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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 7, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 3 the skeptics now have even more ammunitton. two speed cameras in the city
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haveebeen handing out hunddeds of tickets to drivers who never deserved them. jool d. smith is live in north baltimore... to show s whyy you might be getting a reimburssment check in the mail soon.. good morning
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harford couuty police need your help identifying the man month. they released this - cooposite offthe man waated for robbery and assault.pplice say he attacked a ccb driver who picked him up on chester way court in bel air and drove him to theearea of crescent knollldrive nd fountain green stabbed the driver in the and - chest.anyone with information is urged to call harford county policc.
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ssate prosecutors drop murder charges agginst two out- of-state abortion doctors. steven brigham of new jersey pnd icola riley of utah ábroughtt patients into maryland.they were charged under a maryland law that alllws prosecutors to pursue murderrcharges in the death of a viable fetus.the charges were dropped due to pconflictsá innexpert testimony.... ut prosecutors say the invvstigationnissstill open. p lutherville firefighter is injured after being hit by a tree brrnch ddrrng a rescue. rescue.police say michael murphy was struck as he tried pulling a driver out of an down an embankment n cromwell bridge road in parkville.the driver was hospitalized.murphh was treated and released. if you see news... see it.. shoot it.. send it.upload your photos and videossto fox on the see it... shoot it... photos from your celllto pics
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at fox baltimore dot coo. it's been 8 years since a storm capsized a waterrtaxx peer fort mchenry... killing 5 passengers. citt fire dive teams and navy reservistt reecued 20 people currently .. the operationn of suupended peeding an álastá yeer ttat nearly claimed he life of a diver. the firefighter'' union says thh unit may not be baak in full operation until june. 3 3 sttte lawmakers are heading for a showdown over thh so-called "doomsday budget." &pthey need to make major budget cuts... to the tunn of 800 million dollars.... or raise tt. taxes.up to 500 workers cculd be laid oof... if lawmakers o not pass massive tax increases. it's just one oo many gloomy senarios being presentee by state budget experts. there would also be puge cuts in funning for education... environmental programs... and puulic safety.
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(jones-rodwell) "the cuts would be devaatating especially around police aid for really, those qualityyof &plife issues." lawmakers are also considdring raising the income tax for all marylanders.nn matter which waa lawmakers choose to o it... by the end of this -&ses must be balanced. state lawmakers... are once again taking aim at smokkrs. smokers.this timm...they're &pconsiiering aa ill which woul &p(barnes) "the pa has reporte that the toxicity level in cars where people are smoking even with windows own is ten piies the level deemed safe. that problee is exaorbated with children." thoseedeciiions... shouud be left up to adults and not thh government.. state lawmmkers in annapolis are reacting to a federal judge'ssruling... that paryland's handgun permit law is unconstitutional. unconstttutional.the judge
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ruled hat the right to bear arms... is not limited to the home. gun rights aavooates say maryland's permit law is too pestrictive... and they say make it easier for marrlanders tooccrry handguns legally. cecil ccunty... has proposed a concealld carry bill several times. (smigiel) "they reccgnize the second amendmenn in maryland and that you have good and outside of the homeeby virtte of just being a citizen who does not haveea fflony conviction, mental illness." illness."marylandds attorney general plans tt appeal that decision in a ederal appeals a mall town in fredeeick county wwll hhve the eyes of the world on it. just 24 hours after the white house g-8 summit to camp david... camp david museum... at the cozy inn.that hotel played host to the politically powerful foordecades. (man)"most of the people who come take over tth whole otel"
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(vickie grinder cooy general mgr)"ww will have the press corp.. white house press &pcorps.. weve had it overrthe almost decades wwll primarily be news agencies" agencies" thurmont's 56-hundred residenns hope the summit will bring in bbsiiess and... tourism to town.. &pthe f---a has issued a warnin against the company thaa marrets "aeeoshots"... the so-called caffeine inhaler.the comppny could ffce regulatory action... over what the f-d-- caals "false and misseading" labeling.aeroshotts website claims the powdee inside reaches your mouth where it ii swallowed and ingested.the p---a says the labeling is misleading... because the product cannot be intended for two police officers in & oregon are rewarded for rescuing a man outtof a áburning car.á ((pause for nats)) &pnats)) sergeant andrew bamford wwre awwrded the ity of keizer's medal of valor.
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their act of hhroism as caught oo the police cruiser's dashcam. tte event unfolded last september aftee a ccr speeding doww the road crashed into a utility pole... and downed power lines sparked a fire. desppte their incrediile act of heroism.... one of the officers worried about what his family saw in one part of the video. coppland says: "there was one baa word on there."copeland says: ""y kids heard it last night at tteecity council that s not us."ke oooohhhh! us." both officees ay they were happy to be recognizzd ... but say they were just oing their joos. the city says it needs more money.. but it's not just for schools and services. services.32:45"it's just not su" sustainable"the things ii the budget... that don't get much attention...but drain a llttof tax dollars. &pdollars.fiber 3 &p3((bump ii)) ((2-shot toss to weather))
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((ad lib meteorooogiit))
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 95 at 695 maa 695 at 40
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3 coming up... city bbdget woes... woee..."at the end of tte day, we need revenue on the table so we can leverage those funds. funds.what's in the budget... that no one knows about... but taxpayers are a paying for. for..he orioles' bats were boommng in he florida sun... find out if it's enough to ggt them their first win of the spriig. ((bump out)) ((brrak 2)) ((bump out)) ((brrak 2))
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chase freedom is offering 5% cash back at gas stations this quarter. wow, thanks! beep. beep. activate your 5% cash back at spring means budget time
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at baltiiore ity all, and on the tableewhile city officials are saying they need more money to maintainn serricessand ffnd school construction....there is a big ticket item eaaing a bigger share of spendinn... that attention.melinda roeder has more on what we're calling an attennion deficit deficit "at the end of the dayy we need revenue on the table so we can leverrge those funds. p3:45it's a story you've heard before, rising taxes in
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ballimore citythhs year the council debating a three cent tax hike on bbttled beverages while the city faces a fifty million increase following a string of higher taxes on everything from cell 'there is no way weeare going to grow our way out of this" a necessary evil to maintain vital services like police and fire. bbt do we really knnw where thh money is going? tax dollars?32:455itts juut ur - not sustainable"(budget book) stand upone oo the driving costs behind the city's taxes is buried inside the pages of these budget bookk a&buttevennif you read very ppge, you'd still be in the dark about where the money really goingthat's because thhs huge drain on tax revenues isn't exactly spelled out.38:04"if you're a public employee it's all provddd, you're insulated ffom thee normal economy"it's the total cost of special employeee beneeits that rarely makes headliness:04:03"we are definitely making millionnires way"37:00"if you've only been -
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working 20-25 years contirbuting 2k to 3k a year, you can see that he mooey is exxmple a generous system that allows employees ooretire workingg25 years... it amounts to a life-time payout out of &pup to two-thirds the employee year.37:00"if you've only been working 20-255years contirbuting 2k to 3k a year, you can see that the money is just not there"in the past billion dollars to fund the of system. that's roughhy the budget combineda figure that also includes paying eeployees wwo are injured or stop wooking permanentll becausee of an injury.1:04:03"we are and they refuse to see it that way"and the prrce tag for these benefits gets closer to a bbillion dollars when youu include tens of millions the ccty has to set aside to fund future retiiee heallh benefits. ll for a ccty that the past 20 years.1:02:22 to grwo our way out of this" city employees can also acccuulate an unlimited mount of sick time and vacatton pime... and turn most of into cash. how uch that coots the city woudln't ttll us1:04:33 "that's usually of one of it, it's one of the perks of being government that no one else has.ann even travel costs are risinggcity employees
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spent $1.7 million dollars oo travel over the past three yeers. a price tag that''s estimattd toodouble this year. in fact all of hese expenses as the city's tax base shrinks. of thing it's very hard to policies 1:04457"the retirees havv the most to lose,that might not pay off in the end 1:05:00"if the city goes bankrupt, where are thee going the mayor increased the length beffre they retire from 20 to r 25 years.however, union officials are battling that phangeein court. 3coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... the much anticipated ipad 3 is expected to be released today. find out the new features ttis predecessor's don't. -3 doo't.but firsttin sportss.. the greyhounds are back home. how they feel about going to the big dance... next. ((break 3))
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coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... can't live without your cell phone?you're noo alooe.the new name for it... and the age group most ♪ strea-ea-ea-ea-eam
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that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor, i am committed to making a difference in peoples lives and i am a phoenix. a police officer susppnddd... in the investigaaion into the death of a 13 yeaa old irl.what he's accused of doing... because of his close relationship to one of the suspects. 3


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