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tv   FOX 45 Late Edition  FOX  May 10, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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commuuity trying to fighting back against ake copp who arr robbing peoope in a southwest late edition.elcome to the - edition. and i'm jennifer gilbert. police nned your help to bring these criminals to justice. justice. keith daniels live in southwest baltimore where investigators say the suspects are targeting the elderly. george johnson, who's 75-years- old, says he was outside, cleaniig up leaves, whenntwo well dressedd men approached.....flashedda badge, said they were police.. looking for a woman, wanted for steeling mooey. they said &pshe liied at johsnon's homm. cops told johnson, thhy wanted po check the seriillnumbers on
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pictures of the stolen cash. johnson lead the men money he had in a bank the - pnvelope..... (johnson) "and then they took the oney. they said, oh yeah, this the money. well, ii was $3,000 all n $100 bills. and they said oh this and the other man reached it out of my hand." (johnson) "i'm just glad i'm alive.. beause i really believe that if i had ttied to fight them, they probably would have stabbed me up in there and killed me..." keith daniels, fox45 newss 3ate edition it'ssa story ... you saw fiist on fox.... ááaáá... man.../ .disputing... how mucc ...he owes .../ in... child support..../ áágetsáá an... easy way out ..../ by.../ a... woorer... at the deeartment... of... human resources..../ ááalláá the father... had to do...
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was slip... the wwrker ... 150... dollars cash. cash. this... is video... of the encounter .... yesterday..../ ááweáá arr... ot identifying the worker.../ áá butáá he's... the individual... you see... wearing... a... gold shirt.../. ááafteráá showing .... the department wwat hhppened..../ áátheáá contract worker .../ was firee...//. ááunionááá reps ...say.../ this... is... a... prime example.../ why... the ttte... shouldn't use.../ pontractors.../ to... handle childdsupport. 3 13:09:53 it's a contrrctor going after a contractor and phat's the absolute craziness in this whole things// and aal the reason wy we should not be having contractors provide these ublic services 13:10:06 13:10:06 baltimore city's... child support offfcee.. is... the only one the state... where a contractor is emmloyed. 3 an investigation by the baltimore city inspector general's office finds.... employeessillegally charging headdstart familiessfor summmr . camp. it'' beenngoing on for three years. the program under community head start program.
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uncovered morr than 40 thousand ddllars that was overppid for people who didn't exist on the payrool. the investigation was initiated bb the mayor's office. 3& will the presidents a... fierce battle... y3 is already brewing ... after governor o'malleyy.. signed a bill... allooing for ...same sex mmrriages... in maryland..../ áábutáá opponentsshave launched a petition drive... and... are hhping to have... on ...the... november placed -3 ballot.../. tonight,,... both sides believe president obbma's ssppoot ... of... same sex marriages &pp.. will help their campaigns. 8:45:50) "i think they're going to say, i'mm going to make sure i sign that sure i vote on november 6. have the riiht to redefine marriage for everybody." for people who don't always paae a voice and theere's no backfire." 3 supporterr... call &p...the presidentt ennorsement ... of... gay maariage..../ a... game- changer. so far...// he... petition drive.../ to... put.../ same-sex... marriage.../ beforeethe voters .../
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has... more than .../ 30-thousand signatures.../.ááthereáá needs... tt be ... 50-thousand../ by... the end ttojune.../ to.../ get... it n.../ november's... ballot. ballot. for more.../ and... all of the stories.../ we...'aired..about it.// you can go to our website...//. on... "same sex marriage"... in... the hot topics sectionall of the stories on our wbsite are free here's... our question of the day....///will the presideet's... announcement... on... same sex marriage vote? head to our facebook page and check ut this chhrged debbte. thousands of our fans are soonding off tonight, let your voice be heard wwth fox45. theeprosecution wwaps up thhir caseeagainst former democraaic presidential candidate john edwards. joe johns takes you through the sex, liee and betrayals eewards brazenly thought he could keep from his wife and the american people. people.
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tyyically.../// of year.../// - áámoreáá people... are drivvng.../ and.../ refinerres.../ are... switching.../ &p to... their.../ summer blend.../// average cost.../ of... a.../ in... maryland today... / is... 33 71....///áádownáá 9 cents... room.. last 29 cents... from .../ mmnth...//ááownáá - from... this / time... last year. year.severaa factors.../ are... causinng they're... not.../ aal gooo...///.ááoiláá and... gasoline upplies.../ are... at thier... highest level...//// áásinceáá paddam hussein...// invaded... kuiwaitt../ in 1990...////.
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pump patrol always looking.../ for... tte lowest ...gas prices... in the region...///. ááfindáá the... best price... in your neighborhood.../ ááatáá fox baltimore dot ccm. &p3 ann... yyu can... fill- up... forrffee...// ááii'sáá the... fox45 ...royyl farms... fill-up ccntest..../ winn.. a... 100--dollar.... enter.. / gg... to our... facebook dot com ssash.../ foxbaltimore.../. ááonceáá there..../ cllckkon... pinside fox 45".....ááthenáá morning news tomorrow... to see ii you'reea winner. 3 good day for politics in mexico.this one hasspeople talking.political sex scandals candidatt is usinggsex as a cornerstone of hee campaign. campaign. 34 yeea old natalia juarez is runninn for congress in mexico. poster. you can see her
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in the middle.... with her peft fist raised, along with six other women; aal topless.. the message is about juarez is currently aa university. her message is controversial but her posters are clearly turning heads. australian man is behinddbarsstonight after some &psibling rivalryygoes too far. 3police say a man aa over his &pon her brother's computer.the say theeman tossed the cat intoohis car.... then rammed intt his sister ouuside tteir pome.sse's suffering from a ffactured spine, leg ann a collapsed lung.the brother waa charged with assault and negligget driving. 33&it was aagreat day for a balloon ride. ride.--fire nats--- nats---the nnual preakness celeeration balloon
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festtval is taking place at light up the sky tonight aad race next saturday. the big its aasooutley beautiful, its breathtaking actually, thats photographsscome frommand that occurrs at dusk at around 8- the preakness celebrrtion balloon festival ii atttuuf valleyytoddy through saturday from 44m to 99m. for more informatioo, log on to foxx baltimore dot com slash 3ewslinks. day t the track.eather for a track. we'll be lucky if it tays this way into the week.
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weekend. let's go to chief look t whats happening now. 3 pplling the plug on ooee tanning addict. why the melanoma mom is getting cut off from her supply. a harmless joke or an -ab students are actuaaly defending the se of dog colllars in class. pick one, national &p why america's top commanders
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away from the pentagon's tay budget. - one year ago, an 11th
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hour debt reduction deal averted a govvrrment shutdown. is threatening ameeica's bate ssability once again. agaan. top military officers are begging congress trillion ollars in cuts to defense spendinn which they saa will hollow out our military. mike emaauel america's military ssrength is literally hanging by a thread. thread. austtn says: "if we diin't have that sword offdamocles hanging over our head we would be in much better shape." army vice chief of sttff general lloyd austin issued that warning to laamakers as the pentagon is due to take the brunt of $110 illion in mmndatory spending cuus in january. the vice chief of naval operations sayssthe reductions nownnass seeuestration would limit the navy's ability to respood to pot spott around the world. also cause us to go back and
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sequestration is not theeforce that could support the current strategy that we are operating under." house reppblicans areetrying to prevent that from happening by passing a bill today to instead trim what they argue pnnorder to stop slaahing the - military budget.ryan says: &p"not only does it hollow out defense according to thh defeese secretary buu also creates an 8% across the board cut to domestic discretionary spending like national institutee of the health and we think we should prrvent thaa in a bipartisan basis." though democrats oppose the meassre. defense secretary leon panetta applauded the effort, buttsaid its cuts are too cootroversial. anetta says: "the guaranteed resultsswill be conffontatiin, gridlock, and a &pgreater likelihood of sequester again, the key is to work ogether." a huge ccallenge for this efforts to ind savinns or cut spending such as last year's
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the super committee itself couldn'' agree to enough s - reduccions as paat of last august's deet ceiling increase. says the automatic cuts will - happen if lawmakers are unable to reach agreement again. reid says: "if we don't make ttose hoices - then there'' going to be 600 billioo dollar cut in he military, and i aa ot about to walk the away from that agreeeent." democrats say any plan should include raising taxes which woulln't pass tte houss and that in thhs enate. election ear ii why panetta and the pentagon are so nervous. 3 3
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like a fine inn or fresh beef jerky, she nly gets better with age. why everyone's favorite fake &pbaker is facing tan bann it's a dog collar used how this siiple, plastic ccne cost one teacher her job. 3 3 3 3 your grilling is still 3 gonna but your deck? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro.
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kiwi. soy milk. impulse buy. gift horse. king crab. rhubarb pie. lettuce shower. made by bees. toucan sam. that's not cheese. grass fed. curry. gingersnaps. soup can tower. 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at grocery stores. it pays to discover. the... new / looks like...// burnt... toast...// áábeefáá jerky...// ááandáá... a... &pcharreddweiner/...// on the...// barbii...// will...have to find... a... ew hobby. patricca krentcil.../ has been banned... from several ... new áásheáá... - gott.. national attention... accused of... sneaking her... 6-yeer old daughter ... into... a... tanninng booth....//// áásheáá denies... the allegation,.../ saying.../ her daughter... got the sunburn.../ from... being while... hh... may be .../ a... regular customer...../ taaning salon.. says.../ she's hurting their business. krentcil says: "i tann three rreaxatiin."nasarenko says: "it wasn't natural it was so fake it justtgives us a bad name and there are so many gooo salons out theee thaa don't give taas like that." that."
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onn tanning... salon.... / "planet sun"..../ . is... even ...possing pictures.../ of... krentcil... on... all their branches... / áásoáá employees... will recognize her. ááahháá... yyu don't need piiyures...// living--beiig...// paramyseums...// recognize...// this well-done/....// t--bone 3 the streett.. ... on after.../ she... forced a sttdent wear ...a... dog collar... in class. áátheseáá pictures... of the student .../ in... the... collar.../ maae it... onto... facebook..../ áástudeets áá say ...the science &pteacher... kept the cone... in class... as... a quote .../ "cone of shame"...// , and... used ii.../ to... puniih students..../ áátheáá teacher says... she was inspired... by... the disney movie... "up"... and... meant it... as a joke../. áátheááá teecher appealing... her firing... áábutáá... common sense... dictates..../ áásheáá... was... influenced...// more... by the movie...// p "bad--teacher"...
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3 somebody is going to be grounded for a long bad parenting ended wwth this car buried in a home.
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"i walked in through a back door not realizing it was the back door of a sunday school class. and they said, 'oh, come on in.' and i said, 'my name is scott baum.' and they said, 'oh, wait a minute. do you have a mother named beverly?' and i said, 'yes! they said, 'we've been praying for you for three years'" "so if you have a grandmother praying for you or a mother praying for you, don't fight it. don't reject it. enjoy the joy and peac athat awa this the
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exclamatioo oops!! new meag meaning and it will give any parent nightmares. nightmares.a car winds up stuck in a house wednesday... buttthat wasn't the biggest surprise for crews called to the scenn. turns out... the
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ddiver of this wwite b-m-w was just 8 years old.he backed the car into a house in boston with succ forceethat pieces of the porch were wedged ii the had aahard time beliiving what happened. p("i hear this crash. itt soundee like, you know, a car the neighborhood and ved to - excitement is already happening) happening."))the boy was not hurt. the residents of the &phouse also escaped injury.... but the damage to the home and foundation was extensive. we'll take more days like today. like tododay. let's go to anddthe extended ffrecast to see if we'll gee them. a first in american a first in american league
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history...what orioles hitters did today that no other a-l ttam haa in sports unliiited...&3
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the late edition,... bbt... a... big night... for the o's... a... perfecc day for a double header. coull they take two from the mighty rangers? bruce has the answer withhsports unlimited right now. the ravens are the first team to sign their entire draft class...that's because they signed 6th round picc receiver signed 6ommyystreeter ouu of mi. and their top choice this after. afternoon... alabama liiebacker courrney upshaw, the 35th pick in the draft, agreed to a contract ttday, just one ddy before rookie caap starts...expected to challenge for a starting popsitioo in tte ake offthe perrell uggs injury, upshaw gets a four year deal wwrth a reportee 5.29 million...with 2.29 million up ront as a upshaw played in 50 games at
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alabama, geeting 140 career tackles and 16 and a half sacks... and ttey also signed thii guy...thirr round pick bernard pierce, a running back out of temple...he also gets a four year financial details immediately available...pierce rushed for just uuder 5 hundred yards and a school ecord 27 touchdowns lass seasoo,,,and that includes a huge day and five tuchdowns... yards - a very long day of baseeall at camden yyrds...heavy rains wednesday night washed out gamm 3 of the orioles series with the texxs rangers, nd today, they played two...we begin witt the nightcap nightcap top of the 1st...texas wearing blue jerseys...josh hamilton leads the majors with 14 home runs....make it 15...his 6th of the seriis one hops the warehouse...rangerr lead 2-0.....move to he 8th... remember texas is wearing lue jerseys...robbie ross warring up in the bullpennapparently didn't get the memo...sporting their gray uni.....rannerss send a cllbhouse id to the pen with the proper attiie... ross changes in the bullpen...
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rangers were able o llugh it off wwnning the game 7-3... they take the 4 game series in baltiiore... gaae 1...bottom of thee1st... ryan laherty leading off.... &pthe flaggourt for his first major eague hhme run... orioles lead patter....j hardy get up ann get out...annihilates it to his 8th...back-to-back jacks... &poos up 2-0....very next yep... he goos the distance... back-to-back-to-back homers to staat the game for the o's... 1st time that's happened in american league history... birds in froot 3-0....wei-yin out josh hamiltoo in the 6th... he gives up 2 runs in 7 and 2 thhrds...jim johnson surrendered a 3 run homer in the 9th buttstill got the save...o's take game one 6-5... last sunday, chris davis grabbed the imaginatioo of baseball ans everywhhre when he came out to pitch the 16th and 17th innings, aad gettinn
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a win in the process...becominf thh first fame...they wanted an artifact 3 to commemorate the accomplishment, and davis was glad to oblige...his cap will make it's way to cooperstown lacrosse....nd the ncaa tournament gets underway this weekend...llyola has the overall top seed, aad they'll pthletic center...and thhy'll - take the ield with a ttewaarton finalist in heir mi. midst.. junior attack mike sawyerris one of five finalists...his 3 goall per game verage is third best in he nation and lead the greyhounds...he's joined in the inal five by virginia's steele stanwick, who plaaed his high school ball at boys latin... and on the women's side... maryland's katie schwarzman is a inaaist forrthe ttwaarten.. a ggaduateeof century hhgh school in eldersburg, schwartzmann as the acc player of the year and theemvp oo the conference tournnment, in which she scored a record 111 goals...she led the acc in
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stiiljuss a junior..the tewaarten will be presented may 31st in wwshingtonn that'll do it for this edition of sports unliiited...i'm tune in to fox45 morning news ttmoorow -- staating at 5-am.
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[machine beeps] - good morning, lemon. - ugh. i hate january.


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