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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  April 10, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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the difference between my pale dry skin and glowing moisturized skin? jergens natural glow daily moisturizer. it gives you natural looking color, guaranteed. jergens is the difference between landing and making an arrival. jergens. the beautiful difference. disease.the new dvice from hopkins esearcherstonight on fox 45 news at five 3 3 p3
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he's accused of pulling his 5-yeer-old grrnddaughter.and 3 now we've learned... it's not the first time the city police officer has threatened to use his weapon.megan gilliland is here with a stooy you saw first on fox. good morninn paarice,acccrding to charging dooumenns... he's
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done this before.reeords ssow the city police officer pulled his guu on theeowner of an auto shop on dogwood roaa to avood paying ffr reeairs to &phis car. car.ii that ase, the officer entered an alfood plea to reckless endangerment.then... just last week, we tolddyou pbout one woman's frantic caal po 9-1-1 afterrshe encountered the ssme officer at a paltimore county exxon.the woman says she lmost hit the behind her car. (rideout) "and then he come around threatening to kill me causs i madeea mistake." was like he was proving to me that i can actually kill you..." youu..."that incident happened six monthssago.still... the woman tells us she fearssfor herrsafeey.we found out the officer has been cleared of streets wwth his gun. meantime... city police won't comment on the officer's pctions because it's a personnel matter.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. baltimore pooice continue to investigate a string oo
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delivvry drivers. leass five casess reported n he laat month... all iivolving delivery rivers each attack ....t - address that turned out to bb a vacant home..olice believe they're looking or several suspects.. hurt.">police are warningg restauraats and residdnts to watch out.... and report any foxx5 has teamed up with the website on the internnt actiivty innyour neighhorhoodd you can also get emaals whhn crimes happen.sign up bb going baltimore dot com...and click &pon "spotcrime""in the "hott the screenction at the top of testimony will resumeethis
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morning in theetrrallof ttin brothers accused of setting a poggon fire in west baltimooe. twin brothers travers and tremayne johnson are facing charges. police say the brothers set a pitbull named 2009. sargeant jarrrn jackson questioned over evidence that indicates the saageant barcs june 9th... but did not &psubmii it as evidence until june 10th. when questioned.. he stated he could not explain thh iscrepancy. the prosecution plans to call at least 3 more witnessee to testify.. the case may ot go to the jury until the end of this week. today... police are investigatinn the acccdental death... of a 6-year-old boy. his grandmother's ouse.police sayy e took the gun... which allegeddy belonged to a non- relative staying in the hoose... and acciientally shot himself. the boy was takennto the hospital wheeeehe later died.. neighbors ssy....they'reeshocked by the
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tragedy. mos says: "it's sad for anybody, but a six-year-old, life's just begun for them." is waiting to decide whethhr or not to prosecute. a 966year old woman is bayview this morninn... affer escapinn a fire t her dundalk home.rosalie dicredico says she was pulleddout of her burning home saturday just bbfore her ceiling collapsed on her. her two neighbors risked their lives to pull her out and ow she says...she can't hankkthem enough. 3&""uu thank god that i got out for thhse two men, if theyy hadn't saved me i wouldn't be hereetoday no" no"the ire damaged four &pwhere rosalie has lived ffr more ttaa 65 years. you may have to make some chhages to your rideehome from &pwork nexx week. beginning next ffiday night... one lane in each ireetion oo the jones faals expressway emergency repairs to clogged
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and collapsed drainage pipes. the work will reduce traffii flow by t least a third and is xpected to have major repairs could take up to a month. focus models... beeause of the 3 potential for a wiper-motor 2012 modees... a seal in the connector to the motor of the ppssenger-side windshield wiper may be missing.because oo that... water or other in the connector....causing phe wipee to stop is expected to notify owners and dealers of the ppoblem pround next month. a new study finds rivers who buy a hybrid car... won't buy research by y auto dinggto information company "r-l olk." 2-point-4 percent of thh new - vehicle market as of 2001... down froo 2-point-9 percent in 2008. 3some middle schoolers ii
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hailed heroes today... for stopping a school bus aftee their driver lumped over behind the wheel. shows the moment a schooo bus slumping behind the wheel... careens ut of of the students jumped in to stop the bus... which was heading "i'm just thinking i just want to stop the trucc because i don't want to know what it don't want to die. pie.other students called the driver was aken to a ded. hossital... where his condition is unknown. &p who ii thh winnee? in just a few hours, lottery officials are hooding a nnws connerence about the winning
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mega millionn ttcket sold in maryyann. the winner has person ant to remain anonnyous?? joel d. smith headquaaters now, where some of our many queetions will be answered. gooddmorning &pjool d. 33 good morning patrice... phe answer is probably not.... reveal some details about the winner's story, and also 33 we already know where thh at a 7 &peleven store in ilford mill. that person or maybe group that as the inning numbers largest ottery jackpot - pvee.... 656 million dollars. last week, nationwide attention came to baltimore's mirlande wilson, who said she had purchaed the &pwwnning ticket,,and then lost it t the she works. fox 5 is reporring, she is not he actual winner. the real winnerrapparantly wants to remain anonymouu... buu a vvteran
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lottery official says when its this ucc money? good luck. 3 hen you win 218 million dolllrs, ppl are going toofind &pout. here's going to be &pfamily and friends yyu never knew you even had, who are going to find out. if the marylanddwinner before-taxes that check would total $158 million, according to maryland offfciils. 3 we may learn more about a few hours. that news st - am. and we will have it for fo you att ottery peadquarters, joel d..smiih, 3ox 45 - 3 3 & firefighters spenttmonday
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morning baatling a fire in cleveland... right next door to one of the ity's biggest tturist draws... the house from he classic holiday mooie fire started in a third loor bedroom and may hhve been the bully with the yelloww. - the easy way theives can get
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your tax refund... &pviolated, and i wondered, wha did i do, what did i do" do"the áfewá things theyyneed... need... can't believe i bought a 6" subway breakfast sub and got this one free. really? wow, you can buy one 6" sub and get another one free?
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any 6" sub, before 9am... [ cyclist ] what? wait, you can get one 6" sub and get one free? before 9am... [ tires screech ] buy one 6" sub and get one free? before 9am. [ tires screech ] buy one 6" sub? ...and get another one free? before 9am. all april long. [ male announcer ] subway. eat fresh. before 9am. all april long. pull on those gardening gloves. grab the nearest spade. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advise to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix e right soil with the right ideas. and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot lay down a new look, with earthgro mulch, now three bags for just $10. ((ad lib meeeorologist))
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3 ((trrffic reporter ad libs)) liberty map fiberreen mapp -
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3 &pcyber criminals on the proww... 08:27:11"i felt very violated, anddi wondered, what did i do, what did i do" do""he eesy way theives can áfewááthings they need... nextt ((bump out)) ((bbeak 2)) 3 ((bbeak 2)) 3 what's better then a s'more? a warm s'more cookie in a skillet with a scoop of ice cream. ahh, the great indoors. just $4 on our 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. as this year's filing deadline
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nears, some ttxpayers are which seemssto be targeting t - tax rrfunds.ttis morning, jeff patience and bank accountssoff more and more taxpayerr.. 08:23:19 "i ssid, somebbdy's got yoor identity" piling a tax return on paper is becoming as obselete as &pusing these.. ttddy, filing online is the norm00:23:19"i file all my client's returns to put pen to paper again. that's because wwen max hiihstein tried tt file his client's tax rrtuun online. 08:23:23"whennffled bill's, itt
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someone had beaten him o puuchh00::3:23"someone else has already used his pprsonal identiiication numbbr and has plready gotten all th emoney obtainnd billlniermann's had - social security number. and stolen his taxxrefund. it's meticulous aaoutthis taxesa.and protecting his personal information.08::7:14 "i felt very violated, and i wondered, what diddi o, what did i do"bbt it's a crime thht's all too easy to commmit. thieves armed with social seucity nuubers and debit cards are difficult to 08:28:57"i think it's better than rug dealing,. i think youucan mmke money off of thii with less riss than drug ddelers"08:48:02"i reallyy think thee need o cut it and do it the riiht way, cause i'm pot doing it ever again."toby smith says she's haddit iih piling online.she discoverrdd
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these ocial secuity numbers now shuttered offices f this - while investigating the company which took to long o hand over her rrfund.. 08:47:06 "once you get a social seruccty you canndo anythiibg fellow cussomers wwo told her theirrtaxes had been filld without approval.08:47::3"i paxes"which is exactly what --3 happened to altimore county 12:27:59"they said come pick up two checks and i had no idda what they were talking about"towson hhd also isited an instant tax service officc, prepared by another oopany. still she says instant tax ssrvice filed on her behalf without her approval..12:36:00 "it's unbelievaale hoo the small person is being riiped theepower to o whatever thhy want"and it's problem that may be growingthis year the irs has listed indentity theft as tax scams.lass year the agenny reported nearly one million
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tab highstein ssys could be grrwing.08:31;47q; howmuuh tens of illionsspart of the e - problem is the process itself. ithout paper returns, a fake filing ccn take months , even a yeaar o ndo. 08:29:21 "there's no wayyto match the stuff up, and you just steal all the money you want"which is why in the digital age on faster iiing. viitims of thii very malicious brand o fraud.08:48839"paper only, that';s ittsayyhearing the check's in the mail08:33:57"i realize technology is a wonderful thing sometimes &pdoesn't ssund too bad08:34:00 coming up... hat happened too e- with the yankees n town,,the happen?find ouu next in ports. ((break 3))
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♪ so, this is delicious okay... is this where we're at now, we don't care anymore? we just eat whatever tastes good? excuse me? [ man ] like these sweet honey clusters, they're awesome so no way they're good for you. but i guess that's okay right? actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done.
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it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done. coming up in our 6
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ford foccs under recall.the &pproblem sparking the automake action. [ glass clinks ] a few words. first of all, thank you for the lovely meal jane. mom. and let's hear it for sara's paper mache eiffel tower. it's the washington monument. and dad, i'll never forget what you said to me this morning. you said "brian, it's 11:15. get up." so maybe this is just the cake talking but let's celebrate! [ male announcer ] celebrate the little things. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger
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and get a free double chocolate chip cake.


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