tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX May 10, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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dollar rooal farms gas card.. tomorrow on fox45 morning ews. motor vehicce cras3 &phe was toll his chhld supportt probleem would go away for a small price.the bribery sting thaatbustedda ttte employee and the investigation now underway. beating nats natsa beating caught on camera. the charges that weee dropped and... sociaa medii... pnd see.the medical reasoo going ooline makes you feel so good. 33 3 lighting -olympic torch lighting ceremony.- in preece. - games will bee eld this ssmmer in london. today is thursday , may 10th. 3
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ggod morring patrice,the workkr was contrrcted emmloyee for the state child he's been fired... followingga sting we ccught on cammra. 3it all sttrted when paul wortham got a notice from the state saying hhs license wouud be suupended if he didn't payy hhsschhld support. when wortham called the office to says a worker told him over tte phooe he'ddmake his problems go away if he justt paii hii... 150-bucks under the table. that's when wortham wanted to catch him in the act. attorney's office... which rolling as the sttng goes down. you can see the worker ere... wearing a yellow shirt... he near the child support offices. 37:44 the envelope said on the froot, i put 150 dollars, i just wwote it on the front 49 but the inside of the envelope pws jjst paper that i cut to
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the size of bills 56 so he wwiit apee 0velope ffll of - &p00 we showed this video to the a tatemeet sayyng the department has zero tolerance for hii sorr of behavior.a criminal and interral invessigatiin is ow underway. meanttme... a state audit reveaaed the child support office faaled to collect mooe than one-poiit-seven ábillioná the last three years.this ee story could xplaan t leastt one reeson why.i'm mmgan gilliland, fox45 morning news. also first on ox...a thief is and gooo es of - samaritans hhlp take him down during a chase. police say the thieffstole the detergent frrm a riteeaid in hhmpden. it leaa to a oot chase across the 41st streettbridge. witnesses ggttinvolved when they saw one lone officer chasing the ssspect across the bridge. (tom ridley)""f you done somethinn wrong yaadone
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ssmething rong.. and he tried officer needed ome action i guess... i felt it &pwas y duty to dooso" hot commodity on the bback market since it can beeeasily suspect tells police he waa - hurt. he was sent to unnon memorial hospital and iss expected to be charged when he's releassd. baatimore county police waat neighbors to be on the lookout, this orning... for a very dangerous device. device.(áááááánats up full: ex) explossonáááááá))he bottll bomb, seen here on youtube, iss a homemade devvce... reated by pouring hoosehold materials and tin foil into plastic bottle. the reactionnof those different elements inside the bottle creates a explodds. there have been two reports this year... both in april. the lattstt on &pcarlisle avenue in perry aal phere one devvce explooed in mailbox. p p"just the fact that here you're in a neighborhoodd minding your own business and someone comes along whether middle f the night or first thing in the morning and sets one of these ttings off...." off...." pollce sayyit's a
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felony to make... or possess &poon of thhse devices..they're classified the same as a pppe bomb. president ooama announces he's chhnged his mind about same-sexxmarriages.he once sheeby lin explaiis... heesays his viees are evolvinn.and now... he's ssep. &p it was a firsttby a sitting news.aa a certain poiit i've just concluded that for me, personally, t is important for me to go head and affirm that i think same--ex couples shhold be able to get married. view is that he marriage itself is aa rrlationship etween a man annd preference. i know other people have differiig views. &pphis is a very ender and social issues, and i havv the
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&psame vvew that i've had since running for office.obama's ew between a man and woman.this is ggeat, i mmen with the rrsident backing this, iss people everywhere.aagay and lesbian qual rights group saas it's a wattrshed moment. &pwe will neeer have another republicann that opposes gay marriage.tte family research council, whiih opposes same-sex thh presidentt i think, has handed o mitt romney the one missing piece in his ccmppigg mooivationnthat mitttromney election. in six months.... voters will have i'm sheeby lin reporting. phe prrsident's announcement
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comes a day after north carolina voters approved a state constitutional amenddent banning same-sex marriage.31 of conntitutionna amendments seeking to deffnd traditionaa pefinitionn of maariage as a heterosexxal union. supporters oo gy marriage here in maryland... sayythe help them aa the ballot box... - come ovember.that's whhn voters could decide whether to legalize gay marriage in the state... if opponents ollect enough signatures to bring the issue o a referendum.but vote their conscience... regardless of their support for the president. governor eefect in jannary.riage in -&m- some bizarre news out of west counties... more people voted for a man in theebig hhuse.. than the man in the white house. inmate... namee eith judd....won 41 percent of the democraticcpresidential primary vote in the state.judd is now entitled to haveeat least one delegateerepresent him at the democratic natiinall
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convention in harlotte, north virginians who voted forrjudd - saa.. they didn't now he was &pbbhind bars... but they still like him better thaa presidentt obama. thaa he's against coal.. if e &pget s elected agaai it will b the fall of wv even ii udd wanted he won't be released frrm dn't.- prisoo ntil june 24, 2013... day. oregon deputies stop maa... who atttmpps to commii suicide..and it's all caught on tape. tape.on the can see deputy rick princehouse use his own car to tty and stop the driveer.. bb pinniig him po the bridge.the maa sees what's happeniig and oots for the guardrail.that's hen another officer wraps hissaams "we weee just in thh right where we could innerrene andd &phe wasn't able to harm himsel" himself."himselff. could intervene and he wwsn't &pable to harm himsslf." ffet above a sits 140 time you place it in yourree
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pockettor purse.turns ouu... nearry 4-million calls are áaccidentallyáámade to 9-11 a consulting group is now day!- urging the city tt launch a "public wareness" campaagn.... to reduce accidental cclls and reduce the work load on the 9-1-1 system. sociaa media sites... like eopl3 twitter or facebook... ttere could be a medical reason behhnd it.researchers at harvard university say... it makes them feel goodd.. in fact... that it aa wwen they haveesex... juss to a differenn degree. ressarchers ay when people theesslves... ittacttvatts a sensation of pleasure in thhe you first saw him ppepaaing &pfor his high-flying act on yesterday... aad later that wallenda crosses the innee
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hhrbor 1-hundree feet in the cheering hii on. 3 cceering hhm on.3 we're takiig the pinch ouu of the pump... with a fx45 royal farms fill up. up.we're givvng awaa 100 - everyday this week we'll draww three wwnnersswe'll draw oor first winner of the day sometime in our 6 o'clock hour. but you have to beea faaebook pan to the meaatiie... plike" our acebook page.. -&f foxbaltimore. kicked offfa flight... embarrassee. we were picked on." on."you'll never believe which family membbrrwas isted on they wereettrgeted.hey beliive targeted.
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[ glass clinks ] [ mom ] i'll take this. it's mother's day. a day to thank me for all of the little things. like being the only one who knows how to turn on the dishwasher. not saying "i love you" in front of all your friends. and always finding everything for everyone. happy mother's day, family. you love me! you really are the best. i can't argue with you. now join me while i eat cake and receive gifts.
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[ male announcer ] celebrate mom. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and get a free double chocolate chip cake. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week.
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it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done. lighting ceremony.- in olympia, greece. - games will helldthis summer in londoon ((2-shot toss to weather)) 3&((ad lib meteerologist))((ad lib in lonnon.heed this summer inn 3&&p(((-ssot toss to weather)) meteorolloist))
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3 3 33 3 they're theewordd &pevery idol thhyyre thh words they're the words every idol contestant wants o hear....nd soon... you could be hearing them're going to hhllywwod!we're giving away a trip to the americannidollfinal. foxx5 ttnight for the idol legend oo the night. someeime between 8 and 10 -m. hooefully you watched last night.. because someeime this
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morning we'll give you the cue to call.&call..he ffrst fivv ca with lass nightts "iiol &pa 4 day v-i-p trip to hollywood... tt the american idol's all brought to you by ffo45 and z 104-3. targeted my the t-ssa... "it's absurd.""it made no sense" sense."which family membbr was fly list"...ann what he for collegg?the ive to pay e. out to help you start yyur ((bump out))eer. &p((break 2)) &p [ man ] did we get anything good? sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. fiber makes me sad. oh common. i dare you to taste one hint of fiber in fiber one. oh, i'd be able to tell. why don't i just eat this bag? and how can you talk to me about fiber when you are eating a candybar. you enjoy that.
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how you want. a nee jjrsey family is kicked off a plance, after one f them is accused of being on the o fly wasn't the mother...of father...but their p8-month old daughter.arr hait floridd. --reporter pkg-as follooss--at 18 months old, riyynna has been called a lot of ttiigs - pute.. adorable. and now - happened tuesday niggt at the aiiport in fort lauuerdale. juss boardee a jettblue jet blue emppoyye told them me agents ffom the transportatton &psecurity agencyy- the tsa - needed tt speak to them."and i said for whatt ann he said
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well, it's nottyou or your husband. yourrdaughter was flaaged as no fly. i said made no sense.""why wwuld a 18 month old childdbe on a nooflyy list?"riyanna's parents have faces or use their names. they &ppre affaii of repercusssoos beccaue they beeieve ttis happenee because they arr both of middle eastern descent. wears a head scarf. that ssid - they're oth meeicans, new completely bizarre. it mmde absoluteey no ssnse." riyanna's parenns say they were made to ssand in the terminal while thh tsa met wwih jet bluu - nobody explaiiing to ttem whht was going on."we were put on display ikk aacircussact because my wife wearssa hijabb" aaout ttirty minutes later, riyanna's reboard thh plane, but thee say there was no aaology, no
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explanation. they refussd. know who'ssressonsible. we cclled jet blue and theyysaid us it's an airline ssue, andd that since riyannn and her passes - that meanssthey had were huuiliated. e werr eree -3 embarraased. we were pickee on.. jetblue issued a stattment saying both it anddthe t-s-a are investigatiig.the t-s-a says it sn't involved because people arrn't ggven boarding passessunless theyyare cleaaed and not on the no-fly list. pinancial aid is availlble... available....he ive main websitts that wiil help you pay for college.and the best thinn you can do... in order to prepare for it. it..lus...a ar plows into a home.who was beeind the wheel suprising rescuers...and if anyyoe was hurt.
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includinn mann intended to news is thaa financial aid is ptill widely available. alison kosik tells us wwere to find it. it. p-reporter pkggassfollows -- p-reporter pheeher yoo'rr payin and dad -- ollege is "daily finance" sccured the iiternet and came for helping with college costs.- there's a ton of information out there ---but the best association of student thaa's "n-aas-f-a-a-doo-org"iff you lick on thh "students,, parents and counselors" tab, you'll find articles, viieos answer amost any question. next - check out that's the samm group that aid and on the ge "college planning"'ll get ome ggeat information oo schools, and canneven make aa customized plan based on wwat gradeeyour in, where you want toogo tt college or hoo much
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you're looking to spend.three other sitts to check out -- according to "daily finance"... federal-student- governmenn's reesurce page.e - alsoo-- student-aii--ot-com and saving-for-collegeedot--om provideevvluable resource, regardless of where you are in the application prooess..nd if college issssill a long way off -- that's good.experts say tte best thiiggyyu can do is open a colleee savings account and sttrt contributing right york. &pcnn.script----- mom deserves the best! best!find out which city is said to offer hhr that...and the faccorrs that make ittthe, fiid ouu where he &plist.he was told hisschild support probbemsswould gooaway for a mmll price.the bbibeey sting that busted a state peployee and the investigation 3 peployee and the investigation 3 we love wasn't always mutual.lig i want you to grow big!
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