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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 28, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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3police shoot and kill a baltimore man after repoots own mother.find ut why she's - now claiming the officer waa trigger happy. 11 years of his life.. behind -3 a mask." changing operation rrght heree in baltimooe.the first thinn &phe said.. hen he saw himself in he mirrorrafter his face transplant. and.... why the man caught on camera beeng knocked out now the one faccng criminal charges. 3 -inner harbor today is wedneesay, march 288h.
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3 a baltimore man is shot and killed by police.officers say he was tryyng to stab hhs
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mother.but the mother says she for her son's death.megan gillilandd s hhre with thee story you're seeing firss on fox. gooddmorning patrice,it happened at this northweet baltimore homee.. on west cold ppring nnar pall mall road. roaa.inside... iivestigators say they received a call that 21-year old sheron jackson was threattning to attack his mother with a knife.his pmother... tia jackson... says 9-30 yesterday morning after having an argument with her. she says her ssn had a historr of mental illness... but wasn't attacking her.when thh officer arrrved... jackson says shh yelled from upstairs to her son to open the front door.he did... and that's when jackson says she heard at least four gunshots. t.c. 18:22:16 (ms. jackson) "and that's when me and my daughter ran down here and my said, why did you shoot him, what did you shoot him for?
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he still hhd the gun at me and my daughter.. don't move, don't touch him. i said what did you shoot him for... he had a weapon...ell wheee's he weaponn and he pointed.. was a small little pockkt kinifee &ppushed ovee there." pheree"homicide detectives are invessigating.we're told they preetalking to that officer and otherrwwtnesses. for now, the officer hhs been puspendedd.. which is routine in poliic involved shootingss i'm meean gilliland, fox45 mooning news. a man is charged with assaulting a student outside a howard county high school... &paftee áheá is caught on ttpe. being knocked out cold. --fight nats--- nats---this video was taken last week, outside long reach high school inncolumbia.police say the man on the grruud... 40-yearrold donnell vannison showed up at the school in a ski mask to coofront a 16- year-old student...but instead the student nocks him out cold... with one punch.that's when a 15-yeer-old girl hit
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the student. "we believe that the 15 year old is connncted to the suspect ann may have been in contact with him ann encouraged this asssult. she wws thhrr when this happeeed and she saw her ffiend be knocked out by the boy, at wwich pointtshe assaulted himm shes been charged as well s a " juvenile."vannison is charged with second deeree assault nd disorderly conducttpollce say the student... was defendingg himself. theeparrnts of the florida teen... shot and killed bb a watchman... take theii fight for juutice... for thhir son... to the nation's phil keatiig explains... trayvon martin's parents demanddjustice... on capitol hill. hill. who died at the hand of r - self-appointed neighborhoodd watchman -- bringing their demands for justice to apitol hill.fulton says: "trayvon was our sn but trayvon is your sonn"martin sayss "he'' sadly missed aad we will continue to fight ffr justice for him." "jussice for trayvonn martin broadee brush today...crump
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says: "we honestly believe thatttrayvon martin is dead today because he was racially profiled."parks says: "this isn't abouu black and white - black men are sometimes perceeved as mmre sussicious." house lawmakers -- holding a "forum" examiniig racial profiling and hate crimes. jackson lee says: "i am am pleasee that the justice "i - departtent is here because we pefinitely need independent eyes to take a thorough look despite floridd's "stand youu ground" law, the caals for continue::ilson says: "mr. zimmerman should be arrested pmmediately for his own ssfety" sanford, florida's acting police chief daaren scott expressing exasperation at the internatiooal scrutiny:scott here. it's it's it's just -
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that, it's just very overwhelling."(keating on cam tag) u-s justice depaatment is invvstigating this cass as meanwhile, eee in this &pdistrict in florida, a grand 10th - and that may be where - any charges gainst george zimmerman may ullimately be sanford, florida, meanwhile... trayvon martin's mother is trying to trademarkk has filed pptitions to protect - the slogans "i am trayvon" and "justice for traavon."iffthe trademarks are granted.. they would cover digital materialss like dvd's, cd's and audio recordings of her son... and bumper stickers and hoodies.- back here at home... a ppreet in anne arundel county is angry after the principal &pat his sons' middle school day" in support of trayyon e - martin. chad albrecht's sons aree inn7th and 8th grade at marley middle school. he
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kept hhs sons out of school fearing theee could be a backlash against stuuents who chose not o wear a hoodie. in an email... the principaa at he middle school explained how hoodie day was not to weigh in n one ide of the issue but rather to briigg about awareness... that s a person on their appearance. &p while allrecht sees hoodie parrnts view it as a smart move. 12:56:11 i wasn't offended by it i think it was a great message to have the communnty involved butt bite 12:20::9 i really don't think they unnerstand nouuh they're just going to get caught up in big world wind of thhngs and it's gginggto get uggy uglythere was no report of any violence breaking out at the school as a resslt of hoodie day. changes for baltimore and have each named new leaders. leaders.30-year-old ... doctor dallas dance will become the youngest superintendent of houston texassschool syssem.he will replaae joe hhriston... whoois retiring at the enn of the semester.
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(kamenett) "we have a very larre school system and a very diverse school system so we on the platt.....ues that are using more technology in the cl. classroom."doctor renee foose... the deputy superintendent of the baltimore county chooll... accepted the position in howard ccunty.foose will bee the firsttfemale superintendent in the countt. 3investigators are trying to figure ut what led a capttin aboard a commercial airliner to begin acting strangely... including yelling and banging on the coccpit door.greg black explains ... the sccry inciient was captured on video. video. terrrfying moments aboard what should have been a routine fliggt from new york to las vegas...this remarkabbe video shot by a passenger shows &psubdue jetblue 191's flight captain..who ad begun acting erratically and yyllingg incoherent commentt...about
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needinn to get the plane down..and the middle east.we got israal, we got iraq authorittes say the caatain got p to leaveethe cockkit durrng the flight..and his cc- &ppilot...aaready concerned about his behaviour...locked him out...triggering the rants. other crew and passengers held the pilot ddwn...until the flight could be divertte to amarillo, texas where he could be safely removed..and the flight could continue on.david the men who subdued the pilot. he starred to curse at me - aad iran is and i took him in a choke hold.while manyyin the heroee - one passenger praisedd one in particullr.tte copilot pffthe flight, he really, i thhnk, is the hero here. because he had the ense to recognize that something was going horriily what likely helped...some say they were traveling beeause of a security conference..and had law enforcement backgrounds.
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3i'm greg black reporting. 3one week bbfore marrland's primarr g-o-p... preeidential hopeful newt gingrich visits an. annapolis.the former hoose speaker shook hands with &pstudents and lawmakerss.. and even haddsome crab cake. gingrich also weighed in on a bill to raise maryland's insensitive.á (gingrich) "given eeerybody's concern about theeprice of pasoline, to have an effort made to raise the price by ass much aa 25 centt a gallon strikes me as einn ery, very anti-working american." american."maryland's primary is next tuesday... april third. meanwhile gingrich's presidential campaign is getting smaller.he iss replacing his campaign managee and laying off a third of his staff... while vowing tt ccntinue his bid for the whiie house..ingrich acknowledgee tuesday that his campaign is charggng supporters 50-dollars for a phhtograph with him.
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a new c-n-n oor-c international poll shows most repubbicans want former house speaker newt gingriih and texas representative ron pauu quit the race. but only 39 en 3 percent want rick santorum to end his bid.another recent shows mitt romney with a sizeable lead in nationwide support from republicanss former republican presidential candiddte herman ain has a that haa a ottof peoppe talkin. talking. 3 usee a rabbit.... to epresent small businesses... and t's shot and killed.the ad was temporarrly pulled from you
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twitter toocomplain....and the ad was back. starbbckk... is thh most popular fast food chhin on more than 9- mmllion "likes." - mcdonaldds came in second place.. follooed by subway, taco bell and pizza pays to like your favorite restaurants on facebook.peoplee often alerted o special offers and discounts. tragedy in california... it? i mman iifound her on the floor drowned in her oww blood, with a letter next to her head sayiig 'go back to your country, you terrorist'. terrorist'.an iraqi woman is killed and it's believed to have been a hate crrme.but ffnd out why authoriiies are saying... it mighh not be the c. caas. 3&((break 1)) d97
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turn left.
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the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine 2012 iihs top safety picks. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month.
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lease the 2012 passat 3((ad ib meteorologist))
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3 ((traffic reporter addlibs)) map fiber map 152 map greenspring
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reading harry potter...ii tte palm of your haad. hand.the new way you can get the popular wizard series. series.she s innocent, she hasn't hurt anybody. you know she is a mother of five. buu iraqi other is killed in cold blood in before her death... that could comingg 3((bbmp out)) ((break 2))
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what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. it was a brutal killing with a
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terrifying note offwarnnng llft behind. now the ffmily to death in her california en - home .. feels the attack may have beenna hate crime. police are urgiig the family, and others, not tt jump to conclusions. but as migueel marquez discovered, this isn't thh first time the ffmilyy peels it's been targeted.. --reporter pkg-as follows -- 32-year-old shaima allwadi eldeet daughtee - who was home discovered her on the dining room floor. she is innocent, she hasn't hurt anybody. you know she is a mother of five. why did you do ii? i mean i founddher on the floor drooned in her oww blood, with a letter next to her head sayingg 'go back to your coontry, you ttrrorist'.fatima's 15-year- old brother mohaammd says that note the family received. two weeks prior...there wws a
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nooe taped o the door. it said this is my country go back tooyours, terrorist. the family says alawadi wasshit with a tire iron.... notting stolen... the attack so vicious she was left brain dead... life support was cut off. this ii the houss where the attack happened..thee family had only been livvng heee a few months. pollcee insist this was an isolated believes a kkller is on the loose. dd you thhnk sooeooe's out there? sure. i think world is not safe. there's always going to be that one peesonnout ttere who would do something like this. alawadi's husband of 21 years -kassim al hamidi - saysshe loves amerrca, hhs had a greet life here aad now just wants to bury is wife in najaf, iraq. even the iraqi
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government and the iraqi embassy are helping out. online the case has taken onna life of its own. many calling it an anti-muslim hate crime. police say that is onee possibiiity but here are others.. i want to stress thii cass and theepossibility that this is a hate rimm is just one of the aspects of our &pinnestigation. for now he enormous muslim communiiy heree on edge... waiting for police to catch a killer.miguel parquuz cnn el cajjn, california. home prices are still innaaslum. far they'veedroppee in the last five months. months.and ámugglesááget ready. the new way you an read the beloved hhrry potter series. ((breaa 3))
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we love gardening... yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for free. nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil... and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months. my plants grew bigger... more beautiful... with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these flowers, like soap is for showers.
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everyone grows with miracle-gro. everyone grows housing prrces are at a
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10-year-low, cuutomers are fairly pbeat, and the "harry potter" series is nnw shelby lii has those stories today's business brief. brief. --reporter pkg-as follows -- stocks slipped slightly on tuesday, after a stronn rally the day beeore.the dow fell 44 points to close at 13,197 . the nasdaq ann s nd p also ended slightly lowwr. the housing market startee the new year with a thud. home priies dropped for thh fifth consecutive monthhin january, hitting their lowest point the housing market's current turmoil, a survey released tuesday by fannie mae says home ownership is still a goal for most americans.two-thirdss of renters surveyed saa they intend to buy a home sooeday. ameeicaas confidence held fairly steady this month. butt thee onference board said consumers are a bit more wwrried about inflation, prices.. and "harryypotter" aas can inally follow the adventures of the world's most
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famous boy wizard on their e- potter" series is now available t pottermore... that's author j-k rowling's webbste for all things potter. the digital books are pompatible with all leading e- readers, tablets, personal computers and smartphones. the price of tte e-books range prom seven to 10 dollars.for business brief, i'm helby linn -----end-----cnn.script----- millions... find out hhw much now.police shoot and kill a baltimore man after repoots that heewas going to stab his ownnmooter.find out whh she's now claiming the officer was trigger happy.
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