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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  March 23, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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uulimitee...up next is the late edition with karen &p3ks... nevee, never forget brandonll - brandon 3& a carryout shootiig that plea for help one year after - phello 'm karen parks jeff barnd is off tonight.the search for the person who killld brandon carter is &pintenssfying. the father of &ptwo was killed this time last year at a west bbltimorr carry . live at baltimore city police - headquurters, wiih a new plea for help? 3 33 &p 3
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3 firstton ffx.... hear from the woman .... ho's 3 cell phone was grabbed by the officer. &p tonight.... the woman who mmde ttis ecording... aggeed name is beenadeete. she asked we ot use her last name.
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here is wwat she had to say about officer paul southard.... and his violltion of ho ii now under investtiation. 13:41:28 he was very angry at this phone. i thhnk he may haae thought i caught something ii asn't supposed to i don't really know what made him so upset. it wass't likeei had the cell phone riiht in his faae. he left whatevvr what he was doonn to come get the phone 43 43 as we wwre investigating &psouthard.... e came aross becameeaakey piece f evidence in a federal lawsuit over in this vvdeo officer southard - again is seenngrabbing a person's cell phone. we have breakiig news uu of west balttmore.'re looking at the damagg...from the collision of a fire trucc andd just before 8... t thh interseccion of westtnorth were both rushing to a fire on lennox street.1 paramedic was takkn o shock trauma... anotherrwas taken to mercy how seriously they ereehurt.-
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&ptwo people arr dead and two others injured after a police led to a fiery crashhthe phee a police officer trred to pull over a stolen vehicle.the driver sped off ut ran into a tree at chhvy chase circle on the d-c maryland borderr police are searching for a man realtor while preeiewing a homm in suitland. at this house on ddpont avenue. poliieesay theerealtor was attacked whileepreparing the house to shoo a client. &pcpl mike rodriiuez//rince georres couuty police: "ann unknown suspect went in behind her through an unsecured dooo, grabbed her and sexually assaulttd her then fled the ce" scenn" pollce canvassed the area last night passing out fly ers, they're hoping someone has inforraaion that could lead hem to the suspect. interview... and annemployer login and password. facebook collins says happened to rt through another valuatton...
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and was stunned hen his pmployer asked for his &pfaceeook password. collins says he commlied... becaase he "i'm like-so whht exactly are throuuh your messages, through your wall, through your pictuues and through your posts tt make sure that you''e pot flashing any ang signs or involved in any illegal activity, i as just mortifiid. i just thouggh that crossed the line." coorections as now changgd their policy so ccndidatee dont have to sharr theer passwords.but job applicants can still be asked to login... as an interviewer looks over theii shoulder. &pthat brrngs us to our uustio of the daa....should emmloyers facebook passwwrd?for your passwordd...this onn touched a nerve...people were going backkand-forth on our facebook page for a couple of hours on
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this one.most of you say no... depends on the jobjoin the discussion by goinggto facebookkdot com slash fox- baltimore two years after the president hundredd rally gainst the law - in the name of religious freedomm "claaping... freedom, freeeoo, " freedom" here in baltimorr...proo lifeesupporters gathered and humaa ervices mandate... organizations and churches to drugs that may cause abortions. ccntrol, its not about telling peopll of faith that the federal goot has a belief and your belief beeter agree with thhm no matter what your religion dictates. another raaly was held in bel air... catholic bishops and pro-llfe groups are vowing mannaae, until it'' overturned. thh university of maryland medical system issenttring talks to buy st. joseph medical center. stt
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trouble after cooplaints about &phundreds of unnecessaay medical procedures. the hospital notified about 600 patients three years ago that sttntsshad been placed in their arteriee that they might not hhve needee. ttee revenue fell amid the andd cootroversy nd it faccs pillions f dollars in lawsuits from former patients a bad daa forra unny bbrn without ears. "til"" who wassaa riisng star in germany, was killed when a ccmeraman sttppeddon him by mistake.a presenttthe 177day-old bunny to the world at aaneww conference when the accident happened...he zoo's director says it was a tragic event, &pinstantly and did not suffer. p aamuch better ddy for a seal ho returned ome after surviving annattack. the onee-ear old ale harp seal was nurred back too health after being treated at
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p volunteers say he had numeroos infected wounds on hhs back,,likkly caused bb aa shark. but the animal &pmust've een glad to be home.. &p after going back n th ooeann,he did not resurfacee 3&and a bbd dayyfor ffrefighher in new jersyy..they didn't have to go ar to baatle this fire -- because it waa at fire -- heer own builddng. fire roke out on he second floor of this firehouse. tteated ffr smoke inhaaation. it took nearly nineet minutes to get the fiie under phey were able tt save thrre pumpers and an there is no word on a caase. 3
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33 stuck ith gas prices pushhng towarr four doolars a ssmppy pumping lees. but much pain at the ump must w -
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theyyfeel before gas prices change haaits?.... habits?.... weeput thee question to the test tonight.. after catching p with drivers &pwho were filling up.. nd onn drivee, who haa just put over 54-dollars worth of gas pn his ttnk.. blames the gas pain on politicc.. and the people who practice it. it. (kibler) they don't control the cost of it, but they can come up with a process whichh (ms. paauson) "i'm not sure the politicians caa do anytting aaout it, really. i mean attleast on the national l" pevvl." he experts ssy gas prices cull be at april. 3 3 3&you know, if i had a son he'd look like trayvon. theefallout ffrm the shooting of an unarmed tte president is weighing in o thh controoersy. charged in the afghan mmrders. thh controoersy. charged in the afghan mmrders. & be hard to prove. and caught stealing gas. thh crafty way these theivesswere
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♪ r ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right.
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come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine 2012 iihs top safety picks. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month.
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lease the 2012 passat nntional outrage-- over the shooting of trayyon martin-- a black teenager by a neighborhood watchman claiming self-defense. phil kkating reports on how the inciient ii even getting attention frommthe preeident.. president..chyrons: -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------- following days of urging by civvl rights leaders, &pppesident obama today addressed the shooting deeth of trayvon martin... the unarmed miaai high-schooler, allegedly killed by george piimermann, a suspicious neighborhood watch coordinator says "if i had a ssn, he'd ma look like trayvon. and you know i think they are right o eepect are going to taae his with the ssriousness it deserves and that we're going to get to the bottom of exactly what haapennd." zimmerman claims self- defense under a pecial florida law and has not been charged. the parents off 3
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3 aamy staff seargeet robert bales now is formally charged wwth 17 countt oo muurering civilians in afghanistan. but bales attorney ssys the government may have difficulty there is no crime scene andd - phere's a lack of important physscal evidence. a south floridaapooo tycoon -- convicted in a fatal drunken-drrving crash. the multi-millionaire now faces up to 30 years behind john goodman's car ran a stop signn.. and slammed into another vehicle... kiiling
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anotehh mann goodman's meesured more than twice the legal driving limit.goodman's attorney ays e will appeal . and some thieves ii california use a bread truck to load up...on gas. police say the bread truck was used by crooks as a cooer-upp tootake gasoline from an unddrrround tank. the suspects were caught oo camerr pulling up to a pump toomake it appear s thhugh they were gettiin gas. but according to investigators, phey liited the lid oof a tankkand then used their wn pump through a hole in the van. this is another big loss.". doroshov says: "thhs ii the first time in my twenty year career i've seen something likk this." the suspeccs gottaway on oot. - buu officers wwre abll &t facing chargessof conspiiacy and attempted grand theft. 3 3-
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3 coming up a call girl ring linked o a formmr jjhn edwardssis accused of doinggnow. &p3
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it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds, he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business... and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. pring break is heating up all across the country. precautions if you're boozing it up on onnthe beach.
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spring break is a time when teens often feel pressured to drink alcohol. halaas says: " you do alwwys want to be precautions with your surroundings have a friend who is abstaining and be careful of wweee ouure going tt being or who yyu are it's estimated that one and a half million stuuents go on spring break each year. if you are running for president, common sense tells you not to get invvlved with prostitution. but that's the allegatton gainst john edwards the former senator and democratic candidatt is coming out swinginn aaaiist a report linkkng himmto a manhattan call girl ring. the website d-n-a info was first to break news of anna gristina's arrest for allegedly running a high-priced ccll girl ring. now ttat same weesite is worked forrgristina told investigators she was paid to have sex withhedwards. edwards attorney is denying the allegations. . 33-
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ttkiig paper airpanes to got off he ground in arizonia.- 3
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most f us would just áthrowá a paper airplane... ii we had o. bbt lookkat thiss helicopter is taking this airplane into
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theeskyits called the desert eagle...its 45 feet long... and weighs 800 poundsa 12 yyar thhs stuntit only flew for helicopter had to cut it loose early....because winds were getting out of hand 3 3 3& youucan
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be in charge of yoor own personallzed forecastt i-radar is now available at foxbaltimore ddt com. use the interactive tools to track coming storms down to your street. go to foxbaltimore dot com the ravens sign 4 players today...what 3 of them do that separates them frommthe rest of tte free agents... next in sports unlimited...
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that'' it for me tonight. unlimited. joing's - the ravens every year tell us to relax about free agency, don'' worry about looing players... it will be ok. well today, they finally found the cheekbbok, and signed 4 players... the biggest one is the man right ext to ray lewis on the field. jameel mcclain agrees to a 3-year deal to ssay in baltimooe..tte 27 year old linebaccer is coming off his with 84 tackles and prrvingghe &pnecessarr.... 4 times last
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mmcllin signed with tte ravens syracuse in 2008...we don't knnw yet exactly hhw many millions he's getting, but can you imagiie putting it here? 3 anotter linebacker is returing...brendon aaynbadejo signn his own 3-year contract wwth the ravens...he's a great teams...aaanbadejo was 2nd on tackles last year nd is a 3-time pro bowllrr..the ravens
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&plast yyar and 24th in coverin punts... which is whyythey also signed cornerback corre graham ho has the 3rd most special teams tacklls since 2007...grahhm bears laas year appparing in and they weren'ttdone with their spending spree...safeey and special teamer -- sean considine inks a one-year deal...special teams being he theme oo today's signing... considine split time in carolina anddarizona last down in sarasota...the orioles get their finaa look at the seasoo starrs...they're lr 1-and-3 againnt tteir division rivals with a tie this s the last time the 2 will see each otherr until may 4th in bbston... poston... a bald eagleetaking in the o's and red sox innsunny sarasota....bottom of he 3rd...nick johnson at the platee..he's batting 3-24 this spring....tkes clay bucholz to left-center...falll for is 4tt double...johnson continues
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&pswinging a hot man up...nick markakis...flips his battthinking hees flown out to left...but the florida first this spring...orroles in fronn 4-2....bottom of the over jason repkk's head...mark reynolds scores...o's on top p-2 on andino's rbiidouble... orioles beat the ed sox in theer final preseason and the caps only one point in pront of buffalo for 8th in the east...tonight hosting winnipeg 5 points behind the overtime afterrthe caps blow a 33goal lead...tim stapleton beats michael neuviith for the game-winnee...jets erase a 3 goal deficit to win 4-3 in buffflo for the final playoff - spot in tte east... 3& this is he worst acttng ii history. the philipeee pennnsi is the bald ggy. ball off tte head... then ...
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pate foul against ccsper tte friendly ghost i guess.... he delay we have in tv right? that'll do it or this edition of sports unlimited..i'm jooll d smitt....hanks for waaching...
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