tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX April 2, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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3 this morning... a nine-year-old girl could have her foot amputated after an happened here onn willy oak drive in jarrettsville.police tell us the girl was injured when her father backed over her foot with a lawwmower.she was taken to the johns hopkins children's ccnter. for the seccnd time in less thhn a week....homicide detectives are called to a typically quiet neighborhood innanne arundel county.and this morning... police are searching for a killer. &pthe lattst happened early sunday morning... on bolivar avenue in pumphrey. police responded to reports of gunshots.when they arrived at
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the scene... they found a man the victim is identified as 44- pear-old bryant bagley of baltimore. neighbors say his girlfriind lives in the neighborhood.residents say they're now growing concerned 41:44 "i don't feel safe . becaase... you don't know why. i don't t know what s going on arouud here now." now."police do not belieee the shooting is in any way related to a stabbing that happeeed in anyone witt information about eitter crime is asked to call anne arundel ounny pollce. you may be ellgible for a cash reward. civil rights leaders joined protestees in floridaa.. over justice for trayyon martin. they're marccing to sanford's police headquarters..s sheeby lin explains, the protesterss want martin's shoottr, george zimmerman, arrested, now! now! 3&--reporter pkg-as follows -- (nats of crowd)shot in the chest...we wann arrest!the n-double-a-c-p rally ann march
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for trayvon marrin on saturday filled the streets. protesters wore yellow clothing and held signs hoooring the 17-year-old shooting viitim. n-double-a---p president ben jjalous joined reverendssjesse jackson and al sharpton in the rally..e're not bowing out, we're not bbcking down...there will beejustice forrtrayvoo martin! thank you and god bless (applause). zimmerman will go to trial. but, that will not stop racial profiling and rising violence in our country.georre zimmerman is quoted as saying he shot and killed martin in self defense last month.mmrtin was unarmed.this surveillance video shows zimmerman arriving at the sanforr police depprtment after the shooting. zimmerman's family defends him. he didn't pull out a gun and ssoot him. ggorge showed trrmennous restrainthe prevented his fiiearm from being taken from him and used againstthim. and that's called saving your life. florida's governor appointed a special
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prosecutor to pursue the case. the u-s department of justice is also investigating.martin's family says they want a ttorough investigation and juutice ffr trayvon.shhlby lii, reporting from atlaata. -----end-----cnn.script----- &p--keyword ags-- 3and a vvewer sent ussthis photo of a ural located at street and caroline avenue. &pman with a hoodie anddan imag oo skittles in the rrght hand corner.we're not sure who made the mural...buu it appeaassto be nother tribute tootrayvon martin. when it comes to news in your neighborhood... see it.. shoot it.. end it. p you can upload photos and videos to our website. go to foobaltimore dot com and click on the "see it, shoot it, send it icon. you can also senddphooos directly fromm foxbaltimore dot com." a baltimore tradition is back open for business. on sunday... the baltimore farmers market and bazaar opened for the season... and many people took some timm out of their day... to do a little shopping. this year marks the &p33th anniversary.the market i
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located on saratoga street between holliday and gay streets under the jones falls ffers a varrety of fresh fruits, meats, pastries and crafts ffr sale. &pone of the vendors says its a great way to bring the community together. "its juut bringing together craats peopleeand a bunch of farmers from baltimorr aad pestern maryland...and puttiin ii togethhr on sunday mornings" mornings"for a link to more information on the baltimore farmers' market & bazaar... just go to our website foxbaltimore dot com... and click under newslinks. today we'll find out which airline rates best in uality. tte answer will be released this morning... in the annual airline quality rating report. it looks at how the largest 15 airlines do with on-time baggagee.. and customer ed complaints. hunger game nats nats "the hungerrgames" continues
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to dominate the box &pits econd weekend on the big scrrenn.. the blockbuster flick took in mooe than 61-million dollars and pushed its domestic ticket ales total to 251-million."wrath of the titans" came n at number two....and julia roberts' new out the top three. an ohio pastor pushee the limits offtradition... to connect with his congregation. pastor mike scruggs admiis he'' anythinn but a traditional preacher. his eyebrows. and that's exactly what happened last friday night... during a series he calls "the baatle of the sexes."he used some rather interesting visuul proos... to make a poiit. "with our bed on one side what stripper pole, your video r games, your sports. the woman's side orderly neat it's all about love candy teddy
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bears roses and being wined try o make it relevant straight forward we don't about sex we talk about drugs l- we talk about faith we talk aaout relationships things that people are dealing with on a day to day basis." scruggs says it's more than juut provocative sermon titles. he brings in peakers and focusesson real situations... to help establish aagodly solutionn aajaaanese couple takes tte expression "taking the plunge"... álittrally.áthee said their "i do's"... atop the world's steepest rrller it's not for the faint-hharted.- the ouple plummeted 1- hundred--nd--1 degrees down. while the experience was fun... the newlyweds say they're planning an officiall later this year. ree ceremony
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for our fresh takes on pepperoni. with the mangialicoius meatball pepperoni melt and chicken pizziola melt. subway. eat fresh. and chicken pizziola melt. &pa family in providence, rhode today... who was a soldier. dennis weichel ... a sergeant in the national ggard ... combat ... but while saving the life offa little girl. barbara starr explains.. the
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people who knew him re not surprised that he made such a s. sacrifice. --reporter pkg-as follows -- three months ago, specialist dennis weichel mmde a surprise visit hooe from hii tour in afghanistannow the flag flies issand state capitol until the 29 year old ffther of three is laid to rest.weichel was killed in eastern afghanistan saving the life of an afghan child.according to the armm when weichells armored convoy came across fghan children in the road, he and others got out to move the children out to pick up some shell ccsings. - weichel saw her in front of trucks and pulled her to safety at the last minute.but he was hit accidentallyyand captain christopher john ahlemeyer, weichels platoon leader during a previous tour
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harr by his death. "at first i was ovvrccme with emotion. i of my guys but then i ttok a 3 step back and i realized that would have really done that for anyone. that's the type of guy he was."dennis, he says, always responded to children. "we would roll into local communities and villages and see children peeking out the windows ann it was sgt. wiechel's calm demeanor and the way he handled chhldren that these kids he welcomed them and these kids would come out and he would ensure that every single child receivee &psomething whether it be the a booklet to write in."during those dayy back home everyone could see dennis weichel's own children meant everything to &phim."i'm ust excited because these are the most important things to me - my kids - o
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glad to see them on the holidays.""dennis weichel was ppomoted posthumously to sergeant. he is survived by his fiancee and his three children who were so thrilled ponths ago. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon.-----end----- cnn.script----- coming up innour 6 o'clock hour... mother of 14 says... she's the it has nothing to do with her recent ude pictures. pictures.but first in sports... the basebbll seeson begins on friday for the o's...but find out why it id not go well for one startinngpitcher ... against the rays. ((break 3)) bruce cunningham [ male announcer ] ever wonder what's behind two little fleas?
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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this one's for all us lawnsmiths. grass gurus. doers. here's to more saturdays in the sun. and budgets better spent. here's to turning rookies - into experts, and shoppers into savers. here's to picking up. trading up. mixing it up. to well-earned muddy boots. and a lot more - spring per dollar. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. wipe out weeds for less, with bayer advanced durazone weed and grass killer, now just $19.88. did you know that acids in everyday foods can soften and wear away tooth enamel? once enamel's gone, it's gone for good. try... it uses an innovative gel-to-foam technology to surround your teeth, protecting them from the effects of acid erosion. pronamel iso-active strengthens and re-hardens acid-softened enamel. in fact, it's the number one dentist recommended brand for protection against the effects of acid erosion. try (new) pronamel iso-active today. this has been medifacts for pronamel iso-active.
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