tv FOX 45 Late Edition FOX May 25, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT
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"he's a sick pervert, sick peevert it upsets me that he could o it to her or my other daughter, its scares you it really does" does"both the victim and suspect ran out of the bathroom. pooice have beefed up patrols at the inner harbor tonight... a move ffer last night's violent shooting sspee across the city. they're saturatinggthe areas where those shootings happened.. and they say you will see more officers at the inner harbor this holiday weekend. keith daniils, live at the harbor where thht ddployment plan is already in action.. kei. karen...... the harbor can be a popular ppace on holidays.. big ccowds are typical... and police are gearing up for that this memorial day weekend..... any sign of troubleehere now.. and police wann to keep it that way..... 33 police already have their standard weekend deppoyment in place at the harbor... .....that iicludee officers
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patrolling on seg-ways..and bikes. but this weekend.. they're adding 50 more 30 officeer for foot patrols. police want to avoid scenes like these.. violence hurt.. and utter chaos.le - (tim) "it probably will lend some kind of comfort, but yu can't do it all in one wwekend. this is omething that has to be done every day." a lot safer if there are more cops ovee the holiday weekends. iithink that things get at a little bit out of control, you know, it's memorial day weekend.. people have off, i could see there defiiitely being somm more trouble.." 3 these concerns come off the heels of a violent night in baltimore city..... people are shot... & dead... all within two hours. sttrtee about six
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people were hot on west hree fayette street in southwest woman has now died from her injuries, twoo men are expected to survive. police say a ddspute over money may have led to the gunfire. 3 police got the call for another ripleeshooting about &peight o'ccock along east presttn street in east man died ii that shootiig.another mannand a woman were injured. and about an hour earlier a man was shot and killed in an alley along york road... it happened just ssuth of tte intersection of cold spring loyola university....police believe all of the shootinns last night were targeted attacks. and so far there are no arrests. thieves beware, residents in the dunloggin neighborhood &pare on high alert. alertton saint joons lane near the intersection of route p03... there's a sign that warns people to - quote -"lock your cars... dunloggin thief is back."just this month alone there have been 7 thefts from
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cars. last month there were 9 and in march there were 14 reported break-inn. fox455has teaaed uu with the most popular crime mapping website on the internet activity in your neighborhood. you can also get emails when crrme happens.sign up by going to our websste... fox- baatimore dot com...and click oo "spotcrime" in the "hot topicss section at the top of the screenn dozens gathered in weet baltiiore today to bring attention to a murderrthat occured exactly oneeyear ago. ago."now we ask o god by the they prayed and remembered the life of donte larkins at the place where heewas killed..the shot in the headdon north - monroe street.larkins had noo criminal reeord and worked as a chef at a nursing home.his family hopes the vigil may help the community remember and lead to new clues in the case. "any mother would want answers wwen t comes to their
11:04 pm parent should ever have to bury their child." child." "i'' just sad because ii an't see him any more he's just gonee" but today one year later... thhre is still no motive or suspects. authorities have identified a 19-year-old marine found dead in his barracks room at fort meade. meede.private anthony rommno-carrsowas an active-duty marine assigned to the defense information school at fort meadee.his ody was discovered wednnsday. the death emains under investigation and few details are available.romanocaruso nooth carolina native. he received rrcruit training at parris island south carolina and combat training at camp lejeune.he had been awarded the natioonl defense service medal. heeeford high school wants all of us to remember what this holiday weekend is all about aboutoh say can you see by the
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dawn's lightstuddnts held a memorial for all of he graduates of hereford high school who died serving their countty.a iewer pent us this video...2 were killed in combat in 2005. marine lance corpral norman anderson......and marine corporal joshua snyderthe ceremony was held by the called "for our troooss memorial day weekend is the unofficcal starttoo summer... ...ann it seemm the summer traffic has also started startedthis is a ook at route 50... just beforr he bay bridgg... earlier this youucan see... it took these people quite some time to get o theetoll oh boothhere's a llve look at the same spot right nnw....t looks like peoole are still on the road... but ttaffic is moving pmoothly drivers may experience a shock at the pump this holiday ! weekend!according to ttiple-a
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... the aveeage price of regular unleaded gas in maryland is 3-59 a gallon. that's ádowná a whopping 28-cents from where it stood just over a year ago! experts pay falling ácrude oilá prices and the price of gas reaching its peak earlier thann xpeeted keith 19:36 i am surprised. you know we're always conscious of the ggs prices we do a ot of driving 41darrell 22:48 i'm happy ith it. laughs. ii's doing, ii's doing 53experts say while the downward trend should contiiue... summertime also which can shoot gas prices right back up. that brings us to our question of thh daa.will ddopping gas prices encourage you to travel more this summee? summer?here's a look at our facebook page...seems a lot of you have travvl plans... but many of you say yourrplans will ánotá changejoin the discussioo by going to facebook dot com slash fox- bbltimore it felt like the unofficial
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of former vice presidential candidate john edwards edwardsthis is video of edwards... arriving at the deliberations on tuesday.also, the judge met with them.there is speculatioo that the problem may involve a juror flirting with edwards.a-b-c news says an alternate juror was smiling and making eye- senator....buttthe situation could have involved a scheduling problem with the foreman of the juuy. its also a bad day for the charity starttd y formmr ppnn stateeassistant footbbal coach jerry sandusky.the "seeond mile" chariiy wants to shut down... and transfer iis -&pro in texas.the charity says it has been financially crippled prooecutors say he uued the chariiy to meet his sex-abbse victims.sandusky has pled
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not-guilty to more than 50 counts of sex abuse last sunday was a bad day for one young woman in massachusetts...her party was crashed by a heed of... ...mostly slowwand polite ácowsá didn't believe it at first... here's the proof.6 cows... grazing at the table. pplice in boxford, massachusetts responded to a call offcows on the loose last sunday night.they found the cows when ttey arrived attthe young woman's home.what was more unnelievable was whht tte cows were doing. spencer: "the cows went right over started knoccing over the beees knocking over thh cups and drinking wwatever they could get off the table" table"canonnca:"i don't think they're a little it underage, old"in case you're curious... &pthe cows seemed to prefer buu light... 3 coming up on the late edition...bill clinton... not ended up in a picture... withh porn stars......and the thinns
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encounter with the former presiient but next...the cost... of killing osama bin laden.the perron... that remains in prison... or helping us find him...after the breek prison... or helping us find him...after the breek we gotta sell the car. where would we even get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. the raid that led to the
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killing of usama in laden &plast year was an undeniable success. but this week intelligenceewas a long prison delivered key information.. wendell goler looks at the impacc this could have on national security secuuity former defense secretary robert gates says the secrecy the president and his aides swore themselves tt the night of usama bin ladee was killed pidn't evvn last a day. dr. shakil afridi, administration critics say, was just the first casualty, sayss "... there was evee talk of dna, how dna samples were going to be used. that to start rounding up health - administration officials deny the charge, one saying, quote:
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"... the pakistanis found dr. identities of human sources intelligenne communityy" pakistani officials say the plan to get d-n-a from bin laden's children raised suspicions... giving away free vaccinations in a well to do neighborhood wasn't normal.. and afridi quickly drew ttention because he was the official surgeon officials are trying to the ponvince pakistanis afridi was a hero, not a criminal. sot - clinton says: "... his help, after all, was instrumentallin taking down one of the world's most notorious murderers." u-s officials are working behind the scenns to try nd win a pardon for fridi.... worry his treason conviction might scare off other informants. soo - yates says: "... it is chilling. it's a people to take high risks.. risking their own lives in order to help and aavance our interests." pakistani officials accuse the us of over-reacting. one ww're happy he got killed..but the way it was
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done...we don't liie that. at the white house, wendeel goler, fox news. dog owners in indiana are pumping up tteir pooches... for the irst dog "body puildinn" competition competttionincludinggthe cart... this dog is pulling about 1000 ppunds.its just one the worlds first canine booybuilding show in madison county, indiana.the organizzr says he doesn't want to see amos sr. ssys: "people are going to have the bully mastiff and terrier type dogg aad they don't have an outlet." outlet."lawler saas: "if you don't use sound jjdgment then &pit lladssdown the wrong pathh" pathh"reverend amos says hes greyhound and horse tracks.. to figureeout how to keep steroids ouu..and ducate dogg up their four legged friends with diit and exercise 3 pooks like were in for a warm gracey joins us now with your
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you don't exactly have that green thumb. but your siding? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro. if you on't want oneof hose new smartmeters installed in can now call b.g.e... nd "opt-out" least temporarily. that ruling comes from maayland's public service
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commission...after hearingfrom complaints from a few customers. some are worried aboot the radio frequency emitted from the new meters. but b.g.e. officials...say there's virttally no danger. &pann they saa the smmrt meters... will noo result in an invvsion of ppivacy. ((ould) "we will know the &paggregate usage f your home, no different than we have &pknow hhn the lights are on, we're not going to know when you flip the garage door up or down, we're not going to know dryer.'no word on when the p.s.c..will decide ii b.g.e. customerr can permanentty "opt-out" of having smart meters iistalled. 3 common sense would say that maybe former presidents should not hang out with porn stars. stars.this picture is proof that bill clinton did not take that he is... with "brooklyn lee" aad "tasha reign""lee" posted the photo on twitter earlier this week.they were all at a
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monaco.there are reports that the secret service repelled them... but clintonnhaa the agents ring the actresses back.,according to an interview withht-m-z...reign says he ffels syypathetic for clinton beccuse of the media backlash......but hey also say that they think bill is - quote - supee hot........ common senss would also say that if you suddenly find an extra 69-thousand dollars in your bank account, don't spend it, whhtever you do. this man, 22-year-old joseph bucci... apparently did.when he noticed thousands of extraa doolars in his bank account... ...he bought a car, dog, a and clothes.he even paid bills for ssmeeof his family meebers. but his good fortune didn't last long.the bank and police spending all that cash, but he sure had fun while it lasted. ww ll knnw... meteorologists ccn't control the weather.but
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one reporter innromania... seems to think he can play the role of mother naturr.and from phat you're about to see... that plan quickly backfired. yyu see him doing a live report.the camerr pans over... to show what áappearsá to be heavy winds... later... you see it's actually - someone ii the background ákickingá the sand.turns assistant... who was trying to help out.apparently... the winds died down right before tte reporter was abbut to go livee.. so they needed something to show. we think we are??ell one
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after 40-years he's not only a man....but also a woman. intersex, whichhmeans he has both the characteristics f a said at a young age he lius identified more with being a female but hid those feelings. he wasn't aware of his true femine side until he went to the hospital bbcause of a nurse read his ultrasound and told him he was female. "it validated everythinggi had always felt inside."//but to//
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with a two-year agreement. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. get fios at this great low price. act now and you'll get $250 back. but hurry. this incredible offer ends june 2nd. call 1.888.get.fios. fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. call 1.888.get.fios. i'll see you tomorrow night... morggn adsit joons us now... with sports unlimitee... adam jones contract talk in
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justta bit...but first things first...orioles business with the royals... royall...bottom of 55h...2 on &pfor jj hardy...robert andino gets picced off at first... throw beats him but the ump says safe...check out the slide by dino...avoids the tag...anddno now in scoring position....pays off...later in the at-bat...hardy smashes it to the wall... xavier avery and andino score...o's lead batter...nick markakis... serves it to the gap in left- center...all day to run... hardy scores ffom 2nd..o's up & man up...jones extends his hit streak to 16 games...r-b-i single up the gut...birds in front 5-0... paat of a 5-run 5th inning.... on ffr chris davis... moonshot to right...his 7th... orioles lead 8-0...they taae game ne with kknsas city 8-2... the o's success and reason for
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being first ii he a-l east is because of pitching...but that doesn't mean adam jones isn't the most mportant player on the seems the orioless front office knows that. sports ken rosenthal broke the story...that jones' close to reaching a long term deal..somewhere in he ball park of six years... 855 mmllion.if that happens... it would be a club record deal... beating miguel tteada's 72's aano brainerr.. jones is only 26... batting 3-11, with 14 homeruns and 29 r-b-i this season.jones said ttday... nothing has happened, but he took a ppysical nd his agent is in town. it's not uncommon that proven n-f-l vets don't report to any team activity unless it's mandatory.that's why he ray lewis, matt birk, and d, - haloti ngata at the start of this week's o-t-a's. errell suggs and ray rice no shows as well... but those are for different reasons.injury... and money. monee.organized team activities are voluntary...and really for younger
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it was unusually to spot receiver anquannboldin at owings mills."q" enters his 10th season.there arr 12 otterr reccivers on the rosser... jacoby jones has 6 years... other than that... receivvr experrence iss2 years or less.. that's hy anquan felt hh had to report... 3& they are the two best programs in women's lacrosse...maryland and northwestern.16 national championships between the two. and they always meet for title 2010, those two met... with the terps bringing home a national title.last ear, they met... and norttwesterr won. won.this season, somebody's going home without seeing the title game.mmryland, 2nd half...ttrps down 8-6... former rep player of the week the free position...maryland cuts it to a goal....a miiute and a half left...still a one
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