tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX March 19, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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--yelling in backgroond---so you think e's yelling hhlp?" "yes.""all right. what is your.."--loud gunshot-- &p"there's gunshots." chilling 9-1-1 calls... capture the final moments of a young teen's life.what tte nman ssid.. when áheá called 9-1-11just seconds before the shooting. police found ddzens of dead animal insiie herrhouse.the howard county woman is now out on bail... but it appears she's still housing animals. the rescue group she's in charge of. aad.. an underage girl.. caught on camera.. working in a strip club.why her ámotherá
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a howard county woman is out on bail after being indicted on dozens of harges of animall cruelty.police found 40 dead animals inside her hommeand a few just barely alive.and it housing several pets.megan the dissurbing case. good morninggpatrice,the woman facing charges is elizabeth lindenauu.. she's thee executive director of a bird rescue... called the bailey foundation.even though she's awaiting trial in a very disturbing caae oo nimal still active and hat she is -
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still likely dealing with animals.police werr called to her townhome ii columbia back in jaauary... after neighbors noticed a terrible smell. inside they found 19 ddad animals in a freezer... includiig birds, rabbits, a they found another 21 animals - dead inside cages... or just from cats tt snakes. only four animals ere stiil alive. buu there wassno food or water and no heaa or electricity for shocked...uvive.neighbors are - "it's dissuubing considering she was annmal activist activistpolice later tracked in columbia.we went there to try nd talk with her ver the one was home... but our crews ouud hear dogs barking and birds chiiping inside.the trailer from her bailey foundatioo birds rescue was parked right in the
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driveway. lindennu was indicted last week on 69 variousscharges of animal cruelty. she was arrested... but tten released on 50-thousand dollars bail. she's is expected to go back to coort next month.megan the commuuity of parkville is mourning the loss of a 22-year-old college student. student. kelly dalla-tezza was on a fulbriggt scholarship in the middle east... and had just given a presentation in morocco when a tire blew on the car she was in... leading to a deadly car acciieett dalla-tezza was graduate oo towson hiih school and boston college.her parents ssy she was traveling the world...just hoping to make difference. now they say it will be left up to her inspire. "i think she would tell peoolee life is what you makk it, life is whht you make it, if you're not taking risks you're not living your life. theee's so much out to see, aad go out and do it all"
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dallatezza's parents say she &phad just been accepted to harvard nd joons opkkns... and was hoping o join the foreign service eventually. police are still looking for the driver ho hit a construction worker and thenn took off. it happened friday night around miinight along the south bound lane of i-95 right before the caton avenne exit in south baltimore. investiiators say the driver drove into lanes that were closed tt traffic, striking one of the workers. the 36-yeer-old contractor for flanigan and sons was taken to shock trauma with a brokkn leg and disloccted elbow. police say the incident is a reminder to all drivers to be cautious around construction zones. 18:04 we would just wanna put that message out to all our motorists traveling here in maryland. come into contrrccion zones sllw your ppeees down , e aware of your surroundiigs because you know those workers and aal the time 19 the car may be a silver or
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possibly a pontiic grand prix. it may have damage to the right headlight. tragedy on the slopes... here in maryland.the cardboard box derby was supposed to be a day of funnfor a good cauue at the wisp ski resort in garrett county. ut things took a terrible turnn... when seven including two children. phildren.the derby... is an annual fundraiser for a lind skier can see at first.. things were going well... as people raced downhill...but then... watch as this pirate ship... carrying 14 people.. careens out of control.. .and crashes full speed into a snowmaker tower..ome of the passengers children.... were airlifted to aaweet virginia hospital by a medevac helicopter.five others....were taken to the hospital by ambulance. gas prices have been climbing... for moreettan a rick vinccnt explains... he issue is popping up on the campaign trail... and even dominaaed
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president obama's weekly addres. prices at the puup cliibed steadily, beginning march 9th peclines.they rrse on the back - of soarinn oil prices. president obama put a spotliiht oo the issue in his weekly address.he outlined his energy pollcy -- and knocked republican presidential pandidate newt gingricc for campaigning on a promise oo two-fifty's easy to promise a quiikkfix when it comes to gas prices. there just isn't one. anyone who tells you otherwise, any career politician who promises some 3 poinn for 2 dollar gas, solltion, they're just looking the weekeed, rick santtrum said high gas prices are leading to inflation.and he says it's only going to get ripple effect of four dollars, and in some places now 5 they're talking 5 and maybe d - even 6 dolllrs in some areas. right now, the highest price nationally is in hawaai -- at an average of 4-48 a gallon.
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mitt romney said the president &ptackle such problems.the president learned about the pconooy by reading about it (laughter), not by livinn it. 25 years in businees taught me how jobs come and how they go. i'm rick vincent reporting the all-time national aveeage high for gas is 4- dollars 11-cents a gaalon... set in july 2008.we're currently about 6-point-7 percent below that. accordinn to triple a... the gallon of gasoline sits at 3 dollars and 83 centss &pare shelling out three cents more... with the average at 3 dollars and 86 cents. ponth ago. cents higher than and 28 ccnts higher than a &pyear ago . .analyst predict prices could climb to 4 dollars and twenty five cents by mmy.. we can't do much about the rise in gas pricee... but we can help you find tte beet prices in the area.just go to our website foxbaltimore dot com... and click n pump
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pptrol undee hot topics. 3 mitt romney wins thee republican presidential primary in puertt rico.rooney campaigned in the commmnwealth friday with the help of puerto rico's governor.puerto rico has ttenty convention delegaaes up for grabs... and romney wins them all. ((pause for nats)) saint patrick's day celebrattoos turn violent saturday night in london, onttrio.police sayyaround a thousand peopll riited... setting fires and throwing things t officers. at one plank and a group takes down a fence.a televiiion news van was even set on fire.the rioters caused aroundd100- thousand dollars worthhof damage. eleven people have been arrested so ffr. it's the rivally n-b-a fans came to broadway is taking on baskktbaal in its
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""agic/bird."it's about the - rivalry and off-court "bromance"... between bostoon lakers bad boy, magic johnson.-3 the show opens on broadway &pthis wednesday. 14 years and nearly 7-million dollars later.... howard county has a new park. joel . smith is live phere now with why t took so long, and why it's still far from finished. good morning joel d. 3 place. edicationn at the same
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3 an oregon woman is arrested... accuseddof encouraging her 17-year-old daughter... to strip at a clubb police say the girl on stage in thii surveillance videe... ps only 17.and the woman watchinggher... and actually giving her money... is her own mother... 42-year-old christina lopez .the daughter... who is now 18... ssys her mother didn't know she was working at the club until she called asking for food money. the clubs owner says the girl provided a fake i-d... and that theyywould never knowingly hire someone under the age of 18. releaaed... in the shooting of an unarmmd teenager in flori. florrda."he juss said he shot him, yes the person is dead laying on theegrass..""just because he's aying on the grass..""oh my god." god."what witnesses heard just before thh shot rang out...and why the shoooer says he opened .
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pevere weather rips through parts of oklahoma sundayynight. take a look at this video... captured by storm shows a funnel cloud... near the town of of now... there's no word on any damage or injuriis. ((2-shot toss to weather)) 3(ad lib meteorologist)) ((traffic reporter ad libs)) mapssfiber-back to maps- 695greenspring-back to maps
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3 3 3 still to come... retuuning to their rrots!where occupy walls street protesterr tried to go ... that got them a. arrested.--loud gunshot-- hhard gunshots?" walking home... unarmed.hear the chilling 9-1-1 tapes ... involving the shooting of a floridaateenager...and the words of he shooter... before he opens fire. p(bump out)) ((break 2))
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♪ [ woman ] i was ready for my trip, but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment for a transformation that's hard to believe. ♪ wow, that's you? [ female announcer ] new intensive professional effects whitestrips. and try 3d white toothpaste and rinse. from crest. life opens up when you do. you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework
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[ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ ♪ love can be so mystical 3 9-1-1 tapes in the case of an unarmed teen shot and killed by a neighborhood watch captain in florida are now public.the watch captain claims that he acted in self- in the shooting. david mattingly tells us... seven 9-1-1 calls were releaseda inclldinggooe from the shoooer, george zimmer.
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zimmerman. "911..police, fire or medical?" "uh police, i just hhard a shot right behind my house." shock, confusion and fear... you can hear it in the voice of every caller in the final young life."he just said he shot him, yes the person is dead laying on the grass.." "just because he's laying on 911 allssin all... beginning with this one from neighborhood watch captain george zimmerman."these away."that's zimmerman's first impression watching trayvon martin... walking alone and acting strangely..."this guy something..."zimmerman says martin then comee toward him... his hands. don't know what - his deal is."llss than a minute later martin is running away. zimmerman gets out of his car.""re you following
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him?""yeah.""okay. we don't need you tt do that.""okay." later... there's another call. "911. do you need pollce fire or medical??""aybe both, i'm not sure there's just someone screaming utside."in tte background listen for the sound of a figgt and a panicked voice yelling for help..and is it a male or a female?""it sounds liie a male.""and you don'ttknow why?" "i don't know why, i think they're yelling hell but i &pdon't know. send someone seconds later, the shrieking cootinues... then... a gunshot. your.."--loud gunshoo-- is ?""- "there's gunshots.""you just heard gunshots?""yes.""how many?""just one."the identify of the perssn pleading for help is in dispute.... as well
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as the number of gunshots.but &pthere is no doubt the calls capture thh sounds of a deadly &pend to a tragic encounter. david mattingly cnn atlanta. -----end-----cnn.script----- straight ahead....young adults are moving back home.... aa record pace.but thee're not just living off of mom and dad. how they're pitching in with family finances. people are finding in their hotels rooms...that may groos you out! ((breaa 3))
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back in with their families. but as alison kosik explains... don't call them 3 --reporter pkg-as follows --it &pmight sound like a walk ii th &ppark-- free laundry, fresh home cooked meals, a familiar bedroom.but for most so--alled boomerang kids-- living with mom aad dad usually comes with a price..hhnks to the recession-- the percennage of
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kids moving back ome is at a 50 year 2010-- more than 21-percent of adults were living with their parents. that's a big jumm from just ten years arliir. most of those kids though aren't getting a free ride.according to a new pew research center studyy- 48 percent of kids paid rent to their parents. almost nine in ten pitched in for household expenses-- like buying groceries or paying for utilities.and while most help with the bills-- nly 8-percent say they regularly &pget money or financial assistance from their families. all of those expenses add uu. almost 8 in 100young adults livvng at home say they can't that's compared to 55-percent with tteir parenns.but bunking according to pew-- more than . - thrre quarters say they're satisfied with their current living situation.and even better news-- they feel confident about their future finances.i'm alison kosik in new york.-----end----- cnn.script----- they've already bloomed!
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