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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 24, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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maryland is one signature awwy from legalizing same sex opponents are planning to ffghttthe measure from happening. (buck) 31:45 "c'mon, let's work... seek" seek" sniffing out bed bugs..the intense training for these four legged detectives... ann wwy their mission is giving them a second hance at life. and... evee the tooth fairy is feeling the pinch of he much he is tightening her belt. 3 3 today is friday, february 24th. 3 - 3
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3 3 same sex marriage wins approval from marrland's ssnate.from here, the measure only needssthe governnr's signature before it beccmes law.megan gilliland joins us now with moreeonnhow opponents are already workinn to overturn it. pood morning patriceethe state sennte assed the law to legalize gay marriage by a small but expected margin...
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with a ote of 25 to 22. afterwards cheers eeuuted inside and outside the senate c. chambers...cheering... cheeriig...senater richard madaleno... the only openly gay senator was viiibly moved by the bills passage and by governor o'malley's support. when the governor... who the legislation... maryland will become the 8th tate to allow same sex marriage. "this has been a tough issue for many people but the senate glad that it's passed"it's o - just a remarkable day for the &pppople of the state of md and i'm just so proud to be apart of 3it" it"but opponents are vowing to bring the measure to voters with a referendum.and now that's it's passed the seeate... ooganizers can begin collecting the more than 55- thousand signatures needed tt put ii on the november ballot. i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. he pretended o be a pollce
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officer, but a rootine traffic stop put an end to his plot plotderek propalis is charged with impersonating aapolice &ppfficer. he was pulled over i parkville , january 19th, for speeding.police found his car was equipped with emergency lights, a laptop, spotlight , weapons and drugs.propalii was also wearing a irginia state police uniform.but it turns out he was never in law enforcement. 3 for someoneeto be impersonating i have to wonder like it at all..... i don't his parkville home, police found more uniforms, badges and patches from several police agencies.... state police.right now he's on home detention. detention. your help finding a man... d accused of stealing credit person they are looking for.he police say he used the stolen cards at 3 different gas
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stations the same day the cards were reported missing. anyone with information is asked to call police. most popular crime apping e "spotcrime" tracks criminal activity in your neiggborhood. you can also get emails when crime happens.sign up bb going to our website... fox- baltimore dot com...and click on "ssotcrime" ii the "hot topics" section at the top of the screen. 3 in this orning's waste watch report... baltimore's public works department is looking to refund thousands of cussomers... who were overrilled for's a problem that fox45 helped to un. auuit released wednesday shows just how massive the problem is.the audit of 70-thousand households... showw 65- thousand were most likely overcharged. now... public works says it will issue refunds to 38-thousand homes... totaling more than 4 million dollars.citt water &pofficials say they made 40-million dollars in billing corrections in 20-10... but have no paperwork to prove it.
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it's our duty to hold elected officials can po ttat by joining our fox45 waste watch.if you have a story aboot government waste... call our hotline at can lso log onto our websste at fox baltimore dot com... and click on waste watch. an apology from president obama hasn't eased the anger... or theeprotests... over he burning of qurans by u-s troops in fact, as ninette sosa explains.... it's drawn criticism from a republican looking to taae the president's job. job. outraae is spreading ooer the burning of copies of the quran at a nato base in afghanistannangry -- and at times -- violent rotests have beee raging in the country since tuesday, despitt repeated apologiis from nato and the u-ssmilitary."this was unintentional. there was no intention, by any member of isaf to defame the faith of islam or to deeecrate the precious religious materials pf this faith.""resident obama issued an apology to afghhn president hamii karzai
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yesterdayyit came as two american troops were killed by a man wearrng an afghhn national army uniform. candidate newt gingrich wasted no time criticizing the president for issuing an nothing that radical islamists can do to get barack obama's attention in a neeative way and he is consistently apologizing to people who do not deserve the apology of the president of the united states, period."the state &pdepartment says it afghan government tt hold those troopp involved accountable. reporting. a defense official says the troops did not intend to offend the muslim community bb burning copies of the quran... but he says the religiouu pexts were being used at a detention center to pass what he calls "extremist" messages between prisoners. a former aade and a former mistress of one-time presidential candidate john edwards have settled a civil
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lawsuit between them that... among other things... orders the destruction of sex tapes featuring edwards and rielle hunter.a north carollna superror court judge signed the settlement thursday between andrewwyoung, his wife and hunter.hunter had sued young and his wife for invasion of privacy seeking to rrclaim materials that she said belong to her, including personal photographs and an alleged sex ttpe showing her with edwards. is facebook guilty of violating its own privacy policy... by tracking users' in? information?two baltimore attornnys say "yes."this week they filed a class action lawsuit... accusing the social media site f collecting data about users "likee posts... and using that information to create more personalized ads. expertsssay the lawsuit will be a touuh case to win... because facebook users don't pay a ee... and choooing to click "like" on anything... is voluntary. facebook is facing similar lawsuits in 3
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other stttes. google is also under fire this morning... for making big changes to its privacy policy. to be's reason - concerned.beginning next company is going to start keeping track of your activity across all of its sites... and build a profile of you. google says it will use the information to improve its services. but critics argue... the company is violating privacy to bolsterrits attorney general doug gaasler is calling on google for answers. "the bigger problem is there's no opt in and certainly theres no opt out and b what are they doing with this informaiton, how are they storing it, is it safe from hackers, is it ssfe frrm identiiy theft." the concerns come as the obama administration lays out a new online bill of rights.the policy sets guidelines for how internet companies should
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stay tuned for continuing covvrage of this expert with g-1440 will sii down with us... to talk about what consumers can do onntheir own... to control thhir privacy.that's coming up in our 6 o'clock hour. the eyes f the nation will be on cafe hon tonight. the show "kitchen nightmares" is airing the episode shot at november. usually the show or the decor.... but joel d. smith is liveethere to expllin how this time, the problems were much more personal. good morning joel d. 3 (((ad lib)) 3 3
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3 you can see kitchen nightmares
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attcafe hon tonight at 8-pm here on fox45. police in miami are on the lookout for 5 suspects... accused offaasmash-and-grab robbery... at an a-ttand-t store.take a look at the backing a car... through the - store's front doors.the thieves then rifle through throughout the store.they then flee the scene... with at least one laptop computer. it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on our facebook page about anything you want. want.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebbok segment.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimooe to become a fan and join the conversation. coming up on the early eddtion... it's for more... than just fashionnand f. food.that's really cute. i like that. that. how the social mmdia pite... "pinterest" is makinn political arena. arena. ((break 1)) ((bump in)) 3
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((ad lib meteorologist))
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((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 95 at 695 map 695 at 40
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3 3 3 33 you might not want to hold off on this... phis...billions of dollars
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has it... and how you could be rrcipient.pinterest to mm almost feels like he end of the line heree but some disagree.the new arena pinterest is delving participating. ((bump out)) ((break 22) ((bump out)) ((br-my toes know. -my shoulders know. [ female announcer ] do you know what a difference dove nourishment can make? my hips, they know. my shins, they get it. [ female announcer ] only dove body wash has nutrium moisture and a breakthrough formula that goes beyond moisture to nourish deep down like no other. [ female announcer ] dove body wash. proven effective natural nourishment. ♪ the nourishment of nutrium moisture is also available
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in all your favourite dove body wash products.
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the nourishment of nutrium moisture is also available it used to be scrapbooks and file boxes were the places people kept track of phooographs they liked and recipes hey wanted to try. but social medda has led to the creation of an online scrapbook of sorts, alled pinterest. it was originally the stomping ground of brides- to-be and web surffrs loooing to gettorgaaized. but as isa sylvester reports, pinteress ccmpaign trail to the pentagon pentagon that's realll cute. i need to re-pin that onethink of pinterest as an onllne bulletin board.. a place where you can "pin" cool pictures organized by categooies.. it's particularly popular among women. girls like to read fashion magazines and kind off fold in the pages that they like, and this jjst provides it on a website and its easier twittter or users a facebook pinterest users can build a follooing... but it differs frrm those social media sites in that the content isn't fleeting. it stays put. one segment of the
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government leveraging pinterest... the pentagon.the army pinteresttboard - for example- shows family life in the military, boot amp pmagespinterest is also appearing on the political horizon.ann romney - wife of gop presidential candidate mitt romney- launched her pinterest boaad.this weee... her likes range from rrcipe foo pistachio cake to a love note mmtt romney left for her when he had just missed her at a campaign's very clear she's trying to be personal and convey emotion and be very real, and very real time with that. and that's endearing ann i tthnk that pinterestthas right now in this moment, this kind of material is appealing.but pinterest goes both ways. the liberaa group thinkprogress has several boards called the luxury potels and private jets of the
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romney campaign. tech writer charlie arzel criticizes pinterest. arguing it's a dwindling down of long ffrm content...from a full length article... to a shorter blog post... too a 140 character tweet... to fiially just a picture.. pinterest to e almost feels like the end of the line here where it's no original ontent, you juss clicc a button and you share someone else's photo. the site's popularity has exploded... the number of percent since the start of traffic, pinteress anks 17-th in the united states. that's more popular than the websites of the nnw york times, paypal, netflix and espn-dot-com... among oohers.lisa sylvester, cnn, washington. -----end----- cnn.script----- --keyword tags-- candidate mmlitary army pin internet scrapbook pentagon you.what jeremy lin is doing . ...legaaly.... with the new caa. catchphrase.and the i-r-ss.. has billions of dollars in unclaimed taxxrefund moneeythe year it's from... and the deadllne you need to make to claimmit... before it's gone.
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&p((break 3)) 3 wow, look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. --reporter pkg-as follows --
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stocks ended higher thursday on better than expected unemployment nnmbers and a economy. thhedow rosee46 - points.the asdaq and the s & p 500 also also posted modest gains. t-mobble is blaming its loss inncustomers to the facc thht it has no iphone.the company says it lost 706- thousand cussomers last only national carrier to lose business and it's tte only one that does not sell an iphone. if you're a master to cash inn the i-r-s ays it unclaimed tax refunds for people who never filed in 20088 the agency estimates half of thh refunds are worth more than 600 dollarr.but if you don't act fast you'll miss out. if you still don't file those 2008 taxes by april 17 this yeaa, your refund will become the property of the u.s. treasury.jumping on the jeremy lin bandwagon may cost you. the new york knicks baseketball sensation has filld to trademark the term
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"linsanity." if approved-- he will hold the exclusive rights to use the term on products like clothing, mugs or action &pout of obscurity and into the public spotlight when he led hhs team on a sevvnngame winning streak this month.for business brief, i'm eegar treiguts------nd----- cnn.script----- coming up... iphone versus... the droid. which phone's apps ccst the price difference. differeece.maryland is one signature awayyfrom legalizing alleadd planning to fight the measure from happening. the president's obama care compromise is that cathhlic charities don't have to oofer contraceptivvs
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mandatory health care insurance policies. insttad their insurance companies must provide eepllyyes the ccntraceptives for free. this slight of hand. who does the administratioo think is going to pay for ttese contraceptives? if they think the goodness of its heart will pay for these contraceptives out offprofits, they are gravely miitaken. instead, when the insurance -c charity a health insurance policy that excludes free contraceptives, they willl knowinnly price it at the same rate as that of an institution
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that must provide contraceptives to its employees. if they are prohibited from charging the catholic charities the same rate as other charge a lower ratt, then willlpass the ccots rate as other charge a lower ratt, then willlpass the ccots on to all the differen and showing it off? jergens ultra healing moisturizer. even my driest skin looks healthier, instantly. jergens is the difference between i'm here, and here i am. jergens®. the beautiful difference. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors...


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