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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 30, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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stroke and one tonight on fox 44 news at 5:30 - $540 million and counting...
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3 3 p3 3 &p itts being called the
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world's biggest lottery jackpot ever. the mega- millions is now up to an &pestimated 540 million dollars.... and the buying frenzy is onllyexpected tt grow as the countdown to he d. smith is live northh baltimore with more on this record breaking lottery.... and to show us why etting your tickets could beea morning no... you got to think about lib) .........according to officials, the been kicking out machines have officials,
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.........accorddng to officcals, the been kicking out clooe to $80-mega millions ticket salessper ..........youu dream, and pick up one of those makk you a half billionairre in just 5 well, been a winner the lass - january 24th. good now, that maryland lotterry good now, that ........sales arr so good now, that marylanddlottery officials and other epresentatives from participating states rrised the jackpot frrm the previous high of $500-million dollars.. to $540-million ddllars. the odds of winning aae..... terrible. but for many,,now is nottthe time for doubt, or reality.. (mr. bailee) "all of them are out. i just want a piece of e share."on't wanttall offit. 3
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,3 33& this morning... police have indicted a man on charges that hh forced a 15 year old girl months until she was rescued..
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police have indictee melvin became ssspicious after seeing an advertismmnn on a website called... 'backpage-dot-com'' it lead them to a hotel in longwood and the girl. in d - ssuthwest baltimore, in aa area which has a eputation for prostitution... residents react to the aarest. (brenda spell)"god dont pppreciate that.. but stiil &psatan has this world and its theres nothing we can do but watchhouttfor ourrchildren.our grandchildren if we can" can" longwood could face 10 years in federal prison if convicted. 3&testimony continuesstoday in the trial of two brothers.. charged with burning a pit bul.. on thurssay.. jurorr heard opening stttements in the case. bbt that jury pool wasn't easy to fiid.the majorityyof potential jurors admitted they haa prior knowledge of the case... whichhfirst ended in a opening statements... both sides
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revealed hhw they planned to map out their case.the prosecution ssys travers and tremayne johnson were recorded on surveilllnce viieo running frommthe scene.butt he defense says ii wasn't them.phoenix wws set oo fire in may 2009 and eventually had to be euthanized becaase of her injuries. 3&the brother of the an who shot and kiiled trayvon martin speakk out aboot the case. case.this surveillance video george zimmerman at the police station after the incident. zimmerman says he was attacked by martin... and shot in self deffnse.repoots say zimmerman hhdda roken nnse aad a cutton hisshead. zimmerman's brother ...rooert was asked abouu what he sees on the surveillanne video. ((piees morgan: ttere's nn visible sing of a physical attack, how do you explain phat.zimmerman: weere confident the medical records are going to explain all off georre's medical history both how he was treaaed at the scene and how he was not. to me his nose looks swollen in that video i'm his brother.)) &pbrother.))robert zimmeeman video i'm his brother.)) brother.))robert zimmerman
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severe emotional injuuies"" from the hooting and has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. more witnesses re coming forward... talking aboot hat they saw the night trayvonn martin wws shot anddkilled in sanfood, florrda. c-n-n's witness about the incident. ((cooper: what did you observee after the shot?eyewitness::um, as i saiddit was dark butt after the shot obviously someone, a man got up, it was kind of like that ppeiod of him, i can't say i actually watched him get up put maabe only like a couple of seconds or so then e was patching. and i could see him a little bit clearer, could see that it was aahispanii man and he was um, ya knoww he guess very worried or wwatevvr walked like on the sidewalk at that poont, his hand up to his forehead and
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then uh, another man came out light.))it could mootts before state and federal investigatoos determine if any charges should be filed. a florida mortician is isputiig george zimmerman's claimm... he killed trayvon martin in self-defense last month, after martin attacked him. ichard kurtz embalmed martin's body three days after the shootinn that killed the 17-year-old. he says he saw no signn that the teen had e in any kind of fight. --sot --in preparing his ody, pis hands, and dressing him... i could not see any evidence ttat he'd bben in such fight. >>butt tt>> we wwre not looking for those clues, but when you take a person, eebalm person, dress a person ann place him in a caskett.. you can not miis cuts and bruises on his and, you know, because his hand is a part thaa is viewabbe..
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peorge zimmerman told police he had been out n pattol as a neighborhood wwtch voluntter... when marttn came up on him ffom behind ann attacked him. but kurtz ssys pe found no vidence of an attackkas he got martin ready it looks like warren jeffs texas juuge denied the nn a fundamentaliit ssct leader's appeal on his conviction of sexual assault charges. jeffs for molesting a 12-year-old &pgirl and a 15-year-old girl, whom he called his spiritual wives." jeffs was the head of the fundamentalist hurch of jesuu christ of lltter-day saint... , a breakaway mormon ssct that openly practices polygamy. dramatic video of a school bus in henryville indiana that had to outrun a tornado with nearly a dozennchildren on boaa. bbard..ou may remember this shot of the bus smashed into a building earlier thii month.
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here's what wws hppening inside... during that tornado. is pushed across the parking lot.. and then the road... before crashing into a diner. weee on that buu... audio piiks up thh tense moments pet them toosafety.ambles to - radio: henryville - there is a tornado on the ground.perry:: tornado on the ground, guys. book to put over your head, do &pit.. get in tte middle.))! 3&that river was that driver was able to get those kids off the bus and to before the bus is blown away. - a close call for a motorcyle rider... whose driving skills saved his happened on can see the car spiis out of control and came
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just inches away from hitting a motorcycle.what's nottso easy to see is how the driver of the bike responded so quickly.he didn't panic, he saw what waa happening and accelerated.aaazingly, averting disasttr. coming up on the early edition... they won the national championship. championship.19:56 "we were undefeated the entirr season. not one high schooo girls' -3u pport thesee ((break 1)) the word is swapportunity.
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can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. can you use it in a sentence? mmm. swapping a 300 calorie donut for this 110 calorie strawberry shortcake is a good swapportunity. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ female announcer ] delicious, creamy, yoplait light. over 30 flavors each around 100 calories. do the swap today.
5:44 am
♪ [ female announcer ] if whole grain isn't the first ingredient in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first on the side. from honey nut cheerios to cinnamon toast crunch to lucky charms, get more whole grain than any other ingredient... without question. just look for the white check. meteorooogist))
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3 ((trafffc reporter aa ibs))
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3 3 3 ad libs)) 3 meteorologist))
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3 ad libs)) 3 3 3 33
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no boys allowed... a few boys teams. noo all of them."their championship a unique sport... n. next.and aaer in sports...ray lewis gives a passionate speech to stanforr's baskktball team...the champponship their tryiig to wii... and if his motivational talk [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry
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that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? the preakness is still more
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than a month away, but thereessanother kind of wrapping up its season.... and tte riders aae ready to defend their our cover story... melinda roeder introduces a teaa of high school girls.... who've gallopeddtheir way to a national championship... in oneehard-core sport. ('quiet' nats):05 - barn in daalight, exterior... country nats in rural exterior... country nats in rural marylaad... springgime meaas riding season...(quick shots and nats of preakness??but it's not ust thoroughbreds... thundering down the track... :48 - horse sways head... like watching the gamein this preparing.... á:53 - horse nats!!! (red bull)for a vvry different sport....(cover bite with b-rrll)05:25 "we tie ttee horses tail.. mess uu your stroke.""5:51 - shots of her
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tying tailsome retiied from the race track...others were never fast enough in the first place.09:33 "he's good when he way."luckily... here... skill beats speed anyday.17:16 "i tend to ike the small horses becauss they're easy to panuever. big horses are like hauling a truck around." (((((ransition to scrimmagg game)))))and aaggod manuever means everything... in this game.(maybeecover part of thii game.(maybe cover part of this - bbte with vvd) 26:09 "in a rideoff, you try to get your horse's shoulder just in front of the other horse, so you have tte advantage."woman's championship high school polo team28:04 - pic of championship teamthe youngest player? just 15!!!16:07-16:14 "a l ot of people say, what is water polo? no, horse polo. ohh okk"12:57 "i usually say hhckey on horreback." the bumps may bbesimiliar.... but instead of periods, they play....13:17 "chuckers"there are penalties for unfair play 26:26 "most of the rules in polo are for he horse'' safety (natt) and making sure
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they don't get hurt."and unlike hoccey... the falls and unlike hockey....the fallssare much harder ....16:47 "yeah, my horse fell doww as i was going to shoot on goal and i compleeely blacked out once i hit the ground."marissa wells... is ranked nnmber one amonggu-s all-ranked number one among u-s all--tars... 3 p((vid on dvd) earlier hii month.... she the championship vvctory of 18-over 5.marissa scored 11 of those goals.19:56 "we were undefeated theeentire season. not one high school girls' team beat season. not one hiih undefeated the enttre season. not one high school girls' team beat us."they'rr not just beating girls... 20:17 "we've beaten a beating pirls...they're not just beating girls...20:17 "we've colleges too...18:37 "for ot - college, we've beaten every team, e're pretty up there." 43306 "nice shot!"she credits & her success to her coach.... 42:52 "yes, hat's better, watch the ball."who's also her 54:30 "swing down!, ..."a former college all-star himselff11:13 zips up boots (nats)now, shh's following in his boot sttaps.45:14 "good..
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focus on the next one."once considered the "sport of popular ... among till more teaatottllers than american teenagees....but this group of hooked"are proof that here att harlan farm.... you don't have to be royalty... to enjoy the riie....19:11 "i don't know what i want to do. what i want to be. i just wanna play polo." in freeland, marylandd.... melinda roeder... ten. &p poming upp &pin sports...openiig day is just a wwek away for the o's. find out ow they played... against the yankees... last night... as their last weekend in florida begins. &p((bbeak 3)) 3
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♪ beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed. these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain.
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[ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories. creamy, dreamy peanut butter taste in a tempting new cereal. mmm! [ female announcer ] new multi-grain cheerios peanut butter. o'clock hoor...
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kim kardashian...octo-mom... and kate gosselin.finddouu what list these ladies are on ... that &pno celebrity wantt to be. the word is swapportunity.
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can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. can you use it in a sentence? mmm. swapping a 300 calorie donut for this 110 calorie strawberry shortcake is a good swapportunity. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ female announcer ] delicious, creamy, yoplait light. over 30 flavors each around 100 calories. do the swap today.


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