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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 2, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 3 there's a new proposal to get rid of the mmryland the federal agenecy hired tt -& protect passengers at american &pairports.megan illiland is live from b-w-i thurgood marshall aiport, with more on who e says should be in charge of airport security inst. instead..ood morning patrice, p, 3((applause))
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((applause))a standing room ccowd gatheree thursday as governor martin o'malley signed a meesure to legalize gay marriage... making marrland the 8th state to allow it. the governor signed tte bill thursday... a week after its final passsge in the legislature. the aw is scheduled to take effect in
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january 2013. howevee oppooents are expected to petition to bring the issue before voters on the november balllt. the baltimmre school system is strapped for ash... but it hasnnt stopped it from paying out a huge salary to the personal drrver of chool c-e-o andres alonso. alonso.the baltimore sun reports ... driver ralph pskins logged overtimee.. to the tune of 78-thousand dollars. so ffr 2011... he dollars. 3 governorro'malley is still pressing to increase tax.he wants to phase-in the six perceet tax in the next three years.the govvrnor says the tax is needed to repair roads and bbidges. (governor) "with a flat 23-and-aahalf cents on a gallon that has not been further behind in maintaininn an adequate size transportation network as our grows."but with rising gas
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prices, senate president, mike miller says that will make it harder to increase the gas tax. pf the gas tax increase passes, it can't be challenged beccuse it's an appropriations bill.if you oppose the proposal... let your lawwakers kkow now.americans for prosperity began a peeition ... to finn the link to that... and see more stories on the proposed gas tax innrease..go to ffx balitmore dot com &p...and click on "maryland gas tax" under "hot topics." 3 gas ... some of the things you've heard are true... some are's true regular tune ups can save you gas money... as well as accelerating slowly. but if ou heard turning on your air connitioner áwaatesá gas... that is false. 3 no. myth. because when you have the windows ddwn that &ppuus more drag n the veehcle the way he newer vehicles are set up these days the air efficient.most of the time e ef. those gas additives won't help you at all. along route one in elkridge... this hess station.... is
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it's siin celebrating 40 years in business have customers shocked by the price change at the pump. (keith madsen- station owner) "todays gas pricc iss3 dollars pnd 63 cents per gallon for ceets per gallon..29-point nine"a pack of ciggrettee was 30 ents now they are about 6 dollars.. some fuel analysts predict gas ppices may top five dollars by the summer. fox45's pump patrol is always looking for the lowest gas prices where you live. to see what we found... log onto fox balitmore dot com and cliik on the pump patrol ogo. maryllnd congressman roscoe bartlett... is in a hairy situatioo... over a proposal to givv tax breaks tt americans with mustachhs. mustacces.the american mmstache institute claimed tuesday that bartlett lent acc, which calls for tax - deduction of up to 250 doolars... for people with mustaches. bartlett's office said he never suuported the measure.but staffers did forward a copy of the proposal to a house committee under bartlett's name.... áwittoutá the congressman's knowledge.
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now roscoe's chief of staff is saying that... for the record .... bartlett is pro-stache, but he doesn't support taxx seems to be getting heee... is that whole thing is really a joke by he amerrcan mustache institute. too any emails? as karin caifa explains... ooe company phiiks they have a solution to detoxxyour inbox. 3 labs ceo// - //:45-:54david troy410abssceo //:57-1:03//1:03--:09410 labs inbox is so --if your email &p an unexpected visstor clears
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the hallways... aa a north carolina high school.taae a look at this deer... aught on surveillance video.students scrambled for safett... as the animal ran through.a few
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students got some cuts andd bruises... and wwre treated at the chool.the deer skidded oo the waxed floors before running ouussde the building. it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound offfon anything you want. want.let us know whaa's on could air in our "facebooo feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook pot com slash foxbaltimore to become a fan and join the conversation. coming up on the early eeition... telemarkkters iggoring the o not call list. list. (25:33)) "i'm sorry i don't knowwwho you are " bye...."the xtremeemeasures silence them. phem. ((break 1))
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((bump in)) ((2-shot toss to weather))
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((ad lib eteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3695 at liberty mdot 695 at bw parkwaymap
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3 coming up... phones... ringgng off the hook. hook.15:53 "you're in the middle of something. the phone rings. you pick it up. " hello....!"the holes in the law.... allooing telemarkers to eep callingg cap casualty...the ravens trim theii roster...who theyycut pnn how much it will save &p((bump outt) ((breaa 2))
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almost 10 years aater the government established the "do not call" registry... telemarreters are still calling. ast year, maayland's attorney general received more thhn tto-hundree ponsumer complaints aaout our cover story thhs morning, jeff abel discovers why phones are still ringing and why customers are silence them. them. (city wide shot) (nats of ringing)) at brenda lee spicer's place... (nats of ringing)) life used to be simple.... but lattly... (nats ringing) its been simply miserablee... (15:53) "youure in the iddll of something. the the ppone riigs. yyu pick ii up. hello....!" at least five times a day....there's a stranger on the line. (16:05) "hh, we're calling to refinance your loan. i don't have a" they're unsolicittd...... (25:33) "i'm soory i don't know who you are bye...." bothered and 2-3 dayy later - they'll call you back.. and, at times, un-nerving.... (32:17) "and he said, i've watched you walk up and down the streets ll the ime, i know where you'reeat and i said, well, come to my houuee what's your address....?"
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(36:31) "one on one marketing...." she keeps counttof the companies who call..... (34:02) "class her number..... (36:44) "there's one on one again. this time, number one on &pone...." and her address...... (39:08) "they just come in the mail....."" lately, those vyiing for her attention have showered her withhgifts. diabetic and kkep crowding her home with free ddabetic meters... (38:48) "but when ou have to replace the strips and the needles they &pall start at 30-dollarssand they go up..... spicerr can'ttfigure ut how she's become a target.... she on the governmennss'do not call' registry... but "do not all"....doesn't necessarily mean "doonot disturb". (19:11) "i think its a real joke. its not doing what they romised us it wouud do..." (15:18) (anne mckenna)) "all kinds of loopholes have come up in the do not call...." despite heaay penalties, some companies are choosing to call anyway. (14:47) (mckenna) "you have fly by nite companies that are not ffllowing the federal laa and thhy're going to run the risk
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of making a phone call..... polltical and charrtable ows calls..... as well as any business with....and that is wwere buyers shoulddbeware. (1-18-11 archive story) (angie baanett) "by doing -3 individual companies are also
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reeuired to keep tteir own " do not call" registries. eeperts say consumers should requuss theer number be placed on those lists too. cominggup in our o'clock hour... a late rapperrs life... comes to the stage. stage. tuuac nats natswhat the musical about "tupac's" liie will be called... and where you can audition to beea part of it. it.tte ravens are minus one player.who they cut... ext in sports. ((break 3))
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3 school boords across maryland are worried about finding enough money to pay for teaccee pensions. the state waats to pass the financial burden onto cities and expllins how it could affect st. students. 16:46 "the decision has real ) impacts on peoples' lives." poward county schools... are already stretched.trying to make sure kids get a ualitt education... with facing cutbacks.the mmney - could soon get much tighter.15:41 "look we understand it's easier to folks in annapolis to pass the buck... to thee citizesn we all serve together."howard county executive, ken ulman, is concerned about a ssate push... to shift the burden of funding teacher ppnsions.. onto local offfciaas have concerns too... 13:36
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"there's gonna be orriile choices and we don't want to be forced to make decisions between retirees and students..... belongs at the state level."(standup alrrady edited)standup -- 240 million... satewide... forced to make major decisions about cutbacks 16:07 "the pressures to pay forrthe teacher pension shift that money will cone out of recreation and parks, libraries, police services, that people depend on."this - week... howarr county in annapolis... hoping to ing convince lawmakers to "faii" the pension proposal. otherwise, counties... and teachhrs.... re likely to face layoffs.....he ultimate test....of a real life math problem.... with people and pupils... on the line.((ovvr) 13:13 "that would be the equivalent to 225 teachhrs." melinda roeder... fox 45 news
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at ten. bruce cunningham has fox 45 mmrning sports. sports.
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cominn up in our 6
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p'clock hour... casey anthony is bacc in the spotlight... but her lawyer says... she won't bb for long. what legal case... he's fighting to have dismissed.
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