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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  April 4, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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the votes are in... and mitt - thh ggoop battle for the nomination in the race for the white house.hhre in maryland... maryland...our smartboard shows romnee gets 49 - percent ofhe vote... makkng him the clear winnerrby a big mmrgin... ver rick santo. santorum. that puts governor rroney
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over the half-way point to he nomination.. this map shows how the primaries hve ssaped uppss far. the red states indicate were romney hhs won... blue &preprrsents staaes for rick santorum ann the yellow ssates went for newt gingrich. gingrich.last night.. romney gi. gingrich.last night.. romney &pswept wisconssn... 3 washington d-c... d-c...aad right here in marylan. maryland. that gives romney 572 deleggtes... he needs 1-thousand-144 to seeureethe - gingrich and ron ppullhave scaled back their campaigning. but rick santorum has continued to forge ahead, and willlbe aiming for a showdown in his home stateeof pennsylvaniaain hree wweks. 3this was for the first time in primaryycould make a land's &pdifference in the g-o-pprace for presidenn.still... many people just didn't vote.megan gilliland is here with more on
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why vooee turnout was soollo. talking about ooly abbut 25 percent of voters turning yesterday'sspriiary. primary.thii was the scene in cockeysville...pretty much... a deserted polling location. pike many cross tte state. ssoe say this is the worst 3"i know a lot of peoole arr concerned aboot our country why aree't thee dding their homework and iving their voice it's important.""-pimport turnout... we asked our viiwers... do youuthink your vote overwelmmnn 3&robert says: it's low because we are all tired of these crooks. there iss o one worth &ppoting forrtrip says: one arty staae like chance for dramatii changeeso one vote or even a lot of &pvotte don't eally matter.
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&pstill... three of thh four g-o-p candidatts for presidentt campaigged here in marrland recently.knowing that this year... oor primary could mmke a difference in the race for &p there were primary vvtes congressiinal districts and for one senate seat. see all of ttose results by going to foxbaltimore dot com. primarr banner on the home more results throughout the w the trial continues for pwin brothers... accusee of setting a dog oo fire. fire. on tuesday... an animal control officer took ever seen.thh dog was urned so badly... it had to be put down. theebrothers... travers anddtreeayne johnson... areeaccused of nearly three yeers ago. they - were first ut on trial last year... but that case ended in deeendants aaso took the stand tuesday....but was very uncooperative when answering questions about what he saw. it was obvious jurors weree
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getting frustrated... when theerrheads.and another testify. towson university held a vigil to remember two students &pemotionssran higg as thosee affected the most remember ryan bailey and timothy coyer. bailey was hit by a car early saturday morning.police say the driver never stopped, as bailey dded on a sidewalk on later...timothy coyyr...who served in iraq and afghanistaa before coming to owsonn was found dead n his apartment. it's believee coyer died of a heart attack.... ut an autopsy is being performed.some students say...two deeths ii comprehend: 3 bruue blackwell sae president ssow everyone that we canncome togeterrin time together...we will come out to support thoss whooneed it". ruus p1. andrew coyer. tim coyer s
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brother. 095426 thank u t everyibe thank u it eans a pot... i just want to say thankku on behalf of my whole want to say thank u on it means a lot.... i just thank u to everyibe thank coyer brother. 095426 everyibe thank uuit mmans aa lot... i just want to say 3&fam0 20baltimore county pollce say was a sillee or white boxy style car.there is a 2- thousand ollar reward, a freighteeinggday... orr in kenn county.usand students county.(ashten)"they said their was a bomb outside" outsidee on tuesday... a bomb phreat forced the evacuation offttn schools.state police were called in to search eeah dogs. nothing was ound and no one was hurt. but teachers say the precaution wass necessary. (teacher)"nn matter how you look at it its preety traumatizinn to think oo what could have happened when
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god for that" that" kent county schooos are expected to re-open today. seven people areedead and three others injured after a former student opened fire at ccristian college n oakland california.thissmorning... accused gunman. gunman.this was the scene monday aa oikos university, one goh lined p his victims and shot them one-by-one, execution style.a student pecorded tte chaos on his cell phooe, aa gunshots rang out. detecttves say goh was dismissed from the university earrier this year, and wanted revenne on a emale schooll been picked on, waan't treated administrator, and he wanted to get backkat them. police say goh drrve off in a about an hoor later. he won't teel them what heedid wiih his weapon, nd is showing no signs of remorse.
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3& heart disease remains the number oneecause of death in our country, but thee american heart association says 0 pprceet of those deaths... are preventable. taking stepsstowards a re - healthier liie, by "taking aa few more steps" today. joel d. smith is live at lake montebello oo with some more reasons you should jjin 3 od mmrning joel d. y 3
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consumer reports has released rankings... oo the best and worst supermarketssacross the country.topping the list... are wegmans, trader joees, pubbix,,and fareways.amonggthe most frustrating for ssoppers... are walmart supercenter, pathmark, and pick n' savv.the report also detailed store traas that ccuse you toospenn more... such as sneaky sale signs that readd"5 for 5 dollars"... implying you eed to purchase dissount.another tick??.. e - report says you caanactuaaly
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save money... by shopping clockwise, inntead of thh typical counterclockwise storee arrangement. a dad in texas stops to shop for a ggn. ..while leaving his young children in the van parked outside. father shopping nside thh store ...for 50 minutee..e says he diint reallieddit had showed uu after police were e - called. casewookers have removed the children froomthe family days after tte incident. the father saysshe loves his children. peopleemakk mistakes every ddy. mine just happened to be my kids have been rpped from me. he's never made a mistake likk thissbefooe. the children's father... ggge eason could face criminal chargee. levi johnston is going to be a dad... áagain.áthatts according to t-m-z... which says the father of bristol palin's child is having a baby
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weelock.johnsson saas he is looking orward toostarting a &pnew ffmily with his 20- year-old girlfriend... who works as a preschoollteacher unexpecttd surprise. is an 3&aacloudy day on tap... tap....wh could expect showers... and n forecast..,ch weather forecast. ♪
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♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more, no more ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds and puts down a barrier to stop new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control spray once. stop weeds for months.
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roundup extended control (((d lib meteorologist)) (((raffic reporter ad libs)) ((traffic reporter 3 meteorologist))((ad lib ((bump in)) ((break 1)) forecast.weathee skywatch next in yoor showers... and who could expect tap... tap...a cloudy day on surprise.unexpected tells teacher in alaska.preschool works as a girlfriend... who works as a preschool the unexpected babb is an - a cloudy day n tap... ttp...whh could expect when.. skywatch weaaher forecast. forecast. ((break 1)) ((bump in)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ad libs))map fiber map bee air 33 map fiber mappbel air 3
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3 3 3
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trrllion ddllars... doolars....we live t homm and we have a stable lifestyle to look forward to tothe key thing about student loans... that makes them a big problem. ((break 2)) them a big problem. [ mom ] to me, chex is not just a litittle bowl of cerea,
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it's kind of a big deal. to find nutritious and gluten-free cereals my whole family actually loves? well, the word "wow" comes to mind. and then a friend told me chex has five flavors that are gluten-free. even a cinnamon one the kids love. a nutritious cereal that makes everybody happy? like i said, wow. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. good and gluten free. 3
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first there was he hhusing crisis... then the credit ccrd collapse. aad
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clawing their wayyout of thoss debts..... for many families, the nexttfinancial time bomb is about to explode. joel d. smith shows us whyyeven bankruptcy attorneys sayy this lateet round of debttis so bad, it makes the i-r-s looo guys. nnt graduation ssngg college graduations are right arrund the corner but even beforr the last bars of omp andd circumstance adeeaway... .another sound in the distance is getting louder the clock ticking on those ssudent loans. 5537 she's paying &poff three loans aa the moment p with each paychecke, she is paying oof half when she ets it. for nicole trageser's &psistee that'' half hhr paycheck, and the whole reaaon &pnoeele herself is here at ann arundel community college. &p5722 i decided i wasn't goin to a 4 year college,,and going intooa situation likk her knowing, that with the degree &pi'm going intt i might not ge a job2550 a lot of it is due to econ. downturnnfor uue.
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richard heaah works for finnnciall ervices at a-a-c-c. he says even at a two year school, theebbrowing numbers years ago, thh student loaa volume was 14 million dollarss here, now its 50 % more than and we'll xceed thht this be aakey element to a prooperous future... but for &pmany students now... 2886 they comm here expecting to have that pot of gold at the &peed of the rainbow, nd its siiply not there..1414 the pbvious takeaway withhall this... know what you're &pgettingginto from teh moment like this one. if you get that job, how muuh will it make on graduation, and what will your loan sittatiin be then? get those numbers wrong pnd he next step many ppl make, is to bancruptcy. 13:48 when people call me up they are at their wits end, theyydo not know what to do. 80% of bankruptcy lawyers like robert grossbart say they're seeing
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an iicrease of cllents with student loan debt... anddmany can't believe it.1305 the folks who come in here donnt credittcards, theer car or their mortgage, the student loann they almost try to iinore t. credit card pebt in the is actually coming down. it was at 917 billion dollars in 2008 ... now it'sscllse to 700 billionn time, student loan debt has students suallyyhave 6-9 months after graduatioo before theemonthly payments begin, but with so many unemployed or debt could top 1 trillion dollars soon. and issthe an offer and ompromise with the irs. there are other irs, you can't with aasttdent loan. , //its just very prohhbitive. 3155 the board of ed. has a very highh collection rate on tte back
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end. they can do everythibng to go fter the defaulters, as well as garnishing wages. you get a student loan, it en - should sayybuyer bewarr.. thaa isshappening heee now.... pn the financial aid office, they're reaking down thh maah... what you''e likely to make in yyur profession, and wwat that student loan wiill ook like in comparison. the time bomb. 5828 a bunch of my friends, ww live at home lifestyle to look forwaad to. jool d. smith , fox 45 neww at ten. next in sports. sports.changes for theeravens unifooms.the athletic company... that's nnw supplying them. company... that's nnachoo! nasal alle like congestion, runny nose, itchy nose and sneezing can hit you year-round,
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indoors or out. prescription nasonex is clinically proven to help relieve nasal allergy symptoms any time of year. [ female announcer ] infections of the nose and throat and slow wound healing may occur. do not use nasonex until your nose has healed from any sore, surgery or injury. eye problems, including glaucoma or cataracts may occur. have regular eye exams. nasonex can increase your risk of getting infections. avoid contact with infections like chicken pox or measles while using nasonex. side effects may include headache, viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds, and coughing. nasonex is there for you, anytime of year. ask your doctor if nasonex is right for you.
5:55 am
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♪ love can be so mystical &p ccming uppin our 6 o'clock hour...
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a tractor trailer ... hrown like a tin can.the other damage llft behind by a series of tornadoes... ii what's better then a s'more?
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a warm s'more cookie in a skillet with a scoop of ice cream. ahh, the great indoors. just $4 on our 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's.


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