tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX February 22, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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jurors will begin deliberating in just a few &phours to decide whether georg yeardly love.the key evidence - ssopped just on fiscal grounds." prounds."it's a multi-mmllion dollar ppojeet.. thaa you're paying for.why officials don't want you knowing too much about the new "state center".. and why the project itself pould e illegaa. and.. it's a niie day for a .... whiteecastleewedding.why this ccuple didn't haveeto pay a dime for their fast food nnptuials. 3 3-inner harbbr today is wednesday, february 22nd.
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3 3 jury deliberations egin toddy . yeardly love of cockeyyville. megan gilliland is here with the ey poinns jurors will decide his fate. as they - pood morning patrice,although geerge huguely is charged ith pre-mmditated murder... the question is whethhr or not the jury will ind he intended to kill yeardly looe. prosecution rested their case
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pn saturday in closing argumenns... prosecutors said love wass killed in a drrnkenn jealousy find huguely guilty f though... may depend on key long videotaaed statement thatt huguely gave to police... in which he describes that violent night at llve's off campus apartmenn ear the after learning that is orrow - ex-girlfriend hhd died... and even surprise. defense attorneys represenning the former u-v-a lacrosse verdict from jurrrs than er first-degree murder.which carries a prison ttme between 20 years and life.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning ews. stay wiih fox 45 for conninuing coveeage f the trial. we'll have a llve reports from charlottesville. you can alss get updates on our website at fox baltimore dot com... and on our facebook page at facebook dot com slash fox-baltimore.
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two robberr break into a rooal farms in northeest baltimore last night... and onn of them opens fire. intersection of harford road and echodale avenue... juut after 9-30.the suspects stole money and ccgarettes... and at some point... turned the gun on a 46-year-old man... shooting him in the chest.the victim was ccncious and breathing when being taken to the word on his conditioo now.the suspects have ánotá been caught... so if you know anytting about this crime, contact authorities. police say speed was a factor in a double fatal aacident in owinns mills tuesday afternoon. afternoonnit shutddwn hours.a chrysler ... driven by 22-year-old mmllin bettis crossed the center line and traffic.bettis hit a mercury... driven by 60-yeer-old andre murphy... killing both drivers insttntll. policc say bettis waa peeding just efore the collision.the driver of a third car involved in the ccident...wasn't hurtt
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the investtgatiin continues into a collision that leaves 3 piblings happened monday night in hhrford county arouud 10:00 on 5-43 ... in bel air.a ccevyycrossed the center lane... hit another car... then veeeed into tte patt of a third vehicle.the imppct split the chevy in half. two brothers...david bbuguess... and 17-year-old vehicle.their sister....ashley died in the car.their graadmmther just saw them... shortly before the crash. p "thee were the reatest they were wonderfuu to me... i love you nanny. i loved themm them.">two people from anothee - car were treated for minor 3njuries. sticker shock at the pump has some lawwakers concerned abbut a proposed gas tax hhke. hike.governor 'malley's billl would phase-in a 6-percentt
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saaes tax on gas ovve 3 years. it's expected to generate aa extra 00-million dollars to pay for road nd bridge repairssbbt some lawmakers say... the timing couldn't bb worse. (jennings) "they're talking abbut $5.00 by may, now that's $5.00, thenntack on 18 cenns that we're looking at the gas tax so it woold be $5.18, i think it's veryytroubling, very tough to get it through." through."the propooed gas tax will be the fooussof public hearings.but no word n wwen those hearings will be held 3&ii the gas taaxincrease passes... it can't be challenged because it's an appropriations bill.if you oppose the proposal... let your lawmakers know now. "americans for prosperity" petition at fox baltimore-doo- com.look for ássop theegaas taxá under hot topics. and we're trying to ease your pain at the's our "fill up with fox" contest. we're giving away 100-dollar gas cards all this week on fox45 morning'll &phave three hances to win thi
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morning... including your first chance during our 6 o'clock stay tuned for your chance to win. go to foxbaltimore dot com for &pofficial contest rules. 3 pt's been nearly a month since off in debate.but that eeds e- tonight.tommy andres takes a look attwhat coull be a make-or-bbeak night for the can. candidatts. &p--reporter pkg-as follows -- the stakes are high for the pressdential candidates taking part in tooight's arizona debate..t's tte last debate &pmonnh-- when 10 tates hold votinn ccntests.and it's the first debate where rick stage as a frontrunnerr...ahe ad of the next two primaries in arizona and michigan."we are here not jjsttto debate. we are here to win arizona on next tuesday." receet polls show santorum locked ii a tight race with mitt romney in both states despite romneyy
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romney's discoveringgin michigan, you cannot takk your home state for granted. all of a sudden things can go really sour."santorum has been the target of increasing atttcks since his thhee-state and colorado earlier this ta - month."wow"!his opponents have hammered hhm on his conservative credentials... "his votinggrecord is, i atrocious voting record. how liberal he's been in all the thhngs he's voted for.""i think the tea party would find it ery interesting that rick santorum voted to raise the debt ceiling five times, withoot getting compensating reduction in spending."buu, ss far, the attaccs haven't been enough to stop santorum's rise. that's likely to put a ulls eye on hhs bbck when he faces off wiih his rivals tonight. i'm tommy annres reporting. the cnn-sponored debate is ttking place in mesa.their last ebate was in january in florida.after rizona and michigan, wyoming and wassinggon statt will hold caucuses, then it's on to super tuesday.
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i heard you singing al prrsident singing!! ( sweet home, hicago) 3 chicago) that was the pressdent... havvng a jam session with mick jjgger, b-- king, and buddy was held in the east room in ponth.buddy guy goaded the presidenn to ttke the mic and &psinn a verse of the fiiale ong "sweet home chicaao", and he did. if you thihnk drinking diet ssda.. instead of regulaa .. think again. again.a new study finds eople who drink a caa of ddee soda a day had a 43 perceet greater risk of having a stroke or heart attack.researchers ssy
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theyydon't knowwthe exact cause... but they made the connection by followwng 25 hhndred people over decade. regular soda packs a big sugar punch.. and caa also add to your your best beverage option?plain old healthier eating might comeedown to hhalthier options. that's the strategy beeind the ayor's new plan for lexington market. joel dd smith is live thhre doing this without acttally changing what'' on the menu. ggod morring joel d. mayor stephanie rawlings-blake annoonces today detaill
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fox 45 is ttpping up to make your 20-12 the healthiest year yet.the fox 45.. c-w bbltimore... b'more healthh expo in parrnership witt meestarhealth.... is saturday march 177h at the baltimore &pconvention center.learn about exxrcise, eating right... and b-more healthy expo-dot-com - for more information. if you're applying for a job.. there's a good chance your potential employer will check
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out your facebook they ren't just looking for red flags like drinking and embarrassing pictures. ppctures.a new study says they profile to see howwsucccssful you would be in their office. they look foo a person's taste in books and music and how social they re.the study says facebook informatioo may be p-q tests that some h-r y and - departments use. long distanne relationships people anymore. article in u-s-a today says more married couples are livvng apart than ever before.there are noo more &pthan 3 and a half million million in 1990.thatts seven bureau.a possible reason for the increase.... online dating and tough economic times an contribute to couplls living coming up on the early eeition... famiiyytime... tragic.i was just so scarrd, i didn't know what to do.
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[ female announcer ] do you know what a difference dove nourishment can make? my hips, they know. my shins, they get it. [ female announcer ] only dove body wash has nutrium moisture and a breakthrough formula that goes beyond moisture to nourish deep down like no other. [ female announcer ] dove body wash. proven effective natural nourishment. ♪ the nourishment of nutrium moisture is also available in all your favourite dove body wash products.
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3 p3 3 3 still to comm... more dropped calls... and slower data speeds could be in happen... and when.s could - whennthank god hh was herr a grandfather is left with thankkul.the accident that s - leaves him with these thinking saved his liff.ick - ((bump out)) p(break 2)) ((bump out)) p(break 2)) wow, look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes.
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and showing it off? jergens ultra healing moisturizer. even my driest skin looks healthier, instantly. jergens is the difference between i'm here, and here i am. jergens®. the beautiful difference. fuelld by pure adrenaline... a miccigan teen saves a family tellssus how adrenaline kicked in... wwen a car ell on top of his ggandfather. grandfather. --reporter pkg-as follows -- "austin and his randfather," were working oo this 91' bbick century. they'veeworked on new. but something went austin's grandfather found himself pinned underneaah the carr"i was just so scared, i didn't know what to do..t was saturday morning.nats these cinddr blocks wwre up parallel higher.austin smith and his
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grandfather," papa ernie" wwre at home ttying to ffx thh breaks on this old clunker.thh &1' buick was propped up on ernieewas underneath.i was - inside, just like this in here and if felt it rock just slightly.the 15-year-old got outtmomentt later the car collapsed. all i could think of is getting the car off him vehicle weighs over 2-thousand pounds.austin lifted he fronn end high enough for hhs 74- year-old grandfather to escape. how'd he do it? evve he doesn't know.i have no clue probably all the adrenaline. i mean i ouldn't do it right now.thank god he was here grandmooher it would have been over.he suuferedda serious cut on his face, fractured riis and eye soccet..oth have learnee, ssmetimes yoo just don't know what you're capable of doing, until there's no pther choice but to do it.well
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we're very close and i think it might, it'll definitely make uu closer.he's a wonderful young man, that's all i annsay.-----eed----- cnn.script------ strright aaead... rim is uppinn their taalet game.the new features they're a. pdding.and do you know what "spectrrm crunch.." mmans? we'll exppain what it is... and how it will affect you... whee making cell phone calls in theefuture. ((break 3)) 3
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wireless airwaves are limited and spaae is running low... what thaa will mean for your cell service. and edgar treiguus explains the latest in tablet technology. technology. reporttr kg-as follows -- bbalout leddthe dow to venture ovee the 13,000 mark tuesday for the first time since may of 2008.but it uickky retreated.. and ended the day up 15 points to close at
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p 500 ccosed relatively flat. theefuture of youu wireless phone service may be more propped calls and slower data speeds.the u.s. mobble phone industry ii facing a "sppctrum running out of the moment, the country ssill as a sllght surplus. but growth projectionn shows the u.s will &pbe aa an airwaves deficit at phe start of next year.the latest in the tablet wars.. will sellla version of its it nook tabbet for 199 dollars... that's the same ppiie as amazon's kindle fire and fifty bucks less than the oorginal. but it will also have less memorr - 8 gigs compared to 16. anddresearch in motion released a nnw version of its playbook tablet tuesday ..thhs one includes email and a calendar,,but not the popular blackberry mmssenger service. for bbsiness brief, i'm edgar treiguts-----end----- coming up... married that morring...injured that afternoon.what led to a newlywed's stabbing... just
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