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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 1, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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marriage....ssgned into law. the upcoming legal battle.. on &pfox 455news at 5:30. 3 3
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3 maps-fiber-back to maps
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maas-fiber-back to maps 3 govenor marttnnoomalley s expected to sign a biil legalizing saae sex marriage today... and alreedy... opponents are trying to get it overturned.meean gillilann joins uu now with ooe on hhww ttey're planning o block this good morning patrice,later today... governor martin
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maryyand the 8th state to legalize ggy marriage.that means, same sex ceremonies coull be performed starting at tte eginning of next ear. year.while many arr celebratinggtheir win... gay marriage supporters ssy they ssill have another hurdle to jump.tte laa is expected to be petitioned tooreferendum in november.right now, opponents have aaprovall o officially launchhtheir petitionndrive. something we're seeing more of lately.some polliical observers say... pushingg pnpooular leggslatioo to voters... is a growing trend. (crenson) "under the state constitution you have to get can use facebook, email and a number of other social media to get those signnaures,,it'' aalot easieerthan going door door."opponents will need ore signntures from maryllnd &pvoters to get that question o the ballot this fall. they're expected toorelyy heavily on churchgoersswho oppooe same sexxmarriage... as
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a matter of faath... to reach if yyu would like more information on the upcoming stories on the ssme-sex marriaae debaae...go to fox baltimore oo com ... click "same sex marriage" under "hot topics". a formmr balttmore county resident pleads guilty to charges. majid khann.. a 1999 graduate of owings mills igh schooo pleeded guilty in a plot to kill a foomer paaistani presidenttanddblow &. 3rison..- &p an update now to a story you saw first on fox... concerning a fathee being charged in his &ppolice now say the father bea her to deeth, after a bathrooo ccrr faces several charges, and child abuse. urder - investigattos say he called
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poliie and aramedics to his home on callawwy avenue at about 10-30 monday night. according to charging documents, he told police e fouud his daughter not bathtub. but once at the hospital, where little mya died... pooice say medical attendants noticed the child had suffered severe blunt trauma, including fractured ribs. thatts when they alerted homicide detectivess. whooquestiooed carrrextensively. 3 "ultimately, they got from him that he ot angry with the little girr because she had a booel movement in her pants.. and he disciplinee her. he really didn't confess to the multiple trauma, butthe did discipline her.." her..""eports aaso indicaae ccrr tried to clean the crime scene witt bleach. detectivesssay t appeaasscarrr had beee drinkkng. carr is jail now... held without bond. a famous rapper's frontt yard... turns into tte scene of a crime.on wedensday... &pmiami area homm of rick roos... after reeorts of
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gunshots ffred.when officcrs arrived... they found a man's bodd in the yard. 3&"they do have neighbors that are talking with them, trying to determine whaa they heard, &phopefully put the pieces of man."ross was not home at thee say he is nnt a suspect. the connection between ross and the victim has not been released. when ii comes to kids and sugar... paaents have more to according to the centers for disease control... 59-percent oo calories from added sugar... come from the oods they're eating.the c-d-c says it counted all sugars... whether they wereeused in food preparations or added at the table.added sugar can contribute tooweight gain and other health issues. 3 it's aacllssic ssenerioo are trying to make a comebackk - younger athletes wwnt to hold for this ravens squad..... you don't have to wait until the
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summer to see who makes it. joel d. smith is live at thee ravens cheerleeder tryouts to see what it really takes o get a spot on the field his d. 3 3 &pp,3
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3 is she or isn't she?reality starrnicole polizzi... also known s "snooki" from "jersey shore"... is reporteedy pregnant.snooki denied reports phe'ssexpecting.but the new york osts claams... she isn't tellinn the truth.snooki's rrp
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isn't commenting on the matter. a video is now surfacing n youtube... f a scary grizzly bear encountee in aaaskaalarry griffith and his wife frrm were on aacamping trrp two years go... hanging out by a pond where grizzlyybeaas weree &proammng around... when all of a sudden... ooe of theebears charged towarddthem. the bear got so close... they could feel its breath on their backs! luckily... thhy knew howwto handle a potential bear attack. no one made a move anddsat completely stiil... and heebear coming up on the early way. edition... finding the fountain of youth. youth. (23:28:20) (wwisss " all of sudden yyu look at yourself after a ouple of monnhs and say, oh wow,,these &" gooe....!"a new wayyto look iit better than botox. botox. 3 fiber ((brrak 1))
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she had man hands. man hands? the hands of a man. it's like a creature out of greek mythology. part horrible beast. the weather has improved in
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parts of the idwest and south... that were battered bb tornadoes. as chris welch pxplains... at least 12 people are dead in illinnis, missouri and tenneesee... from the system that struck in the early mmrning hours wednesday... leaving many with little imm tooprepare. 3 the cleanup is underway in the hard-hit southern illinois town of harrisburgg..where several people died -- unable tornado with winds of up to 170 miles per hour.mayor eric ggegg did nno mince words - it'' just your worst nightmare unforgiving winds dii to the fortunately staff was able to move patients o safety...ttey moved so fast hey didd't immediately realizeehow extensiie the damage was.we didn't even know the wall had
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come oot until people started checking the rooms to make sure everybody was out singee-songwriter denny strickland was in his tourrbus in branson, missouri when torando packknn winds of uu to 130 miles per hhur, laid a direct hit oo the resort town -- aad lifted the vehicleeup. bbfore i knew it i wassupsidee down and my driverra friend of i ended up having to pull him outteavy damage was also reported in other nearby states such as kentucky, indiana, tennessee anddkansas. and with meteorologists peaaing oreesevere weather could occur again anywhere froo mississippi to north carolina...authorities are urging caution. more than 200 injuries have been reported. ((2-shot ttss to weather))
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((traffic reporter addlibs)) liis)) 3
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33 3 bettee than botox? bbtox?the new cosmetic procedure that's making people lookssyears younger. ((break 2))
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3- many people spend a lifetime trying to turn back
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time.....many turn to botox and other cosmetic fillers to smooth ut wrinkles, but the f- beauty treatmenttthat appears ann it lastssa lot longer.ii our cover story, jefffabell examines the latest "wrinkll pn wrinkles." wrinkles." (23:31:57) "your bones are sticking out. your veins are sttccing out...." aa 62.....janet david ii determined.....too urn bbcc the handd of time. look like the hands of hee somebody who's in their sixties." so janet david is puuting her the hands offdoctor roberr weiss... (22:44:27) "is there any area inn pprticular that bothers you more than any other....?" weiss is a dermatologist who's about to pump nnw liiee into her hanns....his procedure, called lavivv began when janet david first visited his office months ago. (1:28) (weiss) "we basically take a small piece oo ssin from behind the ear. we give that to theelab and in three months they grow millions of your wn cells." so the cells which were stripped from behind er
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ear.... (23:45:17) "thess are the cells....." the linns in her hands.... (23:46:08) ""s we'll go ahead and start right in here...." this fibrobbast therapyywas approved by the f- d-a last summer aftee clinical (2:57) (weiss) "i thiik there was a fair amount of skepticism whhther your own grow. but thats what te ccinical studies were foo andd we've seen some people wqho pere injected in 2003 and they still have ggod resslts today." (23:29:25) "if you can improve yourself nd your looks with doing ssmething janet david is no stranger to the procedure. she was one of the first to trials 9-years ago. when doctors focused on her face. (23:35:10) "you look in the mirror and see these recommend three sessions of injections to fill in ttose foods n the face.....
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but thrre onths later, janet david saw change. (23::8:12) (weiss) "you don't see results right away. its gradual and all of a sudden ou look at yourself aater a couple of months and say, ohhwow, these lines are haven't returnedd itss cllent...who, nine-years after the treatment,...still sses resultt. ddctors are filler.....will do what the un- natural ones cannot. (5:36) (weiss) "in a perfect wwrld, we think what wiill happen is people will see ressltssfor years and instead of coming back every six- ponths, we may have tt see them every 4-5 years." (23:49923) (doctor wide shot) "these cells will spread from wheee we inject them...." on thhs day, hand. his natural filler, she hopes, willlturn back the hands of ime. (23:36:48) "iff our own body can repair itself, itt going to open up a whole new world to people..." jeff abeel, fox 45, news at ten. the procedure costs about 3- thousann dollars.
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doctors say its also ideal for repairing acne scars.. the man ravens fans... love to hate. hhte.may have seen his career... come to aa end... &pfind out the faae of the steeleer'... ines in sports. ((breaa 3))
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3 bruce cunninnham has fox 45 morninggsports. sports. 3
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cooing uppin our 6 o'clock hour... main streee may have seen workers aren't suffering.the average ábbnusá from last six figures. figures.
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