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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  June 4, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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fighting back. the search for ways to make downtown baltimore safer3 3
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3 more questions this morning surrounding the case of cannibalism at morgan state uni. university.police arrested alexander kin-yy lass week and charged him with the murder of a fellow student ku-jje agyie-kodie.innestigators say kin-ya admitted to chopping up the victims body... eating his heart and part of his brain.
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those who know the defendann are wondering if the violeece could have been prevented. (1:00:48) "i don't think he waa mentally ill. he seemed like a normal person a regular college student but i definitely didn'ttexpect him to do something like that....." that....." six days before the killing... police charged kkn-ya with the assault on anotherrstudent. he's now being held without bond. 3a man is shot in theehead early sunday morning... in northwest ballimore. his girlfriend were walking on pimlico avenue when a man approached them and asked if theyyhad any money. the two got into an argument. the suspect thhn pulled out a handgun nd fired one shot in which striked dabney in tte head. dabney later diid at sinai hospital. the suspect ran off. a maa was stabbed to death over the weekend.... after getting into an argumenn with a womannat a boarding house inn east happened near lafayette venue and
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aisquith street on saturday night.antonio mattison was arguing with a woman who then &pgot her brother involved.the argument turned physical when the brother stabbed attison several times in he back. he diie at johns hopkins hospital. both tte woman and her brother are in pooice custody with pending charres. &pfire rips through a two-story apartment on freemonn avenue and west baltimore happened unday mmrning.the apartment stood n top of a restaurant. you see firefighters here putting out the flames. the apartment buildinn next to the ressaurant was also word if anyone was hurr or how the first to respond...and is also ne of the units that is set to close down under budget cuus. a reminder this orning... o &pwatch your speed.baltimore county is about to add 5 new cameras.the locations for the camerrs have already been pelectee.they'll be in use monday through friday.... 8 at night.that brinns the to
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total number of ástationaryá speed cameras to 22 in some good news for driverssfor p0-days after each camera iss activated... drivers traveliig at least 12 miles over thh speed limit will get warnings pather than citations. citations.for a complete ist of speee camera locations... you can head to ourrwebsite, fox baltimore dot coo. there aae no survivors from a fiery plane crash in western af. africa..53 passengers were killed when a dana air flight went down n a heavily populated area... killing at least ten peopll on the ground. crash this morning.e of the - new jersee's so-called "tanning moom... will be back inncourt today. last month... patricia krenncil pleaded not guilty to a child endangerment charge. she allegedly allowed her 6-year-old daughter to use a tanning bed... causing a slight sunburn. krentcil go tanning. tiger woods is moving up the
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ranks after a big win sunday. sunday.((:07 nats :18)) ::8)) this chip shot helped eal the peal.tigee woods won the memooial... tying jack nicklaus for career p-g-a tour victories.woods now raaks number 4 in he world. you could be ssving 40--ercenn on your grrcery bill.ccances are... you get couponn in your mailbox or newspaper all the timeebut are you putting them to good use?as lisa sylvesttr pinds out... real savings have a lot to do with planning ahead. 3 some things yyu can't control: "the water bill is $172.66. our mortgage is $1845. homeowners insurancc which is $672 for the whole year." gina lincccum - virgiiia mother of 3 - has a goal this year "we're really tackll the student loans, trying to get rid of the car payment by the
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end of 2012." that means looking for anywhere where she can cut."oh yeah we ccn buy this now. "her secret that you can save a ton of money at the groceryystore by ccuponing, and-- "get items for free through some of tte store prommtions and that brings the cost down. and once i add in coupons i cut out, i can get ittddwn to 0 percent."that's right. 40-60 percent off her shares her knowledge in a that brinns her additional ))- income."for successful couponing, you really want to match the coupon to a sale if it's in the sales ad at the &pstore. ou'll save more mone that way. if you just cut something out and use ittthat way, you may save a dollar, but you could save a lot more than that f you go to a store that might double that coupon or if you can apply it to a gg shopping!"she never buys chicken breast at the usual &pthese sales come up about onn
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a month because i look at run out of chicken aad then (reporter: "one and the cans, all for ffee.") ""o by waiting and holdiig on to thisscoupon, i'm ggtting three items for two ollars." stores heavily discount items at certainntimes of the year- holidays... (naas)barbecue e and salad dressings in the that's when you stock up:"my coupon is save a dollar ff of 2 and they're on sale foo a dollar, so i'm going to get each for 50 cents, which is fine. i'm going to use probably thh whole thing." (reporter: "fifty ccnts for barbecue sauce.")"that's pretty good."by the wayyshe's not just a mom who's really gooo at this."why would you pay $2-someehing, when you can pay .80?"""efore ii as a stay at home mom i did grantt university..."(nats)"i had to run budgees on miilions of dollars...."(nats) "try and use that business sense and get us on a budget."
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(nats)an average family of 4 spends as much as 12000a month it'' $3.333because ii's on y - sale."gina says her monthly bill is about $450 to feed 5. ((ats)"there certainly are moms and grandmothers who have been doinn this forryears.... it seems like it's trended a little bit lately withhmore peopll are interested in couponing."(nats)it certainly earned. "you're total saving 3 the best amatuer cookk n the country are competing aggin on "master chef""this season on fox. the premmere is tonight, bbt whh wait until 9:00 to meet ome of the contestantt? joel d. smith is live aa stratford university to watch them cook live, and to find out what the cameras are not rolling.
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3 sherine taylormaster chef contestant 3 3 p, 3
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an 11 year ool minnesota bby will be heading tooschool this morning with one of the bbst pxcuse notes ever.the 5th &pgrader mmssed school on frida to ang out with his dad at an obama ralll.tyler then got a chance to shake hands with the decided to write tyler an excuse note... to make sure his teacher new why tyler (("i was like really! he's gonna really write me an exccse note!? mr. ackerman, please excuse tylerrheewas &pwith me, barack obbma." )) )) tyler hooes his executivee
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excuse holds up today. it's calm now after those dangerous storms on friday... priday...but are more thunderstorms on the way?your seven day forecast is next. ((break 1))
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çia÷ 3 o'clock. my daily meeting with a salty snack. and then at 3:15 with my guilt. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. mmm. good meeting. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. i see a bag and think... i could have a chip. yeah right. that's why they're called chipsss. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ♪
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[ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ((bump in)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3
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((traffic reporter ad libs)) bel air--greenspring--
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&pliberty---695 at 295 3 3 &p3 they're supposed to be retired. i need to ccntribute to my upkeep and this offers me not much, but a little." what's stopping people over 65
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from retiring... and the recession isn't the only reason. ((bumppout)) 3&((break 2)) ♪
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i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! my bowl, my spoons! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. looking good never tasted so good. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios more senior citizens are working these days than ever before, ith the number of workkrs over 65 rising every singge month this year. the lingering effects of a crippling recession has something to do with it. but it's not the whole story.
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athena jones taaked to two putting off rettremeet..e - 3 --rrporter pkg-as follows -- as a real estate agget in florida, life was good for nathan mclaughlin. he had planned to retire and travel &pthe world, buu when the real estatt bubble burst, so did his retirement plans. "i lost everything. i would looe to retire. i would have retired long ago, but to mmke ends meet, because of reeession, i have o work." mclaughlin moved to washington to live with his daughter, after suffering a sttoke and now the sixty-eight old grandfather works at the city's eeployment services department aa part off aatraannng program for seniors. "i need to contribute to my upkeep and this offers me not muuh, but aalittle." nearly 1 in 5 people 65 and 3 older are workkng -- the that includes nearly 40 percent of men and mooe than a quartee of women age 65 to 69 -- nummers that illustrate the
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effect the recession haa had on many seniors' savings. "a enoogh and therefore they need save more and/or need an additionnl income for as long as possible to supplement whatt they possibly could get from sociil security.. but not everyone working ppst the does so out of need. "family -3 services, may i help you?" some -- like sixty-eeght year-old fran berkery-- are eager to keep orking. "i like peeple. i need to be around people to be happy." berkery, who's husbbnd died in 1999, says she can afford to retirr ffom her full-time job as a receptionist, but doesn't want tt. "i can't picture myself not entertain it a little bit in myyhead's too final to rettre. and i am excited about coming in, i really am. i was off for a whole year and you get in a slump. you go to &pbed at 2 o'clock, you're luck if you get dressed in the mornnng, you know?" a slow recovery from back surgery makes it hard for her to get around. but berkery is not
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going toolet that stop her from working long into her golden years. "as longgas i can get here, i'll ccme here." -----end-----cnn.script----- injurr news from the o's 85 man.why adam jones is getting a m-r-i oday. ((break 3)) you know chase freedom gives you 5% cash back at grocery stores this quarter. thank you. happy shopping! activate your 5 percent cash back at and now, new cardmembers get 100 dollars bonus cash back
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after they spend 500 dollars within the first three months. visit or your local branch today. it's kind of a big deal. to find nutritious and gluten-free cereals my whole family actually loves? well, the word "wow" comes to mind. and then a friend told me chex has five flavors that are gluten-free. even a cinnamon one the kids love. a nutritious cereal that makes everybody happy? like i said, wow. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. good and gluten free.
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cunningham has fox 45 morning
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rielle hunter iss breaking her silence... in a tell all book. book.what er memoir reveals... and when you can get your hands on it.
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