tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX March 29, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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33 city workers caught drinking and gambllng on the job.fox45 &pfirst aired this story a year, there's a new report from the inspector general's office detailing what exactly was going on.megan gilliland is here with the new infromation from investigattrs. ggoo morning patrice,agenns raideddthis facilitly and founddcity workers partyiig instead of working.gambling and rinking inside. thousands of ollars in cash was discovered as well as champagne, odka nd beer. was a ayday tradition that had been going onnfor years. the report details how the walked ii.onn agent was gentss assaulted during the rrid by two workers who charged at
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her... trying to escape.some to gee away.others locced iles themselves in cllsets for &phours. 6:02 and that was really our first clear indication that there was a whole lot more there than we anticipated fiiding..:199i think it should concern people8:23 cleerly we had cultural issue here at &pthis yard in respooss to tte report... the department of transsortatiin has stopped hhnding out paychecks at the beginning of the dayytheee's also routine spot cheeks and superviiors are being told to make sure they have enough initially 24 ciiy workers were placee under invvstigatton.out offthat number 14 hhve been morning news. carroll county prosecutors school counsellrs in the deeth of a juvenile offeedee. oofender. prosecutors propped the chhrges in the at bowling brook school foo juvenile offfndees.they ssy the leading ddtective on the case is being investiggted forr perjuuy in an unrrlated
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homicide case aad would lack died of - pliiaaee by a cardiac event. records show he was unconsciius for nearly an hour before counselors called 9-1-1. isaiah's motter sharre her disappointment after learning death will remain free. onns (6610)(( im devastated...because this case has been going on for a veey before the trial comes.....bbm then they come at you with this) this.)) the carroll county state's attorney's offiie releasee this tatement sayiing.... "unfortunately the decision cases was a gut wreeching one... in theeend thee be called as a itness proved to be the final straw." an 81-year old woman in erry hall wwnts her two stolen
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angell kkta's hhuse is one of for this suspect.he's been by 3 rings were stolen juut weeks - &pbefore her and her husband john... celebrate their 53rd weediig anniversary. (angela )"its terrrble &ppeeling what are you going to do..iffi ould gee him idd shake em...nd i ant to cry every time i thinn about it or ii." abouttit." angela has been searching through awn shops hoping to finddher ringg. a baltimore county officer could face disciplinary action after fox45 nees questions police abouuta photo taken by one of our viewers. viiwers.the viewer says they took this picture with theirr ceelphone at the parkville post office tuesday afternoon. you can see the officee is &pparked in a andicapped space. the fficerrsays there werr no parking spots so he pulledd
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pnd mailee 2-letters befooe leaving. (ee norris)-laugh- thatssnot an emergency if the post office was being held up e could but if hessjust dropping off the mail absolutely not " (over photoo"it sends a bad meesage to the pupplic.. im abovv the law.. do as i say not s i do" do" an internal investigation is underway. when is comes toobeing numbbr one.a new gallup poll finds the magnolia state is the most religious state n thh u-s..taa came in second... with its large number of mormon residents. on the other end offtheepew ... is vermont and new hhmpshire... which tie as the least religious states.maryland ranns somewhhre in he middle &.. with 39-perceet in the state saying they're veey religious. paas the unroasted coffee please... it's a fat-burning hit. a new study found thatta small grooppoo oveeweight people lost about 10-percent of their body weight after
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eating less than an ounce of ground... green coffee beans every ddy for 22 weeks. study participants combined he coffee with a low-fat ddet and substance found in unnrastedda - coffee beans known as phloooggnic acid may be behind the fat burn. p it's like black friday now has a cousin. the home deeot is trying to kkck off spring with the same doorbusting deels so many joel d. smith is ive in carney to check out tte &pall make our homes better thi spring. good morning joel d. dick mcclaryhomm depotsshhbert 3 schubert 3 &pschubeetcontact: ick homm depot dick mcclary joee dd &p good morning good morring joel d. 3 3 dick cclaryhome depot contact: nick schubert
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being stationed in afghanistan seeing his son comm into the wo. world.specialist brock howland attenddd the birth via skype. their babyyboy in michigan... while hee husbaad stood ávirtuallyá at her ssde. did. especially when he first - came out and i saw him on mary's stomach, i lost it. i still get really sad aad happy at the same time. sad that ii can't bb there. but so fortunaae and appp thatt have such a bbautiful son now." howland says he hooes to meee his son iin erson soon. &p3&pis it really spring? sprinn?you caa't tell by the cool...we'll get today.... in foreccst.
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♪ so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we don't care anymore? we just eat whatever tastes good? excuse me? [ man ] like these sweet honey clusters, they're awesome so no way they're good for you. but i guess that's okay right? actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. can you use it in a sentence? mmm. swapping a 300 calorie donut for this 110 calorie strawberry shortcake is a good swapportunity. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ female announcer ] delicious, creamy, yoplait light. over 30 flavors each around 100 calories. do the swap today. ((break 1))
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treatments being developed. ((buup out)) ((break 2)))- ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios.
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it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours? it's the most common foom of demennia, affecting millions of americans very year. but researchers are &pdiscovvring new clues about alzheimer's diseaae likee.. ppreads ttrough the brrinn it's research they hope will one day leaddto a cuue... or
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at least, better treatments.. &pin ur cooer story, melinda roeder akes a closer look at earliesttstages... and it progg. prrggessionn 01:02:13 "come here, molly." for deb stoudt... tte walk oo life is full of contradiitions. froo the details she remmmbers....01:01:38 i used 01:01:48 "itts very similar too forgets. 01:10:11 "i'm not really good &pbite)01:08:08 "oh this is jus a note toomyself..."little reminders.....are writing things down for me is reallyyvery important."there markings all over the calendar. &pthe thiigs that are on there so i'm trying to gettthem n &pmy head."deb's to-do liss &pdoesn't just incluse tasss like grocery shopping.... 01:11:20 "oh i think somebody wrote lucky charms because that's not really my handwrrting.""ut alss do... here to go... because even familiir stores... ccn be lost... in her emory.29:36
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forgot to make the turn and that scaaed me beccuse then i couldn't igure uu where i was."45:09 "the hardest parr is knnwing that she has to deal with it."her husband pike... recalls... the ffrstt signs of forgetfullness.41:03 "" would say 33or 4 years ago." he often writes thh notes.... that constantly remmnd deb.... how to use the phone.... 01:04:58 "to call mike, ii's ppeesing 3.""r when to ake her pills.45:00 "it's an exercise in patience."early people in theefiftiee - like deb. and often, theee's noo family history.21:08 "my mother said sse couldn't believe it hen i olddher." fiist signs among patieets are almost always the same.01100 "so what you see is people begin to repeat themsslves. they start misplacing things a lot."ttissm-r-i of the rain section... then literally one
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spreads - ike cancer - killlig cells. the tissue, replaced with fluid.. ausing 01:36 "after that, the next thing we see are the problems withhjuugment andd probbem-solving."docttr marilyn albert with the they're always tryiig to find new treatments.01:55 "right now the best we have are medications that make people abbut 6 months better thhn phey would be without them.. until recently, most research hassfooused on the proteins within the bbain cells of think theyyunderstand how the disease sppeads from cell to cell. figuring out how to block the transmission could by key to stopping... or at least slowing theedisease. 51:26 "even if it can't hhlp uss ii it can help anybody in the future ttat would be ggeat."01120:20 - searchinn through fridgee..without a breakthrough... patients like dee... 01:23313 - nats of deli
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the inevittabe. 01:19:06 "now ehere ii the bread? in here? to think about it. h there eetimate that from the timee symptoms to when ttey become demented might be 5 years."debb 27:24 "you know i hhnestly then another day... and then - another daa."taking onn day -- time.54:41 "just to try to know that i love her. we love with yourself to bb patient - and not so frustrated."they say love isspatient.. and kind. &pvery much."and it bears repeating... not for the heart... 56:51 "you do thhe best you can."while deb still has important to stay positive. 39:02 "you definitely do because then you just get you feel worse."this month... atlanta... for a visit withh every detail... carefullyy planned ahead.01:00:15 "my brother's nameeis gary. so i wote garyy is coming to pick me up andd he''l takeemeett thhi house.
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thenncall mom. she'll come too gary's..."the kinn of takes patience.but deb's family.... pnd doesn't mind.49:30 "yeah, i mean thaas wat ou're help hold off... herrfate. 50:08 "you know, we'll there." melinda roeder... ox 45 news at ten. 3 fox 44 news attttn. 3 deb can no longerrwork... but now volunteers a coupleedays a week at the school where she useddto e a teachers' assistann. coming in ports. basketball coach is rewarded... the major gift... jimmy patsos recieved. 3(breaa 3)))-
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