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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 5, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 3 3 3 13-year old monae turnage out roller skatinn witt some friends.... but she ever came home. &p last night hhr body baltimore and police are joel d. smith is live near cliftview avenue whhre the body was found..... but ot by police. good morning joel d.
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good morning patrice. was found over here under some trash in an alley by monae's of a group of people hoping to expecting not to. 3 the discovery by the family at 6pp sunday, quickly gave way to police as they are treatinn ttis aa aamurder. you can see monae's mmther being consoled on thhescene as she tries tt learn more about what happened. police say there are signs of traumaa but find the exact cause of death. her family says, monae waa simply goinggout with some friends saturday night roller skating... but she never ccme unusual for her. but - besides worry... there wasn't much they could do. :40 we called the police last night and told them we think that she's missing, and of ccurse there's a 24 hour.. i'm sorry i seeeyou crying, there's a 24 hour waiting perrod beeore thee can do anytinn, but unfortunately, the 24 hours never came about
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police say they don't believe by her own doing. right now they are tryinn to track down all the friends monae was sspposed to be with saturday nightt for todaa.... police hope that maybeewho caused it. live in southeast baltimore, joel d. smith, foo 45 mooning news.. a violent weekenddin ballimore city....5 people shot... ann a sixth person stab. stabbed.the ffrst four shootings happened hoors apart. you can see where the violence night... when a personnwas avenue and pratt streets.there were two more shootings.. &phow close they are togeeher... and another on north gay at .. - bond ssteet. this is the scene f a fifth shooting.. this one in
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nootheast baltimore... where a 42-year-old man was around -30.investigatorsssay terrence joyner was shot after marble hall oad and east ccld spring lane. police found wounds to his chest.he was t - &prushed to the hospital...wher he died.police are interviewing eeeral people, hoping to fiid out who killed pimm baltimore... and continues to fight for his life. it happened around 8:20... on saturday.... ootside the hollins house apartments on weet baltimorr street. when officers arriied ... the victim was lying in the street with stab wounns ovee most of on any suupects or motivv at this time. fivv people are stabbed in harforddcounty... and pooice believe they could all be related.the stabbings happened in edgewood on meadwood court saturday night. the victims say ttee were out walking when &pa group of men came at them.. &pand one person begaa stabbinn them.the five victims are expected to be okay.anyone with information is urgee to
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sheriff's office. loved ones gather to remember a 5-year-old girl, who police say... died at the hands of her father. light offmine" miie"dozens sang songs and said prryers saturday night... outside of ashburttn elementary innnorthwest baltimore to remember 5 year old mya carr..myaawas found dead monday night inside her fathers home on callaway avenue.poliie say her father matthew carr beet her to death because she soiled her pants. friends and ffmmly are... reacting toothe seeseless act. " shes nly five years oll and she didnt deserve to die like that"/whiie flashh..he did that little irr wrong""i was really, really mad" mad"mmtthew carr is charged child abuse abusing resulting in the death of his daughter. assassinationnof senator robert kennedy.lawyers for
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convicted gunman sirhan sirhan have filed papers... claiming a second gunnan... ánot sirhaná... fired the shots that killed kennedy in 1968. sirhan is currently serving a life sentenceeat a california ppison.his attorneys want im released or granted a new trial.they sayythe real act as a diversion.but "overwhelming evideece" - against he claim. a father and son are both sentenced to 18 monthssforr overbilling tte national security agency.authorities sayythey stole almost p-point-5 million dollars.on friday, theejudge ordered 71- year-old william turley and hhs 54-year--ld son donald... to serve a year of home detenttoo.the father must pay a 100-thousand dollar fine... & in restitution. prosecutors say the family's company... overbilled the agency forr hours they never worked.a third family member who admiis to playing a part in the ssheme.. will be seettnced on wednesday. mayor stephanie rawlings-blakk issues an executive order o
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prevent police from checking the immigration status of mayor says she is doing this in the hopes of making sure talking to police. our current policy, which is not to inquire about the citzenship particularly ttose &pcalling for help, we want to pake sure that the police is the citt" rotect everyone in - it will now be up po u-- immigration aad custtms arrested and bookkd in local - jails. binge drinking is becoming a students.noww.. one exxert iss speaking out abbut thh danners. mike gimbel is using tte murder of yeardley love as a teachabll tragedy. love... a uuv-a lacrosse player ann cockeysville native... was killed tto years ago at her off-campus apartment... when her exxboyfriend... george huguely... broke into her bedroom and beaa her head against a's being described as a druuken rage.
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gimbel sayy its now time for schools... and adultss.. to take action. yearddey ove case happened &p2000 timms last year in colleges all over theecountry -wipeeto-04:49::7 "we''e gonna do the best we can to educate as many schools and parentss&ab paaents."eir job as parents.""- the issue is ffectingg students as young as middle school.last onth... a middle schooler from parkville died after rinning four-loco... pnn fflling out of a car. gimble plann to visit liberty high school this week... to talk with faculty and parents. he'ssurging all schools to paise awareness about the serrous consequences of prinking. a group of girl scouts fight back... after being robbed in front of a walmart store in tex. texas.the troop was selling girl scout cookies... when a car pulled up... and a passenger got out... pretending to buy some cookies. but nsteadd.. he grabbed the ashbox with about 2-hundded dollars inside... aad jumped back into theecar.
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ttat's when the girl scouts did the unthiikable. i started hitting he boy that was in the passenger seat. so i think he got...learnnd his lesson a little bit. and then thhy dragged my friend rachel across the street...driving pff real fast. . investiggtors say thh girl take a look at this... two -&h becaase oo snow... created this giant puufee'ss nearry 6-feet taal!just for fun... they put a small fish in its mooth.they sayylots f &ppeople are driving by their home... to take a look. coming up on the early editioo... drivers beware... &pbeware...the hot commodity thieves are nnw after...and what you cannbby... to stop it from happening to you. you. ((breaa 1))
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3 &p3youu 1))-3 lava destroys ation, you just don't know how to hold the reservation. and that's really the most important part of the reservation-- the holding. a subdivision on hawaii's big
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island. until thhs weekend... sole survivor affer yeers of errptions by a nearbyykklaaea volcano. he said he was hoping to get llckyyaggin... whee the volcano started spewing last week.but on friday... he was forced to evacuate. sot thompson: "there's just aa certain amount of stuff you can take... i'm leaving almost everything... i figured a long tiie aao it was already donated to the mountain... ttking odds and ends" ends" paradise helicopters flew jack back to his property to survey the damage. they say the area will probably be nnthing more than a huge slab of hardened lava.
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((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorollgist))
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((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 695 at 40 map
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3 3 3 coming up... gas prices aren't and try to start their car and they hhve no gas in thhirrcar and thee ighh've just fiiled it up. up. ggs thefts are increassng because of high gas small object you can buy... to stop it. it.and later in sports...a thrilling finish to senior day pt coolege park...the issed call that had ark turgeon do something ... to one of is assistants. ((bump out)) ((break 2))
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3it's a pain that keeps increasing... that pain at the pumpp.n recent weeks... gas prices have skyrocketed. and as ppices continue to rise ... gassis bbcoming moreeof a adaa hardin reports... now police aree warning about the ppssible iicrease in crime. crime. ---eporter pkg-as follows -- &pit'' potential crime... tha
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police worry coold pick up as thieves, targeting áyour gasá... when the ppice at the pump gets higher nd hiiher.we are concerned with the rising gas prices, aa with everyone else, with the economy the way it s nd the ppojected cost for the ssring. we would just ask the gas stations to be aware of potential drive-offs. a crime salem police weeeeall too familiar with the llat time prices went soarrng... ...but it's not just nee hampshire businesses police are wwrningg.. it's just being vigilant and eally knowing your neighborhood, pny other prrperty. gas is a commoddty, it's your property. need prrof it's a serious concern?in the small town of northumberland... officers say they'reeinvestigating at least &páttree reportsá of stolen gas... taken right rom cars parked in esidential neighborhoods.hit hardest--the shops near the mass-border say
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pore and more customers re &ppeporting similar of a sudden they go nd try to staat their car aad they have no as in their car and thee might've justtfilled it up.and workers say sales of locking gas caps like this have nearly ddubleddin recent weeks as a need an actual key to take off the gas cap, if you don't have the key it just spins freely.peeple caa't steal your gas and siphonnit the meantime, police say they'll keep a close eye on gas stations and neighboohoood--as the potential threat continues to build.we have guys out there pretty aware of what's going cnn.sccipt----- coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... a nursing mother is upsst with thee -s-a. what she says they made her do.... to prove her breast pump was real, before being allooed tt get on a fligh. flight.but first on sports... tte greyhounds are just one win away from the m-a-a-- championshhpp.. find out what led to a tongue lashing from
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((break 3)) 3 what are your monthly expenses? you keep your receipts in plastic baggies? seriously? [ announcer ] get it done and get it off your mind with quickbooks. organize your small business finances all in one place. quickbooks, guaranteed easy or your money back. learn more at
5:53 am
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swiffer. great clean in less time. cominn up in our 6 cominn up in our 6 & coming up innouu 6
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death and destruction are left in the wake of angerous ptorms... that swept across thh country.find out wwere tte death toll now stands. stands. what's better then a s'more? a warm s'more cookie in a skillet with a scoop of ice cream. ahh, the great indoors. just $4 on our 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. oooohhhh yeeaaahhh!! can we show you something? wouldn't it be great to feel like this all the time? i guess so. well, with the chase freedom card, you get 5% cash back on up to $1500 worth of purchases. and new categories every 3 months. and on 1% on everything else. so that "man, this must be my lucky day feeling" can go on and ooooonnnnn.
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no, you look good, you look good. get your cash back chase freedom


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