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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 12, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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traditional light bulbs actually generate 9 times more heat than light. switch to energy-saving bulbs. saving energy saves you moy. a baby found dead inside the trunk of a car.who questions now surrounding the - tragic death. a dispute over birth control turns deaddy.why a man was shot while trying to buy and... drugs... teeth whitening and playboy subscriptions.which one of these outrageous tax write offs actually worked. 3 3 -inner harbor today is monday, march 12th.
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3 3 3 the remains of a baby... found inside the trunk of a car. family members discovered the
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body when they were cleaning out the car in calveet county. megan gilliland joins us now with more on the investigation child. good morning patrice,it's not clear if this is a riminal case right now or just a very tragic one.autopsy results will help police make that wws so badly decomposed body phough... that those results may take several wweks. weeks.investigators says the parents of a 32-yeer-old woman were cleaning out her car, in prince frederiik when they discovered the remains of a baby and called police. neighborr ssy the car had been parked next to the trailer... for weeks. investigators are not sure if the child was stillborn or had been born and died later. sheriff mike- evans if there was intent to harm the child, if we did that would show it was a crimewommn- "it really is freaky eepecialll since i bring my son down here." here."the woman wwo owns the car is now hospitalized. she
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poes also has other children who are now with protective services. we're told the childrens grandparents have filed a petition for custody.that's expected to bb heard in court gilliland, fox45 morning news. on a body found in west rmed - baltimore.homicide detectives were called to the scene just after 3 o'ccock sunday can see crime taae marring off the area on mountmor court where police found a woman's body.police pre still investigation what happened. it's been one year since a woman was brutally murdered by her co-worker inssde a montgomery county yoga shop. prosecutors say 30 year old jana murray was stabbed and blugeoned to death inside the lulu-lemon athlltic shop in bethesda. sunday, residents in the area remembered murray in a small ceremony. a lot of the community members have come by the store.tells stories... remember jayna.
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jayna.hhr co-worker her co-worker britanny norwood... was convictee of first degree purder in january. norwood initially told police that sse and murray weee attacked by masked men whhle closing the store.... but later confessed. a hearing is set,,today, to determine if a baltimore citt police officee hargeddwith theft will be suspended with or wwthout pay. 41-year-old darlene early was sussended after police say she tried to steal 300-dollars worth of groceries friday evening from this "food depot"... onnbel air road. investigators say the clerk was early's daughter, 18-year-old ciara anderson. police say anderson rang up some of the items for as little as 10-cents.both are now charged with theft. p1115 i think that's right shoot, just causs they the pooice officers don't mean thee can get away with stuff they gotta pay like everybbdy
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elle 23 &p232059 if this proves true, extremely poor choices on thh part of this individual. and will answer for these allegations if they are found &pto be true 10 10this isn't the first time early's made headlines. back in 1993... the then 22-year-old officer shot and killed a burglaryysuspect who tried to get away at bon secours hospital. investigators determined the shooting was justified ... and cleared earll of any wrongdoing. authorities are searching for a motive... after a rogue u-s soldier allegedly went on a shooting spree in southern afghanistan.he allegedly left his base and killed 16 people... including women and children, in tto greg black explains... the &psoldier is now in custody... and investigations are underway. underway. president obama called the killings "tragic and shocking." the white house says he called afghan president hamid karzai to offee condolencess meanwhile, the head of a coalition aimed at uniting
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afghanistan's ttibes is weighing in.the afghan people can withstand a lot of pain. they can withstand collateral night raids. but urder is something thaa they totally abhoo, and when that happens, they really want justice.e military says the suspect is from joint base lewis-mcchord in washington state. a coffee house near the base, owned and operated by veterans, is planning a vigil today (monday). a worker and former soldier gave his take.if this guy is traumatized, he's being sent overseas then he's basically a time bomb waitiig to go off.things like this don't really show the people of afghanistan we're actually there to help them.a distance learning professor for troops in afghanistan believes multiple tours of duty are taking their toll.i thought about how many of them are on their 3rd or 4th or 55h tour of duty, and i said what can you expect?senate majority leader harry reid is
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also weighing in.ouu troops are under such tremendous pressure in afghanistan. it's a war like no other war we've been involved in.i think that we're on the right track to get out of afghanistan just as soon as we can.i'm greggblack reporting. american and allied combat troopp are scheduled to leavee a small plane crashes into a a 3-acre brush fire.two people were on board the plaae when it happened... and manageddto of them had to be it's unclear what caused the plane to word yet on the condition of those involved. warm, dry conditions are o blame for a brush fire near boston's fenway park.heavy smoke and fllmes could be seen throughout the city.the fire was extinguished a short time later... but crews continued to douse hot spots on bott the ground and in trees. in their first trip to the n-c-a-a...since 1994... the
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loyola greyhhunds recieved the nnmber 15 seed in the east region... nd will lay in pittsburgh against big 10 power ... ohio state... on thursday.the greyhounds... earned a spot in the tournament by defeating fairfield on monday o win the m-a-a- c-c. as if mondays weren't bad enouuh......we lost an hoor of sleep over the weekend as well. yett there are some folks offering a caffeinated brighttspot to the first morning of daylight saviigs time. joel d. smith is live at penn station to see how ommuterr are handling the change, when free goodies are part of the recovery. good morninn joel d. 3 - ikea, the life improvement store, will be offering free &pcups of coffee (while supplie last) at select high-traffic monday, march 12, 2012 (the ffrst mmnday after daylight locallcommuters wake up after losing an hour of precious sleep from switching their clooks ahead. the fresh, utz giveaway is part of the national ikea random surprise and delighttthe public with improve everyday moments in their lives. ikea storesá plan to give than 10,000 cups of free coffee across the u.s..throughout the morning.áá 3 3
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3 a fight over condoms... turns d. happened saturddy... detroit.investigators say it all started with an argument between the clerk and customerr.. who demanded the condoms. after the clerk refused.... the cuuttmer pecame enraged and started knocking over store items. that's when the clerk pulled out a gun... and shot the guy. no word yet if the clerk will face charges. oren says: "first thing he do is show hissgun on his waist." scott says: "we try to deal mediation a lot of people here especially in theeblack community have had issues with the gas station owners, well of course some of the gass station owners have dieddtoo and what we were trying to do was bridge the gap." gap." one man who shops
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at the gas ssation says he's seen the clerk pull out a gun before during arguments. cooing up on the early edition... laaies... the president is counting on your vote... our daughters should be treated just the same, and have the same opportunities as our sons sonsthe strategy he's using tt rally women's support...and the important group whose supporting him. him. 3 ((break 1)) 3
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a romanian man is looking phead to is next mission... after successfully launching aa tty shuttle into space..he shuttle... made of legos... was launched from germany back in inccuded 2 h-d cameras... and a weather by g-p-s... and found the lego - shuttle safe and ound more
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than 125 miles he's taking a poll on what to launch next.some options include the death star from star wars... or a buzz lightyear figuuine. ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3&((traffic reporter ad libs))map 152 map fiber map
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695 at 40map 152 map fiber map map 152 map iber map 695 at 40
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a doctor ttres to claim "playboy" magazine... exotic dancer tries to claim her eyelashes... and a woman tries to claim er dog's hip replacement surgery.the ther crazy tax deductionss.. and if they really work. work."women deserve an equal ddys pay for an equal days work. plus...president obama is targeting women for his week.but find out who else seems to haae a stake in the women's vooe... next. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) 3 ((break 2)) 3
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. as the presidential ace heats
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up or the republican candidates and the presiddnt... ppesident obama is setting his sights on a key voter demogrrphic ... á womená. peter doocy explains his strategy to get women voters... and whose supporting . him. doocy says: "in 2008 a majority of women voted for then senator obama and helped
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him win the whiteehouse. but two years later in 2010, most women voters broke for republicans and to try and stoo the g-o-p from going on a roll with the ladies, the obama campaign s going to mail tomorrow. to moms, young women, aad older women, and on friday we got a tasteeof the president's new pitch to them." obama says: "women deserve an equal days pay for an equal days work. cheers) our &pddughters should be treated just the same, and haae the same opportunities as our sons." he obama campaign is also getting help from nurses across america banding together to form nurses for obama. and their job is to help the campaign convince women that the president's oo march 23rd was a good idea and that his positions n contraceptives and birth control are best for them as well. strategists on the left and the right agree that women could swing the election. and mississippi's republican goveenor says that down in his neck of the woods ahead of tueeday's g-o-p
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primmry the winner witt women will be romney.bryant says: "governor romney has a great favorability rating with female professional woman is - going to say 'that's who i want to vote for.'" (on cam tag)doocy sayy: "a campaign official tells us hat the president won't be personally involved in the outreach tt women this week. he's going to bb busy with british prime minister david cameron. but on friday mister obama will hit thh campaign trail in georgia and illinois. so stay tuned. and check your mailboxes. in washington, peter doocy, fox news." check your cabinets... cabinets...gerber is recalling some of ts baby formula... after reports of fouu odors. the product number affected... and if it really poses a health risk to your child. child.but first...carrier pidgeons?the other outrageous things people are trying to claim on their taxes this year...and if it works. ((break 3))
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3 if you haven't filed your
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taxes yet... you've ggt just over a month o get them done. deductions for everything that's allowed ... some people out there get... very creative. alison kosik tells us about ome outrageous tax deductions ... including some that actually worked. worked. --reporter pkk-as follows -- you've probably taken tax deductions for giving money to charity -- donating clothes or furniture to goodwill -- or on the interest on your mortgage. but cnn-money came up with a piit of the craziest deductions that accountants have ever seen -- and some of them actually worked. first -- here are a few examples that didn't make the cut...a doctor tried to claim the playboy magazine subscription for his waiting room was tax deductible -- his accountant disagreed.another person tried to write off her dog's hip replacement.but she didn't need the dog for medical purposes... so that was a no go.and one music band added up the tens of thousands of dollars they spent on recreational drugs during their summee tour... in hopes
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that their accountant would include can probably guess that he did not.but there are some crazy submitted to the government. first -- two business partners in the phoenix area only communicate by carrier piggon. and after a ton of queetions,, their c-p-a decided it was fair -- an exotic dancer was allowed to claim false eyelashes -- as well as tanning and teeth whitening. and finally -- oneebusinessman was able to write off thee expenses of havvng a security dog travel with him to protect important note of caution here-- alllof these people got advice from a certified accountant... nd we suggest you do the same if you're thinking of claiming a crazy deduction.regardless -- check out the full list at cnn-money-dot-com.i'm alison kosik n new york.-----end----- cnn.script----- commng up... a coast guard rescue... caught on amerr.where it happened... nd the reason why emerggncy .. officials were called in the first place. place.a baby found dead inside the trunk of a car.i'm megan gilliland, who discovvred the child nd the questions now
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surrounding theetragic death. death. 3 ♪
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