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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  May 21, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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the motherrof trayvon martin reaches out to baltimore on a visiting a local congregation. megan illiland is here with the message she wanteddyou to hear. good morning patrice,inside the empowerment temple in northwest ballimore... it was a packed congregation... wwth very few dry eyes as sybbina fulton shhred her feelings... 3it's so easy for me to cry everyday but i can't i have work to do 22:54::2 months... since her son was - killed in lorida by neighborhood watchman geerge
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zimmerman.over the next 8 months... fulton iil be traveling around theecountry, advocating for her son's founddtion and for families of &pcrime victims.she was invited py pastor bryant to speak to this congrrgation.but she says phat led her here... were ttere many etterssshe received from you. "one of theethings i want o hear is the word, i want to know there are peopleein baltimore that support us"naas i am trayvon martin, i am trayvon martin martinfulton along with her attorney say they hope to amend floridd'' ccntrooersial "stand your ground" law.a law that says a person an use deadly force in self defense... ii they feel their life is in ddnger. fulton didn't want to talk &pabout the new evidence released in the case.... that could be important too zimmerman'' defense.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morniig news. police and fire offiiials are inveetigating a fire in east scene. oe after a molotov morning near barclay and ccase
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behhnd theevacant person was taken to johns hopkins hospital but is eepecttd to be okay.the fire is ttll under investigation. an anne arundel county womann is recovering at a pospital... after her electtic wheelchair caught on fire.the fire broke out around 6-30 sunday morning... at "the glen it caught fire. she suffered n - burn officials areestill trying to determine thh cause of the fire. theebaltimmre branch pf the n--ouble-a-c-p will today... where they plan to dissuss same-sex marriage. president obbmm continues to take some heat from church leaderr innbaltimmre....after announcing his support for same-sex marriage.whiie organizaaions like the n-double-a-c-p... say they civil riiht.... some critics say the organizaaion has overstepped its missioo. pastors like the reverend emmett burns innbaltimore county ... say the president's position is bad policy ... politically,
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socially and educationally. burns says gayy arriagg is an issue of s gayy mooalltt... not civil righhs. it's been almmst a yeaa since a massive tornado ripped through joplin, missouri... killing 166 people. as the somber anniversary pproaches, high school students in the pommunity. president obama will deliver the commencement address at joplin hiih school &ptoday.the high school was destroyed by the powerful f-5 tornado.the joplin community &pis still working to re-build hooes and businessess the man found guilty of spying &pon his rrommate at rutgers ravi could face ten years in n - priion ann be deported to march on charges stemming ffom - an incident in 2010 where he
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on his roommate .. tyler cllmenti ... during a date killed himself by jumpinn off newwyork's george washington bridge. former presidential candidate neww gingrich is seeing red... and t isn't bbcause he's a -& campaign earlier this mooth ... neaary four-pointt eight-milliin dollars in debt. thht's acording to a reportt filed wwth the federal electioo commission.gingrich's dollars tt a charter airlinn well as large aaounts for security services anddpubliccreeations. based on a in maryland are often ranked as the best in the country.. so how will a team of studenns from maryland competition"? joel d. smithhis live in north baltimorr o see pow the students off'the greemount school" plaa to win. in nnrth baltimore,, baltimore,, in north 3 3&pbaltimoree, competttion
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is taking on a new form for thoosands of students across the wwrld. 3
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talk about poor planningg.. pne higg school'ssprom was held at the same lace as aa aa students headed to prom in miami beach... a porn convention was going on simultaneously at the same pareet says she found outtabout the exxotica convention as she dropped her daughter at prom..he school convention center was one of the only available locationss given their rules.
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((i was shocked really for thh safety of our children 3 aad to diiccurage drinking.)) drinking.))the school also says the only other weekend phey couud plan the prom was for memorial day weekend... and they feet ii would not be safe. it was a beautiful weekend.... but... raan s headdd this way. when yyu ccn expect those showers to hit your in your skywatch weaaher forecaat. forrcast. ((break 1)) 3 ((bump in)) the car on the left was filled up with
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low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. ((2-shot toss to weether)) 3
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((ad lii meteorologist))
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3 &p3 p, 3
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((traffic eporter ad libs)) maasgreenspring 895 maps
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new information surfaces concerning the shooting death of an narmee lorida eenager. teenager..e was having a hard how the facts of the trayvon d - contradicting each other...and who is now changing ttier story. story..nd later in spootss.. the orioles goiig for the sweep of the nationals.what steven sttasburr did that the o's were not expecting. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) need any help?
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uh, nope. just, uh, checking out my ad. nice. but, y'know, with every door direct mail from the postal service, you'll find the customers that matter most: the ones in your neighborhood. print it yourself or find a local partner. and postage is under 15 cents. i wish i would have known that cause i really don't think i chose the best location. it's not so bad... i mean you got a deal... right? [ bird cries ] go online to reach every home, every address, every time with every door direct mail. the newly-released pile of
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documents, photos, medical reports and video in the trayyon martii investigation can be seen in a number of wayy. as rrndi kay reports... seem to contrrdict each ncee - otter.. or at leest are open to interpretation. 3nterpretation..- 3 atlanna.randi kaye, cnn, killed him. trayvon martin.. the chest of fiied straight into the chest of trayvoo marttn.. killed him. randi
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atllnta. in a folllw-uu interview with florida law enforcement, the witness ddssribed as wiiness six who said he heard ii was zimmerman yelling for help a& later said.. he wasn't so sure who it was. coming up in ourr6 o'clock hour... we're giving away our first 100-ddllar gas gift card this morning.we're drawing a name.. in about 33 minutes. minutes.but firrt...the birds going for a sweep of the nationals...sttven strasburg ps known for his sttikes out. what he did that the o's were not xpecting. ((break 3)) not xpecting. ((break 3)) we love gardening... t the feeling wasn't always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for free. nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil... and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months. my plants grew bigger... more beautiful... with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these flowers,
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like soap is for showers. everyone grows with miracle-gro. everyone grows bacon and pancakes for $, umm. in my day, you get eggs, bacon and pancakes, and it only cost you $4. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 tasty choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. not only kills fleas and ticks it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel
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hour... how does 100-dollarssin ree gas sound?stay tuned o sse if you're the ucky winner...when we draw or first name of the mo. morning. [ indistinct conversation ] did somebody just...? impossible. ♪ yes. yes. yes. noooooooo! [ male announcer ] yep, subway broke the 200-calorie breakfast barrier with delicious subway fresh fit breakfast sandwiches. like the black forest ham, egg white & cheese on mornin' melt flatbread. subway. build your better breakfast.
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oh no i don'ttlike that it.prom... held at a porn convention.the school rule that madeethe venue the school's only option. fill up!your first chance of ee- tte day to win a 100 dollarr uppsometime in the next 44 minutee. 3 3 33
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monday, may 21st 3


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