tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX March 8, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EST
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kings and lord of lorrsú and ii my opinion... bbsicaall... i donúú thinn jeeus wrrte king offkinns ord of lords onnhii sharpe." 3 whitney says heúll 3 do any desigg as lng assit doesnút conflict with his beliefs, ttat means no demonii intimate places.. 3 & 3 we tart 3 tonight with breaking news out 3 say they ounn a small arsenal of weapons and ammunition &palong with raw herrin andd pmoney after raiding several - homes in the ccty and baltimore county. they putt most of hht thhy confiscated shotguns, rifles, handguns and plenty of ammo along withhseveral bullet
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ppoof vests were found nside the homes.three uspects were also arrested tonight.police aftee they made an arrest for p handgun violatton in january. 33 &p3&phello, i'm jjff barnd. barrdd 3 and i'm jennifer gilbert. - campus controversy.. the debate vvr a student groop & promoting white pride. but opponents belive t's fuulinn fear.. and erhaps hate. hate. eeth aniels, 3 where both sides came together tonight.. keith peith jennifer..... -3 we're live outside the student union..... at least 4-hhndree students packed the place tonight..... many of them wonnering what the pdmiiistration should do..... about a group they say.. - thaa's doing more harmm than good. 3 3 3 "we're
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3pnot saying that we're better -3 than aaybody, e're not saying saying anything like that. we're saying we're ppoud of who we are." p3 3 p"you can't celebbate white, beeaase white isn't an pdentity, it's not a ttpe of culturaa position.." 3 keith daniels, fox45 news late editiinn- 3 more.../ trouble.../ ffr... pnne arundellcounty's.../ -3 executive...///.. ááaáá politiiaa opppnent says.../ he.../ may... fill suit.... agaiist.... john - leopold...// ááffráá allegedly... spying n him. him. leopold's../// accused... of.../ uuing his... police -3 detail.../ to... drive him.../ to....parking lots.../ ááwhereáá & he... alleggdly...// hhd sex,...// with... a female.../ staffer...// áápoliceáá... sayy..// he... also
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oodered...// officers.../ to... rrmmve... campaigg signs.../ of....his.../ oppooents.... / -- ááandáá... / keep tabs ...on.../ political 3 ááámonnáá those opponents .../ allegedly taageted .../ is...// carl snowwen - / áádirectoráá of... civil rights.../ at.../ office. 3 p"in america you ddo't open &pfiles up on your poliiical opponeets. youudon't have thh police deppatment foolow them and you don't track their pelephone caals."> &pcalls."> snowwen - /// says...// he,,, may sue... leepold.../// investiggtiin &p3 first on fox...fivv female students at oly high school -& areearrested ann hhrged aa adults - in connection witt a brutal ffght at a lighttrail - stop. - 3 15-year-old shymmcka williams a sophommre t polyy- told & pooice sheeaad two of her -3 ffiends wwre jumped by six light rail top. the viitiis were sprayed with mace and dragged by their hair. williams say they also stole her bookbag with her keys and i-phone inside. 149 they lterally pulled her
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down on the cement. she was complaining about eadaches. 588- 58five of the six attaccers are poly students. they now faces several charges -- and armed obbery. the school ps alsootaking dissiplinary action. the fight is believed to beeover a bby. 3 shots.../ pired... at a... psychiitric center.../// in pittsburgh .../ áákkllingáá two people.../ .ááincludingáá 33 it.../ starredd & ...inside the lobby .../ of... the mmddcaa center .... around ...2... this afternoon.../ ááwhenáá gunfire...erupted...//. -3 ááswatáá teams... shuu down.../ city streets....///áátheáá - university... of &ppittsburgh .../ and... nearby schools.../ were.../ ááwitnessesáá say... as many as.../ 15... ssots... wwre 3 we idn't know where it was goingg we didn't actuaaly know where this all took place. we - didn't ctually know if it wws & decided to all juss stay in, becausee veryone n ttere was upset. upset. at least... seven thers... re & wounded....//// 3 a michigan woman wins a - miilion dollars and continues receiiing goverrmenn aasistance.... assisttnce.... amandaaclaytoo
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was asked why sse needed &ptaapayers to pay her grocery taxes her winnings didn't amount to much.... since the ssory airee......she no longer receives food stamps aad could &pface fraud charges.... we -3 aaked some marylanders to - weigh in.... 3 3 yes itsslike money n the side that she can still use.... use.... 3 forrme its a tough sittatiin iffthe person won they should stop the benefitt thre's nobody out there reelly checking... checking... the aggncy that 3 released this stattment tonight..."ii maryland lootery wiinings are couuted as iicome for the purpose of determining eligibility for snap - beneffts...if an individdal won the jackpot... that person &pwould no longer be eliiibll for benefits... benefits...the depprtment also says if you are caught taking wwuld be onsidered raud. a.../ ballimore dellgate.../// & áátakesáá aim.... at iilegals.../ in... montgomery ountyy county.pat mcdonough .../ is... sponsoring a & bill.../ ááwhicháá.../ pwould baa ...iillgalss... from in.../ local.../ - elections...///. áá6áá.../ towns -3 the... county.../
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ááallowáá illlgal immigrants.../// to.. vote in.../ -3 ttese.../ &&pellctioos.../ áá 3 as... they live... -3 there...////. 3&p(mcdonough) "if ssma bin laden were alive today, he could work his way into takkma park and become a town 3 unconstitutional, i frankly think it's unamerican.. unamerican."one... --3& town... áávotersáá... ááaalowingáá... illegals.../ p to... vote. 3 leaddpaant.... poissning.../ hasn't... gone away...// n balttmore.../. ago...// ááthereáá were... ore thann../ 500...// ppople... diagnosed.... 3 poisoning..../// áásoáá state lawmakkrs...// are... considering bills.... to.../ &p require.../ - tests.../ & homee.../// built before.../ 19--78...////.ááifáá lead ppint... / is... founn .../ be... removed. (mcintoshh "even when you haae onechild r a handful of pettme tell you the amage f not reverssale." 3 another... bill../ makes... it... harder... to suee..// landdords... áácomplinnáá...// with.../ lead-paint laws.
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3 aae school tart times in pd too early? some mothers in - so.. the group has created 3 ppople have signed it. it wantt publii sshools to start no later than 8 am because they beeieve sleep deprivation is arming their kids. 3 psomeekids arr so depressed 3&panti-depressants,,they've tried toocommit suuciie bassd on sleep deprevation" deprevation""he group was on capitol hiil yesterday where they mee with lawmakers 3 here's... ur quession of the ddy. ááshouldáá... high-schools... starrt..// the day?? 3 33&phead to our facebook page and -3 let us know what you think about pushing back the school 3 3 driverr.../ are.../ seeinn.../ ssme... relief.../ at... the 3& prices.../ dropped ...3 days.../ in... aarow .../ ááafteráá weeks... of.../ ggins... 3& nationwide... / áátheeá average price... for a gallon... of... regullr unleaddd.../ is... 3---76...//// 33 maryland .../ áápricesáá are.. .a....little lower... / --3 with... the - average .../ at.../ 3--711../// 3---1...////átteáá... aveeage price... for a gallon... of... rreular unleaded.../ a... year ago...// & was about.../ &p3--50....////
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3 áápricesáá arr.. .up... nearly 15 percent .../ so faa ... this... year. -3 3 ffx45's.../ pump patrol aawaysslookiig.../ ffr... thee lwest - ...gas priccs... in the regiin...///. ááfindáá the... best price... ii ááatáá ox baltiiore dot com. 3- p3 pad day for an accused rug dealer in ohio. & ohiootte copssseized his custoo car collection..hen butler countyysheriff's deputies busted thomas king -&plast weekend.... this is what they found.hh hadd ix cars, - including a 100-thousand dollar hevrrlet caprice &pcusttmized with an incredible hulkk theme.deputiesssay ttey found 500--ounds of marijjana --3 and a machine un. 3 bad day for a texas teenager. 3 ride... and nearly runs ver a
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man. security cameras on a neeghboring home capture the vvhicle.. being driven by a 16-yyar-old... go out of control... aan werve ontooa yard.... narrowll in the yard. police aren't filing charges against - the teen.not sure why..but he does have to deal witt parents. p the teen's mthhr reeortedly went to that home son's driving. 3 gooo day forrkevin pllnk.our very own baltimooe uy.... and & armour.... is now in the billionaire's club.forbes 3 list of the richest people. ppank is 1-thousand 75th on the llst of 12-hundree on forbes' ranking. 3 a... few clouds... & panging ovee the city ttday.../ & , but who cares, it was wwrm. warr. 3 is it oing tt stay bbautiful por the end of our week? week? chief meteorologist &pvytas reid is trackingg t all.
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3 fighhing back against &pexppsed underwear. how one ggoup of grannnes is using adult diapers to get kids to - pull up their pants. 3 aacalifornia teacher... finds out the hard way.../ that she was teachhng biooogy ááwe'llááá tell you what she 3 food stamp fraud. whh states would rather let peoplee 3 thannprootct your tax dollars.
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ann in wisconsin beneficcaries selling their cards nn facebook. witnesses today ought to assure the house ovesight commmttee today actualll decreasing.cummings 3& all time low record, of less phan one percent, issthat food stamp fraud hassggtton more sophisticated - moving awayyfrom the ssmple petty crimes of couppn days -- to more elaaorate schemes easill ttaceable swipe cards, pgoods. faulknee says: "a rrcipienn will go to a restaurrattor bar.tthis s not pa place where they would accept ebt cards but they would gg there and the restaauant or bar wwuld go to a groceeyystore and buy ayy 200 dlrs wwrth oo groceeies and then they, for the bar or restaurant and they would give thh recipient haaf, 75 percent, you know, something oof of the ebt card:24:32 ) &p the ffaud tends to proliferate in mom and pop ssores. the more liquor and ccgarettes sold - the -3 greater tte liklihood of food stamp fraud. even when the fraud is investigated and -3 stores shut down - they're oftennre-opened by
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family, friends, or thh same person using a fraudulent applicationn even so, tougher enforcement in some immoverished areas --3 presents it's own problem.cato says: "but dooyou really want to shutdowwnthe only source of groceries n a neighborhood, i think you ought to be very careful about thatmckklway says: "the larger problem, say critics, is the xpansion of the food stamp program itself. ii the 19700, about 1 in 50 & participated in tte program. the states have a disincentive they crack down on it, the fewer federal dollars they waahingttn, doug mckelway, fox news." &p3 3
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it's .../ the... battle of the between... the young.../ and... old...////. áássmeáá north carolina... adies...// &áácrratedáá... a... thong .../ adult diaper...//// diaper...//// to.../ get teens... to pull up.../ their... saggy & pants..../// áábeváá terry.../ ááheráá &p ááandáá... two.... otherrsisters.../ came uu ...with this.../// ááát'sááá../ exactly....what you thhnk.../ it is...///. ááaaá grandma.../ "home viddo"... spoof...//// áááhey'reáá sporting.... adult diapers...// wwtt... a.../ modified...// backsidd...///// ááwinston-saaemáá offfcials...// tried... enacting laws...// to... have kids...// pull áábutáá... it... never... orked...// áátheseáá... grandmaas...// graadma's...// threaten...too../ reeease... this.../ video...// ááifáá... the... kids.../ don't... pcmply...// 3 "they an't waak aad they look like they have n sizee50 pants." "we decided hoo would & they like ittif their & pnderwear hanning out." 3 3 will... this... tactic... work? áádeppndsáá... 3 aa.. -3california... high school... teecher...//
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ááisáá oo.,.. paid leave.../// ááafteráá allegaaions.../ she... appeared in .../ a... porn video.../ officials...// ssy.../ no.... nothging... was filmed.../ áátheáá week.../ after... rumors spread...// &paaound school...////. -3 áátheáá distrrct says.../ in... order to .../ punish would ... havv to prove.../ her... rivvte life...// ááaffectedáá... classroom learning....//// áásoáá... ffr...// ,9766..boys...// & havee.. signnd up.../ por... her class.../ - ááifáá... she... returns...// .../ massachusetts woman.../ oes... to vote,.../ áábutáá is....told she cannt --/ áábeeauseáá sse's dead...///. áá88áá... year old... maureen mccloskey .../ went... to &pherr../ polling placc - / -in ...fall river,,../ - massachusetts -- / ááwhenáá... she... &pwas iiformed...// of... her... passing...// 3 mccloskey says: "they had me pn thh deceased list. (can you & believe that?) can you!" mccloskey says: "she said you died." mcccoskey says: "first the evvn finddmy name on the obit page.hahaha.."
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page.hahaha.." ááthereáá 3 no such thing...// -3 as... a zombie... voter...// ááandáá... we... all... know...// áátheáá... ááonlyyá... - place...// where... dead..../ peoole... vott...// ááisáá... ccok-county... illinois...// 3 3 a hot ttb is all about location. where one man & peccied to put in his new tub toomaximize his exposure to 3
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3 forget facebook, one college student has a mmch better way to get to know -3 ppople in collegee college. ii.../ involves,.../ swimsuits.../ and.. .a... hot tub..../// tub..../// kevvn.../ pen-a-han.../ is. ..a... senior... at ohio &puniverssty...///. ááandáá installed.../ a... hot tub../. in... his dorm room..../ complete with automaaed jets...// and.. .a... temperature connrol systee...///. ááheáá had... t.../// for... about a month,,../ until ...residential housing.../ rid of t... last week...///. p áátheyáá weree - concerned ...about students' smell... of the cheeicals.../. áábutáá tubber...// says... its a great way.../ to... meet people.../ ááandáá..// ..he's fighting.../ too keep it. anothhe 3 beautiful day in charmmcityy city. vytas will lee ussknow if our good llck will last ttrough the weekend. -3 3
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3 that's all for the late edition.../ but.. .a... big night forrtheeterps.../ in the tourrament. look at how maryland is working to exxenn theer 3 mark turgeon and his arylann terps know they probably don't have a ssot at the post-season...and that adds a littll urgency to this year's acc tournament....hey want to go out on a positive note..and & there were a lot of positives forest...
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3 1st half...terps running the court...terrell stoglln feeds 3 minutes...terps down one... stoglin ntercepts the pass... gets it done at the other 5 points.... career-high 7 boards.... later...nick faust drrves... uses the window...19 for the city college grad...aryland up - 5 at the break....2nd half... all terps...faust puts somee giddy up on that paassto lenn.. plus the foul...maryllnd up 3 mosley picks it oof...bounce paas to faust for the up and under lay in...maryland in front by 21...they advance to the aac quarterfinals 82-60 over wakeeforest to play top seed north caaolina...turreon says it'll comeedoww to one thing... winning the battle on the glass... 3 and you can see
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3 maryland's next game on ouu -3sister station the cw baltimore...the terps play the top sseded tar heels in the quarterfinals tomorrow at noon... 3 don't look ow, but the orioles...yes the baltimore orioles...are working on a win streak...they defeatee the bravesstoday for thh second straight win...hey, with the orioles, you take your high pointt wwere you can find them... thhm... 3 bottom of the 7th...ruuner on 2nd for jai into center...joe mahoney racing around to score...the throw's up the line...o's tiee & it t a run a piece....too of phe 8th...bases loaded for ernesto mejia...steve tolleson - great snag at 3rd...ssarts the 5-4-3 double playyto end the inninn...orioles beat he bravee 2-1...jason hammell 3& meanwhile...we'll be getting markakis this sprinn....and ii preety short order... recovering froo off seasonn & abdominal surgery, markakis wwll play agaanst the pirates - next wednesday...he'' been &pgettinn work in down n sarasota, but has been taking -3 things fact, on the 14th, he'llldh,,not play his
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regular riiht ield,,the o's won;t say how close he is to playing in the field, buttthey &premain optimissic 3 college lacrosse...umbc got a - upsetting 4th ranked up, the retrievees face number two in 3 mmrgan adsit from balttmmre county with more on how thee've turned a crner. corner. 3&pit's now time to
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3 announceethe winner of our high school game oo the week contest...brought to you by varsity sports network dottccm... com... 3 p you picked dunbar and kenn in the girls 1a state semiffnals at sure to une in tomorrow night for the highlights... 3 that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce , [ sniffling ] [ male announcer ] all stuffed up? simple relief is here. introducing robitussin® nasal relief pills. the right relief for nasal a pill.
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