../ crossed... the cenner lane.../ and... hit.../ another car.../ ááthenáá veered...// into... theepath.../ of... a... third vehicle..../ áá heáá impact.../ split... the chevy.../ in half..../// áátwoáá brothers --/ david... bau-guess... / pand... 17-year-old joseph.../ ááwereáá thrown ...from the .../ vehicle.../ . áá theiráá sister...ashley.../ car..../// átheiráá áájustáá
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saw...// them. ../ before... the - < "they were the greatest kids. i loved them dearly and they were wonderful to mee.. i love you nanny. i loved them all. each and every one of them> them."> two people.../ from... another car.../ were treated... for minor injjries...//. &p áástateáá police... are investigating.../ aa.. cause...// of... the &pcrash. a man who got married monday morning.. ends up stabbed monday afternooo... in front of his bride ann kids. kids. police are pnvestigating the road rage incident which began on route three in gambrills. the driver of a ford explorer was stabbed during a confrontation with a passenger in a p.t. the victim pursueddthe p.t. cruiser and tten both cars crashed. (joshua thompson)"thh 43 year old man who got stabbed.. hit theeotherrguy and put him on the ground.. pretty interesting for someone who pust got stabbed. "tonight 23 year old ross brandon sudbrook , the
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passenger of the p.t. cruiser is charged with assault and carrying a dangerous weapon. a ... bill... to legalize.../ same sex... marriage.../ in... maryland.../ áágetsáá... closer... to passing...// passing...// by...// a... 7 - áátheáá senate... / judicial proceedings.../ committee... / "approved".../ that bill....///áátheáá bill... won... final approval.../ last week.../ in... the house..../// áásupportersáá.../ say... this bill.../ offers.../ religious institutions../ áá.plentyáá... of....protections. (raskin) "no church has to perform any wedding rights for any couple it doesn't want to whethee it'' a same sex couple, an interfaith coupll or an interracial couple.. couple."(jacobs) ""ou know there will be amendments offered, we do not have the votes to maintain a filibuster, we already know ha" thaa." the senate.... is... expected to.../ deeate... this...// tomorrow. 3 baltimore county councill apprrves a bill tonight which protects transgendered people from discrimination. discrimination. the action cooes almost a yearr after a transgender woman was beaten at a rosedale mcdonalds
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while attempting to use the women's restroom. the incident drew national attention....and demands for better protections for transgender people. 3 so by a 5-2 vote, the baltimore county council approvee a bill prrhibiting discrimination against transgender people. but while it provides protections in moss public places, it doesn't specifically saa 'who' can use 'what' public facilittes. nevertheless, the transgender community ss calling it a victory. victory. &p3 ":trans people will n ow have an opportunity to keep their jobs or find jobs. they'll be aale to find housing. they'll be treated fairly in public accommodations." "i don't want this. i raised my kids in the moral background and beliefs i instilled in them which is not this lifestyle and i don't want this pushed on y grandchildren" grandchildren." opponents are planning a petition drive with hopes of gathering enough signatures to get the measure on the ballot. 3 ew questions.../
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about... the future .../ finances.../ of... prix,.../ ááanáá event ...which eft.../ p tax payers.../ on... the hook.../// ááwitháá millions... of... unpaid debts.../ ááafteráá... it's... 20--11... debut.. the.../ 5--year contract,.../// ááwitháá "down force"... manage the race.../ - ááináá... the....eal...// ááisáá... a promise keep... the company's.../ &pfinances.../ secret...///. ááthisáá... as... promise... more transparency.../ abbut the race.../ ááthatáá ended up... $12 million... in the red .../ ááandáá... left... many.../ unpaid debts... to... local businesses. srb: "it's absolutely is more transparent, we already showed that by putting the contract on he web for everyone to see, but some of their informaiton is proprietary, and priveledged, so that cannot be released but pverything esle will be" be" tomorrow... the... city.. board of &pestimatee.../ will vote... on the contract .../ 3 good day for a michigan teen and his graadfather. grandfather..hey were workingg on this '911buick .....when something went terribly wrong. suddenly, the 74 year old
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grandfather found himself pinned underneath the car. fueled by adrenaline.... the 15-year-old lifted the front &pgrandfather to escape.he says he doesn't even know how he managed to do it. bad day for hillary clinton. apparennly she didn't get the memo for this g20 group picture....she kind of standss out in the stand... the oolyy one not wearing a white button down shirt.hillary's taken a lot of heat over the years for her fashion ffux pax.but i'' piving her a pass on this one. whose idea was it anyway.... to have high level diplomats for a family chhistmas card picture at the beach. good day for scienceerussian scientists say they've grown a floweriig plant from material extracted from seeds deposited in the siberian permafrost 30,000 years ago.the work is creaaing a wwrldwide buzz. previously, the oldest known seed material that has been
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about 2,000 years ago. 3 it could start to &pfeel a lot like summer over the next ew days. days. t'sslooking more and more like we could skip together. let's go to chief meteorologist vytas reid for a look at what's happening now. 3
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--"stop! oh my god. what re you drunk?"--- drunk?"--- it's... a.../ smmll brain after-all...// we'll tell yyu why...// ámainá... street u-s-a...// became... "mace" street u-s-a...// tax dollars paying for teachers to get unlimited plastic surgery. why one school district is paying for nose jobs instead of putting teachers ii classrooms. 3 3 outrage oer american troops burning prisoners' korans. why the pentagon says they had to get rid of the oly books. and... protests .../
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in... afgganistan.../. ááafteráá reports... muslim books --/ incluuing the koran --/ ááwereáá being burned.../ at... the.... main.../ u.s.... military bass.../ theee. there. jennifer griffin
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explains why the pentagon says ttey haddgood reason to destroy the holy books. books. &p((nats: protesters shouting)) not a justification... but an explanation.... a senior u.s. official confirms books burned in a pile of garbaae attbagram military base, were removed from a library at the adjoining dettntion center because they contained extremist messages or inscriptions. the official explaining, (quote): ((fs)) "materials of extremist natuue were housed in this library and used for clandestine communications between detainees." the official says the books were going to be burned until afghans stepped in.... and explained this was ánotá &pthe proper way to dispose of them. but some books had already been damage in the process... along with relations with the afghan people. the ews sparking outrage and anger among local afghans who protested outside the base. u.s. general john american and ato forces in f afghanistan -- apologizinggto the afghan people....allen says: " i offer my sincere
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apologies for any offense his may have caused." defeese secretary leon panetta statement released later... the state department wanting oosend a message ánot just to the people of afghanistaná... but to &pmuslims around theeworld. nuland says: "the concern is that some aroond the world will think that hiss represents an affirmative &pstatement by the united state and it doos not rrpresent our values or our view offhow the koran ought to be treattd."(on cam tag)griffin says: "the áinternational security assistance forceá and the afghan government re conducting a joint investigatiin into the entire incident. at the pentagon, jennifer griffin, fox newss" 3 p 3 --"stop! oh mm god. what are you drunk?"---
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&pdrunk?"--- the happiest place on earth reduced to a drunken bar fight. the lackkof common sense that touched oof this disneyland brawl. unlimittd plastic surgery and it's all free to one group of educators. wwy taxpayers re paying for their kids teachers. for - 3 3 3 3 , happiest... place on
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earth .../ áágotáá.../ less happy ...over the weekend.../. ááaáá drunken dispute.../ was... caught on camera.../ . t disneyland. &p --"stop! oh my god. what are you drunk?"--- drunk?"---a... 52-year old... maa.../ was ...pepper sprayed .../ ááafteráá... he... took a swing one of the...
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security... workers....//ááoneáá... disney... tourist...// had... her...// cell--phone...// camera...// polling...// 1:30--1:44security guard pushes drunky downout:'back upladies gentlemen ááwhenáá police arrived.../ áátheyáá found ..the man .../ pinned... under a group... of.../ áánoáá onee... was seriously... hurt...//.áátheáá suspect's... now awaiting.../ a... court date..../// ááofficeráá... jepedo...// asked...him...// if... he...// was causing... trouble...// ááheáá... said...// no...// ááandáá... ááhisáá... nose... started.../ to... grow...// as.../ thousands of teachers... face layoffs .../ nationwide...// ááteachersáá in... buffalo, new ork .../ are... getting... lipo...//// and...// nose jobs.../ ááalláá... on... the taxpayers'.../ dime..../// ááit'sáá... a... sweet &- hundred...// buffalo... teachers.../ get... under their.../ insurance plan.../ options,,...//// áátheyáá... are billed ...nothing.../ for... plastic urgery...// áátheyáá... spent...
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6-mil...// last... year...// for...// lipo.../ botox...// and.../ tummy-tucks...// ááthisáá... while...// buffalo schools...// project.../ a ...$42 milliin dollar.../ ááandáá... dollars...// could... hire...// 250--new... teachhrs...// ááseemsáá... the... "train-of- thought... whistle...// áácan'táá... be... heard...// were... ástandingá.../ on... the.../ steam...engine.// castle wedding. why one e couple decided to tie the knot 3 couple.... who got married at
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a castle in new jersey... wwite castle that is.... . won.../ their wedding... in a contest .../ co-sponsored... by.../ white-castle...// and.. .a... radio prize ...came with.../ for.../ up to .../ 20 guests..../ ááthisáá particular... white castle .../ has... special meaning --/ ááit'sáá where ...they had... theirr../ first date... six years ago. it could almoss get up to 70 this week. week. let's check in with
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vytas to ind out how long this warm airrwill laat. 3 &pthe terps hosting miami at the comcast center tonight...bruce cunningham has sports unlimitedd 3 that's all for
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♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities...
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america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. with more choices and fewer calories, the late edition.../// but... it's a terps tuesday.
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bruce cunningham kicks off ssorts unlimited to show you if maryland was ready or a hurriccne. earlier this mooth, maryland and miami hookeddup in a double overtime classic..tonight, the rematch..the terps desparately needing the win to keep their post-season hopes alive... alive... the terps jumped out to a 12-3 leaa to get things started...check out the great &ppass from terrell stoglin pnderneath to ashton pankey for the slam...terps with the responds withha 14-1 miamm runn..this one of two threes by malcolm grant during that run...canes by three... ...maryland has a late 7-0 run of it's own...stoglin's 3 part of that..and at the half, terps trailed 33-31.....second hall, it stays tightt..duran scott a beautiful drive to the racc...canes by 5......but back come the terps...terrell stoglinnleft wide open, but he goes down low to nick's tied at 59... ...the terps hit 9 free thrrws in the last 44 seconds to seal the deal..terps get the win 75-
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70...they're now 16-11, 6-7 in the acc... with position players set to report on friday, pitchers and catchers still had things tt themselves today down in sarasota..good thing, too...because things are pretty crowded down there right now... now... and it's up to this guy to sort it all out...pitching coach rick adair was in the bullpen last season,,but has 7 years exxerience as a pitching level..and it's gonna take e every bit of that experience to sort out the 31 pitthers invited to spring say noithing of the ssarting rotation, which looks right now to be in complete disarray...adair says, they're getting to work.... college lacrosse...dave pietraaala's hhsting delaware at homewood field.......and hopkins got off to a nice run...7 straight goals...this from lee coppersmith one timing
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it...hopkins led 7-2......but &pback come the blue hens...watchhtom holland just battle his way out front, and then gets the falling down goal,,and it's a one point game at 7-6......4th quarter, and hopkins responds..john rannigan with the goal and hopkins takes a tuff 8-6 victory,..the blue jays now 2-0 on the season. it's another tuesday night, and around here, that means another edition of our prep player of the week in it's 3rd decade, it has honored the area's finest high school athletes since way back in 1991...this week, we're back on the basketball court... that''l do it for this edition of sports
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unlimited..i'm bruce cunningham...and be sure to tune in to fox45 morniig news tomorrow -- star
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