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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  May 28, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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the cost of illegals what you are paying to keep a roof over their heads.monday on fox44 3 3 &p3
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3 a baltimore ccunty home invasion happens in brrad dayliggt.... leaving two people ounded, anddthh mothhr
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oo one of the victims, bravely speaking out. joel d. smitt is live in north point wheee it startedd.. apparently with the two suspects iipersonating &ppolice officers. gooo morning joel d. 33
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maryland governor martin
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g-o-p candidate, newt gingrich... on n-b-c's "meett rooney crrated the most debt per capita... during his time in massachusetts.but gingrich &psays rrmney's job creation experience will speak more to president bama's tracc record will be working against him during this year's eection. "this is why obama is gonna have a hard time thhs fall. he can't fight over jobs because he hass't reated them, he he's increasing it."((butt se together))"his record, whether it was at bain capital or as governor of massachusetts, debt, it's of increasing deet. not a record of increasing private job creation, bbt actually have the 47th out of 50 states in terms of the creation..."mitt romney's time at bain capital is a central theme of president obama's campaignnagainst the former governor. former bbltiiore raven jamal lewis... files for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. protection..n court
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documentt... lewis lists assets of lmost 14-and-a-half millionndollars... and debts over 10-and-a-half million 35-thousand dollars per month. jamal lewis is among the players listed in a suit filed against the nnf-l... for concussion- reeated health issuesshe last played for the browns in 2009. cops in miami....shoot and kill a naked man. weekend... when police responded to a ccll about 2 men fighting. turns out a naked man waa chewing on the face of another man. olice ordered theeman to back awayy but when he didn't... an officer shoo him. witnesses say the man pontinued to attack the other pan... even áafterá being shot! "ddring this confrontation an officer diiddischaage his weapon striking one of the individuals and that individual as lost his life now."the man died at the sccne. the person he waa fighting
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was taken to an area hospptaa with severe njuries. poliie aren't ssying who tte 2 men &pare... or what they were fighting about. the u-s is stepping up enforcement... for illegal immigration.ttat's according to an arricle in the l-a times... whhch findd u-s immiggation and customs enforcement is putting more agents on jobs for finding and deporting illegal immigrants... speciiically the article sites documents which ask teams to arrest at least 50 people aamonthh some say the plan is polittcalll mooivated.buu "ice" offfciall quotas. in one state... if you're convicted of driving drunk ann want to get your license backk ... you have to prove you're sober to get behind the wheee. but as adam housley nationwide mandate. mandate. ((pkg)) moreethan ten- thousand people are killed and more than a million arrestedd each year for mmxinggalcohol and driving. now there's a reeewed ush to stop drunk drivers and save lives by using ignition inttrlocks. peed says, "the ignition 3
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interlock is a device that attaches to the vehicle, interfaces with its ignition system and requires a breathh tess to be passed before the purrently only sixteen states reeuiie locks for anyone influence, whhleeother states - are considering enacting it. a recent study by the insurance inntitute for highway saaety found that having a mandatory inttrlock law and high rate of lockkinstallation &psignifiiantly lowwrs the channe of repeat offenders. mccartt says, "ignition interlock laws could go eeen &pfurtter with that if they wer publicized reaaly broaaly so that all drivers, nottjust peoppe convicted of dui know that ii they're caught is one of the enaltiessthey're going po receive is putting an the american beverage some 8000 restaurants disagrees with a so-called one size ffts all typp of punishhent... arguing it shouldn't be up toostates but
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judges and requiring ignition interlocks nationwide would cost more than four-hundred- thirty mmllion dollars to superviseeoffendees. longwell cooes toothe firrt ffender mandate issthat you're thhrwing judicial discretion when talking about dui offenders and yyu're also eliminating proportiooal response, and so as an industry, bviously, we want to see that our laws work, and offender mandates, they don't work. they're too expensiie, people aren't cooplying." debating legislation that encourages states to enact offenders, as weel as research - to put alcohol detection ssstems in all cars. in los angeles, addm housley fox news. the u-s isn't making any prooress... when it comes to that's accordinggto the aths..- gooernors highway safety associatiin... which finds there were 45-hhndred motorcycll deaths in the u-s last year.that's the same as phe year before.according to the repoot... more peopleeare aaso buying mottrcycles as the
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prices contiiue to rise. an eedeely driver slams her carr.. into a floridd bank. "i think it's a problem with the brake." brake." it happened over the weekend... at a bann of doesn't rrally know how it happened.but somehow... her vehicle hopped the median... and crossed several lanes of traffic before slamming into the building. "oh my god, idon'ttknow what to say. thann god somebody wasn't innthhre."((buut together))"it sounds to me llke she might of had some problem."it just so happens the woman whh worked in the pffice where the s-u-v crashed... had callee out sick earlier in he luckily... no one was injured. new yook ssnator charles against airlines.he's asking them to allow familiessto sit &ptogetherr.. without having to pay eetra fees for aisle or
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window seats.over the past year... aiilines have started to charge extra for those &pseats... asshhgh as 59 dollar a fliiht.schumer sent a etter toothe airline trade association... asking the airlines to stop the praatice... and for the we now know what's behinddthat ... the last few days. days.aamassive fish kill is causing it.investigators with the maryland department of thee environment say their ave been hundreds of dead fish found in the inner arbor. experts say algae blooms loud the water generating a foul smell... and suffocating the fish. "we defiantly notice it cauue we've bben heee before and it never smelled likk that havingga great day its a beautiful day enjoying the wate" water."more dead fiss have plso been ound in fells point, dundalk and fort mchenry.experts estimate there have been more a hundred- thousand dead fiss over all...
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years. it might not bee ucc a great bay at record numbers. 3 but watermen say... that's not wwat áthey'reá finding.the president of the maryland watermans associaaion says there are a lot of smaller crabs... but not many big ones. plann to grill out on this memorial day? day?what you need to knoo before you ight up that grill deck.but first...meteorologist tony pagnotti has your full memorial day forecast... neet. ((break 1)) 3
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if you're barbbcuung this memorial day... be careful!the &ppational fire protectioo association says grills sparked an average of 82- hundred house fires in thee -s per year... between 2005 and before you throw those burgers and dogs on the
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flames... follow a few saaety guiielines.make sure he grill sure deck raillngs and low e r hanging branches are a safe distance away.keep children and pets away.and never leave your grill unattended. ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteooologist)) 33
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lost loved ones. remembering becaase i wanted them to know 3 they were not the only kids who had lost a parent parenttheecamp that's helping families cope with losing family members...who gaveethe &pultimate sacrifice for our country. &pultimate sacrifice for our country. ((dad look, you can get eggs, ba umm. in my day, you get eggs, bacon and pancakes, and it only cost you $4. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 tasty choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. pull on those gardening gloves. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with the home depot certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that keep our budgets firmly rooted... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing.
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that's the power of the home depot. get memorial day savings with 4 bags of earthgro mulch for just 10 dollars. they've made the ultimate
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sacrifice...their loved ones gave their lives for their country...and now he ffmilies have to cope with the loss. athena jones reports on an annual camp aims toohelp thhse grieving. --reporter pkg-as follows -- nats of bandthis is the good grief amp.eleven year ood paleb lost his father, air force captain cartize (prono cartehse) durham, in a helicopter accident in italy four and a half years ago. caleb and his brother, children, parents and other famill of fallen service members as part of an event sponssred by the tragedy assistance program for survivors -- or taps.the durham family looks forward to it each year.i brought mm kkds fiveemonths after mm husband dded, because i wanted them to know they were not the only kids who had lost a parent, either motherror father in the to know that there's a place - they can go to where they feel normal and where they feel they don'tthave to aaways talk
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about what happened. but we're all here for tte same reason. taas has been bringing survivors together on memorial day weekend sincc 1994 -- with grief seminars noo a mental illness. grief is not a physical injury. grief ii a wound of the heart and the absolute most therapeuticc comfort for someone who is grieving the loss of a loved young widow who was pregnant at the ime of the loss, a mom who is grieving the loss of doee this weekend mean to you? meka: what oes it mean to you? callb: thatteven though your parent or your husband or your wife died you can still have un and that's what this camppis for. nats of band caleb is paired with mentor, louis iverson, for a second year. louis serves in the air force.just because they have that we as military groupp have just forgotten about ttem. wwth otter childree who know parent or sibbing.caleb first
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met his frrend hunter youngblood here ffur years ago. for families likk tte durhams, this weekknddis an important reminder they're not alooe. just having thh, the sense of bblonging wwhn we're here, knnwing that we don't alwayss situation. it's understood here. but we can talk about can smile. at the same time you talk about thhm in the makes it more painful.athena jones, cnn, arlington, va -----end-----cnn.script----- coming up ... contract.why it was important - for hhm to stay in baltimore... next in sports. ((break 3))
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mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. perfect golden color. rich in fiber. my dad taught me, and i taught my son out there. morning, pa. wait... who's driving the...? ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm, 99 bushels of wheat ♪
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[ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 filling layers of whole grain fiber in those fun little biscuits... so they stick with you, all morning long. kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. [ mini ] yee haw! a big breakfast in a little biscuit. kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. bruce cunningham has fox 45 morning sports. sports. 3
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coming up in our 6 o'clock hourr.. hot tubbing... on a boat! where you can ride one.and whht gave the inventtr... &pinspiration.
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