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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 29, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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a fatter faces murder charges in his own daughters death. where the little girl was found and how police ere tipped off. ((ach))ive lived seven years past what they told me i would at the age of 11... 3& a cancer survivor... becomes an inspiratioo. his story of survival... and the simple photo that sparked an international sensation. 3 3 - inner harbor 3 today is wednesday, february 29th. ffbruary 29th.wednesday, today is wednesday, february 29th. 3
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february 29th.wednesday, today is - inner harbor today is wwdnesday, february 29th. 3 3 3 3
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3 a father is charged innthe death of his
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five year old daughter.she was baltimore home.megan gilliland first on fox. gooo morning patrice,court records show that 22-year old matthew carr haa noo been charged with first aad second degree murder... child abuse... anddaasault... and reckless endanggrment... in the death of his little girl. home on the corner of callaway avenue and dorchester street... inside an upstairs bathtub... unconscious and not breathing.according to the fire department... a woman &pcalled 9-1-1 just after 10 o'clock monday night with the you can imagine... neighborssare horrified. (ms. thomas/neigihbor) "i thhnk hat children are sween, they're the sweetest thing, they aven't done anything wrong. they haven't been asked to be put here on this earth. and for something.. a child to be taken away, it's sa" sad."police are not ideetifyinggthe child... but family members say her name is
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mya carr. again, according o court records, her father matthew carr....has been charged in her death.right now, he's scheduled for a preliminary &phearing march 27th.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a baltimore city man is sentenced to 25 years in prison....for the death of his 2 year old dauuhtee almost two years ago.tyrone hamber beat his daughter unconssious with a belt before calling for help back in april 010.last weekk..hamber withdrew his plea... asking for a lighter sentence.the court denied his request. 3 a security guard is behind bars ttis mooning... accused of attacking a patient at a baatimore hospital. hospital. investigators say kkvin porter followed a 47-year-old woman out of bbyview medical center, and offered her money for a bus ride home.when she went back into the building with him to get the money, a staircase, fondled her and tried to have er perform rall sex. he is in custody and faces a string of sexual
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assault charges. baltimore city's police force training program.. and more - than half the lessons taught are a direct result of the death of officer william torbit.he was shot by fellow officers outtide a nightclub last year. police have admitted thereewas a series of missteps that leed to the deaaly shooting. at the training academy, officers are taught to assess a situation before they act... so that nothing likeethat ever happens again. of our training is directly - related toothe lessons learned from the select lounge incident so theres a whole cognitive deeisioo making.. situations.,"there is ow a nss, 'crime scene ssmulator.'it offers more thhn 300 situations where officers can practice making quick classes are expected to resume friday... at chardon high of monday's deadly schholl shooting... that killed 3 tuesday night... thousands of people showed their support
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for the victims... during a community vigil.3 died... fire inside the school's cafeteria. for many people in the community... the harsh reality of the tragedy is just hitting. "we haven't even lived long enough to experience the kind of time it's gonna take, so." -butt to-"i don't know if i'm 3 gonna get used to it because usually sit there. you know, close to where i sit he suspect... 17-year-ool t-j lane... the suspect... 17-at lunch." know, close to here i sit at the suspecc... 17-year-oll t-j lane... tells police his victims were chosen at random. 3 as gas prices continue to skyrocket, some aae considering car pooolnggas a waa to save money. yet, waiting for you as you enter the back seat soonn joel d. smith is liveein northh baltimmre to tell us how some state lamakers think they can save lives and make money for the state. good morning joel dd 3 with prices like
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not belt is 25 dollars. fr the bill wwulldraise thaa to 75 bucks. in north baltimore, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. 3
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3 3
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mitt romney has a reaaon to celebrate this mooning.the yesterday's primaries... despite a challenge from rick santorum.greg black has a look at what this means or the republlcan race... going forwar. forward. "mittt mitt!mitt!mitt romney has 3 reporting. i'm greg black, delegate count.competition in the delegate count.i'm greg black,
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reporttng. according to the latest c-n-n estimates... romney has more thaa a 100 delegate lead on his closest rival, antorrm. week... wyoming will begin washington state will holdd caucuses this saturday. fox45 is your source for vote 2012. for more information... go to our websste... fox baltimore dot'll find complete e -3
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coverage... as the race ffr franklin grrham, son of famed evangelist billy graham... is apologizing for questioning president obama's faith.the apology comes after a group of religiouusleaders with the n-double-a-c-p criticized him for saying he did not know wheeher obama is a ccristian. they also took issue aa is suggestion that islamic llw &pmuslim, becaase his father wa muslim.graham says he ow accepts obama's christianity. he adds the president's religion had no role in his decision not to support his re-election.graham saysshe disagrees with obama's views on abortion and same-sex marriage ... saying they directly conflict with the bible. coming up on the early edition... a cecil county neighborhood... in shock. phock.11:55:50 wwat's going on ? now?the mistake the suspect made.... that lead police right to his meth lab... in his yard. yardd ((bbeak 1))
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achoo! [ male announcer ] but when she used tissues, she went crazy wild. tissue after tissue, she always took a ton. until mom explained with puffs ultra soft & strong, you only need one. two times stronger than the leading value brand, they always win this test. soft non-lotion pillows, they're sure to impress. now the tissue monster had gone away, and puffs ultra soft & strong saved the day. a nose in need deserves puffs ultra soft & strong indeed. for those who prefer lotion, try puffs plus lotion. he's hot... you're'ssa
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common phenommnon.... ss what giies?when it comes to being too hot or too cold... reeearch on the subbect is sparse. hhre's what we do know, your body does eveeything possible to keep a core temperature of 98 point 6. muscle generates heat.and men women, rely more on blood too keeppour ore warm.other factors that can affect your body temperture... age... conditions.ifts, and mediial - ((2-shot toss to weather))
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3(ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map 152 map fiber mapp95 at 695
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3 33 the ipad 3 is coming to a store near you... and sson. soon.when it will be unveiled for all to see... and the mysterious invite the media rec.
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recievedd11:56:24 it need to be boarded up upplus ...a meth lab shht down inncecil won't believe what the suspect was doing... whhn police came knocking.. neet. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) wow, look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea?
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yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. police find a meth lab in cecil county... seizing
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to make the illegal drug. crime and justice reporter joy lepola visittd the neighborhood...and tells us how a call about a man destroying his wife's car... lead to the drug bust. 3ust..-
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purray may also face federal charges for manufacturing mmthamphetamine. straight ahead... why ánowá is the best tiie to buy a home in a decade... decade...and... find out the latest company to jump in the ((break 3))
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apple's mysttrious invite... what it ssys about the new ipad. the iphone s gettiin a new ccmpetitor.and as edgar treiguts exxlains... the price may be 3
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comiig up... these images don't tell the whole story.what you ádon'tá
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know about this soldier... on a website... looking for love. love.a father faces murder death.where the little girl - was found and how police were tipped off. off.
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