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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 8, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 3 friends and family gather to honor the life of a 13- year-old... whose life was cut tragically short. for monae turnage... at ally pilliam c. mmrch middle school in northeast baltimore. there
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were lots of hugs and tears... as prayers were said... and candles ere lit in monae's onor..authooities say turnage a friend's house.her body was then taken aad dumped in an alley. in the crowd... was monae'' ábiologicalá mother... who was not raising her... &pbut was a big pprt of the young teees llfe. a senseless life was taken from ttis earth..and theres nothing ut lies going on..(cairns questionnwhat about the officer who is noo in trouble?(response) there are no words.. for him at all. nn words.. i hope if he hhs children hes feeling exactly what i'm feeling.. -(pause) -(pauue) monae's friends alss left messages of love around her pocker at school. now... a citt police officer is being investigated for possibly covering up mooae's shooting.megan gilliland joins us with more oo the key piece of evidence found in the good orning patrice,sources tell us the officcr being investigattd is john ward who
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worked out of the eastern districtwe're told the 22- caliber gun that killed monae... was later found insidd his car. car.sources say the ooficer was dating the mother of one of the 2-boys chhrged with accusations that the officer played a role in a possible cover up and may have aaviied the kids on how to handle the pittationn 3(ed norris sounn) 11:06:25 is worse thhn the crime r up problems." the officer has been suspended pending anninvestigation. but we've llarned he was already suspended for failingga fit-for-dutt eeam. again....two boys... ages 12 and 13... were charged monday with involuntary more charres and more arrrsts - are pendinggbased nnthe actions taken after monae was shot.i'm megan gilliland,
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fox45 morning news. 3 first on fox...five poly-tech high ssudents face felony chargess.. forrallegedly beating a classmatt... aad then stealing hhr i-phone. happened last month...when the girls reportedly cornered thh studenn neaa the cold spring they "maced" and beat the victim.all five are chargee with armed robbery... first pndanggrment. there's another push in annapolis to abolish maryland's death penalty. penaaty.there are currently &ppive ennon death row...andd some wereessntenced nearly crime...and has cost the state litigation..he natiioal president f he - among thhse callinn for abolissing the death penaltyy ((ealous) "the death penalty's application in maryland is racist to iis ore and it's funnamentally a aste of mooey
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that keeps kiilers on the stree" street."supporters say capital those who commit the most heinous crimes. the tate has aaarded a 385- a maryland-based ro-life group. grouppmembers of "defend maryland" were arrested by state ppliie during a proteet along route 4 innbel ir four years ago.but the arrests were puickly ruled lleeal. "we knew it was illegal that's why charges ere dropped...after spendingga night in jail...and we turned around and sueddthe maryland state police." police." jack ames says the settlement is proof that the first amendment right of free speech still lives in maryland. norway has formally charged anders behring brrivik... withh voluntary homiccde.he'ss accused of killing 77 eople
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in a bomb and gun rampage ast july.breivik has pleaded ot guilty... but has admitted carryinggout the attacks. prosecctors say he was ppychotic at the time.his trial is scheduled to start neet month. a parenn shows unsportsman like conduct... from the sidelines of his daughter's hockey game. game.josephhcordes aimed a the opposing playerr during f 3 school tournament n a town north of boston. cordes was ordered ouu of the game .... and s now beinggcharggd with disturbing the peace. pcaapa says: "ah, he was pitting alone up in the ttp uh seating of the rink. aad he was hiding an instrument which the school departmeet laser beam & he was aiming it in the irrction of the goalie prom the medway girls hockey t" team." police say cordes admitted to it.he hassa priorrrecord for trying to break into a store--- right across from that same hookey rink.
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march madness is underway with conferencc basketball toornaments in full swing. yet there's a new bracket out that everyone can win, even ii they know nothing abouu the sport. &p oel d. smith is live at bill bateman's in glen burnie with the key to this bracket challenge. good morning joel d. 3
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you can call it an a-t-m machine... but don't expect to withdraw cash anytime soon. soon. a california bakery is debutinn the firsttever "cupcake a-t-mm in beverlyyhills. it features a touch screen and your favorite flavor tteat... candace nelson... the bakerr owner... came p with the idea during a llte night craving. "i was pregnant with my second child and i thought, i'm thh owner of a cupcake bakery and even i can'ttget a cupcake n drramt up ttis idea and we're very excited to launch it." it." it also dispenses snaaks for your pooch. advertising.... has chhnged over the years... years... (11:14:50) "most parents don't know that this stuff exists." exists."the neww wy comppnies that sell alcohol... are reaching your kids... kids...
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((break 1)) ((bump in)) ((2-shotttoss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist))
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3 ad libb)) map 83 ap fiber map 40
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3 3 coming up... they can't ddink
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coming upp.. they can't dink itt..but advertisers are reaching them... them... ((1:19:022 "who's the sheriff? who's protectiig theekids out there..? there...?"the nnw ways liquer and beer companies...are reaching your kids online. ((break ))
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3 when it comes to &pdistributors are limitee in how much expooure they can but when it comes to the internet there are ewer cover story, jeff abell examines why in many cases... alcohol distributors are getting an "all access pass" ... o an underage audience. aadiince. (15:53:30) (exterior &plibrary) its a ffw minutes after school..... aad attthe public library.... 15:49:26) "so calculus..." three high school juniors are calculus..... - (15:49:41) "oh thats super easy...." and confronting problemm that are just as calculating. calculating.just as "it says love magazine, each timm they log into their social netowrk.....they each time they wirelesss..." each time theyy log iito their social
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netowrk.....they discover ssrangers vying attention. (15:46:25) "sometimes i sse budweiser, liie budweiser...." (15:39:45) "a lot of times.its juut the advertisers name.. thee won't have picturess f bottles r cups. they'll have the logo...." they may be too young to drink..... they may be too pyyung to drink..... b in the world of dvertising, alcoholic magessare nnver out of reach. (11:14:50) thhs stuff exists." david - jernigan directs the center on alcohol marketing and youth. recently, he set out to discover just how many plcoholic images are reaccing blew us away. we found tens -
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of thousands of pictures. hundreds of brand-uploaded videos. hundreds of usee-uploaded videos on these sites that kids can get to.. (11:40:00) "michael smith was born on januaryyfirst 1994....." with the help of researchers at the bloomberg health, they created dummy profilee of teenagers.....postefacebook &pand other social networks...and it beforr images of alcohoo were lighting up the (11:22:23) "this is from the captain page...." the ads both glamourized and characterized alcohol.... (11:43:08) (rap song) "here we've ounce, straight with a beat..... others came all of them far too sociil on really was the wild wild west without a sheriff and to a large extent it still is." "we know it works. the problem is they products that are back it up with problem is they works. the roblem is they back it up with proddcts that are exttemely dangerous." phile its difficult to gauge pheir impact, drug counselor mike gimmel is convinced, they're introoucing nder- drinks. (12:41:17) "you - know michael turlock, 13-yearr old, was drinkinn a four loco. well how did he knoo to get four loco? where did he learn that....?" (11:19:02) "who's theesherrff? who's &pprotecting the kids out there...?" though lcohol companies have placed 3 voluntary limits on their online ads.....jernigan believes those limits are largely being ignored.
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challenged us to catch up and the model here is the cigarette companies. you just don't see this coming from tobacco." (15:42:26) "i think its brought it more to our ge evel. when you're younger you hink of &pplcohol is something for adults." these igh schoolersshave learned to look bbyond the surf the web under tte influence of allohol ads. other has. i know peeple who 3 fox 45, news at ten. the alcohol iidustry insists it's been responsible in it's sociallnetwwrking sites are industry says its an ltt, tte appropriate place to market alcohol. coming up... the orioles ccntinue spring training in sarasota.but find out the player whose standingg oot.. next in sports. ((break 3)) p'clock hour... p in our 6
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a very pregnaan jesssca bares all on the cover of elle"... find out what she reveals aboot her 3
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a city police officer....under innestigation for possibly killed a young girl.the key piece of evdidence found in his possession.


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