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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 1, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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in just a few hours... gooernnr o'mallee is expected to sigg sameesee marrrage into opponents are already planning to block it. (23:49:23) (doctor wide shott "these cclls will them...." fighting baak against aging. why one newly approved treatment could fight wriikles better than botox. to come.just how high some yet - experts say gas priies will spike this summer. 3 3 today is thurrday, marrh first.
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today... governor martin o'mallly is expected to make maryland the 88h state to pegalize gay marriage.but opponents say the fight isn't over yet.mmgan gilliland is here with mooe on how they're planning to block it now. good morning patrice,oomalley is expected to sign the legislation, which he means, same sex ceremonies hat couud be performed starting at year.whill many re celebrating their wwn... gay marriage supporters say they still have another hhrdle to jump.the law is expected to be petitioned to referendum in have approval to officially launcc their petition drive. opponents saa they want voters to decide this issue. (glenn) "i believe that the people of maryland aae intelligent enough to eeecttus to office and ought to have the opportunity to have their &pvooces heaad on thissvery importaat issue."
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opponents will need more than 55-thousand signatures from maryland voters to get that question on the ballot this fall. but organizers say they're hoping to ollect neaaly douule ttat number to ensure they have enough ávalidá pignntures.i'm megan if you would like more g news..- information on the upcoming petition and to seeemore stories on the same-sex marriige ddbate...go to fox baltimore dottcom ... click &ppopics".marriage" under "hot governor martin o'malley's proposed gas tax is on ife-su. and brrddes. but with less y than six weeks left in the legislative session... a hearing on thh bill hassyet to be set. and ttere's talk among legislators... that iitmay not saundra jackson/agaiist gas tax: 13:21 i hope it doesn't gg forward because the gas is high aa it is. and if goes &pbe ive dollars, i mean you know, and then's theee's no
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control there's no stop 35 3desppte the ttlk... a spokesperson for the governor's offfce says they still stand bbhind the bill. if the gas tax increase &ppasses, it can't e challlnge proposal... let yoor awmakers - prosperity began a petition ... to find the linkkto that.... and see more stories on the proposed gas tax increase..go to fox balitmore dot com ...and ccick on "maayland gas tax" under "hot opicss" gas prices are still on the rise.... but we'rr here to pelp.find tte cheapest as prices in your area...go to &pfoxbaltimore dot comm.. slash pump patrol. a man is shot and killld on windsor mill oad... in bbltimore. police got the call late last ight... hen someone found the body in the middle of leakii park. dettctivvs are ooking for eviienne aad witnesses. pooice have 3 people in custody... after a clerkkis shot at a convenience store during yesterday morning. at this 7--
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11 on liberty and tiverton -&r victim was rushed to the hospital, but ii expected to be okay.the thhee haven't been charged ...pending an investigation. a new government eport ranks maryland third iinthe nation when ittccmes to fraud anddother consumer commlaints. complaints.a neewsurvey from the federal trade commission says debttcollection is the complained about....making up 13 percent of all complaints lodged by reeidents.fake &pprizes.....sweepstak es....aaddlotteries came in second....and maryland came in 9th for identity theftt complaintsslast year nearly pive thousand complaints f ((7:28)good solid passwords don't et people access that informmtion be careful of what &pwant to have the steal me flags making you a marker for someone to take youu informatio. information. last year marylanders epooteddnearly
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thirty milliin dolllrs in school won't resume until high - tommy andres exxlains... many stuuents aree planning to reeurn to the school this morning... for the firrt ttme since monday's deadly shooting. shooting. just four days ago, tudents at ohio's chardon high chool flld from their school in fear...dispatcher: 911, &pwhere's your emergency?caller "we justthad a shooting at our school. we need to get out of here."since then, they've been in mourning for the three victims who died.but today many studenns are returning to the school for the first time couuseling."this community needs to heal. the school did what they were supposed to do. law enforcement did what they were supposed to doo they need to get back o school and realize ttat justice is going &pto be done." nearly 133years ago another high school, columbine, was rockkd by a community has a long road ahead offit."what i have told people on numerous occasions,
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what happpned attcolumbine high school, what has happened ii chardon, you will not hhve normal again. you'll have to redeffne what normal is." the 17-year-old student accused in the shooting, t-j lane, is expected to e formally charged today.prosecuuors ay he confessed to the shootings and says he picked his victims randomly.a lawyer for lane's &pfamily says they are ii mourning, just like thh est of the community.i'm tommy lane's charges wiil likely include three couuts f today... baby boooers are utors- mourning the death of 60's icon, davy jones. davy jones erformance nats nats ttis is vvdeo of hisslast televised erformance... frrm singer, a member f "the n apparent heart attack.
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fellow "monkee" micky dolenz says he ttought of jones as a brother... anddthat word of his deatt left him speechhess. &p"yeah itts a shock right out of the blue. no ne ever suspected you know, you know what ccn you say, total shock i'm still just a little bit nnmbeddby it all." all."thh hollywood chamber of commerce says flowers will be placed on the monkees' star yyu'll no longer see graphic antt-smoking images and messages on cigarette cartons. a federal judge haa thrrwn out a mandate... reqquring tobacco &ppompanies to place the images and words on heir products. it was all part of the family smoking prevention anddtobacco the judge has ruled the act is a violationnof free speecc. thh next generatioo of microsoft windows... is coming wednesday... the computer giant unveiled windows 8 for public testing.the new &poperating system works on
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microsoft also ooened a new windows store... that will be the marketplaae ffr all wiidows pps.for now... the microsoff hopes its new products will help the brand win back sooe of theeluster it's loss to apple and google. 33 some important decisions on the futuue of the baltiiooe week. joel d. smith is live at the downtown athletic club to share with us how many positions are avaiiable to be on the field this season .... morning joel d. 33
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3 3 a texas granddothers is on her &ppay... to proving age is nothing but a numbbr. number.practice nats nats55-yyar-old sharon ssmmons is training to try out ffr the dallas cowboys cheerleading ssuad.the randmother of ... has bout 10 more weeks to rehearss.simmons says she got close to trying out in her 20's... but got busy raising her ddughter.she is aaready a nntional fitness competitor... but is nowwtaking dance a texas family is in legal -
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association... to keep custody psssciation says the animal doesn't belonggin the neighborhood... and eeds to go.but familyymembers say the little roo... named "mikk"... is being trained to one day hell disabled dults. they say mike goee out for 20-minute runs around a completely fenced ii yard... and isn't a threat to anyone. coming up on the early edition... prosecutors asked this cass did uppoot our ces o- sentencee man convvcted of killing a corrections officer recieves life... inntead of the death penalty.but find out why the jury says... thh state isspprty to blame in the convicted killer'ssbehavior. behavior. ((break 11)
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3 3 still to come... ever!the only question i have - is why... why...but firrt... he was eligible for the death thought otherwise.why jurors spared a two time cnvicted killer's life.. aan whh hey partially blame... for his behavior. ((brea out)) 3
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jurors in anneearundel &pcounty have spared a two time convicted killer his life. they uued against giving lee edward ssephens thh death penalty. the inmate killed a ccrrectional officer david mcquinn in 2006. as crime and justice reporttr joy lepola correcttons.ns. ((pkg)) a trail of blood. lee edward stephens of murder (prosecutor) 12:05:300the k facts and circumstances of this case did support our request for a deathhsentence. aarequest jurors ruled againss following a week's orth f deliberaaions. stand up 13:16:04 (joyy 12:38:11 the failure of doc
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and the department of juvenile serviccs that was on them. jurors wrote that ""he state'' programs failed to reeorr mr. ptephens and in fact exacerbated his ppoblems." they then went on to say.. the maryland house of corrections failed tt rovide a secure and safe prison. his pailure contriiuted to mcgginn's death correctional officer daviddmcguinnns family members say they respect the jury's reasoning in sparing stephens life.12:07:17 aad my bbother was ery kind gentlee pould o i think he wwuld haae respected their decision as well. but that doesn't erase the sorrow they feel each iie they think of the loved one they lost. 12:11:22 the nly
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shayna mcguinn lost her fatherr inside the maryland houseeof corrections. (nat sound of cryyng if it fits) a prison that's sinne been closed down. 12:12:41 i miss alot about him. prosecctors say mcguinn was likell targgted because he didn't bend theerules for inmates... (janiie) 12:16:29 he aaways went aaong with what'sscorrect. it's sttphens... a convict alreadyy this time... it's liff without parole. in annapolis joy leppoa fox 45 nees at ten. stephens' attorrey says hii client will likely die in behind bbrs since he was 17. straight ahead... apple reaches anotherr milesttne.the onlyytwo other companies to surpass theii new . record...and ferraai iitroduces their newest carr what it's repllcing... and the hefty price tag. p3((break 3))
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apppe's stock mmrket value hits a hhgh note and as edgar the gas pump could continue. continue. ---eporter pkggas follows -- stoocs enddd modestly lower, one ddy after the dow closed above the 13,000 mark for the first time since may 2008.the dow lost 53 poiits to close at 12,952the nasdaq and the s & p 500 also closed lower.aaother milestone for apple..the stock market value for the world's moss valuabbe compaay hhs topped the 500-billion-dollar mark. microsoff, xxon-mobil, &ptte onlyyother companies that have surpassed the half-trillion dollar threshold, and they've all backed down from that level. aaple's valuation is ow higher than the gross domestic producttof seveeal countriee includiig poland, sweden and saudi arabia. and, apple is still rowing.motorists are ggsoline prices spiked eight-
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percent ii february and are up about 14-percent for the yyar. the increase is driven by the climbing price of oil and iran's threat to shut down the strait of hormuz. ome experts are ppedicting as prices will hit 4.25 a gallon durrng the summerrdrivinn season. thiss car looks ast -- even when it's standing stilll the ferrari f-12-berlinetta will replace the 5-99 and will be the automaaer's fastest street car ever. pricing on the new model has not yet been price foo thh 5-99 is about 310-thoosaad dollars. ferrari will unveil its new top-of--he-line vehicle at the geneva motor show nexx month. for buuiness brief, i'm edgar cnn.scriit-----nd----- coming upp.. snookie is back in the headlines... but not for her antics n "jersey shooe."why somee ay... she needs to hhng up her partying ways.
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