tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX March 6, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST
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a 13-year old girl.. accidentally gunned down.the conversation the girl'' mother had with one of the boys accused in her deaah... that makes her think there's more and .. black smoke pours out of a maryland school bus.what a studdnt on board did.. to cause this massive fire. 3 p inner harbor today is tuesday, marrh 6th. ,3 3 3 3
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3 two boys are in jail thii morning.... accused oo friend, a 13 yeer oldd girl...., and then trying to cover it up. while police continue to iivestigate who the gun bongs to.... thee victim's mother insists therr is more to he story. joel d. smith is live in nootheast altimore with detaiis on what she is thinking now. good mmrning joel d. 3 good morning patrice. cliftview avenue... the place where 13 year old monae evvningg.... her mmther, edith says she actually spoke to one of the boys who dragged
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her daughher's body here. he had mmny opportunities to tell er the truth.... but never did. p3 police suggest this could be a very unfootunate accident.. but for now thhy are still charging two boys, 12 and 13 witt involuntary manslaughter. they are being chhrged as juveniles. left her home for the last time saturday night.... ssying some friends. yet &piivestigators tell us monae went to a frrend's home on darley avenue. someone in the group found a p2-caliber rifle.. they played with he wwapon.. it discharged. a bullet hit monae in the chest, killing her. tten, pooiceesay the 12 and 13-yearrold suspects, dragged the girl's body to the back of a home on under trash bags in thee alley....just six blocks from her home. edith turnagg says she got ssveral phone calls late that niiht from one of the suspects... who said nothing about a shooting. (turnage) "she was shot. so, why wooldn't you call somebody. why wouud you keep the body for so long and then drag ii out and then hide it." it."(guglielmi))"mostly
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importantly is the gun. how did this gun get in the home? who's gun was it.. hy wasn't it secured? and how does it end up in the handd of a 12 and 13-year-old child?" child?" edith turnage believes the chhrges and punishment should be more severe are too young to be charged as adults.. they've got to be at least 14 in capiial cases.... and 16-years-old in other crimes.. live in northeast baltimore, joel d. smith, fox 45 morninn news. homicide detectives are called to the scenn of a double shooting in southwest baltimore... near an elementary school.police say two men were shot on west mulberry street near north grantley street around 9:40, llst night... near mary e. rodman elementary &pdied t tte sccne, the other... a juvenile... was taken to the hospital in serious word on a
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suspect or motive. twooformer batboys or the baltimoreeorioles say they were abused by a former coaah sox.donald fitzpatrick died in least 10 people have come forward since december... fitzpatrick between the 1960's and 1990' june of 1990... 38 year old ronald shelton says itzpatrick cornered him "he asked me to take my shirt .- off and started to aress my armm.""he appearrd to made me feel uncomfortable after he began to touch my private parts." parts."the victims are seeking 5-million dollars áeachá from the boston ree sox. the statute of limitations for ácriminalá charggs has run out. a woman is hospitalized afttr a fire breakk out in northeast called to the home at the intersection of harford road and carswell street just fter
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two this morning.the woman was fouud on the froot lawn of the bayview medical center in serious condition.the cause of the fire is still under investigation. andda sccool bus oo the eastern shore is destroyed after a 12-year-old boy brings goes off.take a look.the flare caused this huge plumm of buu.28 ssudents were on the bus at the time.7 ere treated for minor injuries. tensions at city hall over what to do aboot a big problemm with the water billing system. a recent audit revealed tens of thousands of customers have been jennifer gilbert tells us... that's why several members of the city council want toostop auctioning off homes wwth unpaid water bills until the &pcity can fix the systee. system. "it's their fault"85 year old mistakeehe was billed over er -
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$16,,00 for a water leak city...but mistakenny billed to her8:21:31"16 thousand dollars is for the water running downstairsa¬ downstairs but under ground charging me ffrrbut eeen - though a recently released audit revealed the city's water billing system over charred almost 50,0000 to pay their water bills" "people need to pay their 1:21:10customerr almost 50,0000 over charged billingg system ciiy's water audit revealed the but even though a recently released audit revealed the billing system over charged almost 50,0000 1:21:10"people need to pay thhir water bills""ityy billing errors are aa old held firm. billing ccty officials have held firm. bblling errors are an old prrlem that &pwill be fixedaeventually the answer"but theepromises aree't enoughhfor tww city council members1:19:16"well if they on't think it's a problem tall to some of the people whh lost their homms because of inaccurate water bills"
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3 to halt the law 3 will for younn says if ann a spokesman moratorium. to poung introddced pnything in that ground" anyyhing, no one never "they weren't doiig anything, no one never came check anything,,no one never came check anything in thaa ground" young ntroduced a esolution for young ays if the mayor an doosn't act, young will introduce a new law to halt the auctions. they're coming to an office near you.yoo will meet the
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3 3president obamm hosted israeli prime miniiter benjamin netanyahu at he white house phen tennions are growing over iran's suspected nuclear roora. 3 their relationship has been rocky but at the start of two intense hoors in the oval office with israeli prime minister benjamin nntanyahu, presiient obama said the bond is unbreaaable. obama says, "my policy is prevention of iran obtaining nucllar weapons. when i say all options are on the table, mean it." what's remarkable is the president still has to convince netanyahu he "means" it
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despite over three years of u.s. ooficials flat out admit the point of that speech sunddy o aipac, in part, was po reassurr netanyahu about thh president's seriousness of purpose obama says, "iran's leaders should have no doubt about the resolve offthe united statts,,just as they should not doubt israel's sovereign right to makeeits own decisions." that last part wws jumped on by netanyahu, who said israel must be the master of its fate, all but suggesting he has a green light to launch a unilateral strike netanyahu says, "when it omes to israel's security, israel has the rightt a overeign right to make its own decisioos." insist all the president was paying is e respects israel's right to make iis own decisions, and the white house firmly believes it would take iran up to a year to actually build a nuclear weapon, providing a window of time for "both the prime minister and i -
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prefer to resolve this diilomatically." (on cam house announced a preesdenttal news conference tueeday afternoon that had the dual value of allowing the president to not take questions in the oval office allow him a chance to try and step on super tuesday tomorrow. p at tte white house, ed henry, fox news. straight ahead... thousands of jobs were creeted in febrrary, but find out wwy that might not be the good news peoole are hoping for. for.and new fuel efficient model rucks are rolling out. who's making them and why theyyre soomuch easser on the walllt. ((breek 3)) [ male announcer ] we asked real people if they'd help us with an experiment for febreze fabric refresher; they agreed. [ experimenter 1 ] relax, take some nice deep breaths. [ experimenter 2 ] what do you smell? lilac. clean. there's something that's really fresh. a little bit beach-y. like children's blankets. smells like home. [ experimenter 1 ] okay. take your blindfolds off. ♪ hello? [ male announcer ] and now new and improved
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hereford library: a retired towssn university rofessor threw away his lunch and made double tke..there thrown d a helter skklter into the dumpster.. were 171 childrens books!"daaid boyd found books with library labels.. evvn security bars.. (widee ""hess books look brand neww boyd did some dumpster diviig to save these literary treesures. (low ngle)"theres alot of em on the holidays easter halloween" boyd is 3 baffled as to why the public library would dispose of books.. some less then 2 years old. (davvd boyd)"these books impovershed children in balttmore city and weve got some in baltimore county have fresh books," ccuntyyo watson explains books that are damaged oo stained... end up sold orrrecycled. (jamie watson-librarr coordinator of collection development)"unfortunately at the branch where discovered.. at the moment we didnt have a recycling dumpster.."we showed her one of the books, and asked the expert.. whats (jamie watson-libbary coordinator of coolection development)"it is a littted
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dinged on develooment) coordinator of collection pjamie watson-library wrong with it????expert.. whats and asked the one of the books, we showed her recycling dumpster.."moment we didnt &phave a recycling dumpster.."w expert.. whats wrong with it???? (jamie watson-library coordinator of collection development)"it is a ittlee dinged on the corner.. its not in the bbst shape.. the best of condition.. i dont want to but library patrons are second guessing thattdecision:(guy) "that to me is shocking as many places ann schools..andd good wills to donated if are plenty of places books ccn pe used."(lady)"i cant imaggne them throwing out books it doesnt make any sense to me!! library officials say they plan to et a recycling cootainnr now.. to go next to the rash bin... (lady paste of money.. thats a shame" ii hereford. kc fox 45 news at 10 boyd plans o give the books to area schhols u-s automakers look for ways to in your business and help you save. and as edgar treiguts explains... thousands of jobs were reated lastt month, but it's not all good ne. neww. p-reporter pkg-as follows -- stocks finished lower monnay, markets.the dow slid 14-points
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also dropped.gas prices climbed for the twenty--eventh straight day, monday.... bringing the national average po three-dollars-77-cents a gallon.general motors andd chrysler group hope to win new customers who are trying o save some money on rissng gas costs.on rising gas save some money who are trying to new customerssgroup hope to win and chrysler group hope to winn new customers who are trying gas costs.the companies annoonced pllns to start selling full-size trucks of running on gasoline and natural gas.the bi-fuel pick- ups will be equipped with two tanks so drivers can choose to run on the significantly cheaper compressed natural gas... r traditional fuel.the natiin's small businesses created 45-thousand new jobs in ffbruary... that's down from 55-thoussnd new jobs in january.a monthly dta report from the ppyroll firm intuit indicates most of the jjbs were for low-wage work.factory orders dropped by one percent in january... as demand for items like machinnry and steel decreased.the latest reeort from the commerce department three-months.for business -----enn-----cnn.script----- coming up... coming up...
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you keep your receipts in plastic baggies? seriously? [ announcer ] get it done and get it off your mind with quickbooks. organize your small business finances all in one place. quickbooks, guaranteed easy or your money back. learn more at inaccurate tickets hat went out to a thousand drivers in baltimorr... on fox 45 news at 5:33. ,3
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