tv Fox 45 Early Edition FOX June 4, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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he is in custooy now behind bars this morning.what happens neet... for the admitted gunman... behind he shooting of an unarmed florida teen. 3 treatment of breasttccncer.the new drug that slows the progression of the disease... and who has access to it now. and who is raking in the cash, when it comes to household income?we break down who maaes the big bucks-- ann where they 33ve. 3 ttday is monday, junn 4th.
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the man charged with fatally shooting trayvon martin... met a judge's deadline to surrender... after his bond was revoked.meanwhhle... aa attorney for george zimmerman says he's seeking a new bond hearing anddwill probably file andrew spencer explains... zimmerman... who's murder... says he shot maatin defense.l-defense.
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geooge zimmerman arrived at minivan.he was escorted out in - handcuffs, blue jeans and look at his new booking photo. the sheriff described how it as zimmerman's living conditions and approximately 1:25 today meebers of the sheriff's - office in the area of lake mary at i-4, was placeddintoo custody, trrnsported to the correctional administrative confinement, a single-cell arrangemenn exactly the way, or he manner in which he was housed during his last incarceration ere.hee is quiet and ccoperative.the judge revoked zimmerman's bond on friday, saying he was not hhnest about how much money he had acccss to when his bond was set in april.he gave him 48 hours to surrender.
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zimmerman made it with about 45 minutes to of his attorneys said he'll request a new bond hearing -- ost cussody now, he is goinn to in - remain there until we get back when he grants us a bond hearing, it ssunded like he spencer reporting. trral is not expected to start the bond hearinn ould deteemmne whethhe he spends jail. ooe months waiting in - a 12-th baltimore city pollce officer is sentenced in the towing scandal. officer samuel monthh in prissn followed by 3- years of superviseddrelease. ocasio was involvee in a accident victims to have their cars towed y majestic auuo repairrocasio got 300-dollaas for every car he referred to pay 5-hundred dollaas in to restitution to the baltimore police need youu help finding
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a man who shot and killed an 18-year-old at a gas station in ast baltimore. mooning desean bowman was puuping gas at an exxoo station on the cooner of aat streets. a young giil ho was with bowman went to the cashiers window .... when she tay.bowman told the girl to d - get back in the she started to walk back, the suspect shot bowman in the head and then ran off.bowman's friendssbelieve his sexuality may have been a factor. "in a case liie this where you have someone minding is business, really trying to objeet oo misforrune it is dist" &pdisturbing."bowman did not say they believeethe suspect &pslim build. he is known to be pn the douglas homes area. anyone with information should ccntact police. the weekenddstarted off rough
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for paats of maryland. maryland.the cleen up ccntinues ... after seveeal possible tornadoes touched national weather service is still working to confirm the exact number.this was the scene in towson on saturday... as a massive tree cut straight through a hhme. one of those confirmee tornadoes touched down in the fallston area of harffrd county... causing more than a million dollars in damage. manns auto detailing shoo was right in arees.42-year-old eith matthews along with his friend were in the ssop...when concrete alll came crashing down... pinning the two men inside.matthew's body was crushed.he was rushed to the hosptial. "i could see him under the wall with his hands sticking &pout and he couldn'ttmove""whe you see the wall that fell on god saved him" hhm"right now, matthew is in an induced coma... he broke
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several bones but is expected to make a full recovery.his friindsshave set up a paypal account for donationss rescue and mergency crees pooked overtimm the past couple of days helping victims of the storms.jennnfer gilbert has dramatic video from a dangerous... life or death... recue in prince county. thh storms, on riday, were not constant. in some areas, the rainncaae in waves. during a lull, three teenageeboys were seen walking along a stream called the northwest branch, according to an eyewitness. a mooent paterr the rising ater had captuued the kids, and carried them doonstream to the 38thh managed to get to the centee water is a little more shallow. emergency workkrs from prince george's county fire e-m-s managed to get saaety vests to them. the power of the waterr and the boys to try to wade or swim to the hore.
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12-year-old jael qqiroz was watching....quiroz sayss "like, if you swum in it, it would have pushed you all the branches and all that just ke, going throouh the water. (so, themselves out?) uh uh." the fire departmenn's technical serviies team did not have much time to plan aa rescueeeffort, because the water in the northwest branch says: "like, when the irst unit got thhre, ttey said the water rose a foot r two within the first ten minutes of being theee. rose two feet." the technical team quickll rigged a pulley system onto the ladder of a fire truck. firefightee joe ford was lowered below. he coaxeddthe teens forward, put a smaller harness on each, hooked that harness to his own, then, using a system of pulleys, firefighters above pulled them up... onto the surface of the bbidge. watch the power of the water, as firefightee forrdgoes back into the stream for the second kid. once the rescuer found his footing, the othhr by the second and thirdd -
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rescue, darkness is falling, and ford is using the light onn his helmet. the three teens spent more than an hour for hypothermia, but otherwise - appeaaed ok. the three teens are doing fine this morning. richard dawson... he longtime hhst off"family feud"... has weekend... after a battle with esoohageal cancer.he hosted premiere in 1977... until 1985. hh was known for kissing 79 yeers old. there's a new... ppomising drug... in the fight against breast cancer.itts called "t-d-m-one"... and researchers say it slows the progression of a form of breast cancer much better than standard treatment.doctors say they also saw fewer side effects... giving their patients a better qualityyof life. righttnow... only women parricipating in
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the clinical trial have access to thhs new drug... untii it gets approved in the u-s. &pstarting today... the uus-d-a is expanding its seaach for dangerous bacteria in meat. additional strains of e-coli. g3 if the meat is contaminated... it wwll not be allowed to be sold and could even be subject to a recall. most types of e- attacking the intestinal s... tract. couch potatoes rejoice!! exercise ácoullá be bad for you. that'' according to a recent study that find some people react negatively to physical activity.. raising &ptheir risk for high blood pressure... high cholesterol scientists aren't sure of the reasoning behind this.. but ssy despite the findings... people should keep in mind the ovvralllbenefiis of exercise. the umber of millionaires.... is on the decline n the u-s. millionaireehouseholds in the unnted states decrrased by 1299
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thousand last year.that's according to a study from the boston consuuting group. it finds the u-s ranks th in the world... while singapore comes in first with the most mmlliooaires. the third season of master hef kiccs off tonight, right here on fox45 at 9:00.... but why wait until smith to stratford university to challenge some of this gooo morning jool d...... how are they hoping to win the big prize of 250
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at 225-- 33 3 3 &p3 get your dad a gift he'll really want this father's day. day.we're looking for baltimooe's best dadd.. and our winner gets a great prrze! to nominate your dad.. o to foxbaltimore dot com and tell &pus in 100 words or less why your dad is baltimore's best. bbst.our finalists wwll go
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head to head n a 9 ball pooo competition at cagles billiards.the winner gets ouu grand prize... which includes a two night stay at the chesapeake beach resort... and tons of other great prizes. jury selection begins tomorrow... i enjoy young people. i love to be around them. but no, i'm not sexually attracted to poys."how jerry sandusky is defending hiiself in the court of public opinion... before his trial begins. &pbegins.and who is briiging in top eaaners in he country. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) so, you're all set up. great.
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what's going on? installing cable. you know this is an ikea, right? yes, but look at this sofa! it's so comfortable. we don't want to leave. have you been living here? can i have dinner at michael's house? they're having meatballs. don't be back too late. you know it gets dark when they shut off the lights. okay. i can stay. you know, you can just buy the sofas and take them home, today. for a limited time, get up to 15% back on select seating. ikea, the life improvement store. jury selection staats tomorrow
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in the trial of former penn statt uniiersiiy assisttnt footballlcoach jerry sandusky. abusing at least 10 boys over a 14-year susan candiotti reports... sandusky has already tried to defend himself in the court of public n opinion. --repooter pkg-as follows --it was a riveting moment. ten days aater jerry sandusky was arrested on dozens of charges that he raped, sodomizee, and fondled young boys, he called penn state assistant coach deeied being a pedophile. and
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thhn, this:"are you sexually attracted to young boys, to underage boys?""am iisexually attracted to underrge boys? sexually atttactedd you know, no. i enjjy oung peoplee i love to be around them. but no, i'm not sexually attracted to oung boys.""i think ttere was an intention by his defense attorney amendola to huuanize establlsh that he's sort of an uncle who a sexual way, in sort of a think that interview nd i - backfired."the case sparkkd shock ann outrage on campus. and when the university fired head coach joe paterno, who has since diedd it set off thhs raucous clash. there are 10 alllged victims who weer as young as ten years old. ffo now, none as been publicly the ideetities of two of them. accusers to tke the witness -
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sttnd, the defeese prepared to attack their credibillty."any humiliating, embarrassing experience in their past life thaa is a bearing on their believability potentially may be reevaled to all he world in this trial."also expected pootestify...a key witness to one of the alleged rapes, penn state assistant coach mmke mcqueary -- then a graduate sandusky ii a looker room shower one night with a young boo. prosecutors saa sandussy disadvantaged children, the second mile. sandusky has pleaded not guilty to all the charges against him. will he take the stand to defend himself? and what eese might be revealed atttrial? a recent defense motion aises he possibblity pposecutors mmy to bring up other allegations of abuse to help establish a pattern. who has the oney? bringing the most money...and
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the group hat is catching up. face?why the so called " tanning mom" is backkin the spotlight. 3((break 3)) mashed potatoes and gravy. it's my turn... it's my turn. mac 'n cheese... mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. mashed potatoes and gravy what are you doing? what are you doing? mac 'n cheese!
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should we tell em we got two free sides? and miss this? say "mashed potatoes!" never! [ male announcer ] buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and we'll throw in 2 more large sides, free. that's 2 extra sides of your choice and one happy family. today tastes so good. that's 2 extra sides of your choice and one happy family. great. so, you're all set up. what's going on? installing cable. you know this is an ikea, right? yes, but look at this sofa! it's so comfortable. we don't want to leave. have you been living here? can i have dinner at michael's house? they're having meatballs. don't be back too late. you know it gets dark when they shut off the lights. okay. i can stay. you know, you can just buy the sofas and take them home, today. for a limited time, get up to 15% back on select seating. ikea, the life improvement store. --reporter pkggas follows -- as the economic recoveryydrags
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who's got the money.the answer for the most part is middle-aged white couples. according to a new tudy by sentier reeearch-- whiie households bring home about three quarters of all income in the united states.but whites also makeeup the majority of the u-s.hispanics and blacks have a smaller slice -- ess than 0-percent. but ccange is happening-- even if its slow. they are gradually catching up-- and phe share of income earned by whites is falling. race aside -- it seems married couples really bring home the bacon.ii triilion dollars.that's about 5 times mmre than single people earn.another big factor
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is geography.the study ffund that residents from just 10 states arn more than half of all income.for example, dollarr.also in the top five-- texas, new york, floridaaand illinoiss....although hose are allo some of the biggest states in the country.but doo't plan a move just yett.. expertssagree that nn matter who you are -- or here you &plive -- education is the biggest factor when it comes to making money.i'm alisoo posik in new york.-----end----- cnn.script----- 3& those bills just keep adding up! our mortgage ii $1845. 172.64. homeowners insurance which is &p$672 for the whole year." tte secrets to saving 40 ♪ ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices.
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developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. -here you go, lulu. -hey?! you had an imaginary friend once, too. she's full. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper beef pasta. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. [ female announcer ] hamburger helper stroganoff. beefy. creamy. stroganoffy. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious.
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