tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX May 21, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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contestants...////.áájennaááá undeewent ... purggrr ...four yeaas ago.../ & when sse was... -3 19...//.she wassone oo 4 &pcontestanttsnamed "miss congennaliiy"áááheáá winner oof he pageant.../ will compete .../ in... the.../ -3 miss uniierse competition... later his year. 3 3145--53 "i think t's goinggto be impossible for thee to get a second egree murder ccnviction. iithiik tte cass -3&pissclearll verrharged." overcharged." -3 3 nee evidence in he ssoooing of ttayvon maatinn.... &p3 3 why some say it could help the accusse killer's case. 3 gooddeveeing,,i'm jeff barnd. &pbarnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. shoulddtte econd degree 3&pzimmerman be droppee?sooe notable atttrneys are sayiig yys, after stacks of evvdence wwre released thursday. thursday. 3 janiccepark is live in - northwest baltimmrr tonighh, where raayon martins mother 3 yesserday. jjnice? 3 pybrrna fulton saas she came -3 here because sheereally doess pfeel like thh people of baltimore do suuport her. she 3 newly releassd eeidence
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includinggbboody phooos of george zimmerman. 33 from the night of the shhotinn. he has laceraaions on the baak of his head and & uus on is ose. they indicate a struggge dii haapen between him and 17 year old 3 witnesses have cooe forrard after his struggle with martii. trayvons mothhr was at the empowerment temple yesterday. she sppke about how - shh hopes to help other what sheethought about the -3& evidenne released thurssay that asssome attorneys saying the 2nd degree murder charge -& should be dropped. 3&p"the ost...he was attacked" 33 3 baltimore was sybrina fulton s - first stoo. she plans on traveling to other parts of
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the country and even lonndn to speak abbut her ordeaa 3&pcheck ut ... ssbrina fulton's... entire -3 interviiw... on....our website.../.ááfoxáá baltimore... dot com .../ and... click n raw nnws. 3&ppe asked: do against ... eorge zimmerman ...should be dropppd?. propppd?. aaot....of 3 poniiht..../ .aboutt.. 400--reppiess./ in... justt22 hours... 3 jjin the iscussion... by going to facebooodot coo slash &p3 a baatimmre grand jury has 33& daughter iinide this city social services oofice. -3 can see the ambulance in front of that officc back innaprillthe baay &psurvived.police say kenisha &pthomas smuggleeda kitccen & knife pasttsecurity.thomas willlbeearraigned later this & month
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3 ffrst on fox.../ - áá aáá baltimoreemann.. is 3 from....aa...broken nose.../ nearly... a dozen titches.... ááandáá claims..../ p baltimore ityypolice.... are responsible... / for....his njuriee.../. 3 12:38:15 and they dragged - me dowwnthe steps, stompee me ii thh back anddall that and that's how all this oocurree. oocurred. ti-yyn williams... says... - after ....eeing officers.... throw his friend ....o the - ground..../ he... bbcame ...scared and an...///. ááasáá he... came utt.. of a neighborhood store,.../ ááwilllamsáá saas... he put his hands.../ in... the air... and surrendered.... -3 / but... olice began... &&pto beat him. 3 12:29947 the police were likk stoppso i surrendered. i gaae up then after that they ptompeddmy neck. i hit my head on the stte, broke myynose and they pulled me downnthe steps and were stompling me oo the back then thee put me in hanncuffs and took me to the &pstation 10030:03 ,3 williaam says... as... offiierr... left the hospital.../ he... was pold... nnocharges ...weree being iled./////.
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páweáá did... eaah out... tt the department... / they'rr....investigaaing.../ oo camera.. -3 3 it'' violence like ttis....- ...that has one tate rawlings blake... to áresigná 33 3 toorist... beaten... robbedd.. pay.turns out there ere doww-town thattnight... ...seemingly sttying oneestep ahead of policc.delegate pat mcdonough sayssmayor tephanii 3 sooutions summit aad a ciiy- raaiallyycharged language to make hii poont last week... ...caaling forrpolice to control "black youth obs." 3&p"i am not going to go awayy if rubberrleg repuuliccn thats & sofa and say i am orry they donttknow pat mcdonough m not ggingganywhereeiihave an awareness capaiin and iiwaat
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this problem solved.."- solvee." "the difffculty that i haveeqqite franky.... hat concerns me....felt it & race....thaa he had to mention that." pcdonough hould apologizz hs rrciilly chargee commeets. 3 money troubles at he hotel in downtoww baltimore.... ........and tonight, xperts taxpayees. 33 according to the atest &pfinanncal statements froo the -3 baltimmrr hotel corporatton... the hotel, which is managed by hilton, llst boutt11-million dollars last year.. uu to a totallof morr han 50-milllon since ittopened in the ummer of 2008.. it's a citt could cost taxpayers. 3&p prof. rhoads0 "priiate businesses lose monee.. - there's nothing new about - that. but it's a buuiness
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thaa's got this public kind of pwiit to it.. nd so, there's -3 taaxayer money invvlvee, there's axpayyrsssommwhat n the ook forrthese lossee... -3losses.." 3 ity officials, iicluding jaa brody wwo's & president of tte baltimore developmeet ccrporation, have said these losses arrewhat they call "paper losssss.. not "rral cashhlooses.." which &&pthey say will noo affect thh hotel's abilitt to pay its bills. &p3a rally outside city hall.... stephanie rawliigs-blakk to ssve baltimore rec centers. centers. centers movementt saas rawllngs-blake promised too pnvess in communitiee and -3 neiggbbohhods,bbt continues tooclooe youth ec centers nd pools. thh city controls 55 --33recreaaiin centers....unddrr - this new plann..the city wwll operate 31 improved private oopeatorss....and turn city schools. 3 "iis verr upsetting toome um...every yearrthat the budget is shorr theefirss - thing that they go or is the
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rec centees ya know, they wannn sttp crime ut they dont wanna invest in the children." children.""nder the mayors plan .....4 enttrs will be plosed aa summer's end.....crispus - attucks...parkview.....ccnnrrll rossmont....and harllm park 3 less than .../ a... eek.... sincee../ staae lawmaaers...// 3 session.../ to....- increaae... taxes....///ááanothhrááá.. - session... coold be..../ in.... the offing...// - p3& awwakers...// expect... to convvne../ in july.../ tt... -3 consider a bill.../ gaabling.../.ááit'dáá - leealiie... able games.../ áábutáá pxpanding... gmbling... reqqirrs.../ 3--5ths...// tte vooe..///. -3&páámeaningáá 855... of... pthe ouse. 3 (annerson) "the house of delegatts was strrggling just to get 50 votes for this ttiig, lettalone 85, so ii thiin it's a big gamble, & pardon the pun, to try to -3 bbinn in everybodyythe week after fourth oo uly ann thinkk &pyou're goinggto get 3&pvote."nn word... from the goverroo'sofficee../ on... when... the sessson... woolddbe called. 3 baa day for... delta airlines... / -3 / the irrine''...
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3 reviews ... for its ...frequenn fliirs &program.../.for... the second year in a row... / "idea-workk".../ rate.d... 23--airlines.../ based....on how &p get a ticcet... on a flight.../ 27---percent of -3 phe time.../.áásouthwestáá ame in first.../ 3&p you've.../ heard the phrase,.../ "one perrsns' trash... 3p of massachhsettss.. accideetally.... -3 threw some of her jewelry, ... & inccuding her wedding ringg... -3& into the gaabage..../áábyáá... & tte ttme.. shh realized....what she did.../ the trash truck... incineratorr.../fortunattey.../ the garbage pruuk... driver.../ & heerddthe news a.../ & and....pulleddoff... to a transfer station ... wherr they ...dumped eery 30--minutes... of digging theeu... 15 tons of trash .../ & the bag was found. 3 "i jjst ran over toohim sllding throuuh the trash, and -- i hugged him, and i hugggd "most ttmes we're able to help
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them, but you now not in all - caaes. ttis time it worked puu.""57-1:09 & more watchful eye ... - p on herrjewelry in thee future. -3 aa.. bizarre... scene...// at... - a... seattle ar.. / ááafteráá... aa.. - naked...// womann... goes... n the attack. ááitáá... / happenee saturday night.../ áátheáá -3& woman disrobed../ .ááthenáá put... hot pinkk.. duct tape... on her -33& body..../ááwhenáá bouncees...// told... her to leave.. / áápoliccáá -3 say... she allegedlyy bartender.. and... another woman.....áápoliceáá p arrivvd... to - ffnd.../ the woman.../ in... a reetroom .../ pf.,.. a nearby .. 3 restaurant..../áásseesáá ccused of icking and fightinn ... witth they tried... to put her... in a squad ccr...//.ááoneáá p beautiful weekend weather - wwsee... but now we're payiig the price... & prrie... 3& here's chief meteerlooiit &pvytas reid with the skywatch forecast 3
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religiouu emmpoyers to offer health insurance coveeage f pcontraceppives nd birth ccnnrollserviccs. as jim anglr abbut a monthhbefore the & suprrme ourt decides on thh law. 3 43 catholic organizatioos challenged the hhalth care law, saying it violates rellgious freedom by requiring a wide range offcatholiic institutions to provide contraceptive coverage, incluuing drugg thha induce abortiin.morris says: "the &pkey issue is religious liberty and the ability of religious institutions /// o practice what ii preaches and to not be -3 pcmpelled by the governnent." remarkable that the obama administration has gotten pogged downnin such minor pre going o get & contrraeptives and whaa kind oo cootraceptiies thhy are a 3disputee tems from an &pinteeprrtation by hh thaa only catholic institttions such as churches are exempted from providdng wwde-rangingg &connraceetive coveeagg, whhch violates cattolic teachings. that
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out dozens ffother catholic organizations such catholic schools, universities, hospitals and charitiie: - 3 3belford says: "thht & deeinition is o narrrw and ss unpreceeenned..that virtually aal catholic institutions would be excluued." because they ssrve annonn wwo needd -3 help. thh archdiocese of waahington,,for nstance, seeree 100 thousand people throogh schools anddchaarttes. and theevery mission of such catholiccinstitutions iss - to erve eveeyone:morris ssys: "as many wiser eeple hhve said, it chhnges tte churrh tt ""re yyu a catholic?" wwen t fiist issued thee ruling, he ooama administration sought o turn & theeuproar into a fight ooer connraceptioo... hich 3&pvigoroosly dispute:belford says: "this isn'' about the - contraception at all. thiss lawssit that we brooght todaay does not haalenne the right - the legally ssablished riggt 3&to or oouse contraception. contraception. 3&pangle says: "ss it'ssnot aaoot access to contraception, - they argue-- its abbut reliiious reedom...and part, hhh departmeet said it does nnt comment on pending litigattin. n washington, jim pngle, ffx news."
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3 p,3 a.../ resno &pman.../ is... facing 3 carrying... a hotgun.... disguised.../ ass.. a toy. 3 -3 p33 pooice saay../ tte man... was aamed.../ &p with... what appeared to be... a... "super soaaer" ...water ggn..../ ááasáá -3 officers... approachhd him, ...// áátheeáá realized... it was &loodee .../ home-made ...shotgun..../ ..áátheáá -3 suspect---/ a ...convicted felon---/ chhrges .../ & ááincluddng áá mmking illeggl wwappo .../ and... possessing.../ a... fire arm. 3 33 3&pa wet start to he weee.... -3 pill this ain stick around. aroundd 3 lets check in with chief meteorrlogisttvytas reid. 3
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[ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios tv internet and phone for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two-year agreement. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. get fios at this great low price. act now and you'll get $250 back. but hurry. this incredible offer ends june 2nd. call 1.888.get.fios. fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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3 could yyur teenn ... lovee.. of loudd usic lead to druu abuse? -3 abuse? acccrding... to... ne netherlands tudy.../ there... miggt be a llnk...//. áásurveysáá taken....froo peoplee.. -3 15- to- 25-years-old.../ who listenee tt... áriskyá -3 mmssc.../ n ... liiely... to... smoke 3 added t...haa abouu ...40--ercenn of thoss... who listen to loud musii concerts and cluus .../ weree../ more likely... o... binge drink.../ -33 and... iiconsistently 3 during sex. p3 a man who haa 30
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3 children with 11 different tennessee for help with his child supportt aymeets. 3 desmood hatchett haasworks a minimum wage job and with & everyypaycheck,,half of itt 3&pwith onny a doolaa and pfrty-ninn cent per pheck...per month. hatchettt appeered n court in 2009 whenn pe only fathered 1 kkds ann - claimed that he haddno intentioos oofhaving more. but now 3 yearr and nine kids lattr he's asking for a reakk &pon those payments. hatthett holds theekent county rrcord for the most children, and says hh does know all his kids namee and birthdays. 3 is it crrme to be ot...wwll ppparently ii is. one new york womennsays she was fired froo her job for eing átooá hot. 3 lauren edee ssys thats what her supervisor tolddher ann thats why she says she was --fired
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from her job at thee & native iinimaaes lingerie companythe ompany is owned by an orthodox jewish man,, ut - edess ays tis issthe exact &poutfit she was wearing when hee ffred her. he says it was saaety issue for her because tte men at theecompany would 33 "i as appalled wwen my sspervisor suggested that ii 3 py boyfriends oversized t- pants."edes says at one point she wasseven asked to wear a her desk. - 3 3 3 3 nats: kool aid, 1,,00 doolars aa gaas." glass." you.. heard ight--- // why... this man... isschargingg.. 1000---dollars... for a glass of kool aid..-
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone at southwest airlines works together for one goal: to get you where you're going. and with flights all over the country to choose from, it's a good thing we love our work. and now we're excited to take you to the beaches of northwest florida. fly nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach, florida. book all of our destinations online only at
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3 lemonade tand ay set a record for moss expenssve one-thhusand dollars &pa glaas plass "is it worth a ttousandd dollars? yeah. diddyou pay a thousaad dollars. no." 3 & 3 43-year-old obin northrup... set up... - this kool-aid standd.. - afterrthree bouts of pancreatitis../ . suurery -&p.../ to... remove his pall bladder ...and... now kidney stones....////he's been
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& a barteeder ...for 11 yearr -- - / but, ince he's been & sick... he hasn't been able to wwrk much ---/ ann, with no medical insurance,,../ tte pospital billl....are... -3 piling up...//. its one ...get one free.... / but, getting a -3customer to buy that first cup --/ attthht price -- isn'' easy. 3 close: "i think it'' a litttl -3&ppricey, certainly. but, i mean porth a shoot you know ii you pgt to make some money." 3 tapyoyi says: "but, i managed &&ppt bargain it down all the way & po a buck. so, i got two and p think t is a reety good deal." - 33 on his first day..../ tobii 3 5-hundree and fifty,.../ &pbut,... $5-dollars nd 3 -3 3
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the ate barnd. 3&pand i'm jennifer gilbbrt. uu &pnext is bruce cunningham, - sports uuliiited starts right now. 3 the last time the red sox wwre in baltimore, tte o's endend & their season...the ast timee they et in booton,,it wwnt 177 innings...ttnight was much less dramatic and muchhshortee... shorter... 3 bottom of tte 4th...chrrs davis burned the red sox withh -3 his arm llst he & poes it wwth his bat...solo - shot...his 6th...o's lead of tte 6th...david booming shot to right...onto eutaw street for his 10th... &psox trail 5-3....laatr in the on 3rd...tommy hhnter baaks in & the tying up 5 - earned
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in 6 of &pphe th...bostoo leads 6-5... will middlebrooks sinnles up -3 phe middle...dustin pedroiaa scores to givv theered sox a ptt...o's down 8-5...matt wieters flares it to left... nick markakis trots in from 3rd...birds trail 8-6....2 - batters later...tyiig rrn on 2nn...wilson etemit at the 3 leftt..for tte 2nndout...nott deep enough for sac fly... adaa jones stays at 3rd.... next hitter...nickkjohnnsn -3 chases thh high heat to eed the ining and tte thrrat... caaden yards...8-6 the final... 3 & 3 birds drop their irst game to
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-3the sox this year...chrrs davvs hass5 of his 66home runs matusz goes tomorrow for the & biids tryinn tooforce a rubber &pgame on wednessay... 3 meanwhilee on thh farm...dylan last year's number one draft innings yesttrday forr delmarva, and hss et toogive up single eaaned run in 8 3 righttandee has llowed jjstt5 out 400and walking justttto. 3& tt promoteehim to high a -3 frederick..stay tuned. this week, weeget our first team will havv it's first & orgaaiied teammactiviiiis of the spping....well, at least &pmost of them... them... 33 bbt don't look for ray rice tt tag, rice wants ong term deal, and the ravens have about eighttweeks to gettthat donn...ddspiteesome optimistic reportt, theyyremain farrapart & on money and the structuue off the deal... 3 that''l dd ittfor this edition bruce sureeto tune in to fox45 morring news
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3 goodnight. &p3 sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look,
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