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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 26, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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as outrage grows over the shooting ddath of trayvon martin... raalies are being held all ooer the country. where people are gathering today in baltimore. no more privacy policy on facebook?the three big changes &pthat affect your profile on the site. and... powered by... "you know what."how animal waste is 3eing turned into electricity!!- 3 -inner harbor today is monday, march 6th.
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3 3 3 on the ooe mmnth annnversary of the death of trayvon martin.. outrage over his shooting continues to grow first time...we're earing
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from george zimmermaa, the man mmil just released...he's hhard thanking a neighbor for standing by him. doing verything that you're -, i know you don't and you're trull setting an , - &pexample for me for the future of, uh, doing the right thing evennwhen it's tough, and, uh, i appreciate it. i'll talk to you soon. thanks. thhnks.this comes after witnesses saying ttey saw traavon martin oo top of george zimmerman.. backing up his self- defenne claim. anonymous says: "wwen i goo person that was on top beating up the other guy was the one laying in the grass, and i believe he was dead at hat poi" point."still.. many are still angry that zimmermannhas not peen arrested for the kklling of 17-year-old trryvon martin. pherr have been protests all over theecountry. today... there's expected tt
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be a big rally here in baltimore.megan gilliland is here with more on wheree good morning patricc,today community members and activistt will rally downtown for what they're calling the ptrayvon is all offus" march. the rotesttis led by the occupy jobs network... we ffund them working on their banners and signs yesterday. they''e calling for justiie end to racial prrfiling. thousands of people are expected to join them today. 17:11:57:29"the response we are getting is overrhelming.... a family just left our offices and brought everyyday people march" march" theegroup believes the rally hhre in baltimore... will be it's organized. tte rally kicks off at 5 this evening at llght and pratt street... and then heads to
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pplice headquarters on fayette 7 there'll beea vigil or trayyon at city hall. i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morninggnews. p the rallyy today is ccntinuing the theme of this weekenddin many city phurches. joel dd smith is liveeii northeast baltimoreewhere churchgoers showed their support without saying a ord. good morning joel dd 3 patrice, the pprishoners here at pleasant hope baptist church replaced their sunday best with the now universal sign of support for trayvon mmrtin... the oodie. poodie. take a look, everyone rom babies to the pastor himself, wearing a version of the clothing trayvon martinn as wearing when he was shot and &pkilled one month ago. the tribute continued at churches all cross the city todaa... churches filled with hoodies.maryland delegate emmett burns...also donned aa sermon in his southwest s - their hoods up...the yooth of baltimore say what happened to trayvon martin...resonates a little too closely, to what's happpning in their oon lives -3 4156 we believe we have a
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bunch of trayvon martins in this city that we can save if we begin to addrees theeee ssuu" issues" the ally today is exxectee to have hundreds of sspporters. the worr is spreading on in northeast baltimooe, joel - d. smith fox 45 morning nnws. this florida shooting may put people in the mind of a case here in baltimooe... that's actually heading to court this week. the outcomm in that case ... much llss tragic. investigattrs say , "eli" werdesheim....a mmmber of an orthodox jewish neighborhood watch group attacked a black teenager who was walking through a park heights neighborhood back in 2010. werdesheim says he thought the &psuspect. werdeeheim is accuse of hitting the teen with a
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radio..... e claims he was acting in self defense.that trial is set to start on thursday. two people are ii critical condition this morning... after a crash in arroll county. take a look...these are pictures f tteescene sent to us from the sykesvilll volunteer fire company. it -ha in sykesville.firefighters had to pull two people froo the can see the no wwrd on what leddto the crash. and this was the scene of a crash just offf north bound "295" on wwterview avenue in south baltimore. the fire union sent us his picture.the driver rllee over on 295 and landed here in this wooded area, trapping him. he wwa rushed to shock trauma in criiical condiiiin. whhn it omes to news in yourrneighborhood... see it.. shoot it.. send it. you can upload photos anddvideos to our website. go to foxbaltimore dot com and click on the "see it, shoot it, send ii icoo. you can also send phhtos directly from your cell phonn to "pics at
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foxbaltimore dot om." 33 maryland's house of delegatess is expected to vote today on a measure that would fast-track approval for public-private partnerships.... even in casee phere lawsuits are pending. pending. the bill is aimed at pushing through two proojctss currently tied up in liitgation. one is a contract ffr management of thee ravel plazas along i-95. the other is a new office complex foo both cases.... plaintiffs suing the stateeclaii the illegally. contrrcts went to pooitical and financial - backers of the o'malley the governor plans to sidestep the legal prooess... by creating new's aamove ttat's raising eyebrows among some democrats ... anddthe maryland bar association. ((((bite from thursday niiht 11:00 pm pkg))) "what you wanna do is kkep politics out of procurement. thhs legglstaionnis dangerous because it offers the opportunity to reintroduce poli" &pstate cenner complex... the -
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lawsuit has been held up ii court... because stttt officials have refused to turn ovvr any public documents pertaining to the deal. do you feel it yet?the pain at the pump.... 11 ccnts n just two weeks! that's according to the latest lundberg survey. we're inching closer and dollars a gallln.the national average currentll sits at 3 dollars and 89 ents for a regular gallon of gas. that's according to tripll a's fuel gauge report. it's evee worse here inn &pmaryland ... drivers are sheeling out 3 dollars and 92 cents a gallon.that's the same average forrthe city of ballimore. even when prices are this high.. we can still help you find the lowest priies in your neighborhhodgo to fox- baltimore dot com... slash pump patrol. years before jerry sandusky was harged with child sexual abuse... psycholooist told penn stateepolicc in 1998... the former assistant football coach acted the way a pedophile might.the assessment coulddbe significant because it sugggsts the university was
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warned about sandusky, innno uncertain terms, as early as 1998, but did noo stop the alleged abuse.sandusky, a longtime defensive coorrinator for the nittany lions, is currrntly under house arrest as he awaits trial on more than 50 countt of child sexual abuse. he has pleaded not puilty. the highest court in the land is preparing to tackle perhaas the most important appeal to pecade... the massive health championed by presidenn baracc obama. the court will soonn argumentssover three days on the law's constitutionality . the patient protection and affordable care aat... was signed into laa two years ago. pregnancy can iicrease a woman's chance of dying from a heart attack.that's according to a new study cited in u-s-a today.researchers from the university of southern california found heart attacks in pregnant women are three &ptimes more deadlyythan in a
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woman who isn't pregnant. researchers ssy doctors need to beemore aware that heart attacks during pregnancy differ from a typical heart attack. holy traffic stop batman! batman was pulled over wednesddy in silver spring.... priviin a lammorghini instead of the tradittonal batmobile. the sportt ar was sporting phe superhero's emblem... instead of state tags required by laa.batman had the real plates n his car... and after went on his way to a res... he - children's hhspital to bring some happiness., animal waate is being put to good use at the phoenix zoo.a thrre wheeled machine... on loan from the denver zoo... electricity.the denver zoo plans to use the technooooy for their elephant exhibit in he's stepping out on a limb. limb."i know i don'tthave uuderstand the business world. that's a llmitation there therethe plan that'' helping
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this veteran and others start their own businesses...and the primary goal, behind the successful rogram. program. ((break 1)) some places i go really aggravate my allergies. so i get claritin clear. ♪ i can see clearly now the rain is gone ♪ look! see that? this is all bayberry, and bayberry pollen is very allergenic.
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non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms for 24 hours... you guys doing good? ... including itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. and only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies. ♪ it's gonna be bright bright sunshiny day ♪ live claritin clear with non-drowsy claritin. the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine 2012 iihs top safety picks. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month.
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lease the 2012 passat caught on camera... nature at of phooos.....showing a caterpillar create and enter its cocoon... and eventually emerge as a monarch butttrfly. phons said he knew little about butterflies before watching the proccss. ((2-ssot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3
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3 meteorologist))((ad lib weather))((2-shot toss to ((2-shot toss to ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map 895 map 95 at 112 map greenspring 3
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3 3 3 3 farmville fanatic?words witt friends worrier? worrier?more changes are coming to facebook.who can see doonload aaplications..and how
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youucan make sure it doesn't ha. run it, but you get to pay the " billl."but first...ffom program ttat's heeping formee soliders... own their own businnssee. ((bump ouu)) ((break 2)) 3
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. veterans looking to get into
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the franchising business are getting help. athena jones explains... it's all thanks to a program called "vet-fran". "vet-fran". --reporter pkg-as follows --"i got out march 1st of this year, so that was abbut three weeks ago."navy veteraa wade franklin has big plans...after serving for nearly seven years -- deploying to japan, south asia and afghanistan -- the ffrmer officer is going into business for himself."one good thing about the navy is they really taught me how to make good decisions and how to you know manage things nd you know i felt hey, i want to &ptakk a chance on myself." franklin is opening a ups ssore nd this virginia neighborhood is one possible location."i know i don't have business experience. i don't understand thh business world. that's a limitation there, but with ranchising i could really -- they give you that support."ups waived the nearly &pfee for ten veterans this yea pnd franklin is one of them. he will still have to invest thousands in getting the store up and running so he's applying for a 1700thousand
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dollar loan."they tell you how to run it, but you get to ay the bills."franklin found he opportunity at ups through vet fran, a program that helps returning service members open franchises. vet fran has vets go into business since - the 1990s and wants to recruit 75-thousand vets and military spouses to be franchise owners orremployees by 2004.steve caldeira runssthe program."the franchising industry, it's proven model, it's structured, it's very scaleable, and one that lends itself well to veterans, given the structure that thhy ave to follow, each and every day, to be successful in the military." the hope is that efforts like pnemployment rate among wn he - veterans. for post 9/11 vets national average and nearly five points lower than aayear the process and hopes to open advice forrother veterans whh pight want to try to do what you're doing?""execute, execute a plan and any military member should know how to do that. whetherr they've been the person taking theeordee or the person giving the order. you know what the plan is, you know how to
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execute it."athena jones, cnn arlington, virginia. -----end-----cnn.script----- straight ahead... the odds were in "the hunger games" favor... 3nats! nats!how much the blockbbster grossed in opening weekend alon. alone.and next...more changes to facebook's privacy plan.if it's really different... and &phow you can make sure... your profile information stays private. ((break 3))
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d97 a recent change in facebook's
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privacy policy has sparked a fresh firestorm from some users. alisonnkosik explains what it means for your account . information. --reporter pkg-as follows -- facebook posted a draft of its policy changes last week -- and since then, t's drawn harsh criticism from many
5:26 am are the 3-changes that are getting the most comments and attention..irss -- facebook's privacy policy is now called its "data use policy." no mentiin of privacy.that may sound scary but facebook reassures users clarify some of its policiee. among them, the sitt says when you or your friends download annapplication -- your content information is shared with that app.this is drawing major heat on theesite.the old language didn't include the fact that friends actions can have an impact on sharing your ccntent.but facebook ays it's been this way for a while - ann yoo're already sharing last big change centers around legal basically says that facebook can deny services in some parts of the world foo legal reasons.and it can shut doon services at any tiie because of that.faceeook hasn't said when these changes will take effect -- because it's waiting to hear more from the meantime -- check pour privacy settings!you can control who has access to yourr content.and also, what apps can use your data.log intt "privacy settings" in the upper right dropdown menu for money-dot-com for more info and updates on policies.i'm alison kosik in new york. cnn.scrrpt----- they're the last people you
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would expect to crash anything. anything.she said helll francis hello joihn joihn the queen f england and her husband crass a the royal couple knew where to go... and what the groom did... fter he reccvered from shock. outrage grows over the shooting death of trayvon martin... rallies are being held all over the country. where people are gathering today in baltimore. baltimorr. [ male announcer ] for making cupcakes
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and deposits at the same time. for paying your friend back for lunch from your tablet. for 26 paydays triggered with a single tap. for checking your line, then checking your portfolio. for making atms and branches
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appear out of thin air. simple to use websites, tools, and apps. for making your financial life a little bit easier. simple to use websites, tools, and apps. pohn leopold due in court to &f3 3 33 3 3


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