tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX March 6, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST
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33 two boys are in jail this morning for the shooting death of 13 year old monae turnage, yet the victim's pother saas, she is not finding closureewith this news... just more questions. northeast baltimore with some oo the details that mother is sharing now.... including a number of conversations she had with one of thh suspects. gooddmorring joel d. 3 good morning patrice. we're here 3 3morning news.smith, fox 45 bbltimore, joel d. live in get it.kidd were able to to, and how the gun... more about that wanttto kkow conninues... they iivessigation from here crimes..years-old in other cases.... and 16-got to bb at least adults.. they've be charged as say the suspects prosecutors e morr severee punishmeet should charges and edith turnageechild?" &pchild?"a 12 and 13-yeaa-old end uppin theehands of was it.. why wasn't it the home? who's gun how did this gun get in importantly is theegun. (guglielmi) "mostly it out and then hide it." &pwoulddyou keep the bbdy you call somebody. why shot. so, why wouldn't (turnage) "she waa on coming. and the lies kept one of calls late that several phone
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says she got edith purnage says she got several phone says she got edith turnage says she got several phone calls late that night from one of the suspects..... and the lies kept on coming. (turnnge) "she was shot. so, why wouudn't you call somebody. why would you keep drag it out and then hideeit." &pimportantly is the gun. how did this gn get in the home? who's gun was it.. why wasn't it secured? and how does it end up in the hands of a 12 and 11-year-old child?" and e more severe. charges prosecutoos say the suspects are toooyoong to be charged as adults.. they've got to be at least 14 in capital cases.... and 16-years-old in other crimes.. from here police say cootinues... they want to know more about that who it longs to, and how he get it. d. smith, fox 44 morninggnewss
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a crass that killed a man and left another critically injuued is still under happened on bel air road and ravenwood avenue just before 4 o'clock monday... n northeast bbltimore.police say one vehicle overturned killing a person inside.tww others are po threatening injuries .police are still invvstigating tte reason for the crash. an early morning fire damages two townhomes in anne arundel county.the 2 alarr fire started around 3 this morning on "cutler harbour" in riviera person was treated forrsmoke inhalatioo. an hour. another fire in anne arundel county... leaves a man can see brrken windows and burned
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debris attthis home oof richie highway in brooklyn park. crews quickly knockedddown the fire, but a man was found unconscious inside. he was sparked the fire. tensions at city hall over what to do about a big problem with the city's waterrbilling s. system.a recently released audittrevealed tens of thousaads of customers hhve peen overbillld. the audit plso found hundreds f homes ended up on the auution block becaase residents coulln't afford their water bills. thht's why several, members of the city council wann to stop aactioning off homes with unpaid water bills until the city can fix the billing system. 1:19:16"well f they don't think it's a problem talk to someeof the people wwo lost their homes because of inaccurate water bills"1:24:30 "when you don't give them any do to fix this going forward, be upset, but demand drastic ac.
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actton.monday night, city introduced a resolution asking for yyung says if the maaor - doesn't act,,young will introduce a new law to halt &pthe auctions. a federal judge says &pmaryland's handgun permit law is unconstiiutionall unconstitutional.maryyand has some of the tightest gun permits. ut a baatimore countt man is fighting to change that. raymond woollard was the victim of a home invasion in &p2002, and has been fighting t prm himself ever since. on monday, a judge ruled in his favor, saying...a resident's right to bear arms ii the only reason sommone needs to carry a handgun. "everyone who has no criminial record who wants to carry a gun for self protection should offfce says they will be s - appealing the decision. john leopold faces charges phat nclude fraud and
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pisconduct in john rydell reportsstwo pollie unions are taking aation. pction. (atkiison) "morale is at an &pofficers anddtheir olice - pupprvisors."o'brien atkinssn...reflects on the indictment oo county executive jjhn leopold...and the impaat...on pooiie officers. atkinson...heads...a nneearundel county'' frateral order of police.his vote in leopold...and police chief james teare.the indictment...says &pleopold...used police drive him to parking lots...of shopping centers...wherethe county executive...allegedly had sexualencounters...with a countyyemployee. but police...wwre also called upon to performm..other personal from driving him round for these camppign signs, to pull campaign signs down and pbviously changing his colostomy bag, things ttat pere hard to imagine."(ryyell) sargeants and lieutenants pointt to details in this indictment which reveal that members of the county executive's security detail first complained of hoo they were treated to heir own boss chieffjames teare, but according to this innictment the chief did nothing in brotherhood...of police he - policeechhef reeign. polltical science ppoffssor dan nataf... says the indictment...could be a damaginn blow...for the
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the first person in the -s to an artificial onn... sing his own stem ells... has died. died.christopher lyles had a tumoo on is trachea.doctors in he u-s said they coold not operate on him.buttdoctors in sweden created one... using procedure was incredibly expensive... and the "help pope live" foundation is still colleccing donations... to bills.if you'd like tooils..- contribute... there's a link to the fund on our website... fox-baltimore ddt com slass pewslinks. biige drinking. it's an campuues and high schools.and experts say it often leadd to violeece. they point to the reccnt death of yeardley love as an example.melinda roeder reports schools and paaents are being urged tt be proactive about alcoool abuse. 04:49:37 "we're gonna do thee best ww can to educate as maay schooos and parents about what's going on so they can do their job as parents."mike gimble is an parents."they can do their job as about what's going on so they caa do their
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job as parents."mike gimble is an expert on drug and alcohol that's becomm an epidemic on college campuses. 04:43:36 "the amount that they're drinking is leading o these huge numbers of fatalities, of sexual assaultss of alcohol poisoning ccses."gimble has begun speaking to students about these dangers. he uues the murder of yeardley love as a teachable ragedy. looee.. was killed last year... aa her off-campus apartment... when her ex-bbyfriend... also a broke into her bedroom and beat her head against a wall. described as a runken rage. during george huguely's trial....much of the testimony centeree around aacohol witnesses described the drinking habitss students.experts say it w happpns more frequennly than most parents realize.04::4:00 "you know the yeerdley love case happened 2000 times last year in colleges all over the country.// where students die because of alcohol."but t's not just common among athletes. and it's not juss
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in college.last month... a middle schooler from parkville dded after drinking four-loco. now... mike gimble says... it's time for schools... and adults... to act.04:48:04 "all thhs happening and i'm sitting here going here's thh utrage and where is the emedy. where aae he politicians, the parents?" mike ggmble will visit liberty high school later this week. and hh's urging all schools to raise awareness bout the drinking.onsequences of - for us... it's tuesday..ut for the maryland senate budget and taxation committee... it's ""oomsday."that's ecause today they're expected to hear a briefing... on theeso-called annapolis.the plan was put together in case lawmakers can't agree on new revenues o balance this year's books... and to reduce an ngoing structural budget deficit... ddllars. 11point-1 bullion coming up on he early edition... skyrocketing gas pricee...the
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at an all time high for this time of year.gas cost an average of about 33-71 a gallon in maryland, rrght now. 23 cenns higher than this time last year,megan gilliland takes a closer look at whether there's any good news for you from the government's enerry po. policy. 155-152broll: as prrce brollu-s energy problems stretch far beyond thh price you pay at the pump.sot wpec florida drilling 6-11one minuue it's 3.76. the next minuue it's 3.80. i done scene 3.90. what'ssnext? broll: obama brollthe presidenn believes...obama sot 1-6we've got to have a sustained, all develops every available source of american energy. broll: gas price brollthat means at least six areas of &pfocus foo his eneegy policy. obamm sot 7-13yes, oil and gas. but also wind and nuclear and solar and biofuels and more. broll: backtime his sot
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from below to have the halking head over the inttoformee senator byron ddrgan...sot dorgan 47-51what we need really is a national strategg about how we are going to produce more here.brool: hill broll...was the chhirman of tte senate eeergy committee.he believes we need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil by country. sot dorgan: 3:56-4:06 our money is going overseas inn many casee to countries that don't like us.l. and frankly enough oo that american dollar spills from the barrel that funds terrorists that comes back o haunn us. broll: keyestone broll starting aa ;;6critics say the president'' rejection of the keystonee pipleine expansion because f sign of his energy policy failure. keystone would have connected oil frommcanada to the u-ss the gulf of mexico and the rest of the oold. broll: backtimeethe clinton &pinto hereeven former presiden bill clinton believes the obama administration needs to take action now. sot clinton keyytone ::1-40so i think we should embrace it and develop a stakeholder driven system of high standards for doing thee workk sot heritagee 1:1991:30 to me it seemed like a nn brainer. it was something thht would have created jobs, created economic activity and brought up to 830,000 barrels
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of oil per day on to the global marekt. broll: wpec drilling gulf broll starting at 1:05 and 1;;22n novembbr of last year,,the president placed a 5-yyer moratorium on new off-shore drilllng production. but alleadd in the gulf of mexiio, ther countries hhve leased oii producing platforms for their breaa througg thhs mentality that we can;t dd it heree if the united tatee can't do itt and we would rather rely on our enemies, then were are in seriousstroubll in this country.taae graphic solyndraloan2then, there are numerous tax paaer-supported loans o green energy companies that failed... like the half bbllion tax dollars now bankrupttake graphic - s aboundloan2$400 million went to abound solar. it layed off 200 people in late februaay. broll: gas priceswhile gas, oil and oallproduction are up, iiddstry annlysts say growth really started before the president took office. talk fox 45 bars off for thh group?plusa&wind energy tax credits are in doubt after thhs is here much to celebrate about the energy pollcy?sot heritage
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3:47 -3:56i think we are moving n the wrong direction when it comes to energy policy in that we are trying tt subsidize uneconomical sources of energy and teehnologies into the markettplace.sott econooic enginn doeen't work when the tank doesn't have fuel. i'm megyn gilliland reporting. poming up... next innsports. sports.tth orioles are in spring raining.find out how they'reedoing soofar. 3 bruce fox 45 morning sports. - achoo! nasal allergy symptoms
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