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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  April 5, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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against police officers in their own cars at a race track. it seems to be a win-win for all parties. cops get to have fun, and teens can challenge them by environment. 3 hello, i'm jennifer gilbert, jeff barnd is off tonight. it's a story we brought you first onnfox, alerting police to a severe beating, robbery ann humiliatioo that woull have gone unpunished.ttnightt we have learned new information about the victim beat and strippeddon ssint patrick's day in downtown balti. baltimmrr... karen parks is live at courthouse east where the beating took place.... all over the internet shows front of courthouse - it was that video that hhlped police identifyythe victim... 3 3
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according to a police spokesperson....thh victim seen here wearing a green arlington virginn....and told investigators ....march 19th...he was partying at a club at the power plant live pomplex the night before...the man told police that he woke up in his mount vernon hotel room with a black ye and scrapes and bruises all over his body.....he also said his watch.....iphone...and car keys wereemissing.....all of this fter he was beat and stripped in downtown incident that has caught the g &pyoung.... 3 the police dept need to look at this tapeeidentify very last one oo the perpetrators and bring them to court iis totally unacceptable they need to be arresttd... policc have not released the victims name....a police spokesserson ttld me minutes open and ongoinggand investigators are looking o develop suspect information... p also first on fox, a baltimore county woman
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sayssan off-ddty city police officer over-reacted when he pulled a gun on her after she bumped him wiih her car. listen to her 9-1-1 call shortly after the incident. "he pulled a guu out bbcause i made a mistake and almost acciddntally backed into him" him" ittall happened in this gas statiin parking lot affer evaggelia rideout almost hit a man who as walling behind her car while she tried to clear a path for another pedestrian. she says thh man who turned out to be a police officer then pulled a gun and threatened her, and her five year old grandaughter olivia. it happened ssx months ago... and because the officer has been cleared of any charges and now has his gun back. 8:56:28"he told me i almost backed up him, and he said he would have shot me"06:04:37
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q"why were you scared?a to shoot us" us" the officer told county police that he pulled the gun life. city police say they cannot comment on he officer's actions because it is a personnel matter new developmmnts in the trayvon martin ccse. the neighborhood watchman who shot the teen back in february has hired anothhr attorney. martin in self defense after tte teen attacked him, hitting his head on the concrete. martin was unarmmd and many beeieve its a caae of racial profiling, but zimmerman's new attorney says that's not so. it's because that 6-foot-3 decision and a baa judgment when he decideddto smmck ssmebody in the face and break their nose, jump on them and ground and in doing that, put him in reasonable fear for his safety. he was absolutely entitled o defend himself and phat's why trayvon martin is dead, not because of raciil meanwhile, protesters gathered at the florida state capitol
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wednesday demanding justicee for martin. they're calling on lawmakers to review the state's stand your ground laa, which allows a person to defend themselvvs when threatened with lethal force. the retrial continued today against the two twin brothers charged with animal cruelly. travers and treeayne johnson are accused of setting aa pitbull on fire.the dog had to be witness who is friends of the defendant refused to testify on tuesday. yesterday, another gave conflicting accounts of what he saw the day the dog wws &pburned.testimony ill resume on tuesday. &pand another pitbull makes a remarkable recoveryy blaccie was brought to the baltimore animal rescue center ten days ago after he was found nearr death on ravenwooo avenue.the staff quickly realized he was in pain and cculdn't eat, so they sent him to docside emergency surgeryyturns out r feet of yarn and cloth thatt was blocking his small intestine.
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"its great to see an animal that came in so unhhppy and obviously in alot of pain and discomfort, and now his tail constaatly wags, he loves alot."blackie is now on a special diet and living with a foster family while he recovers. we ve hit a milestone in md. but nnt a good one. one.gas in my hit 4 dollars a gallon overnight. md joins 11 other states and dc who all pay 4 bucks now. people filling uppin towson say seeing ttat four dollar mark is disturbing, and they say prices hhveringga few cents below isn t any different.triple a says prices will only get highhr with the peak suumer drivinggseason "421, then the plus is 409, it's shocking, it's mindblowing" mindblowing"if you want too find &pthe cheapest gas in md. you l hhve to go to the eastern shore where it s still 3.80.
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baltimore's second grand prix is already plagued with problems... including missed deadlines by the new promoter. some businesses like barracuda's in locust poinn lost thousands of dollars last fall because of the firrt car race. road detours prevented restaurant.. now reports e indicate the new promoter, behind schedule. ("alot of ttmes its not successful to bring a race likk this in.. its gorgeous herr great looation for race.. but you have to ask yoursslf whats in for the rest of the city the rrst of the state. " " late ttis afternoon the mayor's office issued a statement about the progress of the grand prix. tte mayor's office says they are quote, "comfortable that things are mmving in the riiht direction'. p3 is a new immigration plan quietly approved by the department of hommland security a free pass for
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illegal immigrants? the proposal would allow undocumented immigrants who have family here n the to apply for citizenship without having to return to their homellnn for an extended stay. lisa leigh kelly &pthis hot button issuee of --3 issue. áááverbs beginááá(take pkg) has been working on a new and very controversial immigration rule:illegal immigrants in the u-s seekinn citizenship who have family here legally will beeable to apply ffr a waiver, so their return to theii u.s. consulate interview would beedramatically shortened, allowing them to easily &pre-enter the u.s.families ik amy and fellcito gutierrez &pwould benefii - she's a u-s we're just trying to go through the proces sof making things legal, and it's just really hard in the old manner. under the old system, to become a citizen he has to return to mexico forrmonths, maybe even years.42:11-"i am scared, i gotta go to mexico and leave my family and i love my fammly."but critiissof the
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new rule abound. the conservative judicialwatch.orr said the plan is likee "rewarding bad behavior n a child," and "grantinn illegal immiggants backdoor amnesty." others argue it's unfair for the illegal immigrants whh want citizenship but don't have a elative who's a u-s citizen.33:01 they'll exploit it,,they'll take advanttge of it, don't think that's fair. :33:04immigration attorney paul parsons:06:53"this propossl will help keep children of united states citizens, the people hat benefft from this law are the us citizenss"but criiics say president obama is only courting hispanic voters, after is promises duuing the 2208 campaign for comprrhensive immigration reform never materialized. ááááverbs endááá to further stoke the criticss iree this rule doesn't have to bbeome law - as it is settup to be a presidential executivee order that would bypass congress. the wwite hoose hopes to havv the new procedures in ppace byythe end of the year. maryland's high schooldropout
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age would rise from"16" o "17" in 20-15 under a bill passee by the house. the age of compulsory school attennance would rise to "18" by 20-17.maryyand students an students have dropped out of ee- maryland public schools each year in the last decaae. education advocates saythis bill is aimed at reducing that number. (braveboy) "we have to do ith chiidren regardless of their an education aa minimum aahigh schhol diploma and we're giving them that opportunityy" opportunityy"no word on whether governor o'malley will sign the bill into law. 3 ttis guy might thinkkhe's dancing like michael jackson... but there's nothing &pcriminal's moves.pooice in texas are now uuing this surveillancc video... to identify their uspect.they
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say he broke into dance... in full view f the camera... affer an alleged burglaayy pollce hope people who see this video... will recognize barbara mikulski.enator mikulski.she's knnwn for her exploration and today a supernova at the space telescope science institute wws named after her,supernova mikulski is a distant exploding star thht was the hubbll telescope.year by - "i am deeply, deeply touched and i aa thrilled ann am honored to have a superrova named after me" me"the supernova is 7 point 4 billion light years away. a perfect sunny day as we head towards the weekend. weekknd. let's go to meteorologist emill gracey for look at what's happening now. 3 3
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nevvr be under oig investigation p actually, you're under investigation and you're boss was forced to resign. why an almost million ddllar trip to vegas courtess of taxpayers a tiny iie with a
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lifeechanginn impactt why you're the main course for ticks this spring. a night at the ballpark with no baseball. how this game turned nto a dancc competition. need any help?
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uh, nope. just, uh, checking out my ad. nice. but, you know, with every door direct mail from the postal service, you'll find the customers that matter most: the ones in your neighborhood. print it yourself, or we'll help you find a local partner. and postage is under 15 cents. i wish i would have known that cause i really don't think i chose the best location. it's not so bad. i mean you got a deal... right? [ bird cries ] go online to reach every home, every address, every time with every door direct mail. you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework
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[ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ ♪ love can be so mystical how woull you llke a trrp to las egas with an unlimited budget and all tte lavish gifts and suitts you can general serviccs and they did it on your diie. tonight, we hhve a brandd new ideo that shows one oversight process ad bragging about hhw much his agency is spending. jonathon hunt explainsswhat congrees is finding with the investtgation. investigation. this video ...released by the house oversight and government reform committee... as it investigates wasteful spending by he general services &padministration.(nats: music) ii the viddo... a gsaawooker sings about all the pending
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commissioner... and how he would never bb subject to pnspector general investigation.the gsa issuing a statement saying quote: "this video is another example of the complete lack of jjdgment exhibited during the 2010 western regioos conference. our agency continues to be appalled by this indefensibbe behavior, and weeare taking verr step possible to ensure that nothing like this everrhappens again..this all comes after an inspector general's eport... &pcriiicizing a laviss confereece in las vegas... dollars.the house ousandá transportation committee scheduling a hearing later ttis month... to examiie spending habits at the agency... whiih is in charge of heefederal government's the white house accepted gsa chief maatha johnson'ss resignation. carney: "when the white house wws informed of the inspector general's findings in ttis matter, we at to determine who was ly acted misuse of axpayer dollars."ss
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(on ccm tag)the gsa is alsoo spending of 250-áthousandá dollars on an employee áincenniieá program... that doled out gift cards -- ipods -- and ooher gadgets ---around the new york, jonnahan hunt, fox news. it turnn out hat happens in vegas doesn't staa in vegas when your urning through our tax dollars. 3 3 3 3
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paying the price for a warm synchronized baseball. why these players decided to field. 3 3 3 3
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&p scientists warn thhee could be
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a rissein lyme disease cases this yeer - all thanks to an overabundance of acorns! they say in 2010... ak trees acorns... causing a oom in micc... known toocarry the ticks hat carry lyme disease. experts ay the best ay plently of insect repellant when outdoors, and wear light- colored ccothing so ticks are easiee to etect. stall brook elementary in bellingham, mass sense to avoid sparkkng national outrage. the school changed the word's in lee' greenwood's famous "god blees the sa" too omething thaa ouldd't offend non-believers, quotee e love the usa. the school taught the ourth graders their own rewritt of the song, thatttook out anyy reference to god. tonight aadebate is raging
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across the country about how far the political correccness police can go. taking him out and society ii - rrflecting tat. you see more drugs; yoo see more kids ii trouble and i think it all reffeets on that." &"i personally thiik that church nd state should be being in that song, it hassto &pdo with the foundatton of ourr it should be removed from the song whatsoover."" "i don't think there's anythiig wrong with the song, it's a publii school. if you wanna hhve tte word god in a song, go to prrvate school." school.""it's been there for years and years and years, and p doo't have a problem with the songg if somebody else does, i guess that's their business, but it's on our 3 just hours ago, the school decided to let the kids sing whatever lyrics theyywish when thee perfrom the soog on april 12th. by the way, the song lee grrewood's "god bless the u-s-a" was chart tooper in the arly eighties. 3
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oppning ay rain got into a dance competitionn before the ame even started. 3 a torrential a torrential downpour forced
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ole miss and southern mississippi to cancel átheirá baseball game ttesday iggt. &pbut fans were far from beinn pisappointed... music, cheering cheeringwatch as the players themselves took the field during tte delaa... and put on quite a show!many fans entertained than they would have been if the game went on. prettyyimpressive! 3 3
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the lonneet opening day game in major league histtry...find out how many innings and hours the contest between the blue jays and indians in sports uulimited...
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that'' all for the late away from opening day. bbuce has completeecoverage with sports unlimited, he throws out the first pitch ina recent interview, aaens owner steve bisciotti said his team would not mind giving large contracts to giving contracts to what hh called ascendanttplayers...well, they certainly id that today... today... cornerback larddrius webb has agreed to a new 6 year contract wooth a reported 50
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million...10 million of that up front...a 3rd round pick out of unheralded nicholls state, webb was a restrictedd free agent, in the last year of his rookie contract..the new deal ammunts to a five year extension..webb is the leader of a fast rising group paas last season. 3tomorrow afternoon, baatimore's iconic ballpark celebrates it's birthday... oriole park at camden yards turns 20 years old...nd that more day evenn festive... opening day innbaltimore is plwaassspeeial...there's something about that great ballpark and that big crowd..anything seems that much closee..and the players ffel itttoo...ttink aaout how opening day feels...and then just imagine being in uniform... 3 opeeing day arounn many cities...bbue jays
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in cleveland taaiig on the indians in a classic....pick 16th...that's right he 16th... jp arencibia breaks the 4-4 tii...3-run homerr..toronto pins the longest opening day in major league istory... lasted 5 houus and 14 minutes...both team's combined openinn day in the motor city...detroit showing off thei a-l mvp and cy young aaard the mounddagainst the red kess sox....verlander as ver-nasty...8 innings... 2 hits... no runs....7 ox score 2 in the top oo the 9th to tie it..but in the bottom half austin jaakson ends it...bases loaded base knock...tigerss verlander gets a no-decision... it is the first of golf's four masters and it is by far the mmst special...the masters,,
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played under the pines and's one of tte great spectacles in all oo &psports...and it got nderway . today... tiger looking for bacc-to-back title....on 17...putting for par...lips out...he bogeyed and finished even ar on the day....lee westwood on 17 for birdie...sinks itt..he's your under... coming off its first loss of s - the season...tonnght hosting plbany before playing innstate rivvl maryland...dave pietramala and his blue jays prove... with something tt prov. 3rd quarter...hopkins up 9-1... 6 unanswered goals...boys' latin grad chris boland makes it 7 straight...he finishedd jays up 10-1....later in the - 3rd...john ranagan continuess thh onslaught...rifflessit blue jays ebound from their loss to north carolina...11-6 over albbny...they host maryland next saturday at 6... paps can clinch a playoff spot with a win against thh &pppathers and sabres loss..... 22d period...1-0 caps...alex
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caps....3rd period...3-2 &pwashiigton...alexander semin goes 5-hole for the score... caaitals beat the pantherr 4-2...the sabres lose to the flyers and the caps are in he &pplayoffssfor the 5th straighh division with a win over thh that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- ssarting t 5-am.
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