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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  May 31, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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check-uphow to make sure you're covered.on fox45 news ,five3 3 map belairgreenspring 895 3
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there is now visual evidence in the memorial day shooting spree that sent 4 peoppe to the hospital.... joel d. smith is live in east baltimore with more on the progress police are making, and whattresidents are now being shown. 3 3
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in howard county police are in howard county police are investigating a series of burglary attempts in columbia. on tuesday niggt... suspects shatterrd glass at eleeen restaurants and bussnesses along dobbin road.... dobbin parrway... and oakland milll road. he suspects also tole cash.right now, police have no the incidents are related. a marine from aryland is killed ii afghanistan.the pentagon says sargeanttjulian chase of edgewaaer died in helmand province while conducting combat operations. 3 a judgeedenies a request from jerry sandusky's attorney to have his trial dela. the former penn state
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tt begin on june fifth. sandusky's attorney had argued they needed morr time to prepare his defense. sandusky is accusee of sexually-abusing ten boys over a fourteen-year period. he faces fifty-two criminal counts. there's a call now to put thh brakes on a massive east side devvlopment project... after what some are calling broken council president jack young and councilmaa carl stokes say they would use legislative power to stop the billion east baltimore development &pcorporation. they say the project started with promises of jobs and contractssfor nearby residents and minority contractors... but wednesday.. cityyleaders ay it's fallen 9;42"ww are standing herr in solidarity thayt thius project cannot go any further, we want &pto make sure that all the demands we made, are met." met."young ann others are calling on e-b-d-i to award
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baltimore bussness nd hire more city residents. development corporation declined to comment on camera about the controversy. marylann is getting sixty- million dollars in housing assistance from a mortgage servicing general doug gansler mmde the announcment wednesday.. outlining how the fundd will be used.most of the money will go toward legal help for pomeowners and battling blight. governor martin will also support non-lement profits.... like the hope hotline call centerr.. which helps distressed homeowners get in touch with ousing counselors. p'malley: "iq: people that neighbors in baltimore.... oq: save your home." the mooey is just the first installmeet in nearly a billion dollars that maryland received in the settlement. baltimore county public schooossrank among the best in the u.s... on three national su.
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survees.the washington post released it's 14th annual challenge index... which ranks the nation's best high schools on academics and advanced placement participation. this year, 113 maryland igh schools maae the list.... including 14 in baltimore county.62 maryland schools made u.s. news and world report's "best igh schooos" list... nine in baltimore county.and 23 maryland igh schools made newsweek's list of "america's best highh schools"--- six in baltimore county. "iqq i think thii is an example..... oq::suppprt from he pprents and the commun" &pcommunity." youucan see the complete list of rankings online at foxbaltimore dot com slash newslinks. a winner will be crownedd tonight... in the scripps there's a favorite in the compe. competitton.:13-:31 oakknshaw... can yoo read it in a sentence
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please? .. oc: applause" applause"you read it in a can you read it in a seetence - please? ... oc: applause" applause" this is fifth-grrder rachel zampella... from oklahaoma. rachel is blind.and while she can't see ords with herr eyes... she caa see how they're spelled in her mind. if you you're buying a house near a walmart... expect to pay more.that's according to new research... which finds walmart stores driveeup the prices of ocated within a half mile of a new store... onnaverage... saw &ptheir prices rise beeween 22to-3 percent in the 2 and a half years after a new walmart all in all... thh centers for disease ccntrol saas this seeson was mmld compared to other years.26 children died
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started tracking this data.the agency says this year also set a new record for having lowest and shortest peak for flu-like illness since it sttrted keeping track.the mild wintee and the fact that ore people are getting flu shotsscould account for that. new research finds women who used to be obese are even after losing their excess weight.that's according to a which shows people judge thin women differently... if they knew about their weight history.the study appears in the "journal obesity." a hoorific scene during a leisurely afternoon at the dozen people sit and chat at captures a truck come ce video barreling into the building and slam into the people at the counter.3 people were pinned in tte accident.
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((:29 it happened like that... pou didn't have time to react. :322)((:59 they were dazed ...from her. 1:06)) 1::6)) 6 people were taken to the hospital... ncluding the driver.police say she was a 51 medical emergency while driving. wet weather ii on the way. way.when it will hit... and how long it will in your skywatch weather foreca. beautiful ride as we wwnd down look at your commmte coming up... youre wathciig fox45 morning news all local a can lulu have some beef pasta, too?
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-here you go, lulu. -hey?! you had an imaginary friend once, too. she's full. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper beef pasta. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. a newlywed couple thought their marriage would be short- lived after a pole sliced through the windshield of their s-u-v.the two... whoo were just married last week.. were driving down a south
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florida highway tuesday morning when the car in front of ttem droveeover some debris. that sent a six-foot metal rod into the air... and through their windshield... right between the couple.they were covered in glass but o-k. ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologiit)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs))
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liberty295895mapmta 3 3 tough questions... for any pare. parent.(craig schwaab-jakes dad)"he said mommy i got cancer am i gonna die.. the classrooms... that hell children with our cover story. ((break 2)) 3
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summer vacation is just around the corner... but there is one tutoring program that continues year round. it's teachers are volunteers, the studnets are special kids who pecame "mini speciaiits" in the medical fiild.kathleen caarns has more on "classes with the cool kids campaign. (side shot tutor)"can youutell me what that s???"6 ear old brendan is practicing his spelling.. (brendan close) (brendan: king teacher: king with a k.. brendan how about cat? teacher: its
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sounds like a k, king and cat ii's a way for brendan to learn essons heemay have missed. (close on (two shot side)teacher says: "ggod"but learning the alphabet is not brendans biggest battle right now: (bridge fick-brendans mom) "they said they suspected it was a umor..."his mom's worst fearr.. cancer(momm"and then it was confirmed.."bbendan has chemotherapy... that's why reeired teacher... diane rogers issvolunteering her time to maae sure brendan can classroom.... (nat pop)"what &ppictures do you have eft???" kids campaign office in &ppurpose of helpinn children with cancer... keep up academically. (sharon perfetti)"in this tutoring room we foous n mackenzie stock she was one of our orrginal cool kids when we started six years ago...." mackenzie lost her battleewith cancer.... but her spirit... lives on.... helping other children faccng the same potentially deadly little more tten a year ago but she had been very excited concept nd being ble to come
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hhre and knowinggii would really help her.. catch up academically meet more kids going through cancer she coull socialize and be friends with." shot)"look for things that can be cancelled."jake is being fronn)"because we have to watch and end up with the same framework"end up with the samee we have o watch and (two shot front)"because (two shot front)"because we have to watch and end up with the same frameeork""jake was on a hiking trip... when he began "when i was on the trial i couldnt breaahe"he ended up in the hospital.. the diagnosis: (jake close) "i had leukemia.. tcell a.l.l. i think"(craig schwaab-jakes dad))he said mommy i got cancer am i gonna die.. and i said no jake your not gonna doe cause its not good to have it buit if you kind.. the ood kind to have.. you grow up go to school go to marriedd. and have kids.. its a curable kind. "still: jake is going through has missed 77 days of school. -
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((aae) "every monday i have to come into the clinic at unnv of md aad get stuck with a needle,,, it wasnt ery fun." center has keptthim on track... center has kept the learning center has kept him on track... ss jake can still enter seventh grade in september.. with his classmates.. craig schwaab-jakes dad)"he's just about caughh up on everything... "aad remember brendan: he's recovering scholastically.... (mom)"we hope very day.. (big smile) therr are several ways to help the campaign with their progrmas.ttis weekend, they have a team running in the lutherville running festival. can have fun and raise money at the "ken singleton llter this month. for more information, go to fox-ballimore dot com slash newslinks. the orioles best layer isshit by a pitch pitchand the birds aren't
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happy aboot it.what happened... next in sports. ((break 3)) the wheat in every mini-wheat has gotta be just right. perfect golden color.
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rich in fiber. my dad taught me, and i taught my son out there. morning, pa. wait... who's driving the...? ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm, 99 bushels of wheat ♪ [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 filling layers of whole grain fiber in those fun little biscuits... so they stick with you, all morning long. kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. [ mini ] yee haw! a big breakfast in a little biscuit.
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kellogg's® mini-wheats cereal. o'clocc hour... just how many germs áarrá in the workplace?the astounding let's take a paint project from "that looks hard" to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra... ...the number one selling paint and primer in one, now with stain blocker. each coat works three times harder, priming, covering, and blocking stains. let's go where no paint has gone before,
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and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. behr ultra. now with advanced stain blocking, only at the home depot, and only $31.98 a gallon.


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