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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  May 30, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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tell a salespprsonn. before er - you sign up for that car you're waking up to a wet morning....but how long will thii messy weather stick around?sttve's got the answer in your skywatch forecast. unhappy at work?you''e not ammricaas who hate their jobs.. and the three things youucan dd today.. to make it better. "i can't really see wwere thh water now... it's so under now." and.. a marriagg back. ookkto finally get it - 3 3
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today is wednesday, may 30th. 3
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mmp 95greenspping295895map with more than ttice tte petttion ssgnatures needed... it now appears maryland's
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before the voters this november. turned in the signatures in pnnapolls on tuesdayy &pactivists say they submitted 113-thousand signatures .... that's mmre thaa twwce the 5- thousand needed to put the issue on the ballot. maryland's laa legalizing same- pex marriage does not goointo effect until january... leaving time tt put the measure on theeballottfor voters to decide. we expect no llss than a victor. victory.....the state has 20 days to verify signatures. a maa remains in critical &pccndition this morning after drive-by shooting in baltimore county on monday. monday.police say tte man and a friend were walkiig near loch raven boulevard and lock bend drive in parkville when someone fired shoos froo a moving car.the victim is in critical but stable condition. wws a maroon fourrdoor
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vehicle... it was last seen heeding north on loch raven 3&anne arundel county police two counts of attempted second deeree murder. murder.police say, monday night.... an argument erupted in aa apartment on highland drive near ballimore washington medical center in glen burnie.that's whhn police say styles grabbed aaknife... 18-year-olddson.both were taaen to the hospital... treated and released. a baltimore city councilmember is sharing an unusuaa idea... that could pump money into the city's fire companies. companies.councilman pete welch wantssto put advertising like the kind you see on city buses... on fire trucks... to keep commanies from having to close.on tuesday... he presented the idea at a public hearrng at city hall.he unveiled 2 resolutions: one palls for an advertising bill... wwile the other sets up a committee that would regulateethe ads on fire trucks.welch says tte ad revenue could keep fiie
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companies open... without postiig taxpayerr one cent. (hoffman/union rep) "thii isn't about this bill, this is about funding a fiie ddpartment. .and we need to dd that. if thii bill does it, pinn. if it doesn't, we better find something somewhere elseebuddy, bbcause ((take sot))(welch) "it cost approoimately 2 million dollars per fire company to keep our fire ccmpanies alive. you can't put a pricc on measure that not only providds for these fire companies to be around, but o protect lives." lives."as of now... 3 on july first. from someeof the strict iver requirements f "no child left behind". the state is among 25 states aad washington d-c tt ask for a break from the federal law... wwich requires every proficient in reading and math by 2014. 2014.marylann agrred to reset annual progress goals for the next six years.
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by 2017, each school is of non-proficienttstudents in - half. right now, one-thhrd of maryland's sccools are child left behind".under "no - 3 taxpayers may be ppcking up the "retirement tab" for jeff n. neeley.neeley is an official admiiistration who oversaw an 800-thousand dollar las vegas connerrncc for g-s-a workers. the agency says he's no longer an employee there... but a &pcongressional committee believes he could be retiring with aa annual pension of morr than 100-thousand dollars a year... paid for by u-s taxpayers. it's our duty to hhld elected officials can do that by joining our fox45 waste watcc.if you have a story about goverrmmnt waste... you can also log onto our website fox baltimore dot com
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and click on waste watchh 3 pitt romney is the projected giving him enough delegates to claim tte republican presiiential nomination. nomination.on tuesday night... romney was out campaignnng in nevada.speaking to supporters... he saii america needs a president ith experience in business. we need to haveepresideets who undeestand how this economy works - day to day, smalll business, middle sized i want to use that experience to get us to work again." you ccn see all of our stories about the race ffr the white house on our website fox- baltimore dot com.just click pn the "vote 2012" icon in the news features as always... aal of he stories on our website are free. pomney now has enougg ... - delegatessto clinch hiss party's nomination at the
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republican national convention. meanwhile... donald trump hostee a fundraiser for rrmney in las vegas.romney has made it very clearrhe's convinced obama was born in the u-s.but as ed payne explains... trump is sticking to his guns -- quite vocally -- about his doub. doubts. donald trump maintained to c-n- n's wolf blitzer that arack obama's state of hawaii birth certificate and newspapee bbrth announcements prove nothing.(trump) a lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate. (wolf) how can you say that? (trump) you won't report it, ut mmny people dd not ttink it was authentic. his mother was not in the hospital, there are many other things that came those announcements in because 3 they wanted to get the benefits of being so-called born in thii country.newt ginnrich also took part in tuesday's fundraiser for mitt romney, and weeghed ii.far be ii for me to suggest to the donald what he shoull do. governoo omney is not &pdistracted, the republican party is not distracted. we
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believe that this is an american-born, job-killingg president..omney exxlained how he reconciles trump's position on monday.i don't agree with all the eople who support me and my guess is they don't all agree with everytting i pelieve in. but i need to get appreciative to have the help white house says it was forccdd to address the issue last year to end what it called... quote.. "a ridiculous distraction."we can revisit that but i think the american people are pretty fed up with this kind of nonsense.i'm ed obama's campaign eleased a web video on tuesday that said the 2008 gop nominee john mccain stooodup to the voices then asked why mitt romney won't do he the video... mccain is seen addressing a woman who called obama an arab."mccain sayss obbma is a decent family maa happens to have disagreements witt.
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p3&a day f celebraaion in 1-thousand midshipmen graduate from the naaal cadeey. academy.bbue angel nats nats annels... came the cheerssof 4 years of hard workk.. .after midshipmen became commissioned officers.defense seccetaryy class of 20-11... calling on the new generation of naval officers to restore maritime roots. 08:35:55- 08:36:13 "one of the key projects that your generation will have to face is sustaining and enhancing american strength across the great maritime egion of the pacific," panetta said their work will strengthen defense ties with china... modernize ties with ood allies like japan and korea... and help build new partnershipsswith countries
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like malaysia, vietnam and singapore. is the iron man ready to take on the iron chef? cal pnd bill ripken are entering the world of food service. service. joel d. smith is streaming live right now from rippen stadium in aberdeen where the brothers will soon start serving up more than baseball. good morning joel d. d. 3 3
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the future ... is now! noo!we take advantage of using signals of opportunity meet the ir force's tiny robot squadron...and where it's been tested far! far!
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((buup in)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) ,3
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) belaii greenspring29595895 mta 3 3
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3 3- you're there more... than anywhere you might as well be happy! happy!the four ways you can make your workplace... a happierrplace! place!what we ddd is develop these guys each had a different capability caaabilityand no humans... no problemmthe futuriitic way tte air force is adding to it's squadrons! ((bump out)) p3 this sounds liie something out
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researchers are developing - robots that cannlearn how to communicate with each other and work together to complete a taskk without any human intervention.matt stuurt introouces us to the air force's tiny robot squadron. squadron. --reporter pkg-as follows -- this is the future of the air force. it ight not scream
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top gun, but thesee ini aircraft are being designed to fly and communicate with one another, without a pilot.what we try to bring is things like gps accuracy that most people already know and love in the military we try to bring that kind of navigatton precision indoors and underground and n areas where gps typically doesn't work well. we take pdvantage of using signals of &popportunity wwich are am and fm radio stations or cell phone signals - signals that are just being transmmtted for a purpose other than navigation - if we can lock onto those ssgnals much like we lock nto gps signals then we can use those to help determine our position. lt. colleaguessare part of theeair force institute of technology at wright patterson air forcc baseein ohio. while the lab ttpicalll works ith smaller vehicles like remote technology is being tested n larger aircraft too.weeve worked with the air forcc research lab for doing
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automated aii refueling flight tests, and did flight tests on a d-c-3. one of the ab's goals is to make these autonomous vehicles be able to work together as a ttam, just like any other military squadron..hat we did is different capability. and none of the robots knew eech other's capability aheaddof time. o only one of tte it could detect tubes, but it were. thee iffit detected a found a tube, i need somebody to tell me what color it is. then one of he other robots had a color camera and itt would comeeup and say 'oh it's a green tube don't worry about it.' or 'okay this is a red it from the building.' and onny one robot haa the capability to actually grab the tube and remove it. they don't know each other's
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capabilities and just aa a team and as they work together then they discover each other's capabilities. you just add a quadrottr and when it pays 'we need someone to go phere' the quadrotor says 'oh weel i'll do that.' anddso &pthen they learn 'oh the quadrotor can do that.' the air force willlbe abbe to use thh robots for scouting, ied detection, and other dangerous tasks currently done by airmen. the echnology is still being developed here in the lab, but the ope is to be able to deploy it in the field within the next few yearr.for cnnmoney, i'm matt stuart. you spend eight hours...or more make the best of your time! time!the ffur ways... you can make your time a work a experience.and the political consuutant convicteddof pending out robocalls... is ordered to payya hefty fine. the amount of money julius [ female announcer ] introducing new all mighty pacs™.
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our most concentrated all ever! packed with all's active stainlifters... each pac has more cleaning power per ounce to help tackle tough dirt and stains the first time. new all mighty pacs™. powerful clean. mighty results. fiber one. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? uh, try the number one! i've never heard of that. [ wife ] it's great. it's a sweet honey cereal, you'll love it. yeah, this is pretty good. are you guys alright? yeah. [ male announcer ] half a days worth of fiber. not that anyone has to know. fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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-here you go, lulu. -hey?! you had an imaginary friend once, too. she's full. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper beef pasta. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. &pamericans say they arr unhapp
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at work. that's according to a recent survey from pccenture. and if you're one of them, alison kosik has some your wook day. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- chances are you're one f the dissatisfied at work. we'd e all like more money or a betterrtitle, but havvng a job puts food n the table... and there are still more than 12 million amerrcans out of work, who'd love to havv your while many workers aren't happy -- 70% are so you better make the most of - maaazine came up with some easy tips to help you get bacc your spark... first -- advance the biggest ball.if you feel like you're treading water with all of the taskssin front of you - decide what's most important and get it done. &pthe most satisfaction after completing meaningful ppojjcts. next -- own your peesonal make it to the nnxt
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level -- you're going to need better try and design projects that help you get that experiencc, and use it to yoor advantage in the future.also -- create a so- &pcalled "politics ree" zone. negativity is contagious in the workplace, o try and bring annuppeat attitudeeto yoor team.and finally -- use these days, a lot of employers offer options for workplace flexibility ---like teleccmmuting or work from home days.take advantage of those perks.after all -- you're still on the clock.i'm alison kosik in new york. -----end-----cnn.script----- a dangerous new ccmputer virus could be headed to the u-s. u-s.finn out "flame's" dangerous capabilities...and where it's been detected so far. far. 3 & dad look, you can get eggs,
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bacon and pancakes for $4. umm. in my day, you get eggs, bacon and pancakes, and it only cost you $4. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 tasty choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's.


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