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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  March 20, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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board .../ put... a lien.../ on... her.../ town--house...///l. house...///l. "it just feels like weeve been &pbullied. and really, all we conversation and figure out how this can benefit all of us." us." board members.../ waat ...all the units.../ &pto... look the same..../// áátheáá...// nno..good...// rose--hating... board...// ááwon'táá... comment...// 3 hello,.../ i'm... baand.arnd. a beautiful start to spring turns violent as gunshots crack through thh air in owings mills. amazingly,, no one was hit by the gunfire. ggnfire. but whee.../ the... dust settled, .../ three people... were left bleeding.../ from ...stab wounds..../// attackers.../ are... still out there, .../ ááonáá the... run... from police...////. police...////. it.../ happened .../ an... apartment.../ on... spectator lane...///. áápoliceáá bleeding around .../ - 3:45... this afttrnoon.../////. &páátonighháá...// officers...// are... trying tt llcate .../ all.../ five... of the.../ 20... ear old men ....// who.../ they saay..// are... behind the attacks. 3 3 3 individuall arrive at of -
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....entered a townhouse physical fighttexit the house after the fight and left the ar" "juss a bunch crayons going on i had no idea i came from wwrk and there's ciicus in my front " yard." at.../ last word .../ &ppolice.../ have... made... no arrests the anne arundel county council has subpoenaed the police chief to testify in the case against county xecctive leopold.chief james teare must appear monday to answer quessions about his involvement n the politicall corruption case.leopold was indicted earlier this month on charges of misconduct in office.he's accused of po area parking lots for e him - pexuul encounters with a county employee.the innictment alllgessteare was aware of leopold's behavior, but took no action. st. patrick's dy pprtying leff a big mess in canton this
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phey made some mistakesswith g - crowd control. control.this was the scene follooing st patricc's day &pfestivities at canton square. well as the's left many in tte community to containers and public wed open - urinatioo without ssuing any citations. 3 11:55:29 i walked through here and it wws packed it was kind of like the reeorts that it was like the preakness which was open air drinking which is pbnormal for st patricks day square 11:52:43 11:52:43 ,3 12:34:10 where the baallwas dropped was with the officees we aaerted them to this early in the morning and they conninuee to allow the patrons to drink in the square with open containers and that spilled over onto the nnighboring streets :22 :22 police say they were slow in their response. meetings &pplace in an effort to avoid this frommhappening in the future. 3 3&history could soon be for sal if ity leaders decidd its generrte revenue.
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reeenue. park tonight where not oland - everyone is thrilled, jeff... jeff...
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here's our question of the idea tt sell off the ccty's piitoric landmarks? landmarkss head to ur facebook page and for sale sign on our city's most famous structures. she.../ was.../ electrocuted.../ 6--years ago.../ ááwhileáá playing... softball.../ at... druihill.../ park...///. áátoniteááá... a... baltimore teenager.../ is.../ being remembered .../ .../14--year...// old.../ deanna green.../ touched... a fenne.../// with... a.../ deadly.../ livee current....// áátheáá cityy.. blamed.../ contractor.../// áátodayáá... the greens.../ asked.../ to.../ tiihten electricctesting.../ by.... utility companies. (green) "and we trulyybelieve that this loving child was a child of god is going to united states. this is a the start. we need toostart in our own state, right herr in this bill and make it law in her name." name."
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tougher saffguards.../ for... electriial testing.../ are... already.../ in place. tomorrow...the marylandhouse of delegates beginsdebate on governor o'malley's35-billion llar budget. scalinggback massiveincreases innthe iicome taxapproved by the senate.that plan called for increases for virtuallyall marylanders.but a house committeehas endorsed a hike in theincomm ttx...only for 100-thousand a year...and n - couples making morethan top people more, 82% of the he people as thh argument won't the house amendments but i'm concnerned about that other 18% because they pay a disparate amount of taxee in to" potal."a hhuse committee also rejected a proposed sales tax on items you purchase "on-line.. a.../ man.../ ááravagedáá.... by... throat cancer.../ annapolis.../ &ptoday..////. ááurgingáá laamakers.../ to... increase .../ taxes.../ on... smokeless.../ tob. tobaccoothh.... illinois mma...//
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says.../ years... of using.../ snuff.../// toll....// ááheáá had... radical surgery.../ to remove.../ half... his neck.../ (von behrrnn) "i started whhn i was 13, i was diagnosed with cancer at 17, i've been thhough 344surgeriess hundreds of treatments, millions of &pdollars in medical bills." billss"lawmakers.../ a... massivee../ tax-increase...// smooeless tobacco.../ and... small cigars. 3 mitt rommey notches a ccitical win in illin. illinois. the republican presidential candidate will get the bull. &pof the states 54 ddleeates at the op onvention. romney got about 50 percent of the vote, with most of his illlnois' bbg cities. tonight withharound 30 percent wasn't enough to maae the race close. tonight in howard county it was a perfect prom shopping par. picked about 40 deserving
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students who had more than 100 dresses to choose from. theyy were able to pick up shoes, thhy need to make prom night r perfect. and that best part? it was all ffee. " i have a dress...i have beautiful eckless to go along with it. a onderful xperience." &pexxerience."" the &pgive-awaa was organized by howard community college. all theeitems for the 40 deserving students ere donated. donated.any left-over dresses and accessories will be donated to chartiiy. p the.... pope.../ ooficiallyy../ names.../ baltimore's... new archhishop.../ today....//// ááandáá.... there... was a celebratiin.../ at... the basilicaa..// downtownn downtown. cardinal... o'brien.../ puccessor..../// ... - ááwilliamáá lori...// from.../ ááloriáá... says.../ he'll... work hard.../ to... represent .../ church... values.../ herr.../ in maryland .../// ááandáá that inclldes.../ tackling... issues like.../ .../ ssme-sex... ly passed marriagg.../ law.
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between one man and one woman for the... predates all religions and all governments."> povernments."> lori... / officially takes over.../ his... new duties.../ 3ay 16-th... /// good day for fighting pork. pork.wisconsin republican represents tte need to cut mnn - federal pork barrel spending. the milwaukee press club yesterday. &p3 we're the only candidate in this race ho's written a five budget by endinggobamacarr, the federallbudget and eliminating wasteful or pprk mr. favors here just calls attention to the fact that the federal budget. budget.neumann is part of a crowded field of republicans running to replace retiring demooratic senator herb kohl. the wnnnr ill face democratic congresswoman taamy baldwin in november.
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bad day for people innatlanta with allergies.they're paying for some gorgeous weather with off the chart pollen levels. the first day of springgdumped 55 percent more pollennin atlanta than when thh old recorr was set in 1999.all covered in yellowish-green a really bad day in oklahomm as powerful storms are ----speeding car----h floods. car---- take a look at what happened to one driver who ried too make it through high water on a tulsa street.... he ended up getting stuck.. luckily ... sommone in a jeep came by and picked him up..he national just two feet of ruuhing water as s-u-vs. waters is natural selection od waiiing to appen. no
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rainnto deal with here. hhre. a perfect first day of spring. pet's go toochief meteorologist vytts reii ffr a llok at what's happening now. 3 3
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the government wants nine year old to decide someone's fate. wwy this kid was called into court. leaving littte o thh imaginntion.. why his salon efused to give one man a brazilian wax. out of afghanistan? what - america's ttp commander says control in the chaos. -3 with xfinity,
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you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ 3 3 are on the scene of a hooting on west north avenue.pollce say man was found lying ffce down on the street....but at this time there is no condition. america's security in collapse. after theekoran burning incident nd the shooting massacre of civilians, lawmakers called in
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the top commander in affhanistan to grill him about &pouurexit strategy. jennifer grifffn explains whh getting ut of afghannstan is much more difficult than getting in. in. pmjor robeet marchanti was arlington nntional cemetery. killed last onth by an afghan partner. shot in the back of the head, an apparent retaliationnfor the missaken koran burnings that set off a chain reaction of violence. with this backddop, general john llen, in his firrt testimony to ccngress the sixty ttoops killed in afghanistan since january pirst were kiiled by afggaas they were training. general strategy.mos says, "if we get into 2014 and the afghaan aae not trained to where they need &pto bee and we are spending &pmoney, we arr looing lives, will you be honest with the next administration?allen says, "i'll be honest with you now anddi'll be honest withh
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mean, it's my obligation. t's my moral obligation and if i think that's coming off the rails, congressman, i will let you know that." the president's strategy includee forces which have increased - from frrm 276 to 330 thousand accordinn to general allen. by the end of 2014, the us and control to the afghans uity entirely..coogresssan hhnk johnson, a democcat from georgia suggested staff sergeent robert bales, the &psollier accused of murderiig sixteen afghan civilians as they slept, may have been a product offcombaa stress and &pwanted assurances he wwuld e would not quote "throw this - soldiir under the bus."allenn says, "the iivestigation will froo a presumption of innocencc. it is the nattre of who we are." meanwhile at fort leevenworth, the ivilian lawyer for staff sergeant &pbales told cbs his client could not remember what
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happened on he niggt of the shooting spreee (on cam ttg)he said hii cliint said he was not drunk that night, he only puote "had a couple oo sips of something." now we are found liable in the defrauding of an ohio investor of nearly a mmllion dollars prior to joining the rmy, a few months months after nine-elevenn in washington, jennifer griffin, fox news. won't matterrif afghanistan's government decides to kick our troops out ahead oo schedule. the afghan president has plready stated he believes thh us is coverinn up what actually happened with the massacre.
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3 3 "what's jury duty?'" he can't shave but he's old enough for jury duty accorddng to the goveenment. why this nine year old was
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asked to decide a suspect's fate. a trip to the spa ends with a police reporr. why this customer's reeuest for a hot wax made him a wanted man.
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girl: i want to tell you about my friend. his name is ben. ben learned about a homeless boy who had an infected tooth, and the boy died. that made ben really sad. he wrote a law so every kid can see a dentist. we have special dental van that goes from school to school. he even helps make sure we learn how to brush our teeth. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. yarmouth,...
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áájacobáá clark... is summooed .../ for... jury duty...////. won't be.../ going... to court..../// "what's jury duty?'" jacob's... only.../ 9... years old.../// ááaccordingáá to... the state's .../ jury commissioner, .../ ááccnsusáá records ...indicate.../ he... &pwas born... in.../ 1982,.../ ááwhhcháá wouldd.. make him.../ 300..//// áábutáá... he's...// a... 3-rd...// grader ...//// knows...// how... the.../ "if you're picked then yoo go up to a judge and you say if they're guilty or not guilty." "i think he'd do well.i think he's impartial. he'd be able to be objective, as long as there was no jjry tampeeiig. if someone offered him an xbox game, he would do as he's asked; but besides that,,he's a very impartial kid." 3 this... is the second...// time...// jacob's... been called .../ duty .../ ááheáá... was... summed...// at... the... age... of... 2.../// áágivvnáá... some... decisions...// y... juries.../ nation--wide...// áámaybeáá... jacob...//
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couldn't... urt police.../ arre.. looking for .../ a... pot-bellied... man.../// in... detroii... area.../ businesses... ááwearrngáá ee-thru .../ panty-/ panty-hose...// he...// hair salon.../ last week...// &páásurveillanceáá... him...// wearing... tee-shirt... baseball cap.../ ááandáá.../ workers... there...// could... see.../// all... the... action...// "south-of-the-border""../// ááthruáá those... hose...// in;;first thing e asked" oot;some weird-do" do""in:"i can see when i lookkd dwn"out;" everrthing ye" yes" police.../ have... put ut.../ an... a--p--b...// onn.. the.../ man...// ááa-p-báá..../ ii... this cae...// means...// asinine.../ panty-hose- wearing...// boob...//
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3 goong for the the performance that's star. 3
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at bank of america,
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we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call baltimore home. from funding to help a local business expand their operations... to financing for an organization which provides affordable housing for artists... and partnering with a local hospital to help expand patient care. because the more we do in baltimore, the more we help make opportunity possible. forget .../ american idol,.../ ááthisáá kid... could tour.../ with.../ one... of the hootess acts .../ in... the world. world. and she's only two years old. old.1- 20 20 she's ooly two years
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canada is makinggherrname by her version of the singer's 's mega hit song bout looe and loss called someone like you. it's alleady received over a million hits oo you tubb in just two weeks. 3 let's.../ keep this warm air.../ for... the rest of the year. yyar. vytts will show us if it will llst through the week.
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3 peyton manning heads to denverr to cash some very big checks... in sports unlimitedd- that's all for the late
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edition,/// but... mmjor... changes in the nfl ton. tonight. bruce cunninnham the denver broncos got their man...but man, is it gonna be expensive...peyton manning is now officiaaly a member of the denver broncos... broncos...manning today signed a five year contrrct wwrth a reported 96 mmllion dollars... followed by 20 million in 2013 and 14 and then 19 the last tww years...a ot of mooey for a 36 year old veteran coming y.....-
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left handed starter zachh britton will be examined tomorroo by famed sports doctor james andreww..and it start to the season..he's soreness that cut short his er - season a year ago... ago... birds and phillles in sarasota..brian matusz lloking for a third straight good 2011...and it wasn't all thatt bad...5 innings, 7 hits but strrkeouts...and a faailiar pame knocked thaa one in...ty wiggingtonn remembee hii? slaps this one into short left as the phillies take a 4-1 tomorrrw in it's another tuesday means another edition of our prep player ofg he week award...noiw in it'' 3rd decaad. it has honoreddthe area's finest hiih schooll athletts since way baak in 1991...this week, we're on the laccosse field... &pfield...
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itts now time to announce the game of the week contest...ol - brought to yyu by varsity sports network dot caa vote for the game you'dd going to fox-baltimore dot com gamm of tte week... here's this week's slate of games... pames... for this friday march 23rd... eastern tech at franklin in paul's hoots pallston in booy lacroose... gilman visits hereford in boys lax...and severna park travels to northeast anne arunnel in baseball...we'll annouuce the winner on thursday night... that'll do it for this editton of ssorts unlimited....'m bc.. pnd be sure to tune in to foo44 morning news tomorrow -- starting at 5-aa.goooniiht. goodnight. mine was earned over the south pacific in 1943. vietnam, 1967.
11:34 pm
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