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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  May 15, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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3 3 "you got to go and seal from a chill, or adult ttat hhs worth sááá, 33 ttieves... steal a ffmily's 3 trend behind the crime....and hoo the communnty is helpingg the ffmily fight back. -3 3 (10:37:00) (rapid rrfill) "people are catching -3 onnt this and hey're not happy. they're livvd. ripoffs. how to beat the system to save money. 3 pnd... police on the lookout.. - for a four year old.whattshe did.. that hhd the cops p3 p,3
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3 today is uesday ay 15th. 3
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3 p3 3
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3 3 a woman remains inncciiical condition, this morning... after beinn shot n a car while sittiig atta red light. light. it happened early 3 northern parkway at moyer & venue.the woman told police a man ppllld up next to her... pff. severrl bullets hit her ii te upper body. 3 (mr. burton) "it's sad. it's very sad thht you can't even pastop light and somebodyy 3 you.." inntiilly,
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police thought the woman mayy &phave been the victii of -3 domestic innident. but 3 believe it maa have been &prannom shooting. things are bbck to normal thii morrinn at b-w-i...after two concourses were evacuated, -3 mooday morninng morning.a straage odor from a security cceckpointtcaused the diiruptioo... seeding t-ssa to be delayed.after he "aal clear" wws given, passengers travel plaas. 33 9:36651 s weewereepassing phrough the securrty aggin we see ags juss siting inside funny. they just cleared ouu -3 heeyjust said droppeverything were going :02 :02it's believed the source off &pthh smell waa a ccn of peppee airport spokesman says,,there is no reason to believv anyone innentionally meant tooharm people. yourseef aroond neww as it's it...send it. you can uploaddphotos and videos to our website. go to foxballimmre dot com and click on the "seeeit, shoot it,,send
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it icon. yoo can also send in oou story... directly from &pyour cell phone to "pics at foxxbaltimore dot com." 3 3 new developmmntssin this caae.. of a touuist being stripped.. in downtownn of the men &pthis video we showeddyou first on cannsee a group taking part in theeassaultt pow.. one of tte men... aaron parsons... is indicced on charges for his role in he parsons muuged... and then punched the man on the streees outside of courthouse east. &pa mandatory federrl prrgram o crackdown onnillegal &pimmigrants goes statewiie in today.riik viicent shhws why 3 3 it's called "secure -3 communities..when pooice book a suspeet,,they check the - fingerprints against federrl &pdataaases and will dettin the person if immigration officials tell thhm to..oston has been participating since
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deval patrick hasn't wanted it to go any urther but is - forced to make it statewide today.supporters say it ill depprt violent criminals and &preeeat immigration viilators. sot: chief jooepp rebello/kingston, ma police department"i don't ttink as a country e will spenn timm and - money chasinggdown people -3 offenders."nat opp- ny protest the proggam sparred prottsts 3 impllmentation there..t's also critics in both states say 3 to the deporration of eople wwo don't ppse a thrrat and 3 christineequinn/nnw york city council"innfact deportinn people who areeooten the rock & and stability of their families and ddssabiliiing families and taking people out of tteii hooes with these deporrations.sot: rank soults/mass. immmgrant and -pefugee addocacy coolitton pii bostonnwe know 49% of thooeedeported have been convictee of no crime." immigration and customs pnforcemenntsays secure & communities as emoved more than 100-ttousand immigrantt
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convvcted of crimes and is pvluable tool..ceeplaas to vincent reporting. 3 secure communiiies is in about 88-percent offthe country's &jjrisddctions right now. 33 neewweek magazine is sttrring up -3 controversyy.. with the debut of its lltest issue.the cover featuree the presiddnt... anointed wiih a aiibow halo above hii eaad.. declaring hii the first ggy resident..-3 president publicll announced his support last week... for same-sex marriage. a recent gallup oll shows 51 percent of americans approve 3 do not... and 600pprcent said it won't inffuunce their vote. p3&prally nats nattdemonstrators gatter in pew jjrsey... to call for a lighter sentence in the case of a rutgers university studeet... who spied on is roommate.yoo may recall... dharun ravi was convicted of bias intimidation... after he used his wwbcam to broadcast
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his roommate's sexual encounter with nothhr man. days later thht roommaae... tyler clementi... commiited suicide.ravi ii facing up too 10 years in prison.his & sentencinn is scheduled or next weekk 3 the lone suuvvvor of a terrifying boating orreal in -3 the pacific is suinn princess cruises.passengers on ooe oo the cruise line's ships saw the stranded boat anndreported it to crew.but brran todd - reports the ship never stopped..- stopped. this is what the passeegers the 'star ppincess', aamassive cruise--iner that hhd come within sighttof the of tte passenggrs who spotted what a man on the stranded -3 boat was could ee him doing this with hissshirt, ooer and over anddover. meredith and at least one pther passenner, jjff - gilliian,who took thii phhto, crew-member on tte 'starr princess' cruiie ship.they say that rewwmmmber viiuaaly
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confirmed the distressed bbat on his wnnbut the cruise ship never stopped.and while we of poweelessness, because we wwuud have liked to hhve somehoo gone ovvr there andd - rescued thee.the three people 33 growinggmooe esperate by thee vasquez, is now suing princess crrises or neglecc.he spoke with the webbite panama-ggide. it was realll big boat. it was whitte aad had the name in 3 disaalee fishing boat with wo against princess cruises says pfter they werrespotted yythe pcruise ship passengers n march 10th, one of hhs compaaions, a 16-yeaa--ld, having loot all hope, died that very day.the cooplaiit says the other companion died &&pfive--ays later.vasquez, who had set off from panama on pfebruary 24th, was reecued by 3 galapagos islands, after
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a monnthis lawwers say vasquee survived by drinkkng rain- pater and eating rotting fish. contacted by cnn,,princess cruisss issued a statement 3 case of "unfortunate miscommunncation," hattafter the crew-member was alerted by passenners, "regretfully thee cappain of theesttr rincess & was never notiffed of the passengers' concern." and if he hhd been, he'd have had thhe opportunity o respond.i spoke with an attorney forrvasquez. line statement says the captaii was never notified. whaa does hat mean as far ass you're concerned?dickmann the 3 notified is an admission of gross negligence on their parr. the captain should havv was told abbut this diitressee -& admiralty, you must go up your -3 chain of command. & attorrey rrbert dickmannsaas -33 he believes the ruise-ship
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call in osta rica the next day.dickman allo ays if the ship ad stopped to help... and maybe missed that scheduled dockingg.. it would have lost a lot offmoney in concessions.a spokeswomaa for princess ruises says thatt assertion is qqote - "absolutely false". 3& a new report ffnds morr ppople are sing their mobill phones tooaccess facebook... than either the acttal ebsite or smarrppones.facebook has more pds on its website... so it does oo its on aaps ffrr hand-heldddevices.the report... which was conducted by "com core"... also finds users are spending aa average facebook mobile. 3&ppolice gettinvooved afterra 4- year-old faiis to rettrn overduu librrry books. bookk. the books were dde back to the freeport area library in pennsylvania back in occober. the finee pept adddng up and the little ooe owed the llbrary around 81-dollars. library employees said they tried - seeeral times to get the they thought it pas aagood idea to get police invvllvd.
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3"we're here tooserre the &pcommmnnty and we try to do it ps best we can, and all we reelly want ii to have our library materials returned to us.""-call to the chill's mother, and it got results.... the books were returned... the & mother apollggzed and paid the ine. sophia and jaccb... too thee list of moss popular baby nnmes eleasee by the social security administration. 3 isabella...which had been number one for two years is olivia... ava. ava..mill... abigail... madissn... mia... ann chloe. chloe. for boys... jacob is followed by mason, william.... p3 and rounding out the top tee - is michaell..ethan... daniel. 3 banks... too big to faii. fail.reffrmmwiil also rein in the abuse and excess that - nearly
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brought down our financial system. 3 how banking giant j-p morggn almost tanked the markets... admiiistratioo's new reform laws... might not have sttpped it. pt. 33 ((brrak ))
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3 3 thhs wasn'ttquite the mother's day a californna family was pepectiig.aalexus rammed & through a wall ann crashed sunday.the cca has since been charged withhdriivng under the influeece. 3 ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meeeorolloist))
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map olddcourt--40--wilkens--map & 3 3 &p
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3 33 we're taking the pinch out f the pumpp.. with a foxx5 royall & farms fill up.we''eegiviig - away 100 - dollar royal ffrms gas cards.we'll draw three winners this morning.we'll draw oor first winnnr of the day sometime in oor 6 o'clock hour.but yoo have to be a meannime... "like" our facebook pagge. facebook doo &pcommslash foxbaltimore and complete the entry form on the inssde fox45 tab. mother... stabs her up o the kklling.and hat happened over the weekend... that could have been a clue... violence wws coming. 3 unemploymenttchecks will ssop &pcoming oo some parts offthe
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ccuntry.the reason behind the & move... and why thhs could acutally be... good ews. 3 ((bump ouu)) 3 ((break 2))
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3 & 3 the multi-billion trading llsses by banking giant j-- & morgan chase ii focusing attention gain on "too big to ffill"banks ttat are o big, -&pthey can take down the
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american economy, if they go & what happened to the financiil reformm that were supposed to go iito effect? pizzie o'leery reports,,even theyywouldn't have prevented the j morrannloss. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- nattsound of prsident obama "thank you very much.thhs againn eform will also rein in hh abuse and excess that -3 nearly brought down our financiallsystem. thatt reform, alled the dodd-fraak llw was intended tookeep aaericaas' money safe. but itt hasnnt even gone into effectt it'' beeng fine-tuned with pllnty of loopholes that & bankers lobbbed for. for example, banks like jj morgan & can still take inncustomer money n one side. and allo maae multi-million dollar risky trades for themselvess on tte other side. as w saw & last week, that can rrttle the banking systtm. wee ead the law, we carry the law around with us. shall i reed it to -3 yyu? senntor carl levin is pushing for the regulltions to havv some teeth. all wee re doing is everything we know - how
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to do ii tell the just bbcaussea lot off ig wall ssreet firrs have a whole army oo lobbyists hereetrying to persuade you to do hht. more thann500 ccmppnies have lobbied n this law, includingg the five biggesttu.s. bbnks. those banns, once called oo piggtoofail, so llrge they hurting the u.s. economy, are pow even bigger. back inn & 2006, they heed aboutt6 triilion dollaas, 43% of evvrythiig ttee s economy &, thhy holddabout 8.5 trillion. that's 56% of us gdp. too big to fail eeists from the standpoint -thaa you can't lose the institution itself. the issue of course s who ets to own & itt.he new law means shareholders woold et wiped &pout. anddthe govvrnment would be able to slowleyywind down a - giant bank, hooefully without - ttxpayerr
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foooing the bill. 3 all the rules eed to be finished by july.. one -3 question, thoughh is whetherr this j-p morgan disastee wouud pe allowed underrthe dddd the negotiaitons says it written by the obama treasury departmentt to allow banks to hedge their entire portfflios. poming!the states where jobless americans will o longer recieve unemplooyent -3 benefits..and the silver lining behinn thousands of peeple llsiig thattfinanicaa suuport. ook 12 hoous to gge 37 years of stuff packed - up and out of the hhuse." &phouse."and a sinkhhle bottoms out... in this loriia faaily's backyard.find out how pig t is... and the next threat ittnow poses foo hh - family. -3 3 ((break 3))
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♪ ♪ ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ ♪ i don't wanna be right ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if being right means being without you ♪ [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, 100% whole grain oats... and that sweet honey taste. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. 3 --reporter pkg--s
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follows --more than 200- 3 beee out of work foo months - checks this week.eight states roll off tte federal extended benefits prograa over the next few days, and thaa means tougghr timessahhad for thooe who till can't find work. almost half of the people affected live in california. &pextension live n ccloraao, noorh carolinaa pennsylvania - anddconnecticut.there s a silver lining here though -- thess benefits are expiring becaase the economies in these staaes re imprrving.the federaa extended beneeit proggam gives 20 wweks off unemployment checks affer their norral ssate nd eddral benefits ave been exhausttd. show that its unemployment pate is at least 10% higher than it was in at least one of & tte past threeeyeaas.25-states havv alreadd rollld off the - extenssons.and 7 more are expeeted to exit the program aa the only state still peceiving the benefits.i'm
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&palison kosik in new ork. -----eed-----cnn.script----- two lotterr wwnners... killedjust after winning theer jackpott jjckppt.he woull havv ddoe &panything oo anybooy. 3 what police foond in he hooe...and why finding that winning tickee could lead to the killer. mine was earned ietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. some places i go really aggravate my allergies. so i get claritin clear. ♪ i can see clearly now the rain is gone ♪ look! see that? this is all bayberry and bayberry pollen is very a


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