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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 8, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EST

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a city pooice officer... uuder invvstigatiin for possibly covering up a shootiig that killed a yyung girl ii the city.the key piece of evdidence found in his possession. whaa one dad did at his daughter's hockey game... that lead to him getting a mental evvluation. (11:14:50) "mmst parrnts don't know that this stuff xists." exists."and... they aren't supposeddto adveetise loophole that allows alcohol companies to target your teen. 3 p3 -inner harbor todayyis thursday, marrh 8th. 3
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895 mmp friends and famill gather to honor the life of a 13- year-old... whose life was cut short. hundreds turnne oot for thh late afternoonnrally for monae turnage... at &pwilliam c. march middle schoo in northeast baltimore. there were lots of ugs and tears... candles ere lit in monae's honor. authorities say turrage was accidentally shot while at a friend's house.her body wws then taken and dumped in an alley. in the crrwd....was
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monae's ábiologicalá mother... who was not raising her... but wws a big part of the young teens life. a senseless life was taken from this earth..and theres nothing but lies going about the officer who is now ii trouble?(rreponss) thhree are no words.. for him at all. no words.. iihope if he has children hes feeliig exaatly what i'm feeling.. -(pause) but the only thing we can do is put it ii gods hands." hands." monae's friends also left messages of love arrund her locker at school. about the city ollce officer suspended this week following joins us now with more on why possible cover-up. good morning pptrice,sources tell us the officer being investigated is john ward who worked out of the eastern ddstrict.we're told thh 22- caliber gun that killed monae... was later found inside his ar. car.sources say the officer
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was dating the mother of one of the 2-boys charged with there re accusations that the offfcer played a role in a possible cover up nd may have advissd the kids on how to handle tte situation.the officee has beee suspended pending an investigation. but we've learned he wws already suspended for failing a &pfit-for-duty exam.police wooldn't comment on any of this... but the mayor did. ""t's hard for me to describe... thought of it is &pquite frankly disgustingg" 3 into who oonee the gun and how the kids got a hold of t. again... two boys... ages 12 and 13... were charged monnay with involuntary manslauuhter... but it appears
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more charges and more arrests are pending based on the actions taken after monae was shot.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morninn news. 3 federal invvetigators need your help finding a suspect they believe is involved in several armed rrbberies round baltimore city. city. take a look at this video. pt shows the suspecttentering p royal farms alongg41stt strret in north baltimore... tuusday morning, waving a silver revolver. he demands money, walks behind &pthe counter, fires a rouud from his gun.. then ttkes cash incident weeks earlier... at time in northeast baltimore... psurveillance video shows two silver revolver.he steals cash demands a customer's wallet. as theecustomer tries to get it from his pocket...the suspect shoots him.itts a crime sprre that the f-b-i is tryyng to stop. 3 these robberies are very
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violent tte guys already ssot thissguy off the ssreet cause harming anybody else.... else....if you have anyy &pinformation aaout these robberies you are asked to fox45 hassteamed up with the most popular crrme apping website on the internet "spotcrime" racks criminal aativity in your neighborhood. you can also get emmils when crimes happen.sign uu by goong on "spotcrime" in the "hoo ttpics" section at the top off the screen more ppnnlties foo the prince &pwho drove more than 100 miles beltway.kkren toles wwsscited for unssfe lane change... and given a warning for speeding last month... because the poliie car didn't hhve aaradar. but after public outrage..... forrwreckless driving after a review of her case. chiee mark magaw/prince
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george's county police "i take no pleaureein this additional action but know it'' the right thing to do ffr our county." county."the wreckless driving charge carriis a 510 dollaa fine and up to 6 poonts on a after a fox45 investigatioo uncovers 12- hundred faulty speeding tickets from two cameras in the city...the maryland senate will oon decide whether all speed citations have to be approoed by a sworn police oofi. offiier. the city &padmits two separate cameras were calibrated based on the wrong sseed imit. somehow, the istake got by but ii annapolis, some &pstate senatorr are still calling for less oversightt a billlwhich wwuld allow speed camera tickets to be isithout an officer's debated in the full senate. 3 "we would rathee have these policeman out on the streets doing what they're supposed to . do....." 3& "i thiik the whole system is wrong..... wrong..... is wrong...." wrong...."the hole system is w" while the senate debates the issue.....the city says refunds to drivers who were wrongly ticketed will go out
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within two weeks. maryland's death penalty law is once again under scrutiny in jjhn rydeell reportss... death penalty campaign to have it abolished. abolished. "you know we could execuuive an innocent person in this smell it..kirk llodsworth is certainly not a "traditiooal" lobbyist.after all...he served years on death row for a murder he did notcommit. punissment.he worries about the fate of those five other men....till on death row. (bloodssorth) "the risk of is a real possiblity."that's -3 why bloodsworth... has joined the president...of the &pn-double-a-c-p... is calling n state repealthe peath penalty. (jealous) "the death pennlty's application in marylaad is racist to its core and it'' fundamentally a wasse of money that keeps killers on theestreet."(rydell) "but &psupporters of the death penalty say that law should remain on the books and they
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cite the recent case of ee stephens, in inmatt already serving a life sentence for murderrwho was convicced of killing a correctional officee."stephens was spaard the death penalty...when a jury seetenced him to life without parole...for killing officer david mcguinn. (shellenberger) "if you're in the division of correction serving life for murder and you kill someonn and we don't have the deatt penalty, it's a freebee, what's the point? lawmakers recently enacted tougher restrictions on when prosecutorsscaa seek the death penalty. cases...only...when there is d.n.a. evvdence...a viddo of the crime itself. and for that reason...a majority of senators on the coomittee... hearinggthat bill...plan to reject repealing...maryland'' death penalty..inaanapolis, john rydell,fox 45 news at ten. 3&ffvv men have been executed i maryland... since aaital punishment was re-instanted in the seventies. 3 a victim of road rage turrs into a rescuer.ittall startee when one driver ágesturedá too anotter thhn slammed on the gas.
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this scorcheddearth is a reminder of what happened on dominn was driving with hhr daughter when a driver came speeeing up behind her... passed hhr ... and then gave her the finger.seconds later... the car crashed... and caught onnfire. 3 "my first ttought when i came around the corner and saw that her ehicle was on fire, i was thinking karma, but the same time, i could never-even though sse flicked me off down the road-i could never jjst sit there aad watch that happen."" ddmiiy ffrced the driver to stop drop and roll... then pulled the other person out of the burning car. working out does more than just burn calories... a new study suggests it can also change your d-n-a. researchers at a swedish meddcal univerrity find for adults who don't normally work out... can change the d---a mooecules efficient.the sttuy was published in the jjurnal ccll
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yoo might not knoo it... but today is international women's day.this year's theme... is &p"connecting girls, inspirrng futures."thousands of events international women's day ptarred in the early 1900s... as women became more vocal about equal's now an official holiday in dozens f counnries. comiin up on the early edition... three family members are founn dead... in a calvert county home. &ppome."i don't know how this happened. i doo't knoo whhre toll on this family." illness... believed to have contributed to thierrdeath.and the symptoms they had... just days efore they died. died. (((reak 1)) 3&((bump in))
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3& the government wants to hel your town go green.find out together and doinggwhat a family needs to do to get through a time like this." this."bbt seemed like a cold... and then they were dead.a deadly strain oo family in calvert county.find oot if health officials are worried about it spreading to the public. ((bump out)) p(break 2)) 33
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three people in one fammly ... all dead in just two weeks. and now, we're learning more about whaa killed them. as beth parker rrports... at least two members of ttat family in calvert county maayland had theeflu aad a staph infection. infection. crews ddessee n haz-mat suits enteringga houss. it mmy look alarminn to you, buttto ashley llng says: "my grannmoter waa a very ssecial lady to me. she ttke care of me." ong's 811year old grandmother ruth blake died at her home march 1st. she was sufferinn from a severe ressiratory illness.long says: "she had
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started geeting sick and the family was coming around to take care of her. around that time, we diin't think it was that serious. but as a amily we all pitched ii to help take care of my grandmother." &phelped are gone. - ashley's 58-yeer-old uncle and her 56 year old aunt got sick and died too. the 3 maryland dept of health and mental hyggeneeconfirms the siblings had influenza h3 - a now, in just a few weeks, ashley hasslost her grandmother, an aunt and an uncle..oog says: "we're just pulling together and doing what a family needs to do tt get throughha time like this." ashley's mom - lived at the house anddwas the primary caregiveerwhen the grandmotherr got ssck. she is recovering in the hospital. long saas: "right now my mom is coming along slowly, but surely. they took out the breathing ttbe. she's breathing n her own. she's doing well."parker says (stand up): "the health department here in calvert coonty wants people to know that if someone else were going to get sick, that probably would have
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already happened."rogers says: &p "given that the three three or four days after they came in connact with hhr, you wouud think that if other people were going to get sick from having come into contact with these people, it would have been apparent by now." department and the sttte of - maryland are ccntinuing to pnnestigate.long says: "i doo't know how this haapened. i don't know whhre it came from, but itttook a toll on &pthis family." now, ashley is seeing a doctor. and makiig sure her own four year old daughter gets &pchhcked out too. just to be safe. a mmjor jeep recall... recall... the problem that's posing a threat to rivers... and the part of the country... most affected. wwih the ppesident's help.the - new plan he's rolling out. p(break 3))
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back wednesday... after more positive news about, some cars could be in jeopardy of a dangerous problem.and as ellzabeth corridan explains... toons go green. --reporter pkg-as follows-- positive news on the jobs front gave investors a little of their confidence ack wednesday.the dow gainnd 78 points to close at 12, 837.the nasdaq and the s&p 500 also finished higher.februaay was another good month for jobs. according o payroll processor a-ddp, private employers adddd 216-thousand jobs last month. a-d-p's moothly report s typiccllyya review of the government's much-aattcipated jobs report due out friday. chhysler says jeep libertys in cold-weather states are at risk for corrosion.the automaker is recalliig 210-000 of the vehicles because road salt could corrode the rear suspension causing it to crack. notifying potentially immacted
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owners of the recall. ppesident obaaa was in north carolina wednesday, talking about the economy and gas priies.he unveiled a new initiative to further reduce tte country's relianceeon foreign oil.americans and alternntive fuel vehicles will be eligible forrtax breaks.for corridan.-----end----- cnn.script----- comiig up... 3one fatter teaches two hockey teams about sportsmannhip, or a laser pointer ave his team - an advantage but landed him in . handcuffs.a city police officer....under investigation for poosibly covering up a shooting that killee a young girl in he city.i'm megan gilliland, the key piece of
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evdidence found in his possession.
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cigarette dangerss the public smoking bans....on fox 3
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