tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX May 8, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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and let's see how colorfuloves. an afternoon can be. with certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. brighten mom's big day with colorful hanging baskets and color bowls. 3 ((2-shot toos to
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3 3 motherrs day is just around llokinggfor the best mom ii bal! baltimore!tell us in 150 words or ess why your mom is baltimmre's est.send your eetry to 2000 west 41stt street, altimore 21211...or yoo can suumit ii on our websste.. ffxbalttmoreeddt com. com..nxt week we'll ick our p3 ight stay t grand bahaaa is.
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iiland.look howwbeautiffl that resort is!thii is a prize you definitely want to win.make sure you go to foxbaltimore dot com for official cootest rules before entering. 3&free phooes... phones..."i have aboou ssx ii my purse right nnw" now"the goveenment program happen.and the o's... end ..- that eened it...llter in pports. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) 3 [ male announcer ] did you know thatat your child's teeth start out softer and more vulnerable? new aquafresh kids fresh and fruity toothpaste gently cleans their teeth with natural calcium and fights cavities with fluoride. try new aquafresh kids fresh and fruity toothpaste. no. you quit? i'm trying nicoderm cq. [ male announcer ] nicoderm cq, the patch with 24-hour smart control technology, lets you celebrate a little win
5:46 am
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paying forra government something for free that áyouá pay for every monthhespecially if that itthad little oversight.jeff barnd explains a cell phone give away that some say... is out of control. "iihaveeabout six in my purse pight ow"it's a program some celllphones itt free minutes for otherrgovernmmnt aidualiiy 10:53:45"you can can o to severla corners and get phones" paid for by you through a &ppharge buuiee in yoor cell ppone bill called a niversal access feebut it's a giveaway 10:53;$$"you an go o sveral difffrent cooners and get a she can ggt a new phone wheneverrshe wants01:11:57q: get theseephones"a"five u t
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minutes to get this one, anddi walked out witt it juss noww her purse, filleddto the brrm wwth ffee phones.01:12: 30 "each aad everyone of these phonesswwrk, and i know i have &pthem are on"eeen thhugh the prrgram is limited to one per person12:16"there are too many of ttem out there ann ttey are more of prrblem han aahelp to whose identity we protected n saa the phones are so ppentiful they've become street currency. sold off, ]drug dealers are not going to pe'ssgot a phone, but after somebody standsin line nd get's it he'll pick pian extra phone""hich is why critics say the program has to wondering wherr tte money comes from, ake out your cell phone biil ann look at that line that sathe mney comes from a prrgram called lifeline admininstereddby the fcc. a fund oriiinaaly set-up to insure shuu-ins and thee landline andd911 seevice.but
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has since become something entiiley difffrent, wwen ceel converttit tt, in addition to - llnd lines, we should offer cell phooes, and that's when this thingggo out of control" since then the cost of 3 liffline has nnarly doubled to &pnumber or recipientsshad rise &pexponetially, from 6000 to in million in 2011it's an escclatinggprice tag that has prommted one confreesman tt take notice..rkansas congressman tim griffin introduced leeislltion that form he life link prograa &p00:31:57"it'ssclearly not wha to do"a channe that is still lack oo enforcement of one the
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phone per person rule. so wee asked an employee of thh company who crawford told us just iven her this hone if they vvrified tt weed out duplicates.her answer yes multipll cell phones?"a; "nn" but then thee cc tood us ttey conducted an audit anddffund 250,000 recipients who had &ppack to ask agaii.ann ttiss time the answer was no ccmment on the treet10:53;09"some peopleejust abuse the prograa, you know"and in the hhlls of - this end?""say needs to change we showed theef-c-ccour video of people getting more thhn one phone...and they say they haveean ongoing investigation into abbse of the program, but ssecifics. if you wanttto oin program, congressman griffin go to fox baltimore ot com t comiig up in our 66o''lock hhor... aawebsitt... designed for
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cchating...find oot the mmst popular day... for mother'ssto log on. on.17 innings takes its toll on the orioles. what happened pt home againnt texas... next in sports. ((break 33) 3 i'm gonna make you breakfast. what? with magic. you are? see the egg? uh huh. so, look at the orange. now close your eyes. ♪ alakazaam! [ sighs ] you're good. and now i'm gonna make this flower bloom. presto. "love you lots." do you want to see it again? yes, i want to see it again! [ female announcer ] hallmark blooming expressions delivers your love again and again.
5:52 am
[ female announcer ] hallmark blooming expressions you know chase freedom gives you 5% cash back at grocery stores this quarter. thank you. happy shopping! activate your 5 percent cash back at and now, new cardmembers get 100 dollars bonus cash back after they spend 500 dollars within the first three months. visit or your local branch today. the est lacrosse teams in the
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the title in the p-n-c.. or championnhips.the semifinal university'ssjohnny unitas staddum onnmay 15th at 6 p-mm p-m.ticcets are still &pavaillble at insidee lcrosss dot om... bbt we want to get 4th and 5th callers riggt now win a family 4--pack of tickets for the match.ii's "inside lacrosse."ppn-c and - a disturbinggnew trend out of students intravenous injections.thee eason behind it...and iff t's rally harmful to tte kidd. kids. [ female announcer ] safeway presents
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real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. this week a crazy low price on tide, $10.99 for 100 ounces. 12 rolls of bounty are $11.99. that's a dollar a roll! pack your lunches -- marie callender's are just 2 bucks. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
5:59 am
real big deals this week and every week. three kids bareey &pescape ddath after ire rips through theirrhome.the quustions now being raised abouttthh city's plan to close down some ire companies it was intended to go on an american plane, it was to kill " americans." a boob plot...stopped befooe ittwas too the explosiie device could ave gotten thhough irport security.. andd terror attack. aad... mmke sure mom &pthe one thinn women do most often the day after mother's day .. that could actually 3urr their families..- 3 -harbor
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