tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX May 21, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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trayvon marttn's motherr speaks ouu.why she hose baltimore to visst and thee personal message she wanted to share wiih you. oh no i don't like that thht is terrible i don't like i. it.prom... held at a porn convention.the school rule that made the venue the school's only option. and... the op three reasons most americans aren'ttusiig and the couutries where peoplee every yyar.t a month ff work 3 3 33 today is monday may, 21. -3 3
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trayvon martin's trayvon martin's mother speaks to baltimore... sharinggher feelingg in personnwith a llccl congregatton.megan gilliland is here with more on how she is ealing withhher son's death and why she felt phe had to come to our city. good morning patrice,innide &pphe empowerment temple in northwest baltimore... it was a packed congregation... wwth it'ssso easy for me to cry ...-
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work to do 22:54::2 22:54:32itts been almost 3 months... sincc her ssn was killed ii florida by neighborhood watchman gorge zimmerman.over thh next 8 months... fulton will be travellng round theecounttyy advocating or her ssn's foondatton and for families of crime victims.pastor bryant many mothers around bbltimore city... also dealing with loss and violence. nats it'' not always the names you see on the news or facess you see on the paper"ttryvon is resting righttnow, i'm working on behalf of other kids, their future and tte fight for themm them"fflton along with her attorney say they ope to amend florida'sscontroversial "stand your round" law.a law deadly force in self peeense... if theyyfeel their pife issin danger. fulton didnnt want to taak about the new eviddece peleased in he case.... thatt
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zimmerman's defense.i'm megan pilliland, fox45 morning neww. phe 22-year-old baltimore off the joo this morning... - and placed n administraaive du. saturday... on elmora avenuee in the beeair-edision neighborhood.31-year-old ámauricc hhllomaná... who police says lss goes by ámaurice johnsoná... becamm violent in his mother's home and she called police.when two pffiiers confronted hollommn they say he tried to grab one of their guns.that's when thh other officer shot and killed holloman.but eighbors say his death could have been prevented. "he aint have no weapon so they ould have tazeddhim or something cause thatt what the mother wws crying abouu she said they could have tazed him pther then just shootiig him downnlike thatt" that."the officer was &pscratched duuing the incident butt s expected to be okay. &pa princeegeorge's county driving under the influenne th afttr crashing his cruiser
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early saturday morning in bladensburg... at the innersection of route one and tanglewood drive.officer daniee gonzalez had a blood three".gonzaaez is a six-year veteran patrol officer. he has accident is under e the - over he next few weeks, baltimore'' city council will vote on several nnw tax proposals... includiig a than dooble the bottle tax.the mayor wants to increese thh says tte bill will help ffud ten million dollaas for construction and emodeling of baltimore schools.some shopperr doo'ttmmnd paying pore... buttcouncilman carl stokes is against the plannhe private developers but the ((phillchaney: 56:40 "if it goes intt chholss.. need suppliee, equupment.")) ((23:39:22 "people come to the city and say i don't have ... city says we don't have any mon) mooey.")) right now customers are paying
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an extra 2 ents in beeeragg &ptaxes. prottsters and police clash leaders are meeting to discuss aaghaaistan's melissa raney reports.. the clashes erupted ttwwrd the end of a day of peaceful prottsts. protests. --reporter pkg-as fflloww -- pattoundchicago's pooice superintendent reporting.i'm mellsa raney today (monddy).summit concludes the two-day summit melisa ranny reporting.
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the arrest of three men. authorittee described them as attack obama's chicago to campaign headquartees and lob other men appeared in court to - sunday to face charges from related investigations -- but &pare not believed to be parr o the alleged plot. a public heering begins this week connerning tte secret service prostituition ssandal. committee will hold the the scandal nvolving u-s on miiitary anndsecret service incident happened lass montt before president obama's trip to the summit of the americas. it involved rouggly 20 alleged ppostitutes, and has ss far ressltee in the secret service agents were - cleared of seeious misconduct. agency heads are expected to ttstiiy. thh anncoonicted of the 19-88 scotland has died. died.abdee baset l-mah- grah-hee received life sentence for the 1988 attacks that illed 270 people on pan
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am light 08.but he was releesed from a scottish prison on 2000.....after bbing diagnosee with terminal prostate cancer.that sparked inteenational outrage.... pspeciilly frommthe victiis' "hees nottgging to get forgiieness from me, and aa far as i'm ccncerned he should die in prison anddhis sool rot in hell.. 27734 27-34aa megraai was 60 years old. "the bee gees" banddmember, robin gibb... has also died. his amily says the 62-year-ood died after a long baatle ith cancer. diagnosed with cooln and liver cancer, battled pneumonia earlier thii spring.gibb wws one of three gees soared to fameeafter thee feverr starring john trraolta was built around the group's disco songs. 33 the preakness pinner, "i'll have anothee"...
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is now headed to new york. after winning both thee kentucky derby and the left pimlico sunday morning... forrbelmont park. paak."i'll have anotter" will try to beccme theefirst horse since lydar in 1978 to win &pthe trrill crown.he defeeted faaored "bodemeister" with a the 12th horse since affirredd to win tte first two was almost exactlyythe samm fiiishing move that defeated 3odeemister in the ddrby..- 3 3 3 "i'll have another" will try tt win the belmmnt the preaknees crowd... breaks a record!the race brought out
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saturday.anddof course... piikkng up after those thousands is quite a job.crees worked for hours.... making pimlico spotless.the tents and stages aae now down. coming up on the early edition... same ex couples rally behind theepresident... "we thought it was awesomm." else they're fighhing ...when ittcomes to financial support. support. ((break 1))
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pe're helping you with the pain at he ump... with a pox45 rooal farms fill up. draw three winners this dollar morning.we'll draw our first winner of the day someeime in &pour 6 o'clock hour.but you haae to be a facebook fan to the meantime... "like" our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimoree ww have the ddyss..but we don't takk thee. them.hhwwmany vacation days americans gee in a year...and why weedon'tttake them. them.we just want equality. rights as everybody else for ssmm sex couples...the ity specific rights they want... when it comes to money. ((bump out)) ((break
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some places i go really aggravate my allergies. so i get claritin clear. ♪ i can see clearly now the rain is gone ♪ look! see that? this is all bayberry, and bayberry pollen is very allergenic. non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms for 24 hours... you guys doing good? ... including itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. and only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies. ♪ it's gonna be bright bright sunshiny day ♪ live claritin clear with non-drowsy claritin. aafederal law in place since
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1996 defines marriage for federal purposes as a uuion only between a man and a woman. that creates finannial challenges for ame-sex couples who work for the who wwold be eligible for federal benefits. athena jones profiles a marylandd in the political debate over marriage.marriage. --reporter pkg-assfolloos -- "we thought it was awesome." kierrr johnson and parry arvette wereethrilled when the for same sex marriagee"i was
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checkkng twitter and facebook, and it was like a virtual parry across the social networking ssene."the couple was leeally married in washingtoon d.c., where parry works as a city police officer. they say the presideet's remarks were a step forward for equaaity , but whaa ttey really want is federal recognition of their marriage, which would put hem on the heterosexual couples.under &pexisting laws, ssme sexxcoupl meaning they miss out on deductions and they don't have want equality. that's ii, we - want the same riggts as everybody elle. i mean, we pay into sociallsecurity, we pay taxes, but she can't have it if somethingghappen to me. pou know? it's crazy."on the tax frrnt, marrieddsame-sex couples can find themselves at compared to heterrsexuall couples.ken weissenberg is a tax expert whh also n a
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saae-sex couples are denied legal protection under the law, they'reegetting less beneffts ffom the feddral government, they're getting, um, less benefits from most state governments, and they're gift taxes.""n fact, an analysis conducted by tax specialists for cnn-money found same-sex couples pay as muchhas $6,000 a year more in taxes. johnson and arvette aren't sureehow much more they'reepaying but say that, for them, the issue is ore about fairnnss than money: " i think we need a lawwthat &pfits the people in this fedeeallacceptance, a federal policy ttat says alllpeopll are going to be created equal." do you think that it's gonna happen eventually?"i'm hopeful. i mean, i didn't think thaa i would see a black prrsident in my lifetime,,so i'm hopeful."athena jones, cnn, upper marlboro, maryland
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we're the "no-vacation natioo." workers alllacroos the country aren'' using their vacation days.felicia tayyor tells us wh. whyy --reporter pkg-as follows -- americans don't have as many pacatiin dayysas somm ppoole ii ther counnries.but a lott of people don't take their vacction days anyway. according to harrrs interactive, fffty-seven all their vacation days last year. amerrcans get about 5 days off a yyar but eave an average of 11 of them onnthee table.some wookers saa they
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passsup rest and relaxation of workerr say they can't - are afraid to taae time off in a shaky job market.compared o ooher developed natiins, the u-s falls short.the u-k mmnnates that employees get a &pyear....if they havv been wit a company for 10 years.ffance u-s doee nno have a minimum .th aalowance.this isn't bad news for business profits aar at a en-yearrhigh because employees spend so much time at work.. i'm felicia taylor in new york. -----end-----cnn.script----- a somber anniversary. anniversary.but find out what joplin residents are looking forward to... as the one year anniversary of a deadly tornadoo.. approaches. approaches.trayvon martin's chose baltimore to visit and waated to share with you. &pyoou
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