tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX April 12, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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cut tou obelng3 to keep us warm. bouncing back ces om its new u medistshe then uncoverr that"phooe itsell. &pmoment i saw a whhte cochcc. leher aninvesttgation has been was already iside abuness national eather seevice sy [ cellphone rings ] ne yocan just to forgive yoend up denting surrived. , as p--repooter pkggas er a police get stuff done. he looked both ways and all ind puzzled by 3((break 3))is --3 eu e ma c declared dead.fa vther in the past... thnustratewomen erase your record..those economy.hir adher passengers are being greeted an ia.a tornado ddciddd on a naor northeastern shf ed t3 reebok is ordefiiaial resultt to ] map fiber maa bel air map green ggod morning patriceehundreds .- to rsomeone's dinner e hisar for it... and ended up denting to go o the sanctuaay and "miracle aby." red t 3 map fiber maa bel air map green nighty-night the g. her face and that'' when e of tyou're cleaning up dead!how many times and e onlys (mayor) "it would mean en romn lights ut on the ide of the "d were able to day on theput led by woicially a police p he was destined to end up pa. passengers are being greeted part.where he child 33&a uunn ll eiff tower. st outside stockton affernnon. wealthiest shouud pay sevely fair share and he said so. i temperesand started prying. pu an ia.a tornado ddciddd on cor. left sofjersey.... rom buildiooldhebe like an etchh pto go o the sanctuaay and but when one cow caught ge cto name a reebok is ordefiiaial resultt to th rigid to this morning. mom. the twister hit thh ground pxpeccs nc charges in the rughch a sketch, wherst u outside stocd affects howtiback yesterday... ooldbe like an etchh a sketch, wherisu ow spared fro everr" eather)) trhh by was rusho 3 33 puzzbysttil uv &padmmts hedom tonagain. after pediatrician recommended brand. ssrvvy the damage. rews but when one cow caught e yo deecsion of get stuff done. this next story is all about a larough agaan, zimmerman is 3 consciousness y this e yo doing.. thhs is bevekia rayv's family. c 10c meal or larger leher comfort couldn'rt ma c 3 mehaadise. charges in the rughch baltimore last there to get feedbac h bbttled flames in high winds yes.romney: ppd e housee iccs up. doing.. thhs is bevekia rayv's part.where he child 33&a uunn dealh wednesday seevice on fiiaial resultt too and dad, i'll never forghag. rnagain. brrught chthe mber one ebow apparel. om ton premattre, a pi be om tonp--repooter pkggas ma clineup, the finnish for of eoppe marcriihts to forgive yoarinase.reactton . p012.ttat's hr pefore gettinguucc closed the case. dealh man: we need a good night's sleep. charges in the rughch of support for my 't batime aftee last month building itself nnar two sheds boltromney: do i ect more pay act, this president .thattso temperesand started prying. pu closed the case. tina turner, has e 3q thh lossangeles county surrived. p he was destined to end up pa. (((ump out)) paterson , new at one point additiinal cthe at tte rear and oft a otte han o warrior was ronald reagan. he sc a naor &philllon.s say... it's californrnerg himm f bactia, vitalss.. before ttred t 3 mehaadise. her een umb. vitalss.. before ttanleaves yous e trayvon follows -- final reig tre and ow, any as the raceey: e biaaeron, the baby's fr, paterson , new ide your scrren. doing.. thhs is bevedone.from t control offiiers were able to c temperesc rertee ad libs)) 33 ((traffic reportee ad libs)) premattre, a iside a 3 over the baby. myion. llion times a week.arinase.react toor advisor dav says thee answ& ann i say thank you.(martin)clo waodayn people evpieces as the race3we're gocoverage pdrdthe er as and started pryi 3 you said "brian, it's 11:15. get up." t stgen, fox45 is your coulbe a crippliny insuranne ann they will batoom merchandise by reebok. i'm more of e trayvon e the beverll hills police californrnerg himm control offiiers were able to c nole ht leamang energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. department has nffand right ie officially ruleddwhittee phatthappened when two parrnts energetic feeling they ntour ea get stuff ne ma c energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. ningwe allli wn eeged by policies of the end up houston's death... an declared dead.fa v. r sh press thnasdaq and area thsi on sseing thdy &pmoment i saw a whhte coverr a police "acc counties an3 control offiiersthinto send nd 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done. ofunty police, reward eu eee werr ffve police do. 3 have a long way to gd ral elecc singer whittey houston [ cellphone rings ] an event fis.. t ls toheight, five police cars & theirst uarter dueeto for -- a lookback at the other e... t3 like alway merchandise by reebok. i'm more of an abse press doubled down were the audio finally coinore top of 3 ho on pro-n to go o the sanctuaay up rporations areepeople tina turner, uys o counts at the other g deh child to be alive... today....afthh an event fis.. t ls finally coinore top of 3 additiinal cwomen play in our of the building.hard to prove i socialist, t wild-eyed - able t. fire ppople thaa map fiber maa bel air map green provideesor hce millionaires fee.t, . &philllon.r-e-s-p-e-c-t... f ba thh lily fteronly sii fee... ttebbw. over the baby. my wife saw finally coinhere and 3 allli ng paaedics. laughing council comes aa a time áttá co ssrvvy the agww had pay act, this president d that the little body first and she pte cost of the buutne out. will havu found dead in trouble."about 400-thousaee ad over the baby. my wife saw the little body first and she arinase.reactton o the a speci "acc erydyou're cleaning up thought that in amaathe animal bethely of tewthe to go o the sanctuaay aces sie. woo't see together... reebok &paddiiional cuts to the citt, lights ut on the ide of the transportation e ittigsomeone without a trthe rn. if fox45 is your or iving mayor a3 without a tr reann they will zi child to be alive... after doolars innde yoe by they''l beep horeporrt f livi his life out er t coopany &pfinally beginning tt see doing.. thhs is beverly wwituscompllte and the city th" added a new fee. juusice. for more ssof fee. the company is adminitinior advisor dav reward millions of dollars ed. pnd tim tebbw. reebok hs
5:01 am
done. housee iccs up.scoverage been ordered tt stop producing of direction."en sports appaael witt the name waodayn day on theemitt rehab wwth &pfor smaal-woicially the ersomeone of thh football star as ii's agaan, zimmermanaddrrss b of e3 ten ear apparel licensin still no word frojessiia ellin meto go o the sanctuaay and en energetic feeling they nto merchandise by reebok. merchandise by reebok. i'm more of an abse up message. the budgroi've exxeeted earning if he plans to call for a special addrrss an event fiservis to me. and we appreccate that"ployees oncetw chance to speak out about be hard to prove 33 the budgroemitrehab wwth deecsion of women tour. rporations areepeople alings want to furrough the employees the trayvon aler he atest of the city d warrior was ronald reagan. he rm 500-mmlllon theitacouncil comes fair share and he said so. i it's just been a lot of trouble" city is sithhir trouble."o sheds fair share and he said so. i doolars innde yoe p waeeffts doing.. thhs is bevedone. could be a crippling low to the pastor says ttere is theecity. insuranne information... just go to fundi fire at a baltimoreeccunny giilanddfed al triil oo what th publiccg to get - m in et peeblems. ide direction." (laughs)ssraon. campaign jury in sejohn ood r thoughh for city is mmrni edwwrds.e beely hiils cars to remitrehab wwth investigators rule a 3-alarm womepun tourled by competition fire at a toothe city last nigh on pro-n
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thh lily sussects. and got sn customere deer t coopany lights ut on the ide added a ire ppople thaa provideesst aceionnhe took as that"the annual ta cts.zon was one sussgy.hi council aa the ooldbe like an eh a sketch, wherisu ow spared fro consciousness y this reminder aramic.. could be el &padmmts hissmed edn sseing 00o something like er t coopany added a from the very firctas always... the the lights ut on the ide tfunding
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