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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  April 19, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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northwest baltimore... police make an un-exppcted fighting ring inside the hhme. megan gilliland is here with a story you aw first on fox. good morning patrice,police say it startee with aadrug og fighhing operation.drug oppration.after getting a ttp from neighborr... detectives home aaonn silver hill avenue. &pinside nvestigators discovered much more than just drugs... they found raining they also found fighting -3 manuals... and 8 pit bulls in the basement with wwunds ccnsistent witt fightingg neiihbors say they didn't realize how deep it went. (ms. winn/neighbor) "i had no idea, i just really diin't i wouldn't imagine around here that?> because we've never seennany eviddnce of it." it." police have charged johnnie
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taylor, who lives in the home, with 8 counts of animal cruelty... dog fighting and drug possession. that animal control has ow -3 they're at the baatimore animal rescue carr center for observation... ppnding the outcome of the investigation. megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. elderly man in baltimore county loses his life savingss and home to foreclosureeall because of a scam. 80 year old 'nooman' sayy the scaa began with a phone call. million dollars in a foreign sweepstakes. butthe was rrquired to pay ttousands in taxes. norman and postal investigators are now warningg the scam. or citizens about - (norman)"i was fool enough to some of them said they were aatorneys some of hem said they were secret service... homeland security" security" postal investigators arr workiig innconjunction with
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authorities in jamaica to track down the thieves. 3- an essex community is fighting back... s the search for the men involved in a home invasion continues. happened a week ago ... on bayview court ... around 11 o'clock ii the morning. police ay a father and his 2 young girrs the father noticed 2 masked &pmen in the of the suspects had a handgun.the forced to the ground, duct re taped and thrown into a closet. the suspects ransacked the house until they found a safe on the seeond floor.they loaaed t into the victim's minvan and drrve awaythe car was later found less than a mile away. 3 ourrinvestigators feel pretty confident........this particular family phe victimssare left shakened...but no one as hurt. at a seperate location police say aawitness saw he 2 suspects remove he safe from
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&pthe minivan into an eerly 200 model gold toyota ccmry.... with damage to the left rrar & baltimoree county police immediately. there are still unpaid bills from last ear's grand prix... and now the city wantt to takk propprty owned by race organizers... as payment. payment.the city has asked the state comptroller to place liens on the personal property of last year's boaad members. but thoss invvstors say they're not to blame for the unpaid taxes because those funds were placed in escrow by a third party.they say that third party is responsible for mis-direccinggthe's a debaae that will likely go to court. ""he money never went to the brd. it went to a third party... and that's an issue we're trying to address right " now.. "we're pretty impatient with the fact thha thes folks owe us money. they had money and they gave it someene else."> else.">else."> last year's team hoopd to sell
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some of their assets.. like fencing ann barriers... to the city to help pay down hhir debts. the battle over the bottle taxx was a packed house at last night's city council meeting.mayoo stephanie rawlings blake wants to &pincrease the tax from 2 to 5 cents.shh says this could fund up to 300 million dollars or school construction and penovationssbut first.. the ppan ccmmittee. iq: they are shortoq: that's the falloff from the 2 cents... whats going to happen t nextiq::ass this bill... itt for our kidsoqqdo not want my kids to get hurt toured john eager howardd elementary nd middle schools.... drumning-up support for the plan. a harford county woman ii ruffling some feathers over
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her pet peacocks! this is isa mcnair... ho cares for her 8-peacocks in she's had he animals... sse's only had one complaint about noise. but recently.... a local t-v tation aired a story on the birds appearing to be out of control. she says the animals were provoked. 5817 the camera man was chasing the ird. what you saw on the roof was a very stressed out bird because he had no where to go 24 24 mcnair's peacocks are perfectly legal under county code. in fact... the county raising the number of animals property owners can have. anniversariis... in our - nation's history..9 years agg... a standoff t a religious culttcompound in wacoo texxs came tt a tragii end.the standoff lasted 51 least 76 followers oo cult leader david koresh died in the ensuing fiie... including koresh himself.4 killed.
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today... in honor of the 17th city bombings.the bbast killed 3 168 eople.... including 19 children ii a day-care centee. more than 5-hundred survivors were injured.timothy mcveigh &pand terry nichols were &pconvicted for the attackk mcveigh claimed he targeted the building as revenge for tte deedly f-b-i raid oo the waco, texas.he was executed in federal prison with aalife sentence. a new study about alzheimer's... finds its just as mportant to keep your body accive... as it is your mind. researchers find thaa people who rareey exercise... aae more thanntwice as likely to develoo alzzeimer's. exercise encompasses things like chores, cookinggand garddning. &pthe findings are published in the "journal neurology." a new study finds a majority of wikipedia'ssarticles about companies... have factual errors.that's accorring to the public relations society of encyclopedia's business says 3
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entries had factual rrors... and that'ssmaking ittharder the p-r professionals surveyed say it took days for wikipedia their client's page.ges to - researchers say wikipediaa needs to make clearer puidelines on what p-r professionals can do to edit those pages. o cowboy hats or spurs, but buu drivers in northwest &pbaltimore are still trying to competition. joel d. y com. smith is streamiig noww.. live theee now, to show s how the mta's bus roadeo" can help drivers handle their &pbuses likk smart-cars. good orring joelld. the best way tt go is orthern parkway to wabash. right on wabash to patterson. left on patterron o be on your left. 3
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you're lookiig at one of the lucciest couples in aaerica. this is merle and pat butllr... an illinois couple one of the mega millions y aa jackpot winners.their winning ticket is worth 218-million dollars.theyysay theyyve spent the past few weeks hiring financial advisers and a lawyer tt manage their new footune. is theerain gone? gone?find out next.. in your ssywatth weather fooecast. forrcast. ((break 1)))-3 your skywatch find out next.. in is he rain ? gone?
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the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left.
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go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more, no more ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds and puts down a barrier to stop new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control spray once. stop weeds for months.
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roundup extended control ((ad lib meteorologistt) 3 ((traffic reporter
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3 ((traffic reporter aa libs)) 3ap 895 map fiber map 95 at 695-
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3 3- one child's fightt... against an extremely rare disea. disease...11:15:25 "the doctor doesn't know what tomorrow holl. holls.nn medicineno cure.a family's fight to change it. it.and later in sportt...the
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o'ssand the hite sox face off. inniin ... that helped the with debate over healthcare
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these days... there is one be forggtten.children wiih rare dissases.doctors say there's little rrsearch into rare diseasee right now....
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becauue it's simply not lucrative to study anything phat doesn't affect a large cover tory, mellnda roeder explains how families are figgting ffr more funding ... pushinggpoliticians for a miraa. miracle. (((from 2008 story))))"i'm not doing it for you.... (turns head)... thank. (kiss).... good job macc"when we first met cormac murray... he was a happy ... albeit very sick... therapy... was the focus of - his treatment...metachromatic leukodystrohy... oo m-l-d.a disease so rarr... it's esttmated fewer than one in 50-thousand children are diagnosed.a disease that's often misdiagnosed..(( hooe vid of him alking as a toddler)) for macc.. the first signs came ssortly after he starred walking. home movies phow him awkwardly toddling around aa playtime...(cover vid) 11:38:18 "and he would then heed fall."in a matter of months... he would begin to
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withii tww years... he'd lose the ability o stand... his own.(( 2008 video of ppaying at hhme)) ... he struggled with even the still managed to mile... while his paaents worked hard to mmke rehab fun.that as then....(((maybe dissslvv into present))))this is now.... "doowe think hh''sgonna beatt 77and a half years ... and his families knows... time is not pn their side.11:15:25 "the doctor doesn't know what pomorrowwholds. we don't know what tomrrowwholds... there's not enough iiformation out mac's disease.... there'' little ata theree"ttere's little data on mac's diseaae.... and research is limited... mainly, because &pm-l-d is so rare.(doctor) 10:53:44 "with most rare disorders, the amount of of ttem aae curab;e ii we had - more research in them are curab;e if we had ore research in those areaa."two separaae bills being considered in congress coulddhelp
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allocateemore funds for reseaach. organizationsslike "nord" are llbbying lawmakers families have joined tte fight. 11:39:42 "you know, we need higherups to dd more. weeneed more attention to the rare diseases. i get it. they're rare. but that does that meea they'reeany lees deeerving of attention? no."without a cure -- r any medicines made or m-l-d .... pain and symptoms.his mom... &padministers medssthrrugh his feeding can no longer smile.... and has lost his sight. o every single sound he makes... is a meaningful moment.11:30:35 "i love him to hear him yarwn... because it's his voice... or if he cries (haha)"... audible
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reminders that mac iss till fighhing.... though is mom made the heart-wrenching decision his month to enroll him in hosppce care.11:54:10 "big decisions about end of liff. it's horrific... itr's awful."(doctor) 10:50:52 "i think he wouldn't be alive if his parents weren't so dedicated to his care and they've doon in the murrays living room, a e- reminder of haapier times... when mac was more expressive... and life was a little asier.little brother colin may not completely understand... but does what he triis to make it easier to cope.... with the inevitable. 11:21:22 "we accept the card that that we've beee dealt aad our lives."life gets lonely - for tte murrays. it's tough for others to relaae to whha's po rare.they already kkow it's
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too late foo scienne to save their son.but they still pray for a miracle... for a cure... sooeday.... for some otter family.11:49:56 "it's all for let go of your own struggles with it. therees pothing we can do."melinda rreder... (11:46:56 - aimme ten. in 2010,,a congresssonal caucus was formed to battle rrre diseases but none of maryland's representatives or senators have joined it. to learn more about the bills that could benefit research... go to our website... fox baltimore dot com... slash coming up next in sports. sports.the ravens are intereeted in looking at some unlikely people ttey're bringing in. ((break 3)) 3 bruce foxx45 morniig sports. sports. coming up in oor 6
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o'clock hour... he pretended to be hearthrob justin beiber online to lure a 12-year-old girl.where the sussect willlbe today...and if pre out there.
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