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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 27, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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how maryland doctors transplant. tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30. 33 3 3
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3 3 fighting back against criminals in the city.police
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increase in robberies this year.megan gilliland is here with more on theeone thiigg that could be making you a target. gooddmorning patrice,police say cell phones are luring in crooks.not beccuse hey're valuaale,,but because when yoo're on one... you're probably not paying mucc attention to your surroundings. surroundings.just this these guys...julien rosaly and - nicholen maultsaby... the're accused of obbing a couple at gunpoint in feeeral hill. the suspects got away with their cell phones, wallets and jewelry. it's a trend... police want to warn you about. 4:00 "don't walk down the street with your phone in your hand... i it just makes you an easy victim."11:11 "i'm glad you told me because i have two kids with droids.. droids."police say many theieves are targeting droids quickly transfer them too can another number or sell them on
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the street. if this were to happen to you... police say remembering little details about the victim can be crutial.things like facial marks or even you.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 pou have a tip or innormation on keeping our streets safe, call our "fighting back" hotlineeat 410-662-1456 a baltimore city jurr convicts a man of beating and suffocating his wife to death . in 2010,,michael harrod... told a faaily meeber he revealee she was dead for two or three days befooe being discovered. the cause of death was a combination of asphyxiation and blunt force trauma. harrod ffces a maximum of life in prison.he the police chief for anne arundel county shows up to a countyycouncil meeting monday night. chhef james teare had previously árefusedá to involvement in the mmsconduct
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charggs agginst county executive john leopold. even though he complied ... cheif teare had very little to say he dodged questions about weather or not he took effective action when the county executive allegedly used police offfcees to drive him to sexual encounterss council meebers asked teare lots of questions about his ties to llopold and if he's fit to be chief. "iq: why would you continue.... oq: thank you councilman." councilman." chief teare insists he s &pstill aagood leader. debate on the presideet's healthcare reform law continueetoday ii the u-s supreme the court tackles the part of the
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law 8requiringá americans to buy health insurance. insurance.on monday, the arguements centered on the question of jurisdiction... áifá the supreme court could even rule on this riiht now. "the anti-injunction act" ... says people must pay a tax ... before they challenge it in court. thissis not ii thheinternal revenue code but for the purposes of ccllection and so why is this a tax? tax? it seems most of the justices want to make a decision about healthcare now.but at least one of them questioned the saying they anted it both today you're arguing that the penalty is not aatax. tomorrow you're going to be back arguing that the penalty is a tax. the rgueeents are expected o toddays mega millions jackpot ... is at least 363 million dollars. -nats of register: 12:54:44:06-
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12:55:44:06--t the valley view inn in parkkille... workerr say they've seen more peoppe coming in to buy tickets. thee jackpot has been growing since late january. everyone is dreaming they'll be the ucky winner. "i don't think i would tell anyone i wonnthe money...i'd &pbe scared"//bbtt to//"and my boss says to me would you work here and i say honestly probably two days a week....lau" week....laughter"in maryland.... here are currentlyythree unclaimed second-tier 250-thouuand dollar inners.the ega millions drawing will be held tonight. cold nnghts right noww could also be costly ones for fruit grooers in oou area. the warm winter has put young crops attrisk. risk. joel . smith is streaming now .... live in &pwestminster to see if the extreme measures one farmer took overnight was nough to save his fruit crops from &pdisasser. good morning joel d.
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3 the popular book series and film "the hunger games," may be ddawing new fans to an old sport. tte leaa character in the with a bow and arrow...and thanks to the eries, archery is in the spotlight. 14-year old arissa yamaguchi is a rising archery star in arizona, and a big fan of the hunger games. i think we'll see a few peoplee coming out, trying it out to
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be likeekatniss i guess. guess.the movie killed it at the box office this weekend with the third biggest opening &páeverá ... ringing in 155 milllon dollars. not only are the cold &ptemperatures ack... back...but so is the rain. you're looking at the inner harbor.when showers could hit your in your skywatch weather forecast. forecast. ((break 1)) ((bump in)) achoo! nasal allergy symptoms
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like congestion, runny nose, itchy nose and sneezing can hit you year-round, indoors or out. prescription nasonex is clinically proven to help relieve nasal allergy symptoms any time of year. [ female announcer ] infections of the nose and throat and slow wound healing may occur. do not use nasonex until your nose has healed from any sore, surgery or injury. eye problems, including glaucoma or cataracts may occur. have regular eye exams. nasonex can increase your risk of getting infections. avoid contact with infections like chicken pox or measles while using nasonex. side effects may include headache, viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds, and coughing. nasonex is there for you, anytime of year. ask your doctor if nasonex is right for you.
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nasonex is there for you, anytime of year. this one's for all us lawnsmiths. grass gurus. doers. here's to more saturdays in the sun. and budgets better spent. here's to turning rookies - into experts, and shoppers into savers. here's to picking up. trading up. mixing it up. to well-earned muddy boots. and a lot more - spring per dollar. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. ((ad lib meteorologist))
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33 ((traffic reporter aa libs)) map fiber map greeespring map 695 at 295
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3 3 3 color coding kids kids(mom close)"i think these are standard hospital blankets.. llugh" how pink and blue came to mean boy nd &pgirl...and ow that may be
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going away... away...and later in sportss.. the ravens receive two draft they got them without making a trade. ((bump out)) ((break 2))
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colors are often associated with ertain emotions. for exampll piik is supposed to pbue is said to be tranquil.
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those two hues are often linked toogender, as well. but some experts say that's about tt change. in our cover story... kathleen cairns and blue for babies. 3 at howard county general hospital... every day... someone new is wwlcomed into thh world... but it's hard to tell who is a boy.. or a giill. righttoff the bat... (mom cllse)"i think these are standard hospital lanketss. laugh"'she' is less then one day old. "this is baby girl smmth we havent come up with a name for her yet.. " no name.. but the colors she will wear.. are lear.:(mom elissa smith) "mostly pink...hah a hah or.. white." down he hall:(wide shot)"this is our first boy" (baby cooing)((om as aughter comes ii)"ohhh hi kayla.. is 3
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thattfor ommy and the baby?" (sherrre mitthell)(voice mitchell he arrived yesterdayy at 8 10 pm"it's a first meeting for siblings.. now.. forever bonded.. (i missed you meet your baby brother mikayla" &p they will share their love.. but not clothes. (mom)"hes going to be ressed in blues browns and green colors.. " (voice only over baby face)"definitely boy like im not going to put him in pink anything!"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx(prof)"so ttere is o reason scientifically why it would be pink for girls assopposed to green oo any other collr..thats just how it happened."historiin dr jo paoletti just published a book: 'pink and blue... telling the boys from the girls in america.' where the &puniversity of maryland professor explores gender identity by color appaael (prof) "the thing i was really looking for.. the holy grail of this... was... there might be some indication of what color the childs hair was" exammning hild photos dating back to the 1800s.. where both genders re wearing white. (voice only)"up until the age of two they were wearing white dresses because
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they were very washable you pould boil them"but the trim... was decided by eye color. (prof) ""eople were style..which was blue eyed babies wore blue brown eyee babies wore pink" studying fashion over time.. (prof) "and then you start to see more pink and blue clothing for babies and toddlers around the first part of the 20th century as those white dresses go out offstylee" cooor coding gender dentity developed in &p(prof)"it really isnt until the poot war baby boooers that its fairly consistently as we thinkkof it now but even tten as late as the 1970's"boys as - late as the found pink clothes ffr of it now but even then i found pink clothes for boyy as late as thee1970's" whiie profits made by gender identityytrends,there is no colors. "oh theres a little girllwearing er rompers.." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx daughter)"are you coming down thh slide?"visiting
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meadowbrook park in ellicott city you see a rainbow of cooors, although the (mom)"my youngeet really likes colors.. " but many parents say they don't follow fashion "it doesnt really matter to me. i really let her decide.. red blue..any color she wants.." so is that the latest trend?(prof- slow dissolve in and out? )"i ttink the future is almost herr.. there are a whole lot more young parentt who aae opting for neutral.. styles and for now... parents look for one thhng:(mmm carmen roberts)"i find with myygirll they really just like a fun it might be pink or a bright neon grren it depends on their mood that day" in howard co kc ffx 45 news at 10 historians say manufacturers like the pink and blue trend bbcause it &pmeans parents cannot always use hann-me-down clothing. they ay that couud be another factor which briigs aaout more
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neutral colors in the coming yyars coming up in sports...the new york jets... new back-up quarterback speaks outtwhat tim tebow says about competing for the job with mark sanchez. ((break 3)) 3 cunningham has fox 45 morning s. sports. rn left. the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine 2012 iihs top safety picks. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month.
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lease the 2012 passat coming up in our 6 po ahead... have that piece of say eaaing it... could mmke you
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